Chapter 92
Thinking about all kinds of troubles, Orka felt anxious. The Bantu tribe is not monolithic, but divided into the wolf Walker tribe, the bison Tulus tribe, and the hare Kunik tribe. Bantu tribe, all because the patriarch of the Walker tribe is a blunt weapon sword master with extraordinary strength: Buwanga.

When Bhuvanga was young, he traveled around the continent of Arad, challenged the strong, explored the Cave of Sorrows and survived the hands of the apostles. After that, he returned to Amroth and successfully unified a large number of Bantu tribes. , the Bantu tribe respects their strength and naturally obeys Buvanga's will, but when Buvanga left Amroth to go to the training ground in the snow-capped mountains, various small conflicts appeared one after another, disturbing Orka Heart haggard.

Orka reached out and touched the necklace on his chest. The cold material of the necklace shocked him. This necklace made of black ice was given to him by the Kunik tribe. It is said that it can herald danger and bring good luck. Nick people call it: Bingxin Rabbit God Necklace.

Recalling Mintai, the little Kunik girl he saw when he received the necklace, Orka showed a rare smile on his face. He touched the necklace and looked into the distance, until the shock of the necklace woke him up, and he bowed his head Looking at it, the necklace seemed to come alive in his hand, shaking back and forth at the moment, this scene immediately woke him up.

"What's going on?" Orka immediately looked around intently. The Kunik tribe said that this necklace has the ability to herald danger. Could it be that there are dangers around now?
The blue sky above his head disappeared at some point, turning into gloomy gray clouds, and the warm sunshine that shone on his body disappeared without a trace. Orka immediately got up, went back to the tent and took out a The horn blew suddenly.

"Woo~" The long sound of the horn spread far, far away, and fell into the ears of all the Bantu people in Amroth. At this moment, everyone put down their hands and stared blankly at the sudden change in the sky. , after being awakened by the sound of the horn, I anxiously drove the livestock back to the pen, feeling extremely anxious. It was only August, why did the blizzard suddenly come?
A large lead-colored dark cloud quickly covered the entire tribe. The dark cloud was pressed down very low, as if it was within reach. This was definitely a disaster for the Bantu people. Before the livestock had time to store fat for the winter, the sudden snowstorm It completely disrupted the rhythm of everyone.

After the dark clouds covered all the tribe's area, the cold wind also crossed the snow-capped mountains from the northwest and blew here. The sudden drop in temperature caused the livestock to scurry around, and even brought troubles to the tribesmen who drove them away. .

Soon after, scattered snowflakes began to fall from the sky, and the Bantu people who had finally finished driving the livestock into the stalls could be seen in various parts of the tribe at this moment, taking back the leather to dry, and tightening the tent again, All kinds of things are very busy.

Orka sat at the gate of the camp. He knew that other tribesmen would come to him soon. Now that he is the backbone of Amroth, everyone will be the first to find him when they encounter problems.

Sure enough, a few minutes after the snowstorm fell, a group of tribesmen came here in a dense manner, including Walkers and Tulus tribesmen, and Orka also saw several Kunik tribesmen in the crowd.

"Come in and talk." Orka opened the tent and entered. The sudden wind and snow completely disrupted all rhythms. This is not something he can handle alone. In fact, no one can deal with the current wind and snow. , can only discuss how to solve the problems that everyone is facing as soon as possible.

"Why is there no news from the ridge? The wind and snow are so heavy, so they should know in advance. What is Rabina doing?" Orka returned to her seat and looked at the crowd of people in front of her. , with an unconcealable tiredness in his voice.

"Report! Master Rabina sends people to report the news every day. Yesterday, the Wannian Snow Mountain was as usual, and the sun even rose. He said that today is definitely a good weather." A tribe replied to Orka below.

"Good weather, hell, you open the curtain and look outside." A violent Tullus tribe opened the curtain, and then the wind swept the snowflakes into the tent, blowing the newly raised firepit flickering , the wind and snow outside only took a while before it became louder.

"I smell an unusual smell." Among the Kunik tribe, an elderly woman came out. Her old skin was wrinkled, her eyes were turned white, and she needed help when she walked. Orka knew her Min Tai was beside the old woman holding her arm right now.

"Please tell me." Facing such an aged elder, Orka took a deep breath, and lost the previous irascibility. The black wolf Orka's temper is well-known in the entire Bantu tribe. Only a few people can speak calmly.

"That was a long time ago, almost 30 years ago. I also saw this kind of thing on the eve of the awakening of the evil dragon Scassa last time. A good sunny day was suddenly covered by snow. Not long after, the evil dragon I just woke up, and even Amroth could hear the roaring dragon roar clearly." The old woman stood in the middle of the tent and spoke faintly, her voice beating on everyone's hearts like a big drum.

"You mean?" Orka stood up in shock. He was not yet born when the ice dragon Scassa woke up last time. He had never seen the scene of the ice dragon raging in the snowy area of ​​Ston. Later, he just heard from other people. I heard the news of the ice dragon's awakening.

"Impossible! It will take nearly a hundred years for the evil dragon to wake up!" The others almost jumped up when they heard the words. It is not a trivial matter for the ice dragon to wake up. It is an absolute disaster for the entire Bantu people. Everyone would rather face it. Facing the sharp spears of the empire, they don't want to hear the roar of the ice dragon. It is conceivable how devastating the ice dragon has been to the Bantu people in the past few hundred years.

"Hurry up, send someone to contact Rabina immediately and ask him to take someone to investigate the depths of the snow-capped mountain. Everyone is there. Order to pack your bags and prepare to evacuate at any time!" Orka gave the order immediately without hesitation. Most people don't believe the news that the ice dragon is about to wake up, but as the deputy head of the Bantu tribe, he must make preparations for the tribe. The most important thing now is to find out what happened before deciding whether to evacuate.

The crowd opened their tents and left against the wind and snow. Soon, several Walkers riding wild wolves ran towards the ridge. The wind and snow could not conceal their inner anxiety. Wolves are domesticated and bred by them to be large enough to support their massive size.

(End of this chapter)

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