DNF Live Allard

Chapter 93 Avalanche

Chapter 93 Avalanche
Orka was anxiously turning back and forth in the tent at this moment, opening the tent from time to time to take a look at the wind and snow outside, the wind and snow were getting bigger and bigger, he could even hear the anxious shouts of many tribesmen and the wailing of livestock Hearing, everyone is not ready for the winter, and the animal pens have not been built yet. The livestock exposed to the wind and snow will soon be unable to withstand the biting cold.

"Patriarch, where are you?" Orka can only hope that his brother Buvanga will come back soon. This kind of matter is far from being handled by him alone. Now the entire Bantu tribe pins their hopes on him alone. As a human being, this is definitely a great pressure for him.

In a valley on the inner side of the Wannian Snow Mountain, Buwanga walked out of his practice field, looked up at the sudden change in the sky, his face quickly became gloomy, and then he picked up a huge hammer In his hand, he shouted back: "Come out, there is big trouble!"

"Yes!" Soon, several people came out of the practice field. They were all disciples of Buvanga, and they practiced with Buvanga here all the year round. Larry, Medusasa.

Among the four people, there are people from various tribes. On the day when Buwanga became the patriarch of the Bantu tribe, they completely obeyed Buwanga and became his disciples.

"Take your weapons and follow me. There is a big event in the Wannian Snow Mountain. Let's go to the snow peak where the ice dragon sleeps to see what happened!" Buwanga set off against the snow, his cloak flapping in the cold wind , his body is huge, and his steps are unusually steady, the cold wind and snow can't affect him at all.

"Yes! Patriarch!" The four of them didn't have any objections. They took weapons and a small amount of food and closed the gate of the practice field. His figure was obscured by the wind and snow.

Buvanga knew exactly where the ice dragon was sleeping. After all, when the sword god Soderos beat the ice dragon to a deep sleep, he was there to help out. There was nothing he could do about the ice dragon. The opponent was too big. It is another created creature, which cannot be killed at all within the range covered by the wind and snow, and can only be put into a deep sleep state. After all, the opponent's whole body is covered in black ice, and it is not an ordinary creature on the Arad continent at all.

"Hey, I hope this is just an accidental blizzard, and the other party must not wake up." Buvanga sighed, and tightened the weapon in his hand: the dwarf's golden giant hammer.

In the depths of the Ten Thousand Years Snow Mountain, Goblin Ino was standing in front of the pillar at the moment, despite the wind and snow blowing over him, trying to stand firm. He took the anti-cold potion and used the anti-cold talisman again, which made him feel better. The surrounding wind and snow are getting bigger and bigger at this moment, as if the sleeping giant beast felt something.

Goblin Ino took out a bag from his waist, opened it and shook it in the air, the next moment a huge object appeared in front of the goblin out of thin air and hit the ground heavily, but it was a goblin with everything inside. Extremely rare drill truck.

He got on the drilling truck and started it immediately. The drilling truck moved back and forth on the top of the snow peak a few times, and then the drill bit was aimed at the column, and then the drill bit spun violently, got into the column with difficulty, and finally drilled on the column. Make a big hole.

Only ice slag fell from the inside of the pillar. It looked like a pillar made of ice, but the goblin did not stop. He changed the direction and continued to drill with the drill truck. After a big hole was drilled on the other side of the icicle, the icicle finally Because it was hollow, it couldn't support the weight above it, so it suddenly tilted to one side, and then fell to the ground.

"Okay!" Goblin Ino immediately got down from the drilling truck, and then came to the broken pillar. At this moment, the height of the pillar was only about half a meter. He could clearly see the inside of the pillar, and the surrounding ice and snow After wrapping, there were thin red traces in the center of the pillar. At this moment, a faint red color appeared inside the pillar, and soon the top of the pillar was dyed red.

"Ice dragon blood!" The goblin's eyes gleamed, and he took out an object and placed it on the top of the column. The next moment, the magic circle around the column was activated, and the goblin was also bounced several meters away by the magic circle. He supported the ground Standing up, I looked at the object floating above the column out of nowhere in front of me. At this moment, the object was exuding infinite suction downward, and it was unable to touch the column under the restriction of the magic circle. Ice residues and snowflakes were constantly covered by this The object is inhaled, accompanied by some faint blood.

"Quick, quick!" This item is actually an improvement of a super-powerful vacuum cleaner. Goblin Ino didn't pay much attention to it when he created it, but one day he discovered that it can actually suck blood out through the skin of creatures. Finally, a bold idea appeared in his mind, and then he kept inquiring about the ice dragon. Finally, after paying all his wealth, he gathered all kinds of preparations and embarked on a journey to the Snowy Land of Ston.

The top of this item is an arc-shaped shield, which is transparent, and a lot of blood has been sucked into the shield at this moment. Goblin believes that as long as the shield is full, he will definitely be able to extract a lot of blood from it. The blood of the little ice dragon comes out, and when enough ice dragon blood is collected, he will be No.1 in the Goblin Kingdom.

"Anyway, the ice dragon can't wake up, so it doesn't matter if I suck some blood." The goblin watched with satisfaction at the moment that the blood in the shield was getting more and more. Gushing out, falling into the shield.

Soon the inside of the shield was filled with blood, the goblin stepped forward and carefully closed the item and turned it over, twisted the shield and poured the blood inside into the bottle he had prepared earlier, then he continued to put The item was placed on top of the broken column, and when the switch was turned on, endless suction gushed out again.

After repeating such actions more than a dozen times, the remaining pillars have turned blood red at this moment, and the suction item can directly absorb the blood of a protective shield just by easily activating it, and the color of the blood has also changed from before. The light red turned into a deep red.

"Hahaha, it's getting better and better." There are already several bottles beside the goblin, and he has thrown the first bottle down the mountain. The bloody water with icicles is no longer in his eyes.

The inside of the bottle has been frozen hard. After being thrown down the mountain by the goblins, it began to roll, and then it was wrapped in snow and grew bigger and bigger, and finally rolled into a big ball. It passed through more and more places. The ice and snow were absorbed, which aggravated the opponent's size.

"Boom!" The five mercenaries who were resting in the cave on the mountainside were all awakened by the roar at this moment. Everyone felt the trembling when they touched the ground, and then looked at each other with ugly faces. The avalanche in the middle of the night is not a good thing. We will go down the mountain tomorrow. The road must be extremely difficult.

"Sleep, going out now is death." The exorcist saw that the team members were looking at him, turned his head to the side with a sullen face, and then closed his eyes, but the slightly trembling hands showed that he was not at peace.

(End of this chapter)

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