Chapter 91
At noon, a group of six people finally left this ridge and came to the foot of another snow mountain. They tried to look up to see the top of the snow peak. There was only a vast expanse of whiteness in their sight, and nothing existed.

"It's here." Taking out the map to check the surrounding terrain, the goblin kept changing directions and walking back and forth, and finally his sight fell on the snow peak ahead again. If the map is correct, the ice dragon should be here Sleeping at the top of Xuefeng.

"Is it finally here?" Everyone didn't know the inside story, they only thought that the goblin had found what they were looking for, and then followed the little figure of the goblin, and the exorcist walking at the end looked up. Xuefeng in the distance felt an indescribable pressure in a trance, as if there was some kind of terrifying existence waiting for them in front of them.

The exorcist reached out to touch the rosary around his neck, twisted it vigorously, and then followed the pace of the team members. He felt the danger with his intuition, but he was not sure if it was real. The current commission of the goblin It's not finished yet, so we can only take one step at a time.

I told the team members to be cautious, and everyone continued to move forward. Climbing is easier than going down, especially for professionals. Before nightfall, everyone found a natural cave on the mountainside of Xuefeng. The cave is very large, especially But there is not much snow inside, which is good news for everyone.

After working hard for a long time, everyone finally lit up the fire, gathered around the bonfire to keep warm, and baked meat slices with wooden sticks. They ate too much raw meat, and now they all miss the taste of cooked food.

It was rare that there was no attack by ferocious beasts this night. After the night passed, everyone walked out of the cave the next day and found that the sky had turned lead gray.

"Hurry up, go up the mountain quickly, or you won't be able to leave if the blizzard hits." Goblin urged in front, the mercenaries looked at each other and then quickened their pace, the captain had reminded them, and now everyone is right The goal of this trip aroused doubts. What precious materials are there that require such an adventure to go deep into the Ten Thousand Years Snow Mountain to find them?
At noon, everyone climbed to the top of the snow peak. Except for a towering pillar, everyone couldn't see any strange existence. They also didn't see the precious materials in the mouth of the goblin. At this moment, large snowflakes began to fall. Although the wind It's not in a hurry yet, but everyone knows that the real blizzard will come before night.

"What are you looking for?" Some mercenaries couldn't help seeing the goblin walking around the pillar several meters thick. See any quest item, if that peculiar pillar standing on the top of the snow peak counts.

"Okay, your mission is complete." Goblin took out a few magic gold cards from his arms at this moment. power.

The exorcist focused his eyes, stepped forward and put away the magic gold card, looked at the goblin who was still walking around the pillar, his keen spirit reminded him to stay away from here as soon as possible, he turned his head to look at the team members and said: "The task is completed, go down the mountain immediately, hurry up!"


Although the team members who always obeyed the captain's instructions were puzzled, they immediately followed the pace of the exorcist, and everyone began to go down the mountain. The way down the mountain was difficult. Can settle on the mountainside.

"Captain, what did you find? What the hell is that goblin doing?" After eating the jerky, some teammates looked at the serious-looking exorcist in the cave. Snowflakes began to fall in large swaths, and now the cold wind became howling again, and the current Wannian Snow Mountain was completely covered by the wind and snow.

"I don't know." The exorcist shook his head. Even if he wanted to break his head, he couldn't think that the target of the goblin was actually the ice dragon Skasa. After all, as long as he was a normal person, he would not think of such a terrifying creature. Provoking the other party is definitely courting death.

"I heard that there is an ice and snow palace in the Ten Thousand Years Snow Mountain. Could it be that the goblins are looking for that place?" Someone recalled the rumors they had heard, and said without missing a word.

"Impossible. I know the location of the Ice and Snow Palace. It's on the territory of the Kunik tribe. It's far away from here. I've seen that place from afar before." The exorcist shook his head and said.

"I can only hope that the sky will light up as soon as possible. It is really impossible to walk in the snow-capped mountains at night." Everyone listened to the cold wind whistling outside the cave and thought together, looking forward to seeing the bright day again.

On the top of the mountain, the howling cold wind and the large snowflakes falling still failed to interrupt Goblin Ino's movements. At this moment, his whole body was covered with snowflakes. At night on the snow-capped mountain, but he is still turning around the pillar, the snow under his feet has been cleaned, and a circular magic circle made of strange materials surrounds the pillar and is extremely conspicuous in the wind and snow, even the snow is When it falls on it, it melts immediately.

"As long as I get the blood of the ice dragon, I will definitely be the most powerful person in the Goblin Kingdom. What is King Gogg, I can become the king with absolute power!" Finally, all the preparations were done. , Goblin Ino sat directly on the ice and snow tiredly, looking at the thick pillar, with a fire in his eyes that the wind and snow could not conceal.

Amlos, the camp of the Bantu people in the Wannian Snow Mountain, is a rare basin in the Wannian Snow Mountain. Because it is surrounded by mountains on three sides, the warm wind from the southeast can blow here and the snow mountain also blocks the cold current from the northwest, so here every year All have been in a warm environment for half a year.

Plants grow luxuriantly under the nourishment of snow-capped mountains, providing high-quality pastures for the Bantu people. There are grazing lands for tens of kilometers around Amroth. A large number of Bantu people live by grazing. Goat's milk, mare's milk, mutton, fur, etc. are not only for their own use, but also traded among the Bantu people, and the rare ones are spread to the outside world, so they must be the most popular items.

Orka, the deputy head of the Bantu tribe, is in a tent in the middle of the camp. The tent is very big, and a huge solid wood in the center supports the top of the tent. After a while, he got up and came outside the tent, looking into the distance Snow Mountain murmured.

"The patriarch went to his own practice field again, and left a lot of things to me to deal with. Yesterday, the Walker tribe and the Tulusi tribe had conflicts and almost fought again. It's really troublesome."

"Someone reported that a small tribe not far from the mountain was ransacked. Fortunately, there were no casualties. These damned outsiders are playing with the Bantu tribe again. If I find them, they will definitely tie them to the pillars and throw them away. Frost Tiger."

(End of this chapter)

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