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Chapter 873 I want to become stronger! (19100 challenge [-] for subscription)

Chapter 873 I want to become stronger! (Million challenge 19100 begging for subscription)
"Antuen, the Flame Devourer!"

After the armed helicopter landed on the apron of Kronos Island, the group of the violent search and arrest team all got off the plane, and everyone stared at the black and red rocky ground outside the apron.

In the past, this was the body of Antuen, the devourer of flames. Now that the apostle's power has dissipated, its body has turned into a huge island resting on the sea of ​​twilight.

"We're still late."

Azera frowned. Although the apostle Anton was an evil apostle according to the records, the other party shouldn't just die like this, because the death of every apostle would speed up the destruction of the continent of Arad.

"The level of science and technology in the heavens seems to be higher than I expected. The itinerary of such a large island, how big was Antuen, the devourer of flames, in his lifetime!"

Roy looked around. The location of the apron was in the center of the camp by the sea, and the coastline could be seen. Everyone could see the size of the island clearly before landing.

Being able to wipe out such a huge existence, Roy felt that he might underestimate the current level of technology in the heavens.

Soderos had a serious face. He smelled the flames in the air, looked up to the interior of the island, and saw the volcano that was still spouting magma. The hot magma was clearly reflected in the evening sky. visible.

Coming to Kronos Island again, Elytra of the Seven Gods and his party left the apron quickly and entered the camp of Elytra of the Seven Gods in Kronos Island to start working.

There are many things that need them to do now, such as the investigation of the ocean, the investigation of the silent city hanging upside down facing the sea in the distance, and the further research of the magic stone.

"Where's the Chaser Niwu from the Demon Realm?"

Wang Yan and Celia followed Mia and other members of the Elytra of the Seven Gods into the camp set up by the Elytra of the Seven Gods on Cronus Island. He did not forget this.

Mia started to set up a video communication device with her assistant, which was the only way to contact that Chaser Niwu.

After the video communication device was successfully set up, Mia began to initiate a communication request to the radio wave left by Niu, and the communication was connected within a few seconds.

"Hi Mia, we can communicate again."

Niu's voice came from the communicator, accompanied by the sound of waves hitting the rocky coast.

"Are you by the sea? We have returned to Cronus Island. Can we meet?"

Mia looked hopeful, and Wang Yan on the side also showed curiosity. Why did Niwu come to the heaven at this time?Antoine is dead.

"Of course, are you in those camps with human activities? Sorry, because I don't know anyone, I haven't had contact with humans, so now I'm coming to you, on the east side of the camp, come and meet me."

Niu readily agreed to Mia's meeting request. She is also very confident in her own strength. Although human technology weapons are strong, they still cannot keep her.

"Okay, please wait for a while, I will go to meet you with my friends right away."

Mia hung up the communication, paced back and forth nervously, and finally her eyes fell on Wang Yan. Compared with other people, Wang Yan was the one Mia could trust the most at this time.

"I'll go with you."

Wang Yan nodded slightly, and Mia breathed a sigh of relief. She was very sorry to bother Wang Yan when she arrived.

Celia was also very curious about Niwu, a visitor from the devil world, so naturally she followed Wang Yan and left the camp of the Elytra of the Seven Gods with Mia.

Outside the camp of the Elytra of the Seven Gods, a larger area was surrounded. The Imperial Capital Army and the joint investigation team that had just settled in were all in this huge camp, and the violent search team was also allowed to station in this area. .

"Those people should come from the Siman industrial base."

When he was about to leave the camp, Wang Yan glanced over the corner of the camp. There were some tents propped up there, which were different from the tents of the surrounding Imperial Capital Army. The colors and sizes were also different. It seemed that they did not belong to the same organization.

The Imperial Capital Army parked a few military vehicles there, barely acting as a wall for that area. In that area, Wang Yan saw many people dressed as civilians walking around. When he came to the gate of the camp, he also saw People who are not part of the military are entering.

"My God, it's so hot in here."

As soon as she got off the plane, Princess Isabella was sweating non-stop from the heat absorbed and released by the black rock under her feet.

She looked to the north, and the volcanoes spewing out lava in the far distance were extremely conspicuous.

Only then did she realize that the choice she had made seemed not so correct. When the temperature in other places was comfortable, Cronos Island was so hot.

"It's a little hot."

Cyrus, who was accompanying him, shook his hand and took out a long sword with a cold breath, and the hot breath within a few meters was dispelled.

Isabella felt the coolness, and couldn't help but breathe a long sigh of relief. The air was too hot, and a few breaths would make people's throat and chest burn. She really didn't know how other people could endure such a climate.

"I will arrange personnel to prepare refrigeration equipment for Her Royal Highness as soon as possible."

Jurgen was also hot and sweating. When he left last time, Cronos Island was not so hot. Now it should be the reason why the geothermal heat of the volcano has been transferred here, and the black rock has absorbed the heat of the day. , the temperature should be able to drop a lot by nightfall.

"Thank you Congressman Jurgen, Captain Barn, Deputy Head Hyde, let's set up our camp as soon as possible, the soldiers also need to rest."

Isabella looked around and saw that the same hot clothes of the heavily armed soldiers were soaked. It seemed that the heat would last for a long time to come.

"As per your order, Your Royal Highness."

Barn and Hyde responded repeatedly. Soldiers from the Imperial Capital Army guided the investigation team to set up camp. The area near the seaside was relatively less hot. The sea breeze blew on the surface, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Wang Yan, Celia and Mia walked out of the camp together. The three of them didn't feel how hot it was. The main reason is that Mia has a high resistance to heat. Both Wang Yan and Celia can dispel the surrounding heat and make the surrounding The temperature remains constant.

Wang Yan had ventured into the crater behind Antuen's body. At that time, Antuen's body was scorching hot. Without the heat-shielding device made of magic brake stone, his feet would smoke when he walked on the ground.

Nearly 500 meters to the east of the camp, we reached the coast. Wang Yan closed his eyes and opened them again, and he found the trace of Niwu.

"Hello, I'm Niu."

When Wang Yan discovered Niwu, Niwu, who was hiding behind a rock, also poked her head out. If it was not necessary, she really didn't want to conflict with humans, which was different from her firm belief.

"Ah, you are only ten years old, I thought you were already an adult."

Mia looked at Niu who poked his head out from behind the rock in amazement. He was carrying a spear taller than her. It seemed that there was no doubt about his identity as a battle mage.

"Are you Mia, right? Well, your breath is so strange, like those man-made machines in Silent City, strange."

After Niu heard Mia's voice, she also recognized Mia from the two women present, but she frowned quickly. The first impression Mia gave her was that she was more like a machine, although It would be a bit hurtful to say this, but Niu believed that he should not have made a mistake in perception.

"That's because I am an artificial intelligence robot."

Mia knew her identity a long time ago, and she didn't feel sad or hate these emotions because of it. She was very grateful to Melvin who made her. It feels good to have relatives around.

If it was only Mia herself, or if Melvin looked at her with the eyes of a tool, maybe the current Mia would be different.

"When you say it like this, you give me the feeling that it's quite similar to Hemon Kuruz, the sorcerer in the Aidin Memorial Hall."

Ni Wu was stunned, and didn't look at Mia with strange eyes, and accepted Mia's identity calmly, mainly because she had encountered artificial life like Mia before.

"Hemon Cruz?"

Mia didn't know why.

"It's an artificial life made by magicians in the demon world. They use it as their magician's assistant, because magicians need help from their assistants to complete many attack and defense methods. It is very difficult for them to perform successfully on their own. .”

Niu explained the meaning of He Mengkuluzi, and Mia suddenly felt a little expectation in her heart. What is the difference between the artificial life made by those magicians and herself?Really want to meet each other.

"Have you been to the Edin Memorial Hall? Are there only magicians there? Do you know Becky? He Mengkuluzi, who is known as the most perfect."

Wang Yan looked at the petite Niwu, who was wearing a set of black leather armor. The hem of the clothes was more like a clown in a circus with forked decorations. His long sky blue hair was also tied with a sky blue tie. The waist is tied tightly by the leather belt.

What made Wang Yan complain the most was that she actually wore a pair of black silk stockings at a young age, wrapping both legs in them.

"Sorry, I don't know what Becky is, but there was indeed a so-called perfect artificial life created by a magician a long time ago in the Aiding Memorial Hall, but it was stolen later.

I couldn't see it when I went there. Do you know about the Aiding Memorial Hall?Have you ever been to the devil world? "

Niwu looked at Wang Yan curiously. Wang Yan was wearing a light armor that Niwu could not tell, but she felt the power of the four elements from it. This is very strange, because very few people can fill the four elements together to form an outfit.

"Hi Niwu, I'm Wang Yan, this is my companion Celia, and Mia is my friend. As for the Demon Realm, I have always heard about it, but I have never been there. As for the Aiding Memorial Hall, I have seen it from before. A sorcerer who came out of there."

Wang Yan shook his head slightly. Although he was able to go to the Demon Realm long ago, Wang Yan had never been there once. It was still too dangerous. Wang Yan had to make a full guarantee before he dared to set foot there.

"Hello, everyone. The sea water in the heaven is so clear. It's much better than the ocean in the demon world. Before you guys came, I've been looking at the sea all the time. I really can't get enough of it."

Ni Wu turned his head to look at the seashore. From here, the azure blue water was very clear. Compared with Ni Wu's impression of the sea of ​​the Demon Realm, which had already turned black with waves and waves, the sea water of the Twilight Sea was really too clear.

"It's a pity that this ocean has long been polluted by inexplicable forces, and the marine life here has also become quite strange because of those forces."

Wang Yan threw a piece of jerky vigorously, and within half a minute after the jerky fell into the water, a big fish with a strange shape ventured close to the shore, swallowed the jerky floating on the sea in one gulp, and then slapped the sea surface with its tail and disappeared into the sea.

"I know that it is the remnants of the power of the tyrannosaurus king Bacal. Even if the apostle dies, the power is still affecting the world, such as Antuen."

Niwu turned his head, looked at the erupting volcanoes in the depths of Cronus Island, and then looked to the east, where there was a crack in another dimension opened by the residual power of Anton's death.

This interdimensional rift is estimated to last for a very, very long time, and Kronos Island is also the proof that Anton survived in this world, and it will always spew out magma and smoke.

"Did you find the owner of Silent City when you came down from Silent City?"

Wang Yan also looked towards the east. A few tens of kilometers away was the Silent City covered by dark clouds. Although he couldn't see it, Wang Yan knew it was there.

"You mean the builder Luke? I found it, but it is different from the rumored appearance. He is a tall mechanical construct, because the artificial mechanical life around him obeys his orders, maybe he transformed After seeing his own body, I guess he is the maker Luke, but I didn’t make any contact with it, because every apostle is not so easy to contact.”

Ni Wu nodded and shook her head again. Unlike the news she heard from the Demon Realm, Luke is not an old man with gray hair, but it is an indisputable fact that he has four arms.

Ni Wu guessed that the other party had modified his body, and the transformed body was more powerful, which could also be in line with the other party's ninth apostle status. After all, an apostle without strength has only one name, but he cannot survive in the dangerous place of the Demon Realm. too long.

"Tall body? I know."

Wang Yan nodded. What Niwu saw should be a simulated Luke robot, not Luke's body. Luke's body will actually appear in light and dark forms.

"I wanted to help you fight against Antuen, the devourer of flames, but you defeated him yourself. Antuen is the only evil existence among the apostles, and it is not a pity to die."

Ni Wu looked at the rocks under his feet. When An Tuen was alive, no one had the guts to walk on An Tuen's body.

"The only evil? Is that how you see it?"

Wang Yan was curious, in the eyes of demons, is An Tuen evil?
"Of course, since it appeared, the demon world has never stopped. It finally stayed in the central area of ​​Metrocentre, absorbing the energy there, and it was because of the energy problem and the endless struggle between the fifth apostle, the invisible Sherlock. .

Because of the existence of the two apostles, that area became a forbidden area in the Demon Realm, and it was not possible to start rebuilding until the departure of Hirok and Anton. After all, the Demon Realm itself is not big, and there are not many places where people can live. "

Niu showed a sad face. The Demon Realm used to be disturbed by Anton, and the Demon Realm itself is not big. Anton alone occupies an area of ​​the Demon Realm, and no one can stop in a large area around it. Demon Realm creatures can have less habitat.

In the Demon Realm, Antoun is the only evil existence. As for Di Ruiji, he was ordered not to leave by other apostles in a remote extremely cold place. Although he had caused many deaths and injuries to the Demon Realm, he still Not as annoying as Antoine.

"Hehe, as long as it is harmful, it is evil, that's right."

Wang Yan showed an ugly smile. The definition of good and bad is so simple, no matter where it is, An Tuen's mistake is that it is too big, and it needs to absorb energy for food, otherwise maybe it won't It ended up like this.

It is estimated that Herder was tired of Antuen's existence, so he transferred Antuen out after transferring Sherlock, the energy-absorbing apostle. After all, the Demon Realm is a part of Terra, and it is Herder's home. .

Wang Yan can understand Herder's thoughts, but it doesn't mean that he can forgive the other party and rebuild the Demon Realm. That will be at the cost of the destruction of the sky and the earth in the Arad Continent. That is absolutely intolerable to Wang Yan. Herder's The plan must never be successful, the consequences would be too serious.

Celia has been observing that Niu has not spoken from the beginning until now. She is sensing Niu's aura, but she is disappointed. Niu's aura is completely different from hers. The other party is surrounded by elements, an inexplicable elemental power .

"Demon Realm, what kind of place is that?"

Mia invited Niwu to enter the camp, and Niwu readily accepted. On the way back, Mia, on behalf of the heavens, asked Niwu, a visitor from the demon world, about information about the demon world.

"The Demon Realm, you can tell just by the name, it's the world of demons."

Niu's face was full of seriousness. The Demon Realm is very dangerous. This is well known to all the Demon Realm people. Except for some areas that are suitable for the survival of the Demon Realm people, other areas are very dangerous places.

"Demons? Will the apostles not protect the Demon Realm?"

Mia continued to ask, the apostle is the protector of the Demon Realm, which is the conclusion of people outside the Demon Realm.

"At first, everyone thought so, but later I realized that the apostles are just outsiders who came to the Demon Realm from other worlds. They wanted to return to their hometown rather than stay in the Demon Realm. They were forced to stay in the Demon Realm because they couldn't return. .

Although they have the most powerful power in the demon world, except for a few, they have caused great damage to the demon world. The apostles are just a dream for the demon world people to pray for the protection of the strong in despair. "

Ni Wu laughed at herself. She had already seen the apostles clearly. Except for Herder, the apostle who mediated in the middle, the other apostles all divided their own areas, and those who trespassed would die, no matter who came.

"Ah? Is that so?"

Mia was at a loss. She thought that the apostles were the protectors elected by the people of the Demon Realm, like Anton, who would disturb the heavenly realm. With so many apostles in the Demon Realm, the Demon Realm should be very safe That's right.

"Of course, I have traveled to many places in the Demon Realm over the years, even Kahn the Fated, who is known as the strongest among the apostles.

Although he is the strongest existence and guardian of the demon world, known as the king of the demon world, he only guards the area where he lives. "

Ni Wu continued to shake her head. She has traveled to many places and found that the apostles who are feared by the demons are actually fighting on their own. Except for a few who are still thinking about the demon world, the rest are at the mercy of the outside world, even Antu En thus absorbs the all-swallowing apostle existence.

"Here, let's go in and talk."

Mia led the three of them to the gate of the camp and stopped talking. With Mia leading them, although Niu was carrying a weapon, he was not stopped by the imperial guards.

"Sister Dana, look over there."

When the four of them entered the camp, Dana Donat and the hunter Bourne also returned to the camp before. The hunter Bourne had sharp eyes and saw Wang Yan and the others walking in from the camp gate.

Since none of the four were wearing uniforms, Hunter Bourne directly judged the four as free adventurers. At this time, any help is precious.

There are not many members of the Adventurer Alliance who came to the heaven. Hunter Bourne felt that if he wanted to return to the Demon Realm through the Silent City, he had better find some companions, and these four looked good.

"Huh? I'll go get in touch."

Dana Donat looked up and saw Wang Yan and the others. Except for Mia, the other three made Dana's eyes shine. She hardly hesitated and immediately made a decision in her heart. It's worth her time.

"Please wait."

After Wang Yan and the others entered the camp, they were heading towards the camp of the Elytra of the Seven Gods. Before they had gone far, they heard someone calling them.

Mia, who was walking in the front, stopped, Wang Yan also turned his head, and saw two figures, one big and one small, and when he saw that thin figure, Wang Yan narrowed his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth slightly , he saw a wonderful little guy.

"Hello, I'm sorry to take up your time, but please allow me to introduce myself.

I'm Dana Donat, Vice President of the Adventurers Alliance, from the continent of Arad.

The Adventurers Alliance is a very enlightened, fair, and friendly organization. For all adventurers who have been treated unfairly and long for organized protection, the Adventurers Alliance is the best place to go.

Here, you will not suffer any unfair treatment, and your efforts and gains will not be exploited by anyone or any force.

We do whatever it takes to help adventurers in the guild, find suitable helpers for those who need money and inexperienced adventurers, and heal the wounded.

If you need teammates, other adventurers who share the same belief will be the best teammates in your adventure journey.

Perhaps you may already have power to belong to, but imagine the unfair treatment you have suffered in the past, some people will treat you like a hero when you are useful, but kick you away when you are not useful.

In the Adventurer Alliance, none of this will happen, you will not be bullied by stronger people, and you will not become a victim of political struggles. The Adventurer Alliance tolerates everything.

As long as you join, we are partners, teammates, and friends. No matter where you go to take risks, the Adventurers Alliance can provide help within its ability. "

When Dana Donat came up, she boasted that there was only one place in the world of the Adventurers Alliance. After speaking, she looked at the four of them expectantly. In order to prove that her words were correct, she took off Bourne's hood and put He picked it up, and regardless of Bourne's struggle, he showed Bourne's golden fox head like a pet: "You see, even if we are not human, we can all be friends. Bourne, come and welcome new friends."

"Ah, haha, don't pinch my tail.

Hello, I am Bourne, Hunter Bourne, from the devil world.

I don't know why I fell to the continent of Arad, but I lived very comfortably in the continent of Arad, where there are many, many partners who can take risks together.

When everyone else was about to take me away, only the Adventurer Alliance took me in, helped me, and took care of me. As the saying goes, meeting is fate, join the Adventurer Alliance with me, and take risks together. "

Hunter Bourne struggled a few times when he was picked up by Dana, and then his face was full of smiles. Bourne was really cute when he smiled, and he even raised his palm and waved it at the four of them.

"Wow, so cute."

Mia had never seen a talking orc like Bourne, so she was very surprised.

Celia smiled gently. She felt a peaceful atmosphere from Bourne and Dana. The two seemed to be from the Adventurer Alliance organization, not other inexplicable organizations to attract people.

But Wang Yan made an agreement with her that after arriving in the heaven, all actions will be decided by Wang Yan, so she didn't make a sound, and looked sideways at Wang Yan.

Niwu nodded slightly and did not make a statement. Even though Bourne was from the devil world and was an orc, Niwu did not look at him with a different perspective. Orcs are not always cruel, and some have great wisdom to talk to, but it is a pity She still has a lot of work in the devil world, and she is not interested in joining any adventurer alliance.

Wang Yan's face remained unchanged. When he saw Bourne, he knew Dana Donat's identity, and the other party's invitation was also reasonable, but joining the Adventurer's League?That was basically not in Wang Yan's consideration.

"Dana and Byrne, right? Thank you for your invitation. The four of us are either organized or don't want to join the organization. I'm really sorry."

Wang Yan shook his head under Dana's expectant gaze, Dana showed disappointment at the right time, and Bourne's ears drooped, looking very depressed.

"Our camp is here, you can come in and have a look or chat at any time, the door of the Adventurers League will always be open for you."

Dana Donat then raised her head and smiled again. She didn't seem to be discouraged by it. The twisted melon is not sweet. In the history of the Adventurers League, many members were reluctant to join for the first time, but after contacting the Adventurers League I just fell in love with this organization, time will tell.

"Okay, let's go first."

Wang Yan nodded with a smile, saying that he would visit the Adventurers Alliance in the future.

Mia looked at Bourne, who was put on the ground by Dana, with some reluctance. She made up her mind to build a robot with the shape of Bourne in the future. It would be best if she could talk, but Turtle is still too stupid a little bit.

"Sister Dana, did you just let them go?"

Watching the backs of Wang Yan and the others leaving, Hunter Bourne looked up at Dana Donat.

"Otherwise, they don't have any desire to join at all. I can tell at a glance that the four of them are divided into three factions. Well, they have entered the territory of the Elytra of the Seven Gods organization. They are actually members of the Elytra of the Seven Gods." ,No wonder."

Dana Donat kept watching until Wang Yan and the others entered the camp of the Elytra of the Seven Gods. If it was the Elytra of the Seven Gods organization, it would be difficult to invite them.

After all, although she has not been in the heaven for a long time, she also knows that the elytra of the seven gods represents the highest technology in the heaven, and even ordinary researchers enjoy high treatment.

"Huh? I saw a little thing with a fox's head. Some of you go and have a look."

On the other side of the camp, Isabella was standing on the side of the joint investigation team's camp. It was close to the sea, and it was not as hot as other places. When she entered the tent of the camp, she caught a glimpse of a fox-headed man out of the corner of her eye. Little guy, he looked at the entrance of the camp and immediately became interested.

A guard led the order to go there, and soon returned with the identity of the little guy with the fox head she had seen.

"Is it the orc fox clan from the Demon Realm? Interesting, people from the Demon Realm have come here and mixed with some adventurers, Cyrus, go and see."

The corners of Isabella's lips curled up when she heard the subordinate's report, and she immediately ordered Cyrus to investigate. Cyrus led the order and returned to the camp when it was dark, bringing new information.

"It's the League of Adventurers. I don't know when they came to the heaven from the continent of Arad and found it here. They are really pervasive adventurers, greedy like jackals that smell flesh and blood."

Cyrus reported his investigation to Isabella. She was good at investigating news, and the Adventurer's Alliance was stationed with a lot of people. Cyrus could easily find out the news.

"Oh? Is their president Karakas here?"

Isabella showed a dignified expression. Although the empire did not have a good impression of the Adventurer Alliance, there were too many members of the Adventurer Alliance. Almost two of the ten warriors were members of the Adventurer Alliance. Such a huge one organization, even the Delos Empire is unwilling to be an enemy.

The main reason is that it is useless to catch some ordinary members. The Adventurer Alliance is too loose, but it is very united when encountering problems. How this organization emerged is a question.

As the founder of the Adventurer Alliance, Caracas has a charismatic personality, extremely high intelligence, and extraordinary strength. Isabella has only heard of the other party's name, but has never met him. Anyway, I heard that the other party's strength is extraordinary and it is difficult to deal with. .

"No, the leader is a woman, she should be their vice-chairman, Your Royal Highness, are we going to drive them out of here?"

Cyrus shook her head, she didn't see Caracas, the one who didn't want to be found, but no one could find him, the other party was very good at disguise, who knows where he is traveling with his face now.

"Don't act rashly, let's see what they want to do. I guess they should be attracted by Antuen. After all, they are all-pervasive adventurers. It is normal to want to get some benefits from Antuen.

I just hope I don't come here for the Silent City, it will be lively after that. "

Since she is a guest in the Heaven Realm, Isabella has no plans to take action against the Adventurer Alliance. Cronos Island is still the territory of the Celestial Clan, and Isabella does not want to make people unhappy.

You know, that guy Wang Yan is also on this island, and that's what Isabella has scruples about.

"I understand."

Cyrus nodded, and escorted Isabella back to the tent that had been set up. There was refrigeration equipment provided by Jurgen inside the tent, which was much cooler than the outside world.

"Tell the others to rest early. The investigation of the Silent City will start tomorrow. I don't know how the Elytra of the Seven Gods will approach the upside-down tower. I hope to find a way to enter it as soon as possible."

Before the break, Isabella ordered to go down, and Cyrus led the order to go out.

"The Adventurer's League, I've heard of this organization in Hutton Mar. It is indeed a very inclusive organization with countless members."

After entering the camp where the Elytra of the Seven Gods was located, Celia talked with Wang Yan. Although she didn't stay in Hutton Mar for a long time, the Adventurers Alliance was within Celia's knowledge.

The main reason is that the members of the Adventurer Alliance are too extensive, not only warriors can join, but ordinary people can also join to post or receive missions.

There are so many warriors, as long as they have money and want to accomplish something, there will naturally be a large group of adventurers who can quickly complete the task, and the reputation of the Adventurers Alliance is very good.

"I know, Paris told me about this organization. It is an organization that spreads across the entire continent of Arad with many members. The founder, the great adventurer Caracas, is also a strong man. People who can practice both magic and martial arts are not ordinary people."

Wang Yan nodded. He had naturally heard of the Adventurer's League, and Niu on the side showed an interested expression.

Dual cultivation of magic and martial arts?So is she.

After all, chasing is actually a variant of magic, but battle mages are all fighting close to each other, so they can be regarded as melee professions.

After Mia came back, she summoned several other members of the Elytra of the Seven Gods and introduced Niwu to everyone.

Others had long admired Niwu, a visitor from the demon world, and they kept chatting with Niwu until it was completely dark.

From Ni Wu, the Heaven Realm learned part of the information about this strange tower in the Silent City, which belonged to an apostle named Luke the Maker in the Demon Realm.

The creator, Luke, doesn't like to fight. He locked himself in the Silent City and rarely went out. The entire Silent City was created by the other party. He even created a lot of mechanical guards. Going to the Demon Realm, you must face off against the machines made by the opponent.

After learning from Wang Yan that the source of the sleeping sickness came from the Silent City, the Heaven Realm had made up their minds to take action against the Silent City. Even though it was the living area of ​​the apostles, it could not stop everyone's determination.

This time, Wang Yan also made up his mind. Luke's absorption of light energy must be interrupted. First, let the other party open the crack in the different dimension and spread the nightmare breath in the continent of Arad. The overall civilization of the German mainland is about to go backwards.

As for whether to destroy Luke's real body, Wang Yan is temporarily undecided. I don't know what Luke thinks. Compared with the game, the time of Silent City's appearance is much earlier. Wang Yan guesses that Luke has not recovered the power of the real body.

It should be easy to destroy the mechanical body it created, but for Luke who can see the future, what if all this was planned by the other party?It is also very possible to feign death to escape.

"Hey, this Allard never stops."

Wang Yan can finally understand the existence of the God of Wisdom, Nimeer, why he didn't come forward to prevent the disaster from happening, but turned into a guardian to find the existence of great will.

For that kind of immortal being, it is correct for the light of the beginning to reset the universe and rebuild the order, but it is a bit unfair for all creatures in the universe.

"It's not enough, it's not enough, the strength is still not enough!
Only relying on equipment, you will never be able to touch the threshold of that level. "

After night fell, Wang Yan came outside the camp, sat on the reef by the sea and looked up at the night sky.

He is very annoying, really annoying, this kind of fate is out of his control, and the feeling of being shrouded in fear all the time is really uncomfortable.

"Will finding the 'Great Will' solve all this?

No, the great will will only destroy all of this and turn the universe back to what it was in the beginning.

For that kind of existence, the universe is indeed saved, but for the beings in the universe, it is completely destroyed.

No, I absolutely cannot tolerate this kind of thing happening! "

After looking up at the night sky by the sea for a long time, Wang Yan gritted his teeth and stood up until the eastern sky lit up.

"To become stronger, all I can rely on are equipment, skills and props.

Equipment temporarily depends on the level, and also needs money to build.

The props depend on the account treasury, so you don’t have to worry about it, it’s completely enough.

It seems that only skills can be improved. Let’s learn more professional skills, and also practice the skill levels learned in the past. I have been relying on equipment, and I have forgotten that I myself have mastered many skills and can upgrade them. "

When the sun rose, Wang Yan temporarily put away his worries about the future. The future can be changed, but if you want to change the future, you can only use stronger power.

"Let's change, start from this moment."

Wang Yan picked up the long sword and began to practice the skills he had mastered at the seaside. He still has a lot of skill proficiency that needs to be practiced repeatedly for a long time to reach the full level.

He couldn't delay any longer. He made up his mind that he would learn the skills of all professions in the future. The more skills he learned, the more ways he could deal with danger.

Celia didn't see Wang Yan after she got up, and she didn't see him until she was outside the camp.

Seeing Wang Yan practicing swordsmanship by the sea from a distance, Celia first breathed a sigh of relief, but then she was a little taken aback.

Because Wang Yan's displayed strength is already very strong, I don't know why the other party started to repeatedly contact swordsmanship at this time, is it useful?
"Selia, are you here? It's just in time to come, tell me about the theory of magic, I have never really released magic on my own."

The morning sun shone on Wang Yan's face, and Wang Yan smiled at Celia who walked beside him from the direction of the camp: "I want to learn magic."

"of course can."

Celia looked at Wang Yan facing the rising sun, smiling sweetly and beautifully.

(End of this chapter)

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