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Chapter 874 Luke who took the lead in attacking

Chapter 874 Luke who took the lead in attacking (Million Challenge 20100 for subscription)
silent city.

From the perspective of the people of the heavens, the Silent City hangs upside down, but from the perspective of the people on the Silent City, the ocean of the heavens is upside down.

Standing on the watchtower at the top of Silent City, Becky looked towards the sea hanging upside down from the huge telescope on the watchtower.

It has been a long time since Silent City emerged from the rift in another dimension. Apart from being ordered to guard the watchtower, Becky has no other tasks. For Becky, who has always liked adventure, this is really a very unbearable thing. .

But Luke never showed up. Even the subpoena was sent to Becky by others. Becky also went to the secret research institute at the bottom of Silent City, but Luke locked the gate of the institute and did not allow anyone to enter. What was going on, even Becky had no way of knowing.

"I really want to go up to the ocean and play."

Staring at the ocean all the time, I found it very interesting at first, but now, Becky feels very boring. She is extremely eager for all this to be changed, and someone can take the initiative to break this boring life.

"Well, that's, is that a boat?"

Just when Becky was about to put down the binoculars, she vaguely saw a dark shadow appearing in the ocean above her head. She regained her spirit and pointed the binoculars at the dark shadow in the distance of the ocean again.

After adjusting the focus, two steel warships appeared in her line of sight.

"Wow, someone is approaching, someone really is coming."

Becky was not surprised but happy, she hoped that this boring life could be broken.

Becky, who subconsciously wanted to press the alarm, left when her palm touched the alarm button. She had a thought in her heart to remind her not to activate the alarm, and she didn't even know why she thought so.

After hesitating for a moment, Becky still didn't press the alarm, her heart was pounding. This act of disobeying Luke's orders gave her a strange sense of excitement, as if she had done something bad secretly.

"I want to see what these humans want to do."

Becky continued to look out through the binoculars. It was her duty to guard the observation tower, but now she did not do her best according to her duty. She longed for all this to be changed, even if it got worse, it would be better than it is now.

From Becky's point of view, those two battleships are very strange. They are sailing in the ocean with their bottoms facing up, and two huge square platforms can be seen on the deck. There are helicopter-like spiral wings at the four corners of the platforms. The power flies.

This is the research product of the Elytra of the Seven Gods. The Silent City is suspended above the ocean, and it is impossible to enter it by helicopter alone. A platform that can be suspended in the air has become a must.

With the level of technology of the Elytra of the Seven Gods, it didn't take even a week to manufacture such a suspended platform. Today is the first field test. The preliminary test has been carried out on Cronus Island. The test results are very good. The suspended platform Able to move up and down or change direction freely.

This time, the people who approached Silent City by boat were all soldiers from the Imperial Capital Army. The two warships they dispatched were also ordinary warships. The main reason was that they were worried that Silent City had its own defense and attack means. If all the personnel went there, they would be wiped out by the opponent. That would be bad.

"Report to the headquarters that the Furious Sea has sailed into the designated area and has sailed below the Silent City. It has not yet suffered any attack from the opponent."

One of the two warships sailed under the Silent City first. The Silent City was cylindrical in shape as a whole. After getting closer, it was discovered that there were pieces of mirror-like external protection outside the Silent City.

Seen from the sea, the outside of Silent City is shiny, like a huge mountain covered with mirrors. Looking up from the bottom, there is really a huge oppressive force, as if it can collapse at any time.

"According to the plan, start the lifting platform, and the vanguard will be in place."

In the communicator, the voice of Naviro Jurgen came. Although the Imperial Capital Army was also stationed on Kronos Island, the commander of this operation was changed from Jackett to Naviro Jurgen.

Jacket has been busy for a long time just by sending troops to search for the dead soldiers who died in the battle, and now he can find the blackened corpses of the attacking team from the volcano area every day. As for the ones that fell into the sea, he knows without thinking There is definitely no way to find it. Those strange fish in the ocean will never let go of this great opportunity to eat.

Naviro Jurgen is the commander of the investigation team, able to mobilize members of the Imperial Capital Army and Coast Guard stationed on Kronos Island.

The former command ship Fu Hai was put into use again after the restoration was completed. As for the Sky Noble, it was not returned to Jurgen in the end. The Imperial Capital Army bought it at one time. Jurgen didn’t know why Considering and agreeing to this request.

In the rear camp of Kronos Island, the camp of the joint investigation team is the headquarters of this operation. After all, it is more convenient to be down-to-earth. Even the Noble Sky is now moored at sea.

Members of the Violent Hunting Team were also allowed to enter the camp of the joint investigation team to watch the field test of the lifting platform. As for the Adventurer Alliance, it was not good. With Isabella, the Adventurer Alliance was rejected. For this reason, Danato Nat was very annoyed, she did not expect that someone from the Delos Empire would also participate in this operation, and even mixed into the investigation team of the Celestial Realm.

But Dana Donat was not discouraged either. The rear command did not agree with her onlookers. She simply led people into the two battleships of the operation. This behavior was very risky, but for these adventurers in the Adventurer Alliance An adventurer is not worthy of being called an adventurer.

A group of thirty heavily armed soldiers boarded the lifting platform. There was a solid fence around the platform, and there were straps on it. The soldiers on the stage stood around the fence and tied the straps around their waists to prevent the platform from rising. It will shake when empty and cause unstable standing.

The platform is very wide, but the overall weight is not heavy. If it is too heavy, it cannot be lifted into the air only by the surrounding spiral wings. There is still a long distance between the end of Silent City and the sea. The lifting platform needs to be raised to You have to go high to get there.

"I'm coming."

Becky has put down the binoculars now, and she put on the goggles, and she can see the battleship on the sea above her head and the humans on the battleship just by sight.

At this time, she was a little flustered. Humans are really about to start exploring the Silent City. What should I do?what to do?
Becky, who had never encountered such a situation before, panicked, and finally reason drove her to press the alarm button, because she could not guard the observation platform with her own strength.

The shrill alarm sounded from the observation tower, and then spread down the passage in the center of Silent City layer by layer. Those mechanical beings who stayed quietly in the room all opened their scarlet red eyes after hearing the alarm sound. colored eyes,.

A large group of mechanical life began to walk out of the room, and they entered the elevator inside the Silent City in an orderly manner and set off towards the observation deck on the top floor.

All of this is unknown to the Celestial Clan outside the Silent City. Although the satellites have been investigating the Silent City, there are large lead-colored dark clouds surrounding the Silent City. They can only be observed with the naked eye after getting close. What is going on inside the Silent City? What, today's heaven can only know a little bit.

After all the soldiers boarded the lifting platform, the Elytra researcher of the Seven Gods accompanying the Furious Sea activated the lifting device, and at the same time the command of Cronus Island also passed the order: "Be sure to protect the propeller of the lifting platform!"

This is very critical, because once even one propeller is damaged, the lifting platform must immediately descend, otherwise the people on it will fall from a height of [-] meters and fall onto the sea surface when the lifting platform loses control.

Falling at this height, there is no difference between falling on the sea and falling on land. The end is one word, death!

The soldiers on the lifting platform clenched the guns in their hands and looked up at the huge tower hanging upside down in the sky. This is the prototype building of the city of the dead in the ghost stories of the heavens, and it is very terrifying.

The soldiers on the lifting platform were extremely anxious. They were worried about the unknown fate, but as soldiers, they couldn't violate the military order. Exploring the city of the dead must be done by someone.

When the propellers at the four corners of the lifting platform are activated, the lifting platform slowly leaves the deck and lifts into the air. The speed of lift-off is very slow, far less than the speed of a helicopter.

However, apart from the initial tremor, the lifting platform was quite stable for the rest of the time, which also reduced the inner panic of the soldiers on it.

Wang Yan is also on the Furious Sea at the moment, but he has not boarded the lifting platform. This lift-off is just a test made by the joint investigation team.

The real investigation will take some time. After all, there are only two lifting platforms, how many soldiers can be brought to the Silent City at one time?

For this test, Wang Yan didn't make any statement, because he didn't know whether the Silent City would respond to the actions of the Celestial Realm, or whether it would launch a counterattack when the Celestial Realm didn't set foot in the Silent City.

Niu left Kronos Island the next day after meeting Mia.

She didn't say where she went, maybe she went to other places in the heaven, maybe she returned to the demon world directly through the silent city.

Before Mia's arrival, she had already completed the inspection of the body left by Antuen's death. Her mission had already been completed, and there was no need to stay in the Heaven Realm or explore the Silent City with the Heaven Realm.

Celia is also by Wang Yan's side. Although this time is just a test, Celia still promises to act with Wang Yan.

"Lifted 50 meters into the air, the lifting platform is stable, and the speed of the propeller is normal."

Members of the Elytra of the Seven Gods on the Furious Sea reported the news to the rear in real time. In the command room of the joint investigation team at the rear, Navero Jurgen was watching the picture on the thermal radar projection. Around him were members of the joint investigation team. There is Princess Isabella and other Delos Empire personnel.

There were not many members of the violent search and arrest team, and they all stood in a corner of the command room, watching the whole operation.

In fact, many members don't know what Azera is thinking. Up to now, Azera still hasn't set the main task of the brutal hunting team's operation.

In the end is to protect Luke?Or make another plan?

Azera herself doesn't pay too much attention at the moment, she can only investigate what Luke has done in the past, and use these things to judge whether Luke's behavior is good or bad, and her original intention is to protect the apostles.

But he was a little at a loss because of the sleeping sickness that happened on the continent of Arad. If Luke really sat down for all of this, should he just watch the heavens finally confront Luke?

She is very tangled, and others are naturally more tangled.

On the contrary, the League of Adventurers who infiltrated the two warships at sea had a very clear plan. As long as there is a way to board the Silent City, it is enough to investigate the Silent City first, and then use it to board the Demon Realm. If Luke does not take action, they will naturally Nor will he take the initiative to shoot Luke.

As for the Joint Investigation Team, they haven’t contacted Luke yet, seeing his behavior, saying anything is empty words, and only after meeting the apostle Luke can they decide what to do. This is consistent with the current thinking of the Violent Hunting Team.

On the observation deck, Becky breathed a sigh of relief after seeing a large group of mechanical life forms arrive by elevator, but then her face changed.

Because those mechanical life forms didn't follow her order to stay on the spot, but continued to climb up along the perimeter of the observation deck.

At this time, the human lifting platform also began to descend, and the fully armed humans on it could see it clearly from the observation deck.

"Huh? You?"

Becky was at a loss looking at the mechanical life forms climbing up the surrounding walls. Are they going to fight each other?Why don't you talk about the intentions of both parties before making any plans?
It's just that Becky's shout didn't work at all this time, and the mechanical life was still climbing, and finally climbed to the top of the observation deck.

Under Becky's shocked gaze, those mechanical life forms smashed through the glass windows on the top floor.

They didn't fall down, but flew straight to the sky.

Becky knew exactly what was going on. After leaving Silent City, those mechanical life forms would no longer be constrained by the gravity of Silent City itself, but would be affected by the gravity of the planet they were on.

She seemed to be ascending into the air, but in the eyes of those humans, she should be descending.

"Warning! Warning! Something is falling!"

When the glass at the bottom of Silent City was shattered, the alarm sounded on the lifting platform, and the alarm was automatically sounded.

The soldiers who tied themselves to the surrounding guardrails quickly untied the belts around their waists, held up their weapons and pointed them at the sky, waiting for the falling objects and the battle orders from the headquarters.

"Do you want to fight?"

In the rear headquarters, Isabella looked at Jurgen. Jurgen was also a little hesitant. The lifting platform was only halfway into the air, and he hadn't been able to capture any pictures of the interior of Silent City. It's too unwilling to land here. .

"Wait a while, let's see what the dropped objects look like and whether they have attack intentions."

Jurgen made a difficult decision. He didn't know whether his decision was right or wrong, but this was the only order he could make at this time.

"Stay where you are, be careful of falling objects. If you are attacked, you are allowed to counterattack."

Jurgen's order was transmitted to the soldier's communicator on the lifting platform, and the soldiers still clenched their weapons tightly while staring at the falling objects above their heads.

The mechanical life forms that left the Silent City curled up together when they came into contact with the air and turned into invisible round metal balls. Along with the shattered glass, they fell to the lifting platform with a splash. It fell directly onto the warship below and into the ocean.

Except for a few unlucky soldiers who were injured by glass or metal balls, the rest of the soldiers were all right.

They stood vigilantly around the lifting platform, pointing their guns at the metal balls that fell on the lifting platform, because the other party had no reason to continue attacking, and the soldiers did not attack first.

"Report to the headquarters. Dozens of round metal balls fell from the sky and remained motionless on the lifting platform, requesting follow-up instructions."

After observing for a few seconds, the soldiers on the lifting platform began to communicate with the command post.

"Collect it and keep climbing."

The order from the headquarters was quickly passed on, and the soldiers breathed a sigh of relief, and then some soldiers began to tie the metal balls with ropes.

"No, they moved!

They are alive!
Ah, I was attacked!
back up back up!

shot! "

When the lifting platform shook and continued to lift off, the soldiers who were trying to stand still were shocked to find that the curled up metal balls stretched out their bodies and turned into a metal animal or mechanical appearance, without any trace. Without hesitation, he launched an attack on the surrounding soldiers.

The lifting platform immediately became chaotic, gunshots and shouts rang out, the sound was so loud that even the left behind soldiers on the battleship below could hear it clearly, and the metal clusters that fell on the battleship also turned into The mechanical beast began to attack any living organisms around it.

"Damn it, counterattack, must counterattack, another lifting platform is also lifted into the air, this time, any falling objects will smash it as soon as possible."

In the headquarters, Jurgen, who did not expect the opponent to attack first, turned ugly.

They didn't start the war first, but it's impossible not to fight back when you are beaten. You have been attacked by the opponent before you get close to Silent City. That's okay, the only way is to fight back!

On the other warship, the lifting platform also carried the soldiers and began to lift into the air, and quickly approached the first lifting platform. The fighting on the first lifting platform had not stopped for a long time, and those mechanical beasts were deliberately destroying the lifting platform. Even if the helical wing of the device is pierced by a gun, it will not die immediately, and some even jumped into the helical wing, splashing a large amount of electric light and sparks.

"Warning, warning, damaged upper left propeller."

It's just that ten seconds after the mechanical beast turned into a metal ball appeared, one of the spiral wings of the lifting platform was destroyed. It can be done for a while.

"Mission aborted! Mission aborted! Furious Sea, launch naval artillery strike!"

After the first spiral wing was destroyed, Jurgen in the rear command room couldn't sit still. He stood up and urgently issued orders. If too many soldiers were killed in the first operation, he couldn't bear the loss.

After the order was issued, the naval guns on the two battleships below the lifting platform were raised high, aiming at the gap below the Silent City, and then launched a laser strike. With the tail flames rushing towards the end of the silent city.

It's just that before the lasers and missiles hit Silent City, they were blocked by a sudden barrier.

This situation suggests that the entire Silent City has barrier shields in existence.

The laser did not break through the protection of Silent City, but it caused more metal balls falling down. The first lifting platform that lifted off has already started to land rapidly, and the other one failed to reach it and then retreated the same way. This lifting platform suffered much less damage than the first one, but it was able to handle it.

When it was more than 20 meters away from the Nuhai, the second screw wing of the lifting platform was also damaged. The lifting platform lost the two screw wings and could not maintain the center of gravity, and began to spin and fall downwards.

After the lifting platform rotated twice, it actually broke away from the set landing point, and slanted towards the hull structure in the middle of the deck.

"It's over!"

The personnel in the command room at the rear and on board the Furious Sea were shocked, but everyone was at a loss for what to do. Just a lifting platform was 20 meters long and wide, and the weight was unimaginably heavy.

The rotating lifting platform with the acceleration of the fall cannot be approached by anything, even if it touches steel, it will be interrupted.

"Catch me!"

At the very moment, a large air hand appeared, directly grabbed the rotating lifting platform, and then threw it onto the deck more than ten meters away.

Before the lifting platform fell, a thick ice wall emerged on the deck. The lifting platform crushed the ice wall, and the force was transmitted, and the landing speed suddenly slowed down. sound.

Wang Yan made a move, but there was no good way to deal with the metal balls that had been falling from the bottom of Silent City. In just half a minute, there were hundreds of metal balls falling on the deck.

Those metal balls that were not destroyed eventually turned into mechanical flying insects or mechanical beasts to attack the surrounding soldiers, and the scene was quite chaotic.

The soldiers who fell on the lifting platform climbed up and continued to attack the surrounding mechanical insects, and then heard the retreat order from the headquarters through the communicator, and the battleship that had not stopped began to move , The mechanical beasts and mechanical insects on the deck were also cleaned up one by one.

A few minutes later, the battleship left the battle area, and the battle on the deck also stopped. The soldiers who were still holding their guns were panting heavily, and began to check the deck, and carried the wounded soldiers onto stretchers. Personnel came running from a safe area and began treating wounded soldiers.

"How about the casualties?"

Ten minutes later, the battle damage results came out, and Jurgen's trembling voice came from the communicator.

"Forty-five soldiers were injured on the Nuhai, and seven died. The other warship and the lifting platform only suffered injuries, but no deaths."


Jurgen slammed his left hand on the wooden table and made a loud noise. He was indeed very angry. This kind of thing happened for the first time when he commanded. Even if a soldier died, he didn't want to see it.

"Your Excellency Wang Yan is also there, how could so many people die?"

For some unknown reason, Isabella spoke out at this time, and Jurgen's face froze, and his face became even uglier after asking a few words.

Because of the reply over there, without Wang Yan's shot, the death toll would have more than doubled. More than 20 soldiers survived on the lifting platform. Without the opponent's shot, they would all fall to their deaths.

Jurgen understood that he had no reason to trouble Wang Yan. The other party made a move. Maybe he didn't try his best, but it also brought great help. He couldn't blame the other party even a word.

"Are any of the things that attacked the soldiers captured alive? What kind of creatures?"

Jurgen sighed, and only then did he realize that the commander-in-chief was not so easy to be. When he stayed out of the matter, he could blame Hawkeye Jackett for disregarding the lives of the soldiers. Only when he sat in this position did he realize that the aspects to consider are really important. Too much too much.

"It's a metal mechanical creature. I'm sorry that all of them were broken into pieces. No one was captured alive. The corpses have been gathered up. The researchers of the Elytra of the Seven Gods are dismantling and analyzing them."

"I see, return to the camp as soon as possible, everyone has worked hard."

Jurgen sighed and hung up the communicator. He looked up at the other people present. Some of them looked worried, while others looked normal. They seemed to have expected this kind of thing to happen.

"Everyone has seen it, let's talk about your own opinions."

Jurgen looked at Isabella, and then at Azera, wanting to hear other people's opinions at this time.

"I don't think there is anything to say. We were attacked by the opponent before we got close. There must be a large number of mechanical beasts created by the apostle Luke in the silent city.

They will do anything to stop anyone who comes close, like us.

This is a war, Congressman Jurgen, the war has already begun, we and each other are already enemies. "

Isabella spread her hands, indicating that she had nothing to say, and many people around nodded in agreement with Isabella's statement.

"I have nothing to say. I have to wait until I enter the Silent City to make a decision. We will respect any decision you make in the early stage."

Azera replied calmly to Jurgen's inquiry, and her opinion was still the same as before. The members of the brutal hunt and arrest team were all whispering, not knowing what the leader was hesitating about.

"Is this the beginning of the war? What a joke."

Jurgen showed bitterness on his face. He was completely unprepared to start a war with the other party, because the current heaven could no longer bear the war. Otherwise, when Agnes of Blazing issued a truce, he would not want to There was a truce with the apostle Antoine.

The biggest reason for the investigation team to come to Kronos Island this time is to investigate why the Silent City appeared here and what the reason is, rather than wanting to fight the opponent.

"For the time being, the field test will be suspended. The elytra of the Seven Gods will continue to improve the lifting device and speed up the production. At the same time, we will study the structure and countermeasures of those mechanical creatures. Let's stop here for this meeting. Arrange medical staff to go to the dock and prepare to take over the treatment of the wounded. .”

Jurgen stood up and gave the order to end the meeting. Everyone shook their heads and did not make a statement.

The members of the brutal search and arrest team also left the camp where the joint investigation team was located under Azera's leadership, and walked towards the dock with the others.

They want to take a look at the structure of the mechanical creatures eliminated by the soldiers so that they can deal with them later.

After more than an hour, the two warships sailed back to the harbor pier of Cronos Island one after the other. The medical staff who had been waiting for a long time began to rescue the wounded who were sent off the ship first, and then a large number of people disembarked and wiped out those The mechanical creatures brought it down.

"What an unfortunate day."

Looking at the dead soldiers who were carried off the ship in body bags, others who saw this scene couldn't help but sigh.

Another death occurred. The last time there were casualties was when Antuen was attacked. This time, there were casualties just after trying to explore the Silent City. Some of those injured were seriously injured. I don’t know if there will be anyone. Can't make it through.

"Senator Carey, please stay."

When Wang Yan and Celia got off the Furious Sea, they were stopped by Jurgen's men.

"What's the matter, Senator Jurgen?"

Wang Yan watched Jurgen calmly.

"I also saw the scene where Congressman Carey rescued the lifting platform before. Thank you Congressman Carey for your help. Jurgen is very grateful."

Jurgen saluted Wang Yan without knowing whether it was true or false, Wang Yan looked normal: "That's what I should do. If Congressman Jurgen is here, I won't turn a blind eye, right?"

"Of course, I will do my best to fight, but my ability is limited and I cannot deal with more dangerous situations. I am not as powerful as Congressman Carey."

Jurgen's gaze fell on the corpses of the mechanical beasts that had been moved off the ship by the soldiers. Only by seeing those mechanical beasts with a huge human body could he understand why soldiers with guns would be injured and die in battle.

These mechanical beasts not only have a solid body, but also have guns on their backs or heads. Some beast-shaped mechanical beasts have sharp claws or wings and extremely sharp tail needles, which can pierce human bodies.

"There is a limit to what I can do. I can't rush into the Silent City by myself. Even I can't deal with it. Who knows how many dangerous machines will be waiting for those who come, maybe hundreds of people will be killed if I enter. A grenade killed him."

Wang Yan laughed at himself. Jurgen originally wanted to say something, but he didn't say much after hearing what Wang Yan said.

Wang Yan's attitude has already made it very clear. This time, he will not take the initiative to attack like recovering the energy center. This time, the Celestial Realm or the Joint Investigation Team will take the lead.

"I understand. Senator Carey has worked hard, and he will take a good rest when he comes back."

Jurgen stopped talking to Wang Yan, and moved aside so that Wang Yan could continue to move forward. He was a member with the Elytra of the Seven Gods, and started researching and discussing those mechanical beasts at the pier.

"The bodies of these mechanical beasts are made of alloy steel, and bullets cannot penetrate them. Look at the deformed bullets embedded in their bodies. After all, the power of firearms is not strong enough, but anti-tank guns can still penetrate the body surface defensive.

And the bodies of these mechanical beasts are full of complex circuits and chips. The reports of the soldiers after the war also verified that these mechanical beasts have the ability to obey orders or act autonomously.

Their goal is straightforward, to damage the lifting platform when it is raised and lowered, and those that fall to the deck will attack anyone around it.

What is fired from the guns behind them is not bullets, but energy storage devices like laser guns, capable of nearly a hundred attacks without reloading. "

The members of the Elytra of the Seven Gods reported to Jurgen the situation found in the previous inspection, and opened the mechanical beasts. They all had complicated circuits inside and circuit boards that did not know what purpose they represented.

Listening to the soldiers' explanations, Jurgen's face became ugly. When they were in the command room, they could only see the images transmitted by the thermal radar. Soldiers who saw the battlefield with their own eyes knew more.

From the soldiers' explanations, Jurgen learned that these mechanical beasts all fell from the end of Silent City. Ten seconds later, he stretched out his body and transformed into various mechanical beasts.

As for how many such machines there are in the silent city above, it is still unknown, and it is even impossible to know what is there and how many floors there are.

Because the lifting platform was finally [-] meters away from the silent city, it had to be lowered. Only the soldiers took some precious photos, and the hard work was not in vain.

Elytra of the Seven Gods began to analyze the photo after getting it. The photo was not very clear, but it could still be made clear through technical means.

In the last few pictures that have been changed, you can clearly see the densely packed mechanical beasts inside the glass at the end of Silent City. There are no less than a few hundred in the pictures alone. As for the inside, there will definitely be more.

This is not good news. Jurgen, who got these pictures, immediately reported to the imperial capital.

This shows that Silent City is much more dangerous than they originally imagined. Once the number of mechanical beasts reaches a certain level, the strength of a single body is already stronger than that of fully armed soldiers.

Humans can't match the extremely strong protection alone. They can unscrupulously attack anything around them, but humans still have to take care of their companions and the deck or lifting platform they are fighting on. Heavy firepower weapons have completely lost their effect.

"Let me just say, the comers are not kind, thanks to Jurgen wanting to make peace with them, it's wishful thinking."

In the camp of the joint investigation team, Princess Isabella stood at the door of the tent and looked at the soldiers of the Imperial Capital Army walking around outside. She listened to Cyrus' report and laughed.

"These should be the machines that the maker Luke made to protect himself. It is still unknown how many machines he made in the huge tower of Silent City.

The Celestial Realm attacked it with naval guns, and even fired the magic brake stone missiles that could penetrate the energy barrier, but it had no effect. It is almost impossible to penetrate the Silent City from the outside world.

If you want to board the Silent City and explore from the inside, you must face these unknown number of mechanical beasts with strong protective capabilities.

I guess the manufacturer Luke has long been prepared to deal with foreign enemies, and all the mechanical guards he manufactured have extremely strong protective armor. "

Cyrus continued to report the results of his investigation. Some news Jurgen did not communicate with Isabella. Isabella could only send Cyrus to inquire. This imperial hound is very good at inquiring about news. , All those things Jurgen hid were found out.

"It seems that it is very difficult to get Jurgen to take the initiative to attack, and the Violent Hunting Group seems to not plan to contribute, and is planning to save their strength to enter the silent city before making a move.

And that Congressman Carey, he is not willing to play forward this time either, otherwise it will be no problem to break into the silent city. "

Isabella looked contemplative. The current situation is very clear. There is a strong protective force inside the Silent City. Who will break through this layer of protection and enter the Silent City has become the most critical thing at present.

On the other side, Wang Yan was also talking with Celia.

"It's strange that these machines have no experience."

Wang Yan shook his head. After killing a few mechanical beasts, he discovered that he could not gain any experience from the mechanical beasts.

It may be because this kind of mechanical beast is a kind of artificial creature, and if it is destroyed, only parts will be left without experience.

This makes Wang Yan's motivation not as strong as before, and rushing forward to things that are not beneficial, Wang Yan is not a fool.

There is no way to know how many mechanical beast king Yan there are in Silent City. If there are too many, it will be troublesome. Just cleaning up these mechanical beasts is enough to consume a very, very long time in the heavens, and this time is exactly what Luke wants to obtain. recovery time.

"You mean they have no souls?"

Celia knew what Wang Yan meant by experience. After all, Wang Yan had talked with her a lot. She could know that Wang Yan longed for something called experience, and he could get it by killing monsters.

"Well, I gained experience when I fought against the Tartans. The Tartans should be creatures with souls, but these mechanical beasts don't have them. They are just man-made. If you can provide me with experience, then they will appear. BUG."

Wang Yan nodded. What Celia said was the same as Wang Yan was thinking. The mechanical beast has no experience, which means that no matter how much Wang Yan kills, it is useless, just like killing those goblins.

But these things are not weak creatures like goblins. They have strong protection. Wang Yan can only use the domain to clean them up quickly.

If Hawkeye Jackett was still in command this time, Wang Yan would have attacked the Silent City without saying a word, occupying the watchtower as a bridgehead.

But if it's Jurgen, let him have a headache for a while before talking.

Furthermore, the elytra of the Seven Gods has not yet finished building the elytra lifting device, how long can Wang Yan alone fight the mechanical creatures in the silent city?
After three days and three nights, he couldn't break into the lower level by himself. In the end, he could only retreat to the observation tower and exit. Only after waiting for the number of lifting platforms to be built enough, Wang Yan would consider whether to use his full strength.

"Humans have been beaten back."

In the observatory, Becky used a huge telescope to observe the battleship that was leaving. The mechanical beast limbs scattered on the deck of the battleship and the fallen humans were all reflected in Becky's eyes.

After watching the human battleship disappear into the sea, Becky put down the binoculars. She looked up and looked around. The surrounding mechanical beasts had already started to evacuate when the battleship sailed out of the area below the Silent City. Now the watchtower has become empty again. .

Becky looked confused, she didn't understand why Luke would let the mechanical beasts attack humans before the arrival of humans.

Can machines only become enemies with humans?

(End of this chapter)

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