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Chapter 872 The League of Adventurers

Chapter 872 League of Adventurers
Roy's mouth was full of bitterness, Meili really didn't recognize him.

He didn't know what to do, and the knowledge he had learned for decades couldn't help him at this time.

"Maybe you don't remember me now, but I believe that I will let you remember me again, Mei Li, my love for you, even time cannot kill it!"

Roy still didn't give up after being hit. He raised his head, looked directly at Mei Li, and said words that shocked everyone present.

Niensig opened his mouth wide and his body trembled. Peravien, as if seeing Melvin driving Wolverine destroying his laboratory for the first time, was also wide-eyed and at a loss.

Both of them had a thought in their minds, what is the origin of this guy who calls himself Roy, what a guts!Curious aesthetic!Even Mrs. Meili dared to tease her.

After Roy's voice fell, the entire laboratory fell into an extremely strange silence. The surrounding researchers also looked at Roy with wide-eyed surprise. What did they hear?
Someone is confessing to Mrs. Mei Li, whom everyone in Elytra of the Seven Gods fears?

Or a brat?
"calm down!"

Even though Mrs. Meili is well-informed and has been to countless places and adventures over the years, she was quite upset when Roy suddenly confessed her love.

Meili, who has dedicated her whole life to the Elytra of the Seven Gods and scientific research, has never considered finding someone to spend the rest of her life with.

When she was young, she was too talented, and no young heroes could catch her eyes. When she was in her 40s and became the actual manager of the Elytra Research Institute of the Seven Gods, no one dared to covet Mei Li, even if she was at that time She is still beautiful.

Later, Mei Li got used to living alone, wouldn't a life without love come like this?Who said women have to rely on men?No one in the Elytra of the Seven Gods dared to say this in front of her!

"Is it because I look young that you can't remember me?

I'm actually three years older than you because I've spent decades in a place where time passes very slowly.

Meili, I clearly remember everything that happened between you and me. If you don't believe me, I can tell you one by one. "

Seeing that Mei Li didn't beat him up immediately, Roy boldly continued.


Mrs. Mei Li was finally offended by Roy. She raised her hand and kicked Roy a few meters away. A blue light appeared on Roy's clothes to block the blow.

He retreated a few steps with a face full of reconciliation, but he didn't mean to resent Meili. He swore that he would let Meili remember him one day.

"Irreverent boy, for the sake of you being brought by Congressman Carey, get out of here quickly, and if you talk nonsense again, be careful that I will destroy you."

Mrs. Meili took out a miniature laser gun that could kill cows. She didn't believe what Roy said at all.

Where can an 80-year-old look like a 20-year-old?

The possibility of the other party lying is far greater than the truth, not to mention that she searched her memory and couldn't remember Roy at all.

Poor Roy.

Wang Yan winked at Roy, Roy sighed, turned his head and walked out of the laboratory.

At this moment, Mei Li is really angry. He can see from the eyes of the other party that those words are definitely not threatening him. If he doesn't leave, it will be the other party's attack [-]%. Although he can block the attack, but I really angered her, how can I contact her again in the future.

"Today is really enjoyable. This guy Roy really still misses his former lover, and he is still the kind of unrequited love. Hehe, it seems that there is a way to let Roy do things for him."

Erica, who watched the whole scene, smiled and followed Roy out of the laboratory.

All the members of the Violent Hunting Team knew Roy's ability. Erica felt that the trip was worthwhile. Although she wouldn't say anything about it, it was okay to tell Roy to do something.

"Didn't Senator Carey want to find Melvin?"

After driving away Roy, Mrs. Mei Li looked at Wang Yan, but Wang Yan didn't dare to laugh. This person is a treasure in the heavenly world, and the Elytra of the Seven Gods is now expected to be presided over by the other party. He dare not show disrespect.

"Yes, yes, I'm leaving right away."

Wang Yan picked up Celia who was at a loss and turned away. Watching Wang Yan leave, Mrs. Mei Li picked up the pipe, and the dense smoke covered her eyes, and the corners of her eyes were slightly moist.

Did she really forget Roy?
"My God, where did you find this friend?"

After walking out of the laboratory, Celia looked at Roy who was in a daze under the tree not far away, and whispered in Wang Yan's ear to ask.

"Do you think it's very strange? It's nothing special. Roy himself said it all. He is three years older than Mrs. Mei Li. He has known each other a long time ago and has never forgotten him. There is nothing anyone can do about it."

Deep down in Wang Yan's heart, there is no way to laugh at Roy. Is infatuation wrong?It's such a rare thing to love someone for a lifetime.

"If one day I am old, will you not recognize me?"

Wang Yan looked at Celia, Celia is an elf, has a lifespan of more than a thousand years, and will never age.

He is different, he no longer has the immortal body given by Di Ruiji, but he does not regret the choice at the beginning, with that ability, he is no longer him.

"I won't let you grow old, trust me."

Celia understood what Wang Yan wanted to say, and she took the initiative to hold Wang Yan's palm in her hand: "If we die, we will die at the same moment."

"Well, in order to catch up with your thousand-year lifespan, it seems that I have to work hard. Even the apostles can't resist eternal life. Time is really powerful, invisible, but it does exist."

Wang Yan closed his eyes and opened them again. The confusion in his eyes had disappeared. In order to grow old with Celia, Wang Yan must work harder. Longevity is not possible in other places, but it is completely possible in the continent of Arad.

Celia nodded and smiled. There is one thing she didn't tell Wang Yan. The elves have a way to share their lifespan. If Wang Yan really starts to age and she can't find a better way, she will spend the rest of her life with Wang Yan. Yan shared.

"I'll take you to meet another friend, those are two of my few friends in heaven."

Wang Yan sent away Roy and Erica, who were quite lost, using the space door. After the two left, Wang Yan took Celia to Melvin's laboratory.

Melvin Laboratories.

After seeing Wang Yan and Celia's arrival, Melvin and Mia were quite happy.

Melvin, who relied on his sister to eat hot meals, enthusiastically poured tea for Wang Yan and Celia, but the tea was a bit damp, and Wang Yan spit it out after taking a sip.

"Melvin! You drugged your tea!"

Wang Yan put down the teacup, Melvin didn't believe in evil, he vomited after taking a sip despite the tea burning his mouth, the tea was sour.

"Let me make tea."

Celia hadn't had a drink yet, so she stood up with a smile on her face. Just from the tone of Wang Yan and Melvin's words, Celia knew that Wang Yan and Melvin had a good relationship.

A few minutes later, Celia came over with four cups of fragrant tea. Wang Yan picked up a cup of tea and put it on his nose to sniff lightly.

"What kind of tea is this? It smells so good."

Melvin, a guy who doesn't know how to drink tea, thinks that Seria's tea is very special. The fragrance alone makes people feel refreshed, so it's worth drinking.

"The hundreds of years old tea tree I found in the Lorraine forest, although there are only a few branches left, but I took it back and cultivated it. I also think this kind of tea is very special and can temporarily improve the spirit. But without the after effects of alcohol."

Seria smiled. The biggest achievement she got back to the Alvin defense line was that she found a dry tea tree in the Lorraine Forest. It doesn’t matter if only a few branches survived. Iseria’s natural magic power can make even dead wood It sprouts.

"It's really excellent."

Wang Yan took a sip of the tea, and his face was full of aftertaste after savoring it carefully. If Xilan, who loves alcohol and tea, knows this, he will definitely try his best to get it, otherwise the wine will be tasteless.

Mia picked up the teacup curiously and took a sip. She has the sense of taste and smell, but she still can't taste the tea as an artificial intelligence.

Melvin kept blowing, took a sip of the hot tea, swallowed it with a gulp, and then his face was full of aftertaste. He was once mentally weak, and he was particularly sensitive to things that could improve his spirit. He also had Wang Yan Such experience.

"good stuff."

Melvin said so.

"I can give you some if I like it. I only have a few catties of roasted tea leaves, but there will be more next spring. The Lorraine forest is about to usher in winter. It is wrong to let the tea tree germinate against the laws of nature, otherwise it will die. .”

Celia squinted her eyes and smiled. Wang Yan was obviously very familiar with Melvin, and Celia was very happy to be praised by Wang Yan's friend.

"Have you discovered anything recently?"

After chatting, Wang Yan came to the video communication device set up in the laboratory.

"Yes, yes, Mia got in touch with the magician named Niwu in the Demon Realm again. She said that she has come down from the Silent City and has now arrived at Cronos Island."

Melvin responded with a teacup, and Mia also nodded.

"Niwu came to the heaven? It's really interesting."

The corner of Wang Yan's mouth curled up. This battle mage's patriarch is not ordinary. It seems that Erica has someone to talk to when she arrives at Cronus Island.

You must know that Erica is also a battle mage, and she has learned the skills of a battle mage from Niu. Although Niu is young, her reputation in the devil world is not low.

"Is it the Chaser Niwu? I really want to get in touch."

Celia put down her teacup, looking expectant.

"You should have a common language with her."

Wang Yan nodded. Demons are not uncommon. There are also demons in the West Coast Wizards Guild. They are the summoners sent by the elf envoy Katie to the continent of Arad.

They exchanged magic skills and concepts with Arad Continent, and also brought a brand new mage profession, Battle Mage.

Shalan's disciple Nayat is a battle mage, but it's a pity that he should still be in the Tower of Death. I don't know if Shalan knows about it.

"Go back to Cronus Island, will Mia still go?"

Wang Yan talked with Mia for a while, asked about the content of the conversation between Mia and Ni Wu, and finally asked Mia if she wanted to go forward.

"If my brother agrees, I will definitely go."

Mia looked at Melvin, and Melvin showed hesitation, but he knew that he had better not restrict Mia, which would be very detrimental to her study.

"If you want to go, go, with Kaili here, I am also very relieved."

In the end, Melvin also agreed to Mia's request to go to Cronus Island. He couldn't bear the slightest grievance for this sister.

Melvin will definitely not leave Ghent. When Mrs. Meili and her party are attacking Antuen, many matters of Elytra of the Seven Gods are handled by Melvin.

Mrs. Mei Li has already planned to choose a real successor among Peravien and Melvin.

Deep down in her heart, Mrs. Mei Li intends to let Melvin take over, because Melvin is also a descendant of half of the Elytra of the Seven Gods, and the reason is that he has obtained the inheritance of a mechanical war god, the nobleman of Peravien. Identity is still a loss.

Although Melvin used to look very unreliable, but after having a younger sister, he can be more or less reliable. As for the technical level, it is obvious to all in the world. The genius Melvin was known more than ten years ago. up.

Wang Yan also told the interesting story of Mrs. Meili being confessed just now. Melvin was shocked when he heard that Mrs. Meili was actually confessed?It's ridiculous.

Mia opened her mouth slightly to show a look of astonishment, and then saw Melvin slapping his thigh and laughing: "Hahahaha~hahahaha~"

"How about you, Melvin, how are you doing with Zeddin?"

Wang Yan's next sentence made Melvin unable to laugh. Mia squinted and smiled, especially when she saw Melvin silent as if being strangled by someone.

"Well, Zeddin and I have nothing, just friends, friends."

Melvin said that he didn't mean it. Wang Yan looked at Celia and shook his head helplessly. Celia also thought Melvin was very interesting. It's really nice for Wang Yan to have such a friend.

The next day, Wang Yan and Celia continued to check the status of the green trees in the territory, and Barn came to visit.

"I came to see you yesterday and you weren't here. I heard that I went to the palace, and the people from the brutal search and arrest team have arrived?"

Bahn's visit this time was mainly at the request of Princess Isabella.

It is impossible for Isabella not to know that the organization of the Violent Hunting Snatchers arrived in the heavens. She is very concerned about the purpose of the Violent Hunting Snatchers. In the Delos Empire, the Violent Hunting Squads are not good people, and they have been wanted by the empire officials for a long time.

"Here we are, Captain Azeroth is leading the team, accompanied by Sword God Soderos, please rest assured, Your Royal Highness, and don't take their ideas."

Wang Yan spread his hands, and Bain shrugged his shoulders to express his helplessness: "You also know that I have no way to refuse Her Royal Highness's order."

"Please have tea."

Celia had met Bahn a few times, but she was not familiar with him. She treated Bahn with a lot of politeness. Being polite meant a sense of distance. After all, Bahn was from the Delos Empire.

Bahn knows more about Celia, after all, she is one of the few great magisters, and every great magister has great lethality, which is investigated and grasped by various organizations.

"This tea is very precious!"

Barn tasted tea, so he spoke highly of the tea served by Seria. The tea that Princess Isabella drank could not compare to this kind of tea. I am afraid that only the emperor's imperial tea can compare with this kind of tea.

"There used to be many tea trees like this in the lush Grand Forest."

Seria meant something, Bane lowered his head, and there was a rumor in the Arad Continent that the Delos Empire was involved in the Great Forest fire. Bane didn't dare to say whether it was true or not, because he had no way of knowing with his identity at the time. , don't know even now.

"Don't make things difficult for Bahn."

Wang Yan can't laugh or cry, it's normal that Celia doesn't like the Delos Empire, and it's because Bane led the team to Hutton Marr to question Wang Yanxing's teacher, and Bahne also doesn't like Bane.

But Wang Yan knew that Bahn couldn't help himself, and he should have thought of this when he chose the path of nobility.

"How is the investigation team's arrangement? How many people did the Delos Empire send to Cronos Island?"

Tasting the tea, Wang Yan chatted with Bahn.

"His Royal Highness intends to bring only a few hundred elites, and it doesn't make much sense to go to more people, because this is an exploration and investigation, and it is estimated that it will be a long time before we actually meet the apostles."

Bain talked about what he was able to tell Wang Yan. His gratitude to Wang Yan was beyond words. After returning to the Delos Empire, he and his wife Emily got along very sweetly for several days.

Wang Yan extended a helping hand to Emily several times, and it was always when Bahn was most helpless. Bahn will never forget Wang Yan's help to him.

Thinking of Isabella, Bane sighed. Since Isabella pushed Bane by force, she would pester Bane almost every night during the two days after Bane returned. One can imagine the entanglement in Bane's heart.

Wang Yan didn't know that Bahn was struggling with this kind of thing, and Bahn would definitely not tell him. Even if Wang Yan knew, he would have no way to advise Bahn.

Since ancient times, heroes have been saddened by the beauty pass, and only Bahne himself can pass this pass.

Bain left after not staying for long. He told Wang Yan that within five days at most, the joint investigation team of the Celestial Realm and the Delos Empire should set off for Cronos Island, because the warships in terms of logistics were already fully loaded early this morning. The supplies left the port.

"Five days? That's really fast."

After Bahn left, Wang Yan stood at the door of the residence and looked at the sea not far away. Celia stood next to Wang Yan and expressed her support for Wang Yan by holding Wang Yan's palm tightly.

"Let's continue, there are still some places where we can replant fruit trees."

Gently holding Celia's palm, Wang Yan smiled all over her face, and Celia nodded, being close to nature is her favorite thing to do.

A few days later, the citizens of Ghent discovered that the port of Ghent was once again guarded by the Imperial Army. After asking each other, they found out that although the apostle Antoine had been killed, there was an inexplicable presence on the sea again.

The city of the dead that only existed in legends and belonged to the dead appeared, not far from the island that Antun turned into.

People in the heavens are very familiar with the rumors about the City of the Dead, and they also approve of the investigation of the City of the Dead by the Imperial Capital Army.

Alizee did not announce the specific tasks of the investigation team to the public, so the existence of the apostles in the Silent City has not been known to the common people. After all, today's heaven cannot withstand the panic on a wider scale.

When the Joint Investigation Team and the Violent Hunting Team set off from Ghent to Kronos Island, someone had already arrived here before them.

The route between Siman Industrial Base and Kronos Island has been opened. Various machines to speed up the mining of magic stones have been transported. Some people have arrived. Kronos Island is much more lively than before, and there are also some adventures in the Siman Industrial Base. The visitors arrived at Cronus Island. After all, everyone was very curious about the island transformed by the giant beast.

Because of the magic stone, visitors are basically restricted from leaving the camp too far. The reason is that the exploration of the depths of Kronos Island has not been completed, but the more this is the case, the more curious outsiders are about the interior of Kronos Island. What on earth is there, the island left by the giant beast Antuen, I am afraid there will be a lot of treasures.

Among the arrivals, there was a group of people who were not very interested in Cronos Island. Their eyes were on the city of the dead hanging upside down above the ocean, tens of kilometers east of the island.

League of Adventurers.

This is an organization that exists widely in the continent of Arad.

Unlike the militarized organization like the Callett Organization, the Adventurers Alliance is an extremely loose organization, and the role of the leader has been greatly weakened.

It is more like a platform, allowing adventurers to communicate with each other or issue tasks on the platform. Adventurers from all parties are the backbone of the adventurer alliance.

The Adventurer's Alliance is an organization known to everyone in the Arad continent, and it has many members. Adventurers who don't like organizational constraints will basically choose to join the extremely free Adventurer's Alliance.

But also because of this, after the adventurer alliance has expanded to a certain extent, even the leader can no longer control it. In addition, the founder of the adventurer alliance is himself a great adventurer who likes to take risks everywhere, so adventurers The alliance is basically powerless to resist the blows of stronger forces, such as national forces.

Most of the people who manage the Adventurers Alliance are the branch presidents, mainly the branches stationed in various parts of the Adventurers Alliance to handle tasks among members, and issue tasks and rewards as notaries.

After the gate of heaven was opened, the Adventurers Alliance immediately entered the Heaven Realm, and the appointed leader was Dana Donat, the vice president of the Adventurers Alliance, and some elite members.

The Heaven Realm and the Arad Continent have huge trade profits, and the Adventurer Alliance can make a lot of money if they can get a share of it. But again, the Adventurer Alliance prefers to take risks, and making money is secondary .

Dana Donat, who has been staying at the Siman Industrial Base and watched the whole process of the Celestial Imperial Army recovering the energy center, was annoyed at not being able to participate in the attack on Antun when the Celestial Realm attacked Antun. After the route to Cronos Island was opened, the members of the Adventurer Alliance who came to the heavens came to Cronos Island by boat at the first time.

Dana Donat was very surprised and excited about the island of Cronus, which was transformed from the body of the giant beast after death. She knew that if she failed to participate in the attack on the giant beast Anton It became an unforgettable regret in her life.

Fortunately, after coming to Cronus Island, Dana Donat made a new discovery. The city of the dead, recognized by the member Hunter Bourne, turned out to be a passage to the Demon Realm.

"Are you really sure it's the Demon Realm? Why didn't the Celestial Realm start to explore there? Should we go there first?"

In the corner of Cronus Island, Dana Donat is sitting by the sea, with a black rock under her body. It used to be the body of the giant beast Anton, but now it has turned into a solid rock, which is really amazing.

"Of course, I've heard the legend of the Silent City when I was in the Demon Realm, but that's the territory of the apostles, President, are we really going to take risks there? Be careful of meat buns beating dogs, you'll never return."

Hunter Bourne, a skinny little guy with a hood covering his hair.

His real identity is the Beastman Fox Clan of the Demon Realm. When he fell from the Demon Realm to the Arad Continent, he was almost beaten to death as a monster. Fortunately, he was not stripped of the fox skin when he met Dana Donat.

"Bah, bah, bah, you are the meat bun, you have learned all kinds of proverbs."

Dana Donat knocked Hunter Bourne on the head. Hunter Bourne also knew that he had said something wrong, so he laughed twice, and then said:

"What I mean is that the Silent City is very dangerous. I'm afraid it can compete with the abyss where the demons live. It's difficult to get to the demon world from there! Difficult! Difficult!"

"Kids, don't talk nonsense."

Dana Donat's thoughts of taking risks are in full swing at the moment, and Hunter Bourne poured cold water on her, but still can't dispel her thoughts of taking risks: "Bourne, don't you want to go home and have a look?"

"Think about it, why don't you want to, I miss my little friends, I miss my friends from the fox clan."

Hunter Bourne raised his head to reveal a fox head, and Dana reached out and tugged at his hood.

In the human world, Bourne, the orc hunter who looks like a monster, is quite dangerous, but Bourne, the hunter, is very optimistic and works hard to learn human languages, especially human proverbs. If you don’t look at his appearance, you won’t be able to find out that he is a human being. orc.

"So, take an adventure with me, let's board the Silent City together, go to the Devil Realm for adventure together, and visit your hometown by the way."

Dana Donat is very curious about the Demon Realm that Bourne has always cared about. There are not many rumors about the Demon Realm in Arad, and Dana Donat only knows a few bits and pieces from the literature. After meeting the hunter Bourne Know more.

"Actually, the devil world is very desolate. There is little light, few plants, and few prey. If you kill a prey, it will not waste anything from skin to meat to bone. Even the intestines must be washed and cooked. President, do you really want to eat it?" Going to the Demon Realm? It's much crueler than you imagined."

Hunter Bourne's words are not meant to scare Dana. The Demon World is indeed dangerous, and the location of the Orc Canyon is even more desolate. Some brutal orcs wage war with each other and feed on the corpses of other groups.

Even the vegetarian orcs were forced to evolve sharp horns and sharp claws, and the orcs who had no protective ability had already been exterminated over the long years.

"I know, I just want to go."

Dana Donat was not frightened by Bourne's narration, but it aroused her desire for adventure even more. Her love for adventure was as hot as a flame. awakened.

Karakas rescued the young Dana, and continued to travel with Dana, whose parents were both deceased. It is conceivable how much Dana desires strength and adventure. She clearly knows that she wants to become stronger faster , only an adventure that brings danger to oneself can be done.

"Also, I'm not who I used to be now."

Dana Donat patted the weapon on her waist. She used to fight with a sword. After coming to the heaven, she was deeply attracted by the technological weapons of the heaven.

She likes grenades, mines, sniper rifles, rifles, and hand crossbows very much. She is looking for the most suitable way to fight. She even imagines that she can start a new career, a career created by her.

"I know, I know, you are very good at ambush operations, just like me back then, if you were born in the devil world, you would definitely be a good hunter and a good partner of Hunter Bourne."

When talking about hunting, Hunter Bourne proudly raised his head, revealing the orange-red hair under the hood. He was able to survive in such a desolate place in the Demon World, and even made a lot of fame. He is a very proud person.

"Let's go back and discuss with everyone, and see when we will leave here and go to Silent City for the first exploration. It won't be long before the Celestial Realm will start to explore Silent City. We must take the lead, or we will not even be able to follow them. Can't drink."

Dana Donat stretched her body, showing off her curvaceous figure, also wearing a hood that hid her long pink hair.

This kind of cloak with a hood is very popular in the Adventurer Alliance, because it can not only block others from peeping, but also can cover up one's own figure and height, so that people can't see the specific figure of the wearer, which helps to hide strength.

Dana Donat did not bring many people from the Arad continent to the heavens, but they were all elites, mainly because the number of people that Magadha could ride was limited.

It took a lot of effort to collect a Magadha aircraft at the beginning, and now Magaduo is still in the Siman Industrial Base, where there are still personnel stationed.

"Let's go back quickly, the air pollution here is too serious, it's not safe to wear a mask."

Bourne took out a thick mask out of nowhere. The air condition of Cronos Island was really bad. There was a volcano in the central area that was constantly erupting, and some of the volcanic ash that was sprayed into the sky would also fall down.

Hunter Bourne clearly knows how harmful volcanic ash is to life. He started making protective masks as soon as he came to Cronos Island. Now he has barely made them. Don't look ugly, just enough.

"Your tail is covered in dust, I'll beat you up."

Dana Donat followed Bourne back to the camp. Seeing the golden-yellow and fluffy tail that appeared from time to time under the hem of Hunter Bourne's clothes, Dana Donat couldn't help thinking of rubbing it. When she first saw Hunter Bourne, Dana However, she often treats Bourne as a pet, and later learned that Bourne is also an intelligent creature. However, Dana would not refuse the opportunity to pet Bourne's tail.

"Don't even think about it, oh~"

Hunter Bourne shook his clothes to hide his tail better. With the hood on, it would be difficult to find that he was a fox unless he lifted the hood.

"Just touch it."

Dana continued to walk after Bourne, the two walked faster and faster, and finally turned into a run, and the sound of laughter spread far away.

In the League of Adventurers, you never have to worry about being lonely when taking risks. You can meet a lot of like-minded partners here, which is why the League of Adventurers never lacks newcomers to join.

The warships of the Joint Investigation Team and the Violent Hunting Team departed from Ghent and arrived at the Sman Industrial Base in a few days. Then some personnel changed to helicopters and headed to Kronos Island, while others continued to set off by boat to Kronos. Ronos collection.

The first group of people will conduct a field survey of the Silent City and formulate an exploration process after arriving at Kronos Island.

The Violent Hunting Team and the Joint Investigation Team are neither allies nor enemies. Generally speaking, the targets are Silent City, and there is no enmity between them, so they can come to Cronos Island together.

When Isabella learned from Barn that Soderos, the peerless sword god, actually existed among the members of the Violent Hunting Group, she also dispelled her previous thoughts.

With Soderos alone, she may not be absolutely safe with the protection of an army of ten thousand people. That person definitely has the ability to take the head of others among ten thousand troops.

As Wang Yan expected, the main members of the joint investigation team are still those people, consisting of several members of the Delos Empire envoys, plus some nobles headed by Jurgen. The two sides are in an equal relationship, and no one is in charge This statement, when encountering things, will definitely be discussed before making a decision.

"I don't know if people from the Adventurer Alliance have come. If they come, Cronos Island will be lively."

After the helicopter flew close to Kronos Island, Wang Yan looked at the Kronos Island that appeared on the horizon in front of him. It was still so shocking to see this island transformed from Anton's body again.

People who saw this island for the first time were desperately trying to imagine how huge Antoon looked like when he was alive, so that he could create such a huge island after death.

"It's coming soon. It's getting late. There is definitely no way to explore today. Tomorrow morning, everyone will gather in the camp of the investigation team. I hope you will not be absent."

Jurgen's voice was transmitted to several other helicopters through the communicator. Today's time is only one hour before dusk. In addition, they only changed trains at the Siman Industrial Base on the way, without resting in the middle. Everyone who traveled for nearly a week Although the body is not tired, but the spirit is quite tired, it is time to have a good sleep and rest
Jurgen was mainly talking to members of the Violent Hunting Squad. He learned about the existence of Soderos from Isabella, and the other party was also very conspicuous in the team. Common.

"Thank you for the reminder, Duke Jurgen. The members of the Violent Hunting Squad will definitely be there on time tomorrow morning."

Azeroth replied to Jurgen on the communicator, and the members of the brutal hunt group sat in the helicopter and stood up when they approached Kronos Island.

The closer you get to Cronus Island, the more terrifying everyone feels. After all, everyone knows that this island was indeed transformed into a rocky island that rose from the ground after the death of the giant apostle Anton. .

"That would be the best."

Jurgen's voice faded, probably because he had hung up the communication. Wang Yan couldn't control it, and he didn't want to. Wang Yan was willing to follow the investigation team or act alone. Anyway, Jurgen didn't need the other party's safety. worry.

(End of this chapter)

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