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Chapter 866 [Catastrophe of Heaven] Climb [Tower of Despair] (12100 challenge [-] for subscription)

Chapter 866 [Catastrophe of the Heavenly Territory] Climb to the [Tower of Despair] (Millions of challenges 12100 for subscription)
Wang Yan roughly told the story about Soderos entering the Tower of Despair that he knew. As for the origin of the Tower of Despair, this is one of the purposes of Wang Yan's entering the Canyon of the Dead this time. If he did not reach the Tower of Despair, Wang Yan I won't tell it, let the owner of the tower tell it in person.

"Is there really such a strong person in the world?"

Bahn and Forrest Gump both had disbelief on their faces.

Who is Soderos?

The number one swordsman in the mainland, it is not too much to call him the sword god.

He gave A-Gump Zuo a little bit of advice, which made A-Gump Zuo benefit a lot and became one of the Four Sword Masters in the mainland.

On the continent of Arad, there are countless rumors about the opponent. It can be said that he can represent the limit of human strength and is the most admired mentor of all swordsmen.

To this day, the Li Ghost Sword Technique and Extreme Ghost Sword Technique handed down by Soderos are still the personal skills used by swordsmen to this day.

Such a strong human race needs to practice for thousands of years to fight against another strong man?How strong is that other existence?

"It is rumored that the speed of time passing in the Tower of Despair is different from that of the outside world. This is why it is said that Soderos Sword God can practice in it for thousands of years. Are you a little excited?"

Wang Yan looked at Forrest Gump and Bain, both of them nodded. For the human race, time is the greatest enemy. It can make heroes fade away and beautiful women age.

If what Wang Yan said is true, the Tower of Despair in the Canyon of the Dead will definitely become a paradise for all adventurers. Even if it is the price of freedom, it is a very good deal to gain a long lifespan.

"When you reach the Tower of Despair, you will know."

Wang Yan smiled mysteriously, and didn't continue to talk too much. He was driving an off-road jeep, and the vehicle was galloping in the wilderness of the Canyon of the Dead, which was full of red rocks, and a large cloud of smoke and dust was rolled up.

Tower of Despair.

It was originally a spaceship named Genesis of the Terra Civilization. When the Terra star was destroyed, the Terra star Azera Roy took it to the continent of Arad, and finally landed in the Canyon of the Dead.

At that time, the Canyon of the Dead was a barren land with no people, plants, or beasts. Of course, no one really owned it.

Even the god of death came to the Canyon of the Dead after him, which is why the Tower of Despair is still safe and sound in the depths of the Canyon of the Dead. He is the master of the Canyon of the Dead.

There is a second reason why God of Death can't do anything to the Tower of Despair, that is, the Tower of Despair is as high as a hundred floors, and each floor has strong people who have traveled here for thousands of years to stay.

In order to obtain a long lifespan, they are willing to guard the Tower of Despair for Azera Roy. These strong men who have experienced long years of cultivation, each of them can be proud of the outside world, but because of their relationship with Aize Laloy's agreement cannot get out of the Tower of Despair, or they don't want to go out.

The higher the Tower of Despair climbs, the stronger the guardian will be. Even the awakened warriors may not be able to climb one-tenth of it. The headquarters of the brutal search and arrest group founded.

The Violent Hunting Squad, this organization has already been divided into two factions due to different philosophies. One faction obeys Azera Roy's order, stays in the Canyon of the Dead, and waits for the opportunity to complete the task that Captain Azera has been waiting for.

And the other faction has already walked out of the Tower of Despair, and went to the world to develop its own faction.

They are the violent search and arrest group that believes that the apostles can save the world. In order to protect the apostles by any means, this violent search and arrest group with a branch in the Delos Empire has been wanted by the Delos Empire since the day it appeared, but because it is strong enough , to this day is still alive and well.

Regardless of which faction, the ultimate goal is still the apostles. The leader, Azera, believes that if the apostles are well protected, the scene of destruction she dreamed about will not appear.

That kind of destruction is extremely thorough. No matter where you flee, you can't avoid it. Even with the Genesis, Azera Roy can't escape. Before the disaster happens, the most important thing is to develop your own strength as much as possible. .

There are not many strong men from the Arad Continent and other planes that the violent search and arrest team has enlisted, and some of them even became famous in the Arad Continent thousands of years ago. At least those powerhouses who are currently staying in the Tower of Despair firmly believe in this.

Azera Roy, the leader of the Violent Hunting Group, has been sleeping since a long time ago in order to wait for the emergence of the Demon Realm. It is also for this reason that the Violent Hunting Group split up.

Those who stay in the Tower of Despair firmly believe that it is right to follow the leader's orders and stay here, while the other faction firmly believes that only by taking the initiative to attack will there be more possibilities.

When the black plague Di Ruiji appeared in Neupera, there were members of the Violent Hunting Squad to protect him. Moved, he even used the breath leaked from another dimension to create a pretender to strengthen his own strength and continue to protect Di Ruiji.

But they found out later that Di Ruiji in Neupera was just a phantom, and the real Di Ruiji was transferred to Northmar, so that there would be the violent search team and the Principality who appeared in Northmar later. A scene where empires confront each other.

The faction of the Violent Hunting Group in the Tower of Despair is relatively more rational. They stay in the Tower of Despair, wait for the leader to wake up, and lead them to continue walking.

Azera Roy fell asleep for an unknown amount of time. On Wang Yan's way to the Tower of Despair, she suddenly opened her eyes while lying in the life-support instrument cabin. She waited for the moment she had always wanted to wait for.


The life support cabin was opened amidst the chirping sound of gas leakage, and the set alarm sounded on the top floor of the Tower of Despair. Guard this room tightly.

"Hey, stop for me and don't go in."

When Roy Hartwig and other members of the Violent Hunting Team guarded the room and were about to open the door, a female voice sounded from far and near. When everyone turned around, they saw a stick in their hands. Erica is here.

Knowing the power of the stick in Erica's hand, the members of the Violent Hunting Squad immediately gave way to the girl from the devil world. There are many members of the Violent Hunting Squad, but not all of them are good at fighting.

And Erica, a girl from the devil world, showed a fighting ability that didn't match her petite body at all. A stick almost caused chaos for the violent search team.

Even some guardians of the Tower of Despair felt headaches when they saw Erica. The opponent fought so hard that they entered the state of Istar War Spirit when they came up, dancing with sticks.

"Ah, we heard the siren, the leader should have woken up."

During Azeroth's sleep, the personnel in charge of the brutal search and arrest team changed a lot. In fact, Soderos was the most suitable one. It's just that Soderos stayed in the tower below and practiced alone all year round, ignoring foreign affairs. Over the past year, Roy Hartwig has been handling matters other than fighting in the Violent Snatchers, and he was also one of the people who arrived immediately after hearing the sirens.

"Stupid, stay outside."

Erica rolled her eyes repeatedly, and waved her stick to drive away the people in front of her. No one cares about Erica. Regardless of the lifespan of a human or a demon, Erica is still a child. child.

"Sister Azera!"

After Erica entered the room, she closed the door without hesitation, and saw Azera Roy sitting up from the life support cabin, with a large clean back exposed.

Azera is not in a good state at the moment. After a long sleep, it takes a long time to concentrate when she wakes up. This is the reason why Erica asked other people to stay outside. Zaraloy, but naked.

Erica put down her weapon, found a clean towel from the side, and wiped off the life-sustaining fluid on Azeraloy's body. If she wanted to sleep for a long time, the life-sustaining cabin and life-sustaining fluid were necessary. It could Ensure that the sleeper will not atrophy or even die during the deep sleep.

A few minutes later, Azera Roy opened his eyes, first looked around in confusion, and then saw Erica standing aside.

"Sister Azera."

Erica called again.

"I feel the breath of the demon world, it is approaching, tell me to go down, the others prepare as soon as possible, we will set off soon."

Azera walked out of the life support cabin without hesitation, with transparent life support fluid flowing down her body, Erica put a clean bath towel on Azera's shoulders, and after hesitating for a while, she said: It came out: "Sister Azera, something bad happened while you were sleeping, and the brutal search and arrest team has split."

Azera looked at Erica, Erica nodded, full of helplessness.

Wrapped in a bath towel, Azera walked barefoot to the bathroom on one side of the room, and said in a low voice, "I see."

After waiting anxiously for more than ten minutes, the door was opened, and Azera and Erica walked out of the room after washing and changing their clothes.

After seeing the members of the Violent Hunting Squad waiting outside the door, Ezra calmly glanced at all the people present, and indeed saw many faces disappear. She personally formed the Violent Hunting Squad and was very familiar with every member.

"Keep everyone waiting for a long time."

Azera nodded to everyone, her voice was gentle and firm: "Everyone, please gather in the meeting room."

Azeroth's awakening is like a shot in the arm for the members of the brutal search and arrest team who are currently staying in the Tower of Despair, and everyone has once again found their backbone.

Even though this leader looks only a little older than Erica, and seems to be just an adult, all members of the Brutal Hunt understand that Azra will keep the Brutal Hunt stable by doing nothing but standing there to exist.

Soderos got the news from other people, and also went from the 96th floor of the Tower of Despair to the meeting room of the Violent Hunting Group on the top of the tower in silence, but he didn't say a word during the whole process, it seemed that he was just going through a scene.

"During my deep sleep, I already knew about the split of the Violent Hunting Group."

At the beginning of the meeting, Azera talked about this very heavy topic for the Violent Hunting Group. Because of the internal ideological dispute, the Violent Hunting Group was divided into two factions. This is something that no one wants to see, but At that time, Azeroth hadn't woken up yet, if the other party had been there, maybe this kind of thing wouldn't have happened.

"But it's not necessarily a bad thing. Our philosophy is still the same. They use a more direct and proactive method to protect the apostles. I will find a way to contact them later.

Before I fell asleep, I said that the apostles are not completely evil. According to the pictures I saw, if the apostles die too much, the world will usher in destruction.

Finding the evil existence among the apostles is the first thing we have to do, and protecting the good apostles is also the meaning of our existence.

I sensed the approach of the Demon Realm, and the Demon Realm is the area where the apostles gather. Except for the apostles who are wandering outside, the other apostles are gathered in the Demon Realm now. It will not stay in this world for too long. It will be in the void as before. This period of time is the best time for us to thoroughly investigate the apostles.

In the near future, I will organize people to go to the heavenly realm, from where I can reach the demon realm more conveniently. "

The meeting didn't last long, mainly because everyone reported to Azeroth what happened to the Violent Hunting Squad after the other fell asleep. Being in the most remote Death Canyon in the Arad Continent, the Violent Hunting Squad didn't have any major events worth recording. .

"Long time no see, Lord Soderos."

After the meeting, Azeroth called to Soderos who was about to leave. Although the two hadn't seen each other for a long time, the relationship between them was still as smooth as before.

Soderos accepted Azeroth's invitation to join the Violent Hunting Squad in order to challenge stronger ones. He almost never paid attention to the Violent Hunting Squad.

"Long time no see, but to me, it seems like yesterday when we met."

Soderos was not good at speaking, his head was slightly looking down at the ground.

"Going to the heaven this time, will you go together?"

Azera continued to ask.

"Are you going to the Demon Realm? If so, please take me with you. If not, I'll stay in the Tower of Despair."

Soderos looked at Azeroth, and Azeroth nodded. After the Demon Realm approached, it was time for her to talk to that person face to face.

"Okay, call me when you set off. Maybe my current strength is not enough, but it is enough to see that kind of strength."

After Soderos finished speaking, he left with dozens of weapons, large and small. That person still has no chance of winning.

But the Demon Realm is approaching, and there is not much time left for her. No matter what, the most important thing is to inquire about the current situation of the Demon Realm.

After everyone left, Azera called Roy and Erica to her room, and began to ask them what happened on the continent of Arad after they fell asleep.

"Ah, a lot has happened.

The human world was fighting again. The Kingdom of the Dark Elf and the Principality of Belmare fought, and then each withdrew their troops.

The Delos Empire also almost fought with the Principality of Bel Mare. The Imperial Knights all came to Hutton Mare, but they did not fight in the end.

Also, the ice dragon Scassa woke up before, but was killed in the Ten Thousand Years Snow Mountain.

Finally, there is something related to the black plague Di Ruiji. The other party appeared in Nosmar in the human principality. Regis had been killed. "

Erica said as Jiazhen said, Azera slept for many years, and when Erica was free, she ran out to take risks in the Arad continent, and she knew exactly what happened in the Arad continent.

"Has all this happened?"

Azera frowned, she didn't pay attention to human wars, no matter how they were fought, they would eventually subside, but she had to pay attention to things related to the apostles.

"Did Herder succeed again?"

Even if Azera didn't conduct an investigation, she would know that Di Ruiji's appearance on the continent of Arad was most likely driven by Herder.

Azera's investigation of Herder was obtained through ancient documents and rumors. The Genesis, the Tower of Despair, is currently unusable because it is already in a half-destroyed state.

Otherwise, there is no need for Azeroth to summon so many strong men from the continent of Arad through the Tower of Despair. Its firepower weapons and ability to fly into the void alone can make Azeroth invincible.

"I hope everything will get better, otherwise, this world may really be going to destruction step by step according to the prophecy."

After both Erica and Roy left, Azeroth stood at the highest point of the Tower of Despair and looked down, seeing a desolate wilderness of stones, with dark clouds hanging over his head. It's all weather, never a clear sky.

Wang Yan is now wondering whether he has fallen into the trap of Dreyfus, the god of death again. After leaving the Tower of Delusion, he has been heading northwest, but he has not seen the shadow of the Tower of Despair until the next day.

Bane and A-Gump were also quite speechless. If Wang Yan was deceived, it would be difficult for them to find the Tower of Despair by themselves. The Canyon of the Dead is wider than they imagined.

"I'll look for another hour, if I can't find it, I'll go back and find someone to settle the score."

Wang Yan was full of depression. He didn't know whether he had gone the wrong way, or Dreyfus, the god of death, had lied. Up to now, he hadn't been able to find the location of the Tower of Despair, or in other words, the Tower of Despair is also covered up like the entrance of the Canyon of the Dead. fog?

"If you go any further, you will have to reach the boundary of the canyon."

After continuing on for half an hour, the three of them breathed a sigh of relief after bypassing a rocky hillside that blocked their line of sight. In this canyon that appeared suddenly, there was a tall tower at the end of the canyon. It seems that they have already reached the top of the dark clouds. It is much higher than the Tower of Delusion I saw before. If nothing else, it should be the Tower of Despair.

Wang Yan knew the origin of the Tower of Despair. He frowned while driving an off-road jeep into the canyon. If the Tower of Despair was a spaceship, most of the Tower of Despair should be just a cover-up building. The place above is the main body of the Genesis, after all, it is a bit too big.

Of course, what the Tower of Despair looks like, Wang Yan has to get close and step into it to know.

The closer you get to the Tower of Despair, the more shocking the height of the Tower of Despair. In the case of Arad Continent where most of the houses are one-story and two-story, the Tower of Despair, which is hundreds of kilometers high, is really worthy of despair. In the name, and the guardian of the inner existence, it is estimated that it is the existence that really makes people desperate.

Just imagine, in the barren, dark, and lonely Canyon of the Dead, seeing such a towering building suddenly makes one's heart tremble.

Wang Yan's expression was calm, but Bane and Forrest Gump were not so calm, especially after Wang Yan knew that the Tower of Despair had the power to slow down the passage of time.

A hundred meters away from the Tower of Despair, there was no stone tablet introducing its purpose. Wang Yan drove the off-road jeep straight to the Tower of Despair without encountering any obstacles. After the off-road jeep turned off, the three people who got off could hear The sound of the wind blowing through the canyon is a silence.

"A little too quiet."

A-Gump looked up to the sky, standing under the Tower of Despair, the top of the tower could not be seen with eyesight, there was a faint mist in the Canyon of the Dead, although it was not dense, but the higher the place, the harder it was to see.

"Yeah, it's too quiet, is it because everyone is at the top?"

Bahn's left hand protected the light cluster placed on his chest, and his right hand was already resting on the dagger at his waist. There was no entrance at the bottom of the Tower of Despair, as if this was a silent mountain, waiting for those who came to climb it.

"Go and see."

Wang Yan also looked up to the top. Since no one greeted them, it seemed that they were going to fight all the way up.

This time, the three of them walked towards the Tower of Despair together. The bottom edge of the Tower of Despair is very large. The three of them walked around half a circle before finding the entrance on the side. Not surprisingly, the entrance was pitch-black, and the internal environment could not be seen. .

Wang Yan came here this time to find someone, and he also thought about flying into the air, but there was an air-forbidden barrier near the Tower of Despair, and Wang Yan felt blocked when he flew tens of meters high.

If he wanted to, Wang Yan still had other ways to directly climb to the top of the tower, such as climbing from the outside of the tower, but that would be too obvious for his party to come from unknown sources, and he was not strong enough to dare to climb the tower.

Wang Yan looked down at the epic suit he was wearing, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he was full of confidence now.

Level 85 epic armor, excluding epic pieces, there are ten sets in total, two sets each of cloth armor, leather armor, light armor, heavy armor, and plate armor.

In the game, level 85 is also the era of national epics. Epic suits shine in this version. In the subsequent 86 and [-] versions, the tyranny of epic suits is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Want to play dungeons?First charge [-] to fill up the epic fragments.

Although this is just the money needed to fill up the epic fragments without considering other factors, but the first charge of [-] has become a joke among players.

Other games try to make the player pay as much as possible during the player's upgrade period, but the dungeon game is different. Although you can upgrade to the full level for free, it's time for you to pay after the full level.

Upgrading to the full level is very fast, and it is difficult to build it. Once the version is changed, all the previous builds may be in vain. Even so, the dungeon game still has such an unforgettable charm, and it represents an era.

Ever since he came to Arad Continent, Wang Yan, who started to move bricks and brush pictures to scan the abyss when he got his laptop, was finally able to exchange the 85 epic suit when he was promoted to level 85, except for the suit he is wearing now In addition to epic suits, there are still nine sets of level 85 epic armor suits and jewelry sets in his account treasury that can be replaced.

Epic set: [Catastrophe of God]

Set components: [Tianyu Thunder Punishment Battle Armor], [Tianyu Insect Biting Shoulders], [Tianyu Frost Belt], [Tianyu Flame Attack Leggings], [Tianyu Popular War Boots]

[Tianyu Thunder Punishment Armor]

Quality: Epic

Type: light armor

Part: top

Special Effect [-]: Enhance light attribute.

Special Effect 5.00: When attacking, there is a 0.5% chance to activate Thunder Fury. (Cooldown time [-] seconds)
Special Effect 5.00: When attacking, there is a 15% chance to launch Thunder Fury to attack all enemies within the group range. (Cooldown time [-] seconds.)
Slogan: Huh?Added script again? ——It is hard to Sinicize Mr. L.

[Sky Field Insect Devouring Shoulder Armor]

Quality: Epic

Type: light armor

Location: head and shoulders

Special Effect [-]: The dark attribute is strengthened and improved.

Special Effect 5.00: When attacking, there is a 0.5% chance to summon a black bee swarm to attack the enemy. (Cooldown time [-] seconds)
Special effect 5.00: When attacking, there is a 15% chance to summon a black bee swarm to attack all enemies within the group range. (Cooldown time [-] seconds)
Slogan: To whom to sigh, the fox's head is covered with frost - hard to force the fox.

[Tianyu Frost Belt]

Quality: Epic

Type: light armor

Part: Belt

Special Effect [-]: Ice Attribute Enhancement

Special effect 5.00: When attacking, there is a 0.5% chance to generate a frost explosion. (Cooldown time [-] seconds)
Special Effect 5.00: When attacking, there is a 15% chance to generate a frost explosion to attack all enemies within the group. (Cooldown time [-] seconds)
Slogan: Three editions are agreed, three editions after the third edition, three editions after the third edition, and more than a dozen editions have been changed...-- Lele, the translation of the bitter planning case.

【Sky Flame Strike Leggings】

Quality: Epic

Type: light armor

Part: Bottom

Special Effect [-]: Fire Attribute Enhancement

Special effect 5.00: When attacking, there is a 0.5% chance to generate flames to attack the enemy. (Cooldown time [-] seconds)
Special effect 5.00: When attacking, there is a 15% chance to generate flames and attack all enemies within the group. (Cooldown time [-] seconds)
Slogan: Does the client dare to be more stable?Can the quality of the version be higher? ——Hard to force Vibinson.

[Tianyu Fengxing Boots]

Quality: Epic

Type: light armor

Part: shoes
Special Effect [-]: Increased attack speed, increased movement speed, and increased casting speed.

Special effect 5.00: When attacking, there is a 0.5% chance to generate a hurricane. (Cooldown time [-] seconds)
Special Effect 5.00: When attacking, there is a 15% chance to generate a hurricane to attack all enemies within the group. (Cooldown time [-] seconds)
Set attribute [-]: When attacking, when the corresponding effects of the equipment are triggered on a single target (Thunder Fury, Black Bee Swarm, Frost Explosion, Flame and Hurricane), additional effects can be obtained.
When Thunder Fury appears, the weapon will be given light attribute, and the light attribute will be strengthened; when attacking, it will add 20.00% damage.
When a black bee swarm appears, the weapon will be endowed with a dark attribute, and the dark attribute will be enhanced; when attacking, an additional 20.00% damage will be added.
When there is a frost explosion, it will give the weapon ice attribute and increase the ice attribute enhancement; when attacking, it will add 20.00% damage.
When flames appear, the weapon will be endowed with fire attributes, and the fire attribute will be enhanced; when attacking, it will add 20.00% damage.
When a hurricane appears, the attack speed, movement speed, and casting speed will be greatly increased, and an additional 30.00% damage will be added when attacking.

This is an epic suit that Wang Yan is currently wearing, and the jewelry he is wearing is the Frost Whispers jewelry set of Ice and Snow Princess.

Set Name: [Ice Princess's Frost Whisper Jewelry]

Set components: [Ice Princess' Frost Whisper Ring], [Ice Princess' Frost Whisper Bracelet], [Ice Princess' Frost Whisper Necklace]

【Ice Princess' Frost Whisper Ring】

Quality: Epic

Part: ring

Special Effect [-]: Ice attribute is strengthened and improved.

Special effect [-]: When attacking, there is a chance to freeze all enemies within the range of the hit enemy for [-] seconds. ([-] second cooldown)

Tagline: Why don't you come with me?It turns out...is the kingdom's interests the most important thing? --Excerpt from the diary of the late princess.

[Ice Princess's Frost Whisper Bracelet]

Quality: Epic

Part: Bracelet

Special Effect [-]: Ice attribute is strengthened and improved.

Special effect [-]: When attacking, give the weapon an ice attribute attack effect, and when being attacked, make all enemies within its range enter a frozen state for three seconds.

Tagline: Then don't blame me for making such a decision! —Excerpt from the diary of the late princess.

[Ice Princess's Frost Whisper Necklace]

Quality: Epic

Part: Necklace

Special Effect [-]: Ice attribute is strengthened and improved.

Special Effect [-]: When casting the skill, all enemies within the range will be frozen for [-] seconds. ([-] second cooldown)

Slogan: I believe, we will be together in the end... --Excerpt from the diary of the late princess.

Set special effect [-]: Ice attribute resistance is improved, and ice attribute enhancement is improved.

Set special effect 18.00: When attacking, add [-]% damage.

Set special effect [-]: When equipped, it will create a freezing aura centered on itself. Enemies who enter the freezing aura will receive a lot of ice damage after five seconds, and have a chance to be frozen for three seconds.

[Time Traveler's Pocket Watch]

Quality: Epic

Part: Auxiliary Equipment

Special Effect [-]: Skills from level [-] to level [-] of all occupations will be increased by one.

Special effect 20: Every [-] seconds, the cooldown time of the skills entering the cooldown state is randomly reset.

Slogan: The precious pocket watch carried by the time traveler, I don't know if it has any magical function.

【Empty City Tears-Old King's Sorrow】

Quality: Epic

Part: Philosopher's Stone
Special Effect [-]: When being hit, the damage received is reduced by [-]%.

Special effect 15.00: When attacking, it can add [-]% damage.

Slogan: The old country is empty of hatred, and the old king has no trace of tears.

Wang Yan has not activated the freezing aura of the jewelry set now, because the aura does not distinguish between enemy and friend in reality. It is the same as the passive awakening skill of the Ice Master, and it will be frozen when someone approaches it.

In the treasury of Wang Yan's account, there are still epic cloth armor sets: [Heavenly Tribulation] and [Power of Death].

Epic Leather Armor Set: [King of Tactics' Defense Against Enemies] and [Killing Intent].

Epic Light Armor Set [Best Player's Counterattack].

Epic heavy armor set [Thousand Spider Shattered Shadows] and [Oath of Blood].

As well as the epic plate armor set [Heroes of Overlord] and [Magic War Warriors].

[Time Traveler's Portable Pocket Watch] This piece of equipment is Wang Yan's most valued and long-awaited equipment. Wearing it, all professional skills from level [-] to level [-] can be used. If it is really time to use the second-level skills, Wang Yan can take out the legendary weapon of that class from the account vault.

With the body Wang Yan is wearing now, let alone climbing the Tower of Despair, the Arad Continent is almost everywhere in other planes.

He worked hard to strengthen all the equipment, and he had already planned that before leaving the Arad continent, he would go to the Kingdom of the Dark Elf to find Krent for enhancement. Before going to the Demon Realm, he had to be fully prepared .

"Enter the tower?"

Bahn saw that he was not moving, and asked tentatively.

"Of course, let's go."

Wang Yan raised his head, flipped his hand and held the ancient remnant dust giant sword in his hand, isn't it the Tower of Despair?I can see how desperate it can be.

"Someone entered the tower, it's still three people."

When Wang Yan and the others stepped into the first floor of the Tower of Despair, Azera Loy, who was at the top of the Tower of Despair, discovered that she had set up a sensor at the entrance of the Tower of Despair, and the entrance and exit of the Tower of Despair There is only one, she can see who is entering and leaving from the surveillance inside and outside the entrance.

Roy was also by Azeroth's side. He was in charge of the internal affairs of the Violent Hunting Group when Azeroth was asleep. However, in recent years, very few people have come to the Tower of Despair and climbed it. Occasionally, there are so few people, and no one can Climb to the tenth floor and get the personal test of the members of the brutal search and arrest team.

"I heard the siren, did someone climb the tower?"

Erica touched it from nowhere, and with the tip of her ear, she heard the sound coming from Roy's room from a long distance away.

"Turn on the sensor."

Roy didn't care to talk to Erica, turned off the beeping sensor terminal alarm, pressed several buttons on it, and a holographic projection projected a picture of the first floor of the Tower of Despair.

"Huh? What about people?"

The first floor of the Tower of Despair was empty, and the paladin, the pious Fei Nayin, the gatekeeper, was frantically treating himself. Roy pressed a button, and Fei Nayin's bruised nose and swollen face were revealed in the holographic projection, as if he had been shot by something. It looks like something has been bitten, and there is still frost on his body that hasn't dissipated.

"Defeated? It's only been a dozen seconds."

Erica stared wide-eyed, with a stick in her hand, wishing she could come to the first floor of the Tower of Despair immediately, grabbed Fei Nayin by the collar and questioned him, don't tell me your strength is enough to guard the first floor of the Tower of Despair, shocking All comers?How can you be defeated by someone in the blink of an eye?Is your protection of the Holy Light fake?

"Second floor, second floor."

Roy switched the projection screen, the holographic projection retracted, and the second-floor screen was also revealed. Now he finally saw the entrant, but he saw a back view. A few seconds later, the projection screen showed that three people boarded from the second floor the third floor.

"Huck is also defeated, so fast!"

Erica was holding the stick tightly, and her fighting spirit was getting stronger and stronger. She had never seen a person who broke through the level so fast. Huck, the gatekeeper on the second floor, appeared from the freezing, looking at the empty space around him in confusion. Everything, looking at the frost left on the body, began to heal himself like the gatekeeper on the first floor.

"He definitely won't be able to pass so fast on the third floor. The ammunition expert has two grenades tied to his belt."

Erica urged Roy to switch the screen quickly, but Roy dared not listen.

In fact, he also wants to know which way the strong can reach the third floor of the Tower of Despair in less than a minute. Adventurers in the Arad continent are well aware of how difficult it is for a paladin who can heal him.

Azera on the side has not spoken from the beginning until now, and now the members of the brutal hunting team are packing up, preparing to leave the Tower of Despair to go to the heavens, but at this time someone is starting to climb the tower, Azera has already made up his mind, if the other party can Ascend to the [-]th floor, you can consider accepting the other party to join the violent search and arrest team, and meet the other party in person.

Roy quickly switched the projection screen. Every floor of the Tower of Despair can be seen on the top of the tower. The gatekeepers in the tower also know about it, but no one will complain. This is Ai Ze, the head of the brutal hunting team. Ra's personal territory, willing to accept them is already a very generous thing.

After switching to the third floor of the Tower of Despair, Roy and Erica breathed a sigh of relief when they found that the three of them had just walked out of the stairs. In the middle, who made the shot to end the battle so quickly.

Roy zoomed in on the screen, and the three people who climbed to the third floor of the Tower of Despair all showed their faces, and the three people walking forward all looked in the direction of the monitor in unison.

Erica was taken aback, and Roy subconsciously took a step back. After all, it was embarrassing to be discovered by others according to observation.

"It seems that that is Forrest Gump Left Sword Master."

After calming down, Erica looked at one of the three, hesitated and said, she remembered that she had seen a portrait of Forrest Gump on the west coast, it seemed that the other party had accepted the noble honor conferred by the Principality, specifically Ellie The card is not clear either.

"Forrest Gump? One of the Four Sword Masters in the mainland?"

Although Roy is from the heavens, he is famous for his eagerness to learn. After being suddenly teleported from the heavens to the continent of Arad, he was lucky enough to meet Azeroth who left the Tower of Despair and came to the outside world.

Otherwise, with Roy's strength, he would not be able to find the Tower of Despair in any way if he ventured into the Arad continent by himself. Maybe he would find a place to settle down after wandering for a period of time. Now he is already married and has a lot of children and grandchildren.

You must know that Roy's real age is in his 80s on the outside, but his appearance is still in his 20s when he entered the Tower of Despair.

"It should be for Soderos Sword God."

Azera said in a voice that she has much more knowledge than Roy. She can recognize the strong men on the continent of Arad hundreds of years ago, but those strong men back then have now returned to ashes and ashes to ashes. , no matter how powerful it is, it is no match for the passage of time.

"Do you need me to open a special channel for them?"

Roy tentatively asked, there are two ways to climb to the top of the Tower of Despair, one is to climb, and the other is to take the teleportation array directly to the place above the [-]th floor, but the teleportation array only has the upper personnel able to open.

"Wait and see."

Azera is not in a hurry, she almost has eternal life, she will not be anxious about anything, now that she knows the possible reasons for the three of them to climb the tower, she also intends to see the strength of the three of them.

(End of this chapter)

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