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Chapter 867 Soul of the Juggernaut - Soderos

Chapter 867 Soul of the Juggernaut - Soderos (Million Challenge 13100 for subscription)
"Someone is watching us."

"I found it, it should be the owner of the Tower of Despair."

"Do you want to say hello?"

"What do you say hello, we have already broken into the tower, we must break into it."

"Anyway, it's enough for you to do it. Let me say it first. If it's not necessary, I won't do it."

"I might as well take a wet nurse."

The above is the conversation between Baan and Wang Yan. A-Gump just looked up and then lowered his head.

If Wang Yan spoke, he would join the battle without saying a word, but judging from the current situation, Wang Yan seemed to be able to take care of the guards by himself without him doing anything at all.

Wearing the catastrophe of the heavens, the Frost Whisper jewelry of the Ice Princess, the portable pocket watch for time travel, and Wang Yan, who tears the old king in the empty city, and took the giant sword of the ancient relics, before climbing the Tower of Despair and fighting against the gatekeepers The time taken is all within ten seconds.

Why is the battle so fast?
The reason is very simple. After the battle started, Wang Yan only needed a three-stage slash or an army breaking dragon attack to pull him into the distance, and then give the opponent a blow.

Even if he missed, after the opponent approached Wang Yan, he would be frozen within five seconds, and the passage to the next floor would be opened. Naturally, Wang Yan had no need to fight, and he would turn around and climb up.

As for Bane and Forrest Gump?The two of them stayed in a daze for a few seconds on the first floor, and then walked directly to the passage stairs on the next floor from the second floor. When they reached the place, Wang Yan's battle was over.

Because of his scruples and the lack of urgent need for experience, Wang Yan only defeated the gatekeepers of the first two levels without killing them. If it is not necessary, Wang Yan does not plan to kill people this time.

The third floor of the Tower of Despair.

The gatekeeper Gasil, like Roy, is from the heavens and is an ammunition expert by profession. As for when the other party came to the continent of Arad and when he entered the Tower of Despair, there is no way to figure it out.

After Wang Yan and the others entered the third floor of the Tower of Despair, Gasir was stunned for a long time before he realized that someone had defeated the gatekeeper on the second floor and came up. He took out his treasured hand crossbow - a cold smile, and Start filling the crossbow bolts with freezing effect, ready to face the sudden climbers.

"Heavenly people."

A Ganzuo and Bain talked while walking towards the passage on the next floor.

"It's a celestial person, wearing two belts, the thinking of a celestial person is really strange."

Bahn couldn't help but shake his head recalling the scenes he had seen in the heavenly realm. People in the heavenly realm wished they could tie their belts under their armpits. I really don't know what they were thinking.

While the two were walking, Wang Yan was already walking towards Gasil holding the huge sword of the ancient dust. He did not show the identity certificate or other things obtained from the heavens. Leaving here, Wang Yan didn't intend to take the other party away, so he should just defeat the gatekeepers on the lower two floors and climb up.

When Wang Yan was more than 20 meters away, Gasir pulled a frozen grenade from his belt and threw it out. This trick has been tried and tested in the past.

The reason why he didn't climb up was because the fourth floor was also a celestial being, and the upper floor was an assassin who was so agile that he was almost invisible, so Gasir stayed on the third floor and did not continue to climb.

Raising a cold smile and shooting several crossbow bolts with a frosty breath, Gasil felt his face blur, and then he was hit horizontally by the opponent's sword on his chest.

He sighed in his heart after being frozen into a ball and flew out. He always used freezing grenades to freeze others. Today, he was finally frozen in reverse, and my life is over.

After Gasil, who had been frozen into an ice sculpture, landed on the ground, the ice sculpture rolled twice. After a few seconds, the ice sculpture shattered. Gasil, who was shivering from the cold, looked around in confusion. The third floor had become empty. With the ice and the pain in his chest, he felt that everything before was just an illusion.

"I met a master, but luckily the other party spared my life."

Depressedly, Gasir took out the healing potion and poured it down, feeling a little thankful.

The fourth floor of the Tower of Despair.

Long-haired Mojiete is also a celestial being, holding a huge hand cannon. When dealing with Wang Yan, a passer-by, he activated the ice blaster skill without hesitation.

Before the ice like the breath of an ice dragon touched Wang Yan, Wang Yan walked to the opponent's side in a blink of an eye. It also fell down.

With instant steps, teleportation, and the slapping of the huge blade of the ancient remnant dust sword, Wang Yan's trick has been tried and tested, and he can basically freeze the opponent if he touches it.

If lightning, flames, bee swarms or hurricanes will appear after triggering the effect of the Heavenly Disaster suit, Wang Yan can only pray for the other party in that case, and hope that the other party is strong enough. The nose was bruised and the face was swollen by the black bee swarm.

After the passage leading to the fifth floor was opened, Wang Yan, Bain and A-Gump left entered it, while on the top floor of the Tower of Despair, Azera, Roy and Erica looked at each other in dismay. I thought the passer-by was A-Gump Zuo Jiansheng, but I didn't expect it to be a menopausal swordsman. The opponent's strength looks very powerful.

"Do you know?"

Roy looked at Erica. Among the three, only Erica would run out of the Tower of Despair from time to time to take risks on the continent of Arad. Roy has never left since entering the Tower of Despair, and Azeroth is In recent years, I seldom leave and often fall into a deep sleep.

"not sure."

Erica shook her head. The main reason is that Wang Yan lives in seclusion, has a low reputation, and spends most of his time wandering outside. If it was someone else, Erica might still be able to recognize him.

"Knowing the magician's teleportation and the fighter's Shunpo skills, wearing light armor and holding a giant sword, he looks like a swordsman again, which is very interesting."

Azeroth did not expect that he would be able to see such an interesting tower climber in less than a day after he woke up. The opponent was very young, and from Azeroth's perspective, he could already be regarded as the group of people with top strength in the Arad continent. up.

Wang Yan didn't use any powerful skills, but the behavior of shooting the gatekeeper away won Azeroth's favor.

If Wang Yan came up with a bloody slash all the way, Azera might have to intervene in advance, after all, some of the guards are also members of the violent search and arrest team.

"Let's see if Taylor can test his true strength."

Azera thought secretly.

The fifth floor of the Tower of Despair.

Assassin Hong Ling looked warily at the three Wang Yan who climbed the tower, not knowing which one of the three was the challenger. In fact, multiple people can climb the tower at one time, but only one person can actually make a move.

If many people attack, hehe, they will pay a huge price.

"Yo, girl."

Wang Yan looked at Bahn: "Why don't you go?"

"do not."

Bahn looked at the twin swords in Hong Ling's hands that were beating arcs and waved his hands again and again. He still wanted to protect Emily's memory ball.

"Then I'll go."

Wang Yan held the giant sword left behind from the ancient times and walked straight towards the female assassin in tight leather armor, blocking the opponent's arc flash attack with one move.

It's not good for Hong Ling to be close to Wang Yan. How could she have imagined that Wang Yan, who was dressed as a swordsman, could have a halo of ice. She hated frost the most, because it would make it difficult for her to move.

"Blade Storm!"

Hong Ling missed a single hit and started Bladestorm, and the water from the two Double Sword Dances couldn't get in, but was blocked by Wang Yan again and again. Five seconds after the battle started, the corners of Wang Yan's mouth curled up: "Frozen!"

The sudden appearance of ice froze Hong Ling, and the other party was frozen while waving the double swords. This kind of forced freezing was impossible to defend against. Wang Yan could even see her terrified eyes through the ice.

"A, I'm sorry."

Wang Yan left a sentence that puzzled Hongling, and then left. After the freezing power dissipated, Hongling broke free from the frost, watching Wang Yan who disappeared at the entrance to the next floor, gritted her teeth secretly, and the people on the next floor would I taught you a lesson.

The sixth floor of the Tower of Despair.

After Wang Yan appeared, he was shot, but luckily he reacted quickly enough to block it with his giant sword, and then a continuous stream of bullets came. He looked at A-Gump who was also blocking with his giant sword behind him, and chuckled for a moment. Stepping away from the spot, A-Gump blocked a few bullets from the left, while Bahn in the rear still insisted on the principle of not doing anything if he could.

"Princess Blonde Taylor?"

Wang Yan hasn't climbed the Tower of Despair in the game for a long time, so he didn't recognize the gatekeeper at the first time, but after seeing the opponent's iconic bladed pistol, Wang Yan remembered the opponent's identity.

This female roaming gunslinger who is very popular in the game is very narcissistic. She can compete with Lori Ann on the west coast. If she is strong, it is not a problem if she is prepared. It's called a bloody rose.

"The intruder came just in time, I was just looking for someone to vent!"

Taylor seems to be in anger all the time. She thinks she is beautiful and strong enough, but she is placed on the sixth floor of the Tower of Despair, the sixth floor, not the No.60 floor!
"I don't hit women."

Wang Yan approached the other party while talking, and after Taylor entered the frozen aura attached to the Ice Princess' Frost Whispers jewelry set, the other party's face changed, and he retreated while shooting, trying to distance himself from Wang Yan.

"But I don't care if you are counterattacked by my equipment."

Looking at the opponent who was frozen by the special effect of the Ice Princess Frost Whispers Bracelet, Wang Yan raised the corner of his mouth, approached the opponent and took a horizontal shot as usual, sent the opponent flying and was frozen again. Looking back, he saw that the entrance to the next floor was already After being opened, Wang Yan waved his hand to Taylor who was frozen, and left in a swaggering manner.


After the three of Wang Yan left, the blond princess Taylor, who had recovered from the freezing, vented her inner anger by shouting angrily. After finally meeting the passers-by, she was defeated so badly.

"Hey, shameless, win with equipment."

After watching the scene of Wang Yan breaking through the level, Erica on the top floor began to complain that Wang Yan made only a handful of shots, all of which were achieved by relying on his inexplicable freezing ability.

"However, equipment is also a person's strength."

Roy shook his head. To obtain this kind of equipment, the other party must have put in a lot of hard work before.

"Yeah, yeah, be careful I knock you."

Erica waved the stick in her hand threateningly, Roy shook his head, he didn't care about the little guy Erica, the other party was still too small.

On the seventh floor of the Tower of Despair, an artilleryman who can attack with mortars ends the battle in ten seconds.

On the eighth floor of the Tower of Despair, a Street Fighter who had turned on the super armor and paid for close combat was also slapped and frozen by Wang Yan's sword, and the battle ended in five seconds.

On the ninth floor of the Tower of Despair, Wang Yan was speechless when he saw that the gatekeeper was still a sharpshooter with a gun. Is the Tower of Despair a shelter for celestial beings?Or did Azeroth find all the Celestials who fell to the continent of Arad?Otherwise, apart from Kelly, why are there so many people from the Celestial Realm in the Arad Continent.

"Do you want me to wait for him on the tenth floor?"

Erica looked at Azera expectantly, and the other party shook her head. Wang Yan's strength has not been revealed until now. If Erica goes, there is a great possibility that she will also be frozen by the routine.

"Can you keep yourself from being frozen?"

Roy looked at Erica. Erica thought for a while and shook her head. She is a battle mage, but she can't guarantee whether the strange freezing effect of the other party will work for her.

"Lets see."

The three of them silently looked at Wang Yan who was breaking through the pass and climbing the pagoda as if entering no one's land, thinking secretly in their hearts.

On the No.12 floor of the Tower of Despair, the middle-aged Kuran looked at Wang Yan suspiciously. He felt an inexplicable familiarity from Wang Yan.

Wang Yan also looked at the ghost swordsman who was holding a red sword. The other party was the first ghost swordsman Wang Yan encountered after entering the Tower of Despair.

"Have we met before?"

The middle-aged Kuran tentatively asked Wang Yan, Wang Yan watched him and shook his head slightly.

"Have you met?"

Ba En asked Wang Yan, and A-Gumpuo was also quite surprised. Could it be that the other party just entered the Tower of Despair, and had met Wang Yan before?


Wang Yan did not remember that he had met this middle-aged man.

But when he saw the opponent jumping up and starting to throw Molotov cocktails and bombs, Wang Yan didn't understand who the opponent was.

"Wait, Kuran?"

Wang Yan retreated to distance himself, and the bomb exploded. After the explosion, Kuran looked at Wang Yan: "It's me."

"It's really you. It seems that there should be a space dislocation. You came here from the mirror space."

Wang Yan recalled that the young Kuran he met in Gran's Forest was investigating Yasha, but he was only in his teens. Now this Kuran looks like a middle-aged man, very weird.

"I don't know, I can't remember the past, I just think where you and I met, where did I come from?"

The middle-aged Kuran urgently asked Wang Yan, how could Wang Yan explain to the other party?He didn't even know which mirror space the other party came from.

"Sorry, I don't know where you are from. You can only find the reason yourself. We are going to climb the tower, let's fight."

Wang Yan raised the giant sword in his hand, but he never thought that the middle-aged Kuran shook his head: "I won't fight with you, you go."

"Huh? Thanks a lot."

Seeing that the passage to the next floor was opened, Wang Yan naturally had no intention of staying any longer. He put away his weapon and clasped his fists to thank the opponent. Although the battle would only take a little time, it was someone he had known before.

"Do you know?"

While climbing the stairs, Bain asked Wang Yan.

"I knew him when he was 15 years old. If he really said it, I couldn't understand it. Just think that he came from another dimension of the Arad continent."

"Just like when you went to the ancient kingdom?"

"Almost, who knows?"

Tower of Despair No.15 floor.

The four masters and apprentices of Journey to the West entered randomly.

Wang Yan looked at the four guards in the tower and was quite speechless. He remembered this level clearly. The holy envoy is Sanzang, and he also carries a string of sandalwood beads.

"Don't say anything, bloom, can't I bloom?"

Wang Yan complained about words that both sides could not understand, and walked to the four of them in a short step. The giant sword of Huanggu Remains swept across the army, and directly knocked away the second apprentice Bajie who had just put down the compressed quantum cannon. Not afraid to blow up people on one's own side.

Over there, Sanzang stuck the rosary beads into the ground, raised his casserole-sized fist and greeted Wang Yan, while the great apprentice Wukong entered the state of Istar War Spirit, and stepped on the void to attack Wang Yan.

"Blooming and blooming, two blooms."

Wang Yan continued to rant, and sent the rest of them flying with a single sword. Bane and A-Gump over there looked at each other with puzzled faces. Wang Yan couldn't be more stupid.

It took Wang Yan nearly half a minute to complete this layer. All four of them were unable to stand up because of Wang Yan's sword or were shivering from the cold. Their strength is not bad against ordinary professionals. Some are not enough.

"What stimulated you, why is it so strange?"

After Wang Yan came back from the game refreshed, Bain asked curiously.

"Don't ask anything, just bloom."

"Definitely stimulated."

Watching Wang Yan ascend the tower, Bain looked at A-Gump left, A-Gump nodded, followed Wang Yan and continued to go up.

The fifth floor of Tower of Despair No.20.

The Four Lolitas of the Demon Realm Aiding Memorial Hall.

Looking at the four lolitas flying around the tower on this floor with broomsticks on their hands, Bane cast a helpless look at Wang Yan, Wang Yan sighed, put away the giant sword left behind, He also took out a broom and flew up.

The five people in mid-air stared at each other, and the four lolis were whispering, not knowing what they were discussing.

"Are you from the Demon Realm?"

"Are you a magician?"

"Are you from the Edin Memorial Hall?"

"Will you hit us?"

After the discussion, the four lolis spoke in a hurry, and immediately threw out a lot of questions, making Wang Yan dizzy and didn't know which one to answer.


When Wang Yan heard the other party ask No.30 the second question, he finally couldn't help it. I really don't know if the four of them usually ask each other questions, but when they suddenly saw an outsider, they threw out all the questions they usually accumulated

How to use skills to achieve great success?Wouldn't it be enough to get the Philosopher's Stone?Ask me why?

"Bad man."

When Wang Yan yelled to stop, the four lolis yelled together, and then they flew towards Wang Yan with a broom, and the unattackable Jack Bomb, Lightning Eel, Frost Snowman and Shadow Night Cat surrounded Wang Yan , constantly summoning various magical skills to descend.

"Such a small child can do it."

Seeing that Wang Yan took out another broom and slapped all four young-looking magicians to the ground, he couldn't help shaking his head, it was too violent.

"It's too difficult."

It took Wang Yan several minutes to settle the four of them. The four of them, who had been deprived of their weapons by Wang Yan, hugged each other and almost cried out of grievance. Wang Yan saw that the entrance to the upper floor had been opened. The four-handled broom that was seized stood next to the entrance, and the head would not enter the passage.

The third floor of Tower of Despair No.30.

Catwoman Miu Miu waved a fist with sharp claws on her palm, attacking Wang Yan while talking trash: "Meow~meow~meow~"

"Catwoman, you're gone, do you know that?"

Wang Yan reminded the opponent only after seeing the opponent disappear for a few seconds, and erected the huge sword of the ancient relics to block the opponent's series of blows.


Responding to Wang Yan was an inch punch, followed by Lightning Dance's kick. This is what Wang Yan said, and the opponent did not shy away from showing Fat Times during the kick.

"If you don't want to climb the tower, I can play with you for a day."

After finally blocking the opponent to be frozen, Wang Yan shook his head. After Wang Yan and the other three left, the cat girl Miu Miao looked at the empty surrounding with a confused look: "Meow~"

"Phew, it's finally here, and my hands are sore from beating and beating."

On the sixth floor of Tower of Despair No. 90, Wang Yan heaved a long sigh of relief after seeing the gatekeepers. He originally thought that members of the violent search and arrest team would intervene halfway, but he did not expect that he would climb all the way to Come here, this is good, he also has the opportunity to meet the man on the top of the Tower of Despair.


A Ganzuo never asked Wang Yan which floor Soderos was on, but after silently counting the number of floors to the 90th floor, he couldn't help wondering if he had to go to the top floor to see Soderos.

When he climbed to the sixth floor of Tower of Despair No.90 and saw Soderos, A-Gumpo was both surprised and happy. He was happy that he could finally see the other party. What was surprising was that even with Soderos' strength If you can't guard the top floor of the Tower of Despair, then what kind of powerful gatekeepers will be on the upper floors?
"Oh? It's Forrest Gump, why are you here?"

Soderos opened his eyes and stood up when someone stepped into this floor of the tower. He raised his eyebrows when he saw A-Gumpzuo. He didn't expect to see A-Gumpso in such a place.

Forrest Gump, who had not seen Soderos for more than 20 years, was very excited. He had received advice from Forrest Gump when he was young, and had walked with him for a while.

Although the time was not long, at that time, A-Gump's strength was advancing by leaps and bounds. After all, Soderos' understanding of swordsmanship had entered another level. Although he had not yet become a sword god at that time, he was only one step away from that level. up.

"I heard people say that you are in the Tower of Despair, and now I want to come and see you."

A-Gump took a deep breath and calmed down his excited heart. A-Gump was already very content to see Soderos again in this life. After fighting for many years, he is no longer what he used to be.

"See what I do? Fight me?"

Soderos looked at A-Gumpzuo with fighting intent on his face. Today's A-Gumpzuo is no longer the young man he saw last time. It seems that he has the strength to fight against him.

"Please teach me, Master."

A Ganzuo pulled out the hidden dragon giant sword without hesitation, and Wang Yan took a few steps back to stand next to Bain.

"Hey, it's really the legendary sword god Soderos. This is the sixth floor of Tower of Despair No. 90, why is he here? It's almost on the top floor."

Bain looked at Wang Yan who was standing with his hands tied up, ready to watch the excitement.

"For him, it doesn't matter if it's the 96th floor, the 99th floor, or the [-]th floor, but the guardian of the last floor is a real top powerhouse. It's really exciting to see him in person. .”

What Wang Yan was talking about was the divine sword Liang Yue, who could fight against fully armed players with a branch, and even the bugs on the branch would not fall off. One can imagine how powerful he is.

The age of this Excalibur is also unknown, and its origin is also unknown. What Wang Yan can know is that the other party has had contact with Sha Lan, the president of the Magicians Union, and it can even be said that he has an affair.

Some people said that the branch in Liang Yue's hand was transformed by Sha Lan with a wooden stick. It was just a dry stick that sprouted in Sha Lan's hand. Liang Yue kept holding it, even during the battle. lay down.

Wang Yan is very interested in this kind of gossip. What is Liang Yue's origin?You will only find out when you reach the top of the Tower of Despair.

"Is it really strong? How does it compare with Soderos Sword God?"

Bahn saw Wang Yan's expression showing curiosity. Wang Yan obviously valued that existence more than Soderos.

"Who knows?"

Wang Yan shook his head, he had never seen the two of them fight, and he didn't even know the true strength of any of them, he could only know it after they had faced each other in person.

Over there, A-Gump and Soderos are already standing face to face. A-Gump is holding the hidden dragon sword and carrying the Glacier Rift Sword, while Soderos is holding an ordinary double-edged long sword, which looks similar to Su Nan's Secret Shadow Longsword looks similar, but as for Soderos's back, there are more weapons on his back.

"Can you hold on for a minute?"

Wang Yan secretly thought that Soderos seldom took away the opponent in one set when confronting the enemy. He always let the opponent take the first shot, and only after he really tested the strength of the opponent would he resolve the battle. He tried his best to put himself at a disadvantage, but It's not that he doesn't take the initiative to attack. If the opponent's strength is too weak and he can't gain any insight from the battle, Soderos naturally has no need to continue fighting.

A-Gump looked very determined on the left. He had been practicing swords for so many years, and he had been waiting for this day for a long time. He didn't dare to fight with all his strength just because Soderos was his master.

No one knows Soderos' true strength better than him. It can even be said that he can hurt Soderos, and the other party may be happy to see him, but Aganzuo also knows how difficult this situation is.

"Hey, it's Forrest Gump's Left Sword Master who made the move. I want to see Lord Soderos teach that opportunistic guy a lesson. He climbed up to the 90th floor of the tower without using anything other than the three-stage slash and the dragon-breaking attack." skills, is he a swordsman?"

On the top floor of the Tower of Despair, Erica was quite disappointed. She was ready to fight after Wang Yan climbed the [-]th floor of the tower, but Azera changed her mind halfway and let Wang Yan continue to climb.

Azera also wants to know how strong Wang Yan is really, because Wang Yan seems to be winning with equipment from the beginning to the 95th floor, and he doesn't know what equipment he wears. Any gatekeeper can defend.


Soderos held the sword in one hand, and stretched out his left hand. A-Gump left took a deep breath, his eyes showed a firm look, and when he fought Soderos, letting the attacker fight first was already what Soderos would do when he was fighting. Things, he is extremely good at passive defense and then counterattack.

A-Gump kicked the ground with his left and right legs, and moved forward quickly, staring at Soderos' right arm. When fighting with a swordsman, pay attention to the opponent's right arm. All warriors must remember, of course , if the opponent has weapons in both hands, then you need to watch the opponent's arms.

Faced with Forrest Gump's approaching upward challenge, Soderos took a step back to avoid it in a calm manner.

A-Gump missed a left blow and quickly retracted his sword and stabbed straight. Soderos pushed him aside with the huge sword in his hand.

"Breaking the Army and Rising the Dragon Strike."

Forrest Gump took the lead in using his skills.

"When fighting against the opponent, don't take the initiative to display your skills. I told you this sentence back then."

Soderos suddenly turned his back to A-Gump, and when the hidden dragon sword was about to approach him, he turned around and swung A-Gump's long sword away.

A-Gump's empty door was exposed, but A-Gump's left hand had already held the Glacier Rift Sword behind his back, and at the critical moment, he blocked Soderos' straight stab with the weapon held in his left hand.

Taking back the estimate of the glacier row, A-Gump left continued to launch a series of tentative attacks on Soderos, but they were all simple sword skills. He understood that he wanted to use complicated and complicated sword skills in front of Soderos. Fantastically, even a skill like drawing a knife and cutting with a short defensive gap will be seized by the opponent to leave a scar on his body.

The two fought almost without any intention of keeping their hands. Soderos was the first to be injured. He was injured by Forrest Gump's sword energy on his left arm, but it was only scratched and left a freshly broken wound. For Soderos, who has large and small scars, the injury has been a long time ago.

"This combo thrust is perfect."

Soderos sighed in admiration, A Ganzuo was stronger than he had imagined, but this aroused his fighting spirit even more, and there is nothing more fulfilling than teaching someone who is strong in swordsmanship by himself.

Soderos switched swords. Seeing the giant sword in the opponent's hand that was shining with golden light, Wang Yan narrowed his eyes.

Yilong Sword-Choice, this is a real epic weapon, different from the old version worn by the doll, this is a level [-] epic weapon, which is the self-made epic sword of the ghost swordsman profession in the game .

"Come on, keep attacking."

Soderos waved at A-Gump left, switched weapons, and found a different feeling in the battle, which is what Soderos often does.

He has switched more than a dozen weapons at most in a battle. Soderos is familiar with all sword weapons in the world. Any sword weapon in his hands will exert great power. The opponent's understanding of swords has surpassed ordinary people. expected.

A-Gump left to attack with all his strength, including the signature skill Phantom Sword Dance, when he seized the opportunity, he was blocked by Soderos. Backed away, but he did block a real phantom sword dance skill.

After fighting for 1 minute, Soderos counterattacked, with three moves, and the three moves were to fly the weapon in Forrest Gump's left hand. None of the left's strength could hold the weapon in his hand.

A-Gump, who took out the Glacier Rift Sword and continued to fight, only persisted for another five seconds before being defeated again. Soderos, who was full of fighting spirit, kept advancing. After Dross, the Raptors cut through the air.

He also used the Raptors Slash on Soderos, but the opponent was able to block it easily. This is the gap.

"Did you fail?"

Forrest Gump, whose weapon was picked up again by Soderos, looked at Soderos who stopped fighting, and bowed to him. Soderos smiled and put the weapon back behind his back.

A-Gump left picked up the two weapons that were picked up, feeling a little discouraged, but he had already prepared himself before the battle. The opponent was his master, and it was normal for him to be stronger than him. A-Gump didn't think that My own strength will be comparable to that of Soderos, and even there is still a big gap with Soderos more than 20 years ago. The defeat is not so unacceptable.

"Since you've lost, let's go down."

Soderos waved his hand to open the previously closed entrance. If you walk from the upper floor of the Tower of Despair to the lower floor, you will not be attacked by the gatekeepers. Forrest Gump has been defeated, and it is time to leave.

"Don't worry, Soderos Sword God, and me."

Wang Yan stood up. As for Bahn, he still had the original idea, and tried not to make a move as much as possible. Although it is a rare experience to fight Soderos Sword God, it is not the most important thing for Bahn now. He wants to protect Emily's memory ball.

"This is Wang Yan, my friend, who is also a swordsman, but his current strength is beyond my comprehension."

A-Gump left to introduce Wang Yan's identity. Soderos squinted at Wang Yan, looked him up and down, and said, "Heh, are you the adventurer she predicted?"

"Whose prophecy?"

Wang Yan asked curiously, is it Azera?Or Alice?Or is it Herder?
"I have never believed in prophecy, but now it seems that sometimes, it seems right to believe in that miraculous prophecy."

Soderos didn't answer Wang Yan's question, but said to himself, if he made the other party angry because of this, he could only say that he was really not good at talking with people after being alone for a long time.

"We haven't met before."

Wang Yan tentatively asked, he wanted to know if the puppet Soderos he left behind in the ancient kingdom had any influence on this world.

"We met for the first time, your weapons are very good, and your armor is also very good, but young people, relying too much on weapons and armor, may not be correct. Sometimes, disadvantages will make you real Understand the true meaning of kendo."

Soderos' eyes stayed on Wang Yan's armor, and then fell on Wang Yan's great sword of ancient relics. He could see the existence that ordinary people couldn't see from the two.

Especially the giant sword, which contains a kind of vitality, a kind of vitality similar to life, which is somewhat similar to the magic sword Clarice he owns, but it has not reached the level of self-awareness like Clarice in the demon world.

"But a good set of armor and a good weapon can give people a stronger boost, can't they?"

Wang Yan does not dare to agree with Soderos' ideas, and always puts himself in a disadvantageous situation. Isn't he really afraid of capsizing?After all, there is only one life. It can only be said that Soderos is too confident, and those who are confident are a little conceited.

"Only at the edge of life and death can one experience the true meaning of swordsmanship. I have already touched that level. It is difficult to touch that level because I rely too much on armor and weapons."

Soderos shook his head slightly, but he didn't continue to persuade Wang Yan. Everyone has their own way of life, and he can't force others to use dangerous tests to sharpen himself like him.

"Extreme swordsmanship?"

Wang Yan smiled slightly, Bahn and A-Gump did not know why, but Soderos showed surprise: "You have also touched that level?"

"I've got it."

Wang Yan showed a mysterious smile, "Swordsman Erjue, although he is only level [-], but certain weapons and equipment allow him to use higher-level Erjue skills.

Soderos needs constant tempering to touch the level. He only needs to upgrade, and then he is constantly strengthening his own strength to make his skills more effective.

"Okay, okay! Before fighting him, it's good to fight against you. Come on, let me see how much you have comprehended at that level."

Soderos showed an unconcealable fighting spirit, which was not revealed from the beginning to the end when he was fighting A Ganzuo. The statement of the extreme swordsmanship alone can make Soderos feel a sense of identity.

What's the point of calling a skill that is stronger than the extremely ghost swordsmanship the divine swordsmanship? As for the name, it's just a code name.
"Of course we can fight each other, but how about we make a gentleman's appointment first?"

Wang Yan continued to smile and said that it was rare to meet Soderos in the Tower of Despair. Wang Yan was not there before the battle. Taking advantage of the opponent's desire to fight, he took advantage of Soderos. Is he still Wang Yan?
"What agreement? Apart from my sword skills, all I have are weapons. I don't have money. Promise?"

Soderos frowned slightly. From Wang Yan's smile, he saw something that made him feel bad. The other party seemed to be planning something.

"Promise? Of course."

Wang Yan was overjoyed, and immediately decided on the lottery of this battle: "The one who wins the battle can get a promise from the opponent, promising to fulfill one of the opponent's conditions as much as possible within the scope of ability."

"You have great confidence in yourself."

Soderos said these words in an affirmative tone. He lowered his head and thought for a while, and finally agreed with Wang Yan. He has confidence in his own strength. If Wang Yan can gain the upper hand when fighting against him , that is what he is happy to see, and it is not a bad idea to give the other party a promise.

(End of this chapter)

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