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Chapter 865 Routine King Death Dreyfuss

Chapter 865 Routine King Death Dreyfuss (Million Challenge 11100 for subscription)
"It seems that in addition to the game, I also want to really break into the tower of confusion in reality."

Wang Yan looked away from the stele and landed on the Tower of Misleading, a hundred meters away.

In the game, when the canyon of the dead was opened, Wang Yan did not know how many times he had brushed the Tower of Delusion.

The Tower of Delusion is a place similar to an illusion. Every entrant sees different things. Only by defeating the guards at level 25 can you see the god of death on the top of the tower and get the chance to fulfill your wish from him.

Of course, there are also many people who get lost in the tower of obsession after entering it, and they find things in it that cannot be obtained from the outside world, such as money, or fame, or beauty, or strength.

Just like the introduction of the Tower of Delusion, the Tower of Delusion is the most precious gift given to the helpless people. They enter it and get completely lost in it.

And only those with a strong will can defeat all the gatekeepers and climb to the top of the tower to see the god of death.

Will Wang Yan climb the tower?

of course.

But he has a better way to get to the top of the tower.

"You wait for me, I can go in alone, this place is not the place we are looking for in the end, Barn, if I see the god of death Dreyfuss, I will help you ask the clone of the god of death who stole Emily's memory Where is it, A-Gump Left Sword Master, Soderos Sword God is in the Tower of Despair, the target is not here, there is no need for you to take the risk of climbing the tower."

Bane and A-Gump looked at each other, and both had to agree with Wang Yan's words.

"Wait for me, believe me, it won't be long before I can come out of the tower."

In the end, Wang Yan gave the two of them a firm expression, leaving the stele and striding towards the tower of delusion on the bottom floor. Except for the bottom floor, all the floors above the tower of delusion are sealed, at least external forces cannot Breaking, if this kind of thing can't be done, the god of death is not worthy of being called the god of death.

The Tower of Confusion has 25 floors, and each floor is about ten meters high. It is also quite spectacular from a close distance.

The Tower of Misleading is made of the red rock that Wang Yan and the others saw on the road, but from the outside, there is no trace of man-made construction, not even a gap. It seems that the Tower of Misguided is a whole of.

Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, Wang Yan opened his eyes and walked into the tower of confusion. There was a light curtain at the entrance. Wang Yan's figure disappeared after entering it. The first floor of the tower is also lit.

After entering the light curtain, the dazzling light dissipated, and the inner space of the first floor of the Tower of Misleading was reflected in Wang Yan's eyes.

The corner of Wang Yan's mouth curled up, and he actually appeared in his bedroom on the earth.

In the bedroom, there is a familiar bed, a familiar computer desk, an open computer is placed on the desktop, and there are even drawn characters next to the bonfire lit in the dungeon boss room.

Wang Yan turned his head and looked behind him. Behind him was the wooden door of his own room. Even after he opened it, he could see the corridor and the opposite door. There were the cries of children upstairs and the sound of music downstairs. Wang Yan's prediction was even more realistic.

"Is this the most precious gift for a wandering person? It is really incomparably precious."

Wang Yan closed his eyes, with tears falling from the corners of his eyes.

When he first arrived in Arad Continent, he had dreamed of this scene many times at night. He came back from Arad Continent and returned to his familiar nest. Everything that happened in Arad Continent was like a scene. Like a dream, he woke up from the dream and continued his life in reality.

But later, as Wang Yan became more and more familiar with life in Arad Continent, and knew more and more virtual characters and real people in the game, Wang Yan's sense of identification with Arad Continent became higher and higher, and this kind of dream happened more and more frequently. less.

When he came to the computer desk, Wang Yan picked up the cigarette case, took out one and lit it with a lighter. After taking a deep breath, the familiar smell of smoke filled his lungs, everything was so real.

"It's no wonder that many depressed and unsatisfactory people can't leave after entering the Canyon of the Dead. With this kind of illusion that is extremely real, you don't have to think about the setbacks you encounter in reality. It's perfect."

Wang Yan exhaled smoke, and walked towards the window step by step. Outside the window, the small town was brightly lit after nightfall, neon lights were shining on the streets, pedestrians were shuttling on the pedestrian street, and vehicles were driving on the road. The memories deep in my heart are now all brought back.

"Unfortunately, what is false can never be true."

Wang Yan strode forward, ignoring the walls and windows, just walking forward step by step in the void.

In the end, he touched a cold and solid object in the void. He closed his eyes and opened them again. What he saw became a solid wall, and behind him was an empty tower of delusion.

There is a winding staircase directly opposite the entrance of the tower body on the first floor, just a few meters to the right of Wang Yan. He blinked and began to climb the winding staircase slowly.

After stepping up the stairs, he came to the entrance of the second floor. There was still a white light curtain at the entrance, which blocked everything inside. Wang Yan looked down the stairs without any hesitation. Entered the second floor in the curtain.

Entering from the dazzling light curtain, Wang Yan opened his eyes, and he stood in front of a rather familiar building, in front of his alma mater in junior high school.

He looked down at his hands, he was still the same, with the epic suit he wore when he entered the Tower of Delusion, and all around him were students or passers-by who passed by the gate of his alma mater.

"Reaper Dreyfus, what a master of illusion."

Wang Yan couldn't help feeling that all this was too real except for himself. The name of the small shop at the school gate that he could not remember for a long time, and the rusty parts on the school gate of his alma mater came into view, which gave Wang Yan the feeling that , which is all true.

Wang Yan turned his gaze around and landed on a young man who came out of an alley. That was his appearance when he was young. The other party was wearing a school uniform and carrying a schoolbag, walking towards the school gate like any other ordinary boy.

This scene of deja vu caused Wang Yan to be touched by some memories buried deep in his mind, some memories that he thought he had forgotten long ago, but now it seems that he has not forgotten them.

Wang Yan stood where he was and waited for things to proceed as they remembered.

When he was a boy, before he entered the school gate, he was stopped by three students at the entrance of the canteen outside the school gate. When he was a boy, he first said a few words, and then he was slapped by one of the students. He lowered his head and fisted Clenched tightly, listening to the other party's insults and threats, and endured the pushing and shoving of the two students.

Wang Yan's expression remained the same. At that time, he provoked a student from the next class. The other party blocked him the evening before this scene happened, beat him up, and asked him to bring money to school today to buy two packs of cigarettes. After this matter, he didn't bring it because he had no money.

The situation continued to progress, and he was pushed to the ground when he was a boy, and he looked at him in a gorgeous epic suit with pleading eyes, while the three students on the side were still punching and kicking, and when he was a boy, he hugged his head and curled up, His eyes were still on him.

"Let me do it?"

Wang Yan remained unmoved, but his heart was burning with overwhelming anger. He had a strong killing intent towards the owner of the Tower of Misleading. This kind of illusion aimed at the soul is so real and so vivid.

Wang Yan knew that with a single hook of his finger, he could turn those three students who bullied the few into mincemeat, and even unscrupulously cause devastating damage to the surroundings, and even more so, he could do whatever he wanted in this almost real world.

But he knew that as long as he started to influence the illusion, the more he influenced, the deeper he lost.

In the end, he will sink into this constructed world forever, while his real body stays in place and shrinks a little bit.

"It's really good at trying to figure out people's hearts."

Wang Yan closed his eyes and opened them again. Everything was still going on. He walked slowly towards the small shop next to the school that looked like a wall. When he hit the wall, he broke through this illusion, and everything in front of him began Changed, he once again returned to the Tower of Delusion.

On the top of the Tower of Delusion, a person wearing a hood and unable to see his face stood on the edge of the tower and looked down. From this angle, he could clearly see the stele below and Aganzuo and Bain next to the stele.

"It's really a rare strong man."

A faint voice came from the top floor of the Tower of Misleading, and then fell into silence again.

Continuing to climb up the stairs from the second floor of the Tower of Delusion, Wang Yan's thoughts have left the previous environment, and he wants to climb to the top of the tower to settle accounts with the master who designed all these illusions.

Entering from the light curtain as usual, Wang Yan regained his sight, and found himself in a wilderness, surrounded by endless wilderness, and he was naked.

The biting north wind blew, his body shivered involuntarily, and then snowflakes began to fall from the sky, and then a few hundred meters away, several wild wolves with blood-red eyes appeared, and the number began to increase little by little.


Wang Yan stood in place, watching the wild wolves approaching little by little. The wild wolves were quite big, and their backs reached his thighs. Not to mention the dozen or so that he could see, one was enough for him, not to mention In his current state, apart from being cold, he was hungry and weak. It was very likely that in half a minute, he would become food for a group of hungry wolves.

"Is it pain?"

Wang Yan turned his head and looked behind him. A door appeared behind him at some point. The door was opened, and he could see a staircase leading to an unknown place. Compared with the environment he was in, no matter where the stairs led, it seemed It's heaven.

"Pain can often hone a person's will."

Wang Yan closed his eyes and began to move forward step by step. Before he had moved a few steps, the pack of wolves surrounded him and began to bite his body. A wolf bit the Achilles tendon of his calf, forcefully Dragging him back, Wang Yan closed his eyes with an expression of incomparable pain on his face, but he still moved forward little by little.

When his legs were gnawed into white bones, he finally found the exit, opened his eyes, and he appeared on the third floor of the Tower of Delusion. The sharp pain from his legs showed that all this might not be as simple as an illusion.

Taking out a bottle of healing potion and swallowing it, Wang Yan began to climb to a higher level.

On the fourth floor, when Wang Yan opened his eyes, he was surrounded by a group of naked girls.

Wang Yan lowered his head, and found that he was wearing the knee-length shorts that he would wear after taking a bath on the earth, his upper body was naked, and even his hair was still wet, as if he had just taken a bath and entered the land of beauties.

"The gentle township is the Hero Tomb.

Walking straight to the floor-to-ceiling windows, Wang Yan continued to move forward, his body smashed through the glass window, and then fell down. Someone hugged his legs. Wang Yan looked sideways, and the tearful girl was praying. Looking at him, the others stretched out their hands to pull him back.

"Goodbye, this can only exist in a fantasy dream."

Wang Yan kicked his legs hard, and his figure began to fall rapidly. Before he fell to the ground, his surroundings began to change, and he escaped from the illusion again.

Outside the Tower of Misleading, Bane stared at the illuminated body of the tower on the fifth floor, and asked A-Gumpuo with his hands folded and his eyes closed, "It seems that climbing the tower is not easy, it will take half a day Hours passed before Wang Yan climbed to the fifth floor, will there be any trouble?"

"You have to trust him, if he can't climb up, it's too bad for you to go.

It is rumored that every floor in the Tower of Misleading is an illusion aimed at the weakness of the mind. I doubt whether you can come out after entering. As for Wang Yan, I firmly believe that he can come out unscathed, and that is enough. "

A-Gump Zuo's voice was quite firm, without even opening his eyes, Bain shook his head, he believed in Wang Yan, but he also believed in himself, if he went to break through, climbing the tower should not be a problem.

Since the fifth floor, Wang Yan began to climb the tower at a faster speed. Whether it was hot magma, roaring ocean waves, a battlefield of swords, lights and swords, or the silent darkness, Wang Yan could find a way to leave.

And he also silently memorized the number of floors he climbed to the tower. No accident, the last few floors of the tower, the other party will definitely play a false and real illusion like Inception, and use the illusion to simulate his climbing to the top.

Sure enough, when he climbed to the fifth floor of No.20, Wang Yan saw a black-robed man with his back facing him by the window.

The opponent turned his head after Wang Yan entered. There was a terrifying skull face under the hood. He gently patted the palm of the skeleton to make a sound:
"In the past three years, you are the fastest person I have seen climb the Tower of Delusion.

Brave who has seen through delusion, what kind of reward do you want to get? "

Why don't you speak?

Don't you want your rewards?

Or, you have no idea what you want?
Do you have unfulfilled wishes?

Do you have an enemy who wants revenge but can't do anything about it?
Do you want stronger strength?
Sign a contract with me, everything you want will be there. "

Wang Yan stared at the other party calmly, then walked towards him, but bypassed the other party and came to the window.

Looking down from this angle, one can clearly see everything below the Tower of Delusion, even the stone tablet, Bahn and A-Gump left.

"The height is wrong, fool."

Wang Yan turned his head to look at the black-robed man beside him. The other party stopped chattering, and then his body turned into black smoke and dissipated, and the surrounding decorations also began to dissipate. Self-defeating.

"Huh, every floor is full of routines, and I almost missed it."

Wang Yan panted heavily, he saw the entrance to the next time, but before entering the entrance, Wang Yan stopped, closed his eyes, and after a long time, his steps began to retreat, instead of climbing up from the entrance, instead Farther and farther away from the entrance.

"Almost got tricked again, Arad the king of tricks, you must be the god of death."

When retreating to the entrance of this floor, Wang Yan turned around and took a step forward without hesitation. He could feel himself passing through a light curtain.

When I opened my eyes, what I saw was not the stairs and light curtain at the entrance of the 25th floor, but a rather narrow area.

A pitch-black crow squatted on the shoulder of the man in black who was standing by the window. The other party also maintained that posture after Wang Yan came in, but the crow came to Wang Yan with flapping wings.

After approaching Wang Yan, a black light flashed on the crow, and it became the appearance of Dreyfus, the god of death in Wang Yan's memory. Under the opponent's hood, on the face of the skeleton, two blue soul fires were burning in the eye sockets. .

"Congratulations, you have passed the 25 levels I set up, the soul of another world, your soul is stronger than I imagined."

Death God Dreyfus put his hands in the wide cuffs, his body was hunched, and he was a head shorter than Wang Yan, but the other party did not give Wang Yan a weak feeling, the other party was stronger than anyone Wang Yan had ever met before. If there is no sense of presence, the other party seems to be standing there, but it is as if they have never existed.

"The illusion you designed is really anti-human."

Wang Yan said angrily, if it wasn't for the aura of Dreyfus, the God of Death, Wang Yan would have greeted him loudly. This is obviously a clone, and it is useless to break it up.

"What I want is the contract signed by the souls of the strong. As for the weak, they are more suitable to become the fire of the soul."

Death God Dreyfus Skeleton stretched out his right hand and clicked in the air. The screen of Wang Yan when he broke through the level began to be replayed one by one.

Those who failed to break through the level were all buried outside the Tower of Delusion. As for the soul, it naturally became a part of the soul fire of the other party, as the god of death Dreyfus said. Neither humans nor creatures of any other race can be regarded as the same race, and he will not be sad no matter how he dies.

"I don't want to sign a contract. Let me tell you about the things I can get by breaking through the level. Don't give me some gold coins and equipment. Otherwise, after I leave, I will blow up your tower [-]%."

Wang Yan took out a bench and sat down. The majestic tower of delusion made by the god of death didn't even have a chair on the top of the tower.

"You can get one of three options.

One or three invitations from me, with which you can climb the Tower of Delusion again at any time. You must know that anyone can only climb the Tower of Delusion once in a lifetime. No matter how many times you enter the Canyon of the Dead in the future, you will have no chance to climb the Tower of Delusion again. tower.

Two, I grant you a wish, a wish that can be fulfilled, if this wish cannot be fulfilled, the opportunity disappears, the wish is shattered, and you have nothing.

Three, let me answer a question for you, any question I know, excluding my own questions related to the Canyon of the Dead.

What are your options? "

The voice of Death God Dreyfus became full of temptation, and the three choices he gave were also quite difficult to choose, but Wang Yan had already thought about what he wanted before climbing the tower, so he naturally didn't hesitate at the moment.

"I choose my wish. I hope to obtain the consciousness of a Delos Empire woman named Emily who was taken away by the clone of Death."

"as you wish."

Death Dreyfus's skeleton palm spread out, a twilight light appeared in his palm, and turned into a translucent light a few seconds later.

Among the light clusters, there was a curled up sleeping figure of a woman, and Wang Yan could clearly distinguish that this was Barn's wife Emily.

Carefully protecting the light group, Wang Yan looked at Dreyfus, the god of death. After satisfying Wang Yan's wish, the other party turned into the jet-black crow again, and the figure standing by the window was still there. It means to turn around.

"If I pay the price, can you answer my other questions?"

Wang Yan tentatively asked, the crow flew up and landed on the shoulder of the black-robed man with his back to Wang Yan. time to go.

"Soul, I pay with my soul."

Wang Yan took out the soul crystals that had been prepared earlier, the number was as many as a thousand.

"Not enough? What about this one?"

Seeing this, Wang Yan put away the soul spar, and took out a mass of things that kept shaking like smoke. The figure standing by the window finally moved. He turned around, revealing the image of Death God Dreyfus. appearance.

Just having a face-to-face meeting with the other party, Wang Yan felt the fear rising in his heart. The other party stood there, feeling a sense of fear that could take someone's life away at any time.

"A rare true soul, how did you keep it intact?"

Grim Reaper Dreyfus's mouth didn't move, but the voice came out, dry, like fingernails sliding on the glass, which made people feel uncomfortable. Wang Yan only felt that his body was hot and unbearable, and wanted to stay away from the source of the sound immediately.

"My secret, I call it the ordinary adventurer's soul."

Wang Yan looked at the cloud of white smoke in his hand. The smoke was calm, and it was different from the cold appearance of the wronged soul. The ordinary adventurer's soul seemed to be a purified wronged soul, but the power inside it did not turn into a soul spar.

"It's very interesting, [-] pieces, for one question."

Death Dreyfus continued to respond with that irritating voice.

"What about this?"

Wang Yan resisted the discomfort, he had the urge to scratch it, one can imagine how uncomfortable this sound is.

What Wang Yan took out this time was the tempered adventurer soul. In addition, there are also strong adventurer souls and mature adventurer souls in the treasury of Wang Yan's account.

Wang Yan has as many materials as he wants in this kind of dungeon game. To him, it is a little gold coin, but to the owner here, Death God Dreyfus, it seems to be a very precious thing.

"A thousand coins, for a question, can you tell me where you obtained this soul? Answer me, and I can give you a question for free."

Death God Dreyfus stared at the group of tempered adventurer souls floating in Wang Yan's palm. This kind of soul was no different from the soul in the human body, and the previous ones were harvested by Death God's avatar all the time. Ordinary souls have little effect on Death God, and only a sufficient number can produce qualitative changes.

"anything else."

Wang Yan once again took out the soul of a tough adventurer, like a child showing off his toys: "You should want this kind of thing."

"What a powerful soul, it is a rare and powerful existence, but why is there no consciousness?"

The voice of the god of death Dreyfus was a bit puzzled. The soul that Wang Yan took out was not inferior to the soul of a strong man who signed a contract with him. Unfortunately, this kind of soul has no consciousness and cannot sign a contract. It can only be used as a waste of stored energy. Goods, but much more valuable than a tempered adventurer's soul.

"A hundred coins, I can answer one of your questions, I could answer one at most before, but now I can answer three."

"Then three."

Wang Yan no longer hesitated, and took out more tough adventurer souls. As for why the last mature adventurer soul was not taken out, Wang Yan had his own considerations, and now is not the time.

"Very well, I am very satisfied with the transaction with you."

The clumps of tough adventurer souls that Wang Yan took out were sucked in by Dreyfus, the god of death, when he opened his mouth, and the soul fire in his eye sockets jumped back to its original state. As for how this kind of soul can help him, Only he himself can know.

"Question one, how to reach the Tower of Despair."

Wang Yan was the first to ask the most critical question. He still didn't know the location of the Tower of Despair. After entering the Canyon of the Dead, he only saw the Tower of Delusion. If he searched for it by himself, he didn't know how long it would take.

"It turned out to be the strong man who came here for the Tower of Despair. I can answer this question for you. Leave the Tower of Delusion and head northwest. You will see a spire that is several times higher than the Tower of Despair. That is the Tower of Despair." .”

"Okay, question two, who is the clone of the god of death who often roams around in the continent of Arad to harvest souls?"

Wang Yan continued to ask, he asked very conservatively.

"There are clones of me, Agares, and Agamemnon."

"Very good, question three, apart from collecting souls, what is your purpose in coming to the continent of Arad from Death God Realm?"

"You know a lot of things, the soul of another world. Sometimes, it is not a good thing to know too much. For example, I can only stay in the dark Canyon of the Dead because I know too many things. The next moment I walk out of here accidents will happen.”

It was rare for Death God Dreyfus not to answer Wang Yan's question immediately. He raised his head and stared at Wang Yan with two balls of soul fire in his eyes. Wang Yan felt palpitations, as if being targeted by a natural enemy, but he Try to raise your head and meet the other person's eyes: "Please answer my question."

"Sorry, please forgive me for not being able to answer your question, please ask again."

Not surprisingly, Death God Dreyfuss did not answer Wang Yan's question directly, and shook his head slightly.

"Don't want to, or don't dare?"

Wang Yan looked at Dreyfus, the god of death, and secretly thought about the reason why the other party did not answer this question.

"A few days ago, a symptom of drowsiness occurred in humans and other creatures in the sky and on the ground in the continent of Arad. What is the source of the symptoms?"

Wang Yan hesitated for a moment. He had many questions to ask, but for now, let's verify the cause of sleeping sickness.

"I can answer you about this matter, and the answer can be found in the silent city."

Death God Dreyfus also hesitated, and finally told Wang Yan the answer, just as Wang Yan expected.

"Okay, I'm done asking my question. Although I really want to kill you because of what happened in the illusion, I don't feel like I'm your opponent, so I won't make any big claims now, but I believe that we will meet again Meet, I will reveal all your secrets."

Wang Yan didn't let Dreyfus, the god of death, chase him away, but walked towards the light curtain himself.

Before entering the light curtain, he stopped and looked at the God of Death Dreyfuss. After saying this, he left without looking back. He was really fed up with the discomfort of staying beside the God of Death Dreyfus. Feeling, rationality urged him to leave quickly.

"A strong man in another world, I am waiting for your arrival."

After Wang Yan's figure disappeared into the light curtain, the voice of the god of death Dreyfus rang out on the top floor of the Tower of Delusion, and then his figure faded and disappeared, and the top floor of the Tower of Delusion became empty. Perhaps only the next person appeared When the tower climber, he will come again.

"Is it out yet?"

After the light on the top floor was on for a few minutes and then disappeared, the itchy Baan kept pacing back and forth, while A-Gump Zuo was able to hold his breath. Even though Wang Yan had entered the tower several times and disappeared, he She is still full of patience, and her confidence in Wang Yan is still the same as before.

When Wang Yan's figure walked out of the light curtain on the first floor of the Tower of Delusion, Bain breathed a sigh of relief, and he strode forward.

A Ganzuo also opened his eyes, he was slightly relieved to see that Wang Yan was safe and sound, Wang Yan successfully retreated as he expected, A Ganzuo was naturally very happy.

"How long have I been in?"

Wang Yan turned his head to look at the tower of obsession located in this desolate land. If there is no accident, he may not be able to enter it again. As for the future, who knows what will happen in the future?

"It's been three hours."

Bain came to Wang Yan with a look of expectation on his face. He was looking forward to getting good news from Wang Yan.

"Fortunately not humiliated."

Wang Yan took out the translucent ball of light from his bosom. After seeing the ball of light, Bahn was much more excited than Wang Yan. He reached out tremblingly to take the ball of light from Wang Yan's hand, and released it I stared obsessively at the figure of Emily curled up inside, wishing I could leave the Canyon of the Dead now, return to the Delos Empire to find Emily, and return her the memories that belonged to her.

"Maybe you have to be patient for a few more days, Bane. After we find the Tower of Despair and settle the matter between me and A-Gumpzo, I will send you back to the Delos Empire.

You know, I want to go to the Delos Empire on the other side of the sea. There are many ways, and the speed is much faster than your own boat. Otherwise, it will take at least several months for you to go back and forth. Is that okay? "

Wang Yan looked at Bahn who was so excited that he was trembling all over. Bahn's love for Emily was beyond words. Wang Yan could understand Baan at this moment. If his lover encountered this situation, he might be even more anxious. This time will be more exciting.

"I will remember this kindness, thank you!"

Bahn carefully put away this ball of translucent light. This kind of thing cannot be put in a storage bag, but can only be placed close to the body. Bahn has already thought about it, and then he will put Emily's The memory is preserved, and those who want to destroy it, Barn will fight to the death.

Holding up Baan who suddenly bowed towards him, Wang Yan was quite helpless. A-Gump walked over there, and he didn't mean to laugh at Baan who looked like this. He was very emotional. After all, he had also met love before. arrival.

"I found out the location of the Tower of Despair from the god of death. It's in the northwest direction. Let's go."

For the sake of safety, Wang Yan did not take out the armed helicopter again. Who knows whether the dark clouds above the head will suddenly strike and the lightning will knock down the helicopter, or the off-road jeep is a relatively safer vehicle on the ground.

"Sure, let's go."

Bahn, who was very grateful to Wang Yan, obeyed Wang Yan's orders almost unconditionally at this moment. After he got on the off-road jeep, he stroked the light cluster on his chest, with a happy smile on his face, obviously fantasizing.

Wang Yan and A-Ganzuo sitting in the front seat did not bother Baan who looked like this. They were talking in a low voice, mainly A-Gump asked about Wang Yan's experience in the Tower of Delusion. After all, Wang Yan just tried it himself. The Tower of Delusion.

"It's very real. Every layer inside is quite a real illusion. In the illusion, you will see many things you want, and they will become the reality in the illusion, testing your heart. A little carelessness, You may become addicted to it and cannot extricate yourself.”

Wang Yan closed his eyes and opened them again, continuing to stare at the wilderness ahead, driving the off-road jeep forward.

"Money, power, beauties, strength, ubiquitous darkness, cruel opponents, and when the test is about to be completed, the summit transformed from the illusion, if I have not been memorizing it, it is really possible to capsize at the last level .”

"very scary."

A-Gump looked very serious on the left. He looked back at the tower of confusion that was gradually going away. Only from Wang Yan's narration, he could see the scenes that Wang Yan had encountered. If it were him, he could climb the tower. Do you like it?Maybe, maybe not, since he didn't really try.

"It is a paradise for those who are at a loss, but it is not our paradise. What is fake will always be fake and cannot replace the real."

The corners of Wang Yan's mouth curled up. In fact, looking at it now, the illusion is not so unacceptable. At least he recalled many things that he had long forgotten. is a precious memory.

In the Canyon of the Dead, apart from the Tower of Delusion and the Tower of Despair that Wang Yan wanted to find, there are many other places. At least Wang Yan saw traces of buildings on the horizon on the way to the Tower of Despair.

But he still has more important things to do, so he didn't drive towards the low building in the distance. Unexpectedly, it should be one of the two altars in the Canyon of the Dead, the God of Death Agares and the God of Glory. Altar built by Agamemnon.

Wang Yan didn't see the Tower of Death in the game. There should be many famous people there, but the dead Arad Continental powerhouse can be known from the words of Death Dreyfus in the game. .

"That's right! I am Death!
But don't be afraid, the god of death will not deprive a person of his life for no reason!
Those who desire to confront the strong, in order to satisfy your desire, I built this tower and gathered the strong from the underworld.

Hehe, your fighting spirit has been burned, right?

Only you can reach the top of the tower, I promise the whole world will recognize your strength!
Of course, I will always wait for the moment when you fail, uh ha ha ha ha ha ha..."
Death Dreyfuss
In the tower of death, there are basically strong people after death of the human race or other races. Their bodies were collected by the god of death Dreyfus, and even the memories and skills of their lives were preserved.

Those who fail to challenge the Tower of Death, needless to say, naturally become one of the guardians of the Tower of Death.

It was a place that was not as dangerous as the Tower of Delusion, and even in terms of the degree of danger, it might be higher. After all, no one could guarantee that he would be able to challenge the Tower of Death on the 45th floor, against hundreds of opponents without failing once.

"Why did the sword god Soderos come to the Tower of Despair in the Canyon of the Dead? Wang Yan, you said that the Tower of Despair is not controlled by the god of death?"

After recovering from his fantasy, Bain, who had fulfilled his wish, began to inquire about the Tower of Despair from Wang Yan. After all, except for the sporadic news about the Tower of Despair from Wang Yan, there was no outside world related to the Tower of Despair. Stories about it spread, and its mystery far exceeds that of other places in Dead Man's Canyon.

"It is rumored that after the age of 35, the sword god Soderos could no longer find an opponent on the continent of Arad. He was unable to hone his strength through battles, so he came to the Canyon of the Dead, which is feared by many people in the continent of Arad. Opponent challenges can be found here.

However, with the strength of Soderos Sword God, not many existences in the Canyon of the Dead can stop him. Although he puts himself at the worst disadvantage every time he fights, no one can defeat him.

It must be Soderos, who has challenged the Tower of Delusion and the Tower of Death, continued to move toward the depths of the Canyon of the Dead, and then encountered the Tower of Despair.

In the Tower of Despair, he saw a woman, the owner of the Tower of Despair, who had a sword with self-awareness.

Soderos conquered the sword that could resist, and then got a message from the other party that there is a person in the world who may not be able to fight against Soderos after thousands of years of practice.

Longing for a stronger opponent, Soderos naturally stayed in the Tower of Despair to start endless training, in order to be able to confront that powerful existence in the future. "

 Thank you for controlling your brain,


  heartless love,


  Colorless Poison Vial,

  SeL, marks,

  patients with coronary heart disease,

  society you brother Cao,


  light autumn and winter snow,

  Pirated Supreme Member Emperor Card,

  Not good at words, say no coriander and green onions.

  Waiting for your book friends to reward.

(End of this chapter)

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