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Chapter 713 Prospects for Superpowers (Part 5)

Chapter 713 Prospects for Superpowers (Fifth Change)

"Okay, let's go back with this car powered by terra stone. Wait a minute. For terra stone energy, the name is still too obvious. Master Norton, what do you think of calling terra stone energy super energy?"

Wang Yan came up with a bad idea. He didn't know whether Norton had produced the concept of super power, so he simply wanted to be the first to name it.

"Super energy? Very good, I think it's very good."

Giselle squeezed her chin and nodded repeatedly. The energy of Terra Stone is indeed superpower, much more powerful than electricity or magic. He even has a guess that the energy of Terra Stone can build a stable space door that cannot be built by electromagnetics. If this conjecture is true, then Norton technology will really take off. Even in the heavens, the space gate can only exist in the laboratory, and the power consumption is unimaginable.

What can a space gate do?There are many uses, ranging from the transfer of personnel to the march of the army. Mountains of goods arrive at another location through the space gate. Don't worry about the transportation of fresh food, don't worry about the loss of the journey, and don't have to wait for a long time , Although this is just a conjecture, Giselle believes that there will be a day in the future when his conjecture will become a reality.

"Then call it super, super car, it's very interesting."

Norton patted the car next to him with a smile on his face. As a scientist, what he likes to see most are novel scientific products. He believes that in the future, various products powered by terra stone will spread all over the world. The name of super power will be crowned on various item names.

And at that time, Norton Technology will become a well-known existence because of this. Even if Norton Technology can only hide in the dilapidated Hutton Mar Old Street, he looks forward to that day, even if he may not be able to see it with his own eyes. that day.

"Paris is here."

Wang Yan did not forget Paris. After waiting in the courtyard for a while, he saw the late Paris. The reason is very sorry.

"It's just in time, let's go to my house for a banquet. I haven't seen you for a long time. I must have a lot to say. Let's talk in the car." Wang Yan stepped forward and gave Paris a hug. The other party was obviously very surprised at his return. He wanted to ask, but because of Norton's existence, he didn't say it.

"You ran far enough this time." The car left the courtyard and drove on the back street. Paris, who was sitting in the passenger seat, made a pun. She knew clearly that Wang Yan had gone to ancient time and space. She didn't know how to return, but it was good to come back. During Wang Yan's absence, she didn't even expand her territory anymore. She was always afraid that the imperial army would make a comeback. One can imagine the worry in her heart.

"It's far enough."

Wang Yan smiled and said that the time and space more than a thousand years ago was naturally very, very far away. Norton and Giselle didn't know it, so it was only assumed that Wang Yan went to a far away place.

Giselle came from heaven and knew the mystery of Wang Yan's origin. He didn't dare to ask more questions. Sitting in the back seat, he stared at the back street when night fell with bewildered eyes. Looking forward to this day for a long time.

This car, named by several people as a super car, looks no different from an ordinary car in appearance. It was jointly manufactured by the Norton team under Giselle's suggestion.

In fact, apart from the engine part, other parts of the car are easy to make. Even the rubber tires can be researched with the scientific level of Norton technology. After all, as long as there is an oak tree, the rubber can still be extracted with a little effort.

The painted black car is very inconspicuous at night, but pedestrians on the back street quickly get out of the way when they see the car. After the Norton team made the car, Paris once drove it around Hutton Mall After a lap, many people in the back street knew that this car represented Paris.

The current tranquility of the Back Street is all thanks to Paris' protection. The people here are afraid of Paris and are also grateful to her. After all, most people still yearn for a peaceful life.

Giselle originally thought that the situation in the back street was the current situation in Arad, but when passing the old street, she found that the situation has been greatly improved. Looking east from the old street, you can see all kinds of tall buildings Existence, which made Giselle put away her contempt in her heart. It seems that even if the magic developed in the Arad continent, the standard of living is no worse than that of the heaven.

When seeing two brightly lit buildings with the same appearance, Giselle's inner surprise can be imagined. When he saw the car driving towards the villa, he suddenly realized that it turned out to be Wang Yan's residence. I wonder where the lights come from. Given the other party's magical origin, it is reasonable to be able to use electricity in the continent of Arad.

The car finally stopped next to the entrance of the hall, and everyone who was talking or watching TV in the hall came out when they heard the sound of the car, and what they saw was Wang Yan coming out of the driver's seat.

Paris's identity is known to everyone, and few people know Norton and Giselle, but Sand Shadow Belit knows Giselle's identity, and he looks at Giselle with an unbelievable expression, In the end, his eyes fell on Wang Yan, and he really wanted to know how Wang Yan could influence Giselle, a stubborn guy.

Giselle also saw Sand Shadow Belit, rubbed his eyes, and immediately stood behind Wang Yan after confirming Sand Shadow Belit's identity. Out of fear, even after he joined the Callett organization, Shaying Belit had already left the organization and even started to fight back against the Callett organization.

But Giselle understands that Sand Shadow Belit was able to achieve such a great reputation in the unstoppable area back then. Even if he left, the members of the Callet organization were convinced. The strength of the opponent must be terrifying. Now Giselle Without the slightest defensive strength, Wang Yan was the only one he could rely on.

"It's really you, Carey, why did you bring him here?"

Seeing Giselle quickly running behind Wang Yan like a rabbit, Sand Shadow Belit laughed a few times with a cigar in his mouth. After the Kallet organization was finally destroyed, he had already thought about it. When he saw Giselle When he saw Er as the culprit, he didn't feel much anger in his heart, probably because Giselle looked miserable now.

"Well, now he and Master Norton are doing research, and I'm the sponsor of the laboratory, so now Giselle is my own. Of course, if he doesn't have any crazy ideas, I will treat him as my own."

Had it not been for what Sha Ying Belit said, Wang Yan would have almost forgotten Giselle's identity in the minds of the celestial beings. Giselle came out, but the matter has come to this point, we can only take one step at a time, I hope Kelly will not be too angry later.

(End of this chapter)

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