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Chapter 714 The surprise brought by electricity to Norton (Part 1)

Chapter 714 The Surprise that Electricity Brings to Norton (Part [-])
"No, no, I like my current life very much. It is enough to do research with Master Norton."

Giselle said submissively that he was obsessed with research before, and his own strength was frighteningly weak. Without the help of the mechanical Giselle, he would not be able to carry heavier experimental materials.

There are not many strong men who study science, and Melvin, a genius scientist, is even more helpless, and is often forced by Zeiding Schneider to train his body.

"Hope you can do what you say."

Sand Shadow Belit took a deep look at Giselle and stopped paying attention. If it was before, he might have put the revolver on Giselle's head and shot without hesitation. After all, the Callet organization Being able to become that way, Giselle played a big role in it.

It's just that the Carret organization has been destroyed for a long time now, so it's meaningless to talk about these things anymore. Wang Yan is willing to protect Giselle, and Shaying Belit will naturally not force Wang Yan to hand over Giselle, just treat him as the other party. Make atonement.

"Ah, is this the electrical energy that Giselle keeps mentioning? It is really bright."

As a scientist, Norton's focus is rather peculiar. After Wang Yan led the crowd into the hall, the first thing Norton paid attention to was not the various decorations in the spacious hall, but the bright lights above his head.

At the same time, he also felt the warmth. There was an inexplicable warmth in the hall. Even at night, it gave people a warm feeling of being under the sun. Did not feel the slightest cold.

"Yes, it's electricity. This residence uses electricity as energy. Compared with fluorite lamps, electric lights are very bright. At the same time, electric energy has been widely used in various fields. There are many electrical appliances in my residence. After that, Master Norton, you If you are interested, you can stay here and visit slowly.”

"That's great. I'm worried that the application of superpowers is still a bit monotonous. It would be great if there are electrical appliances as a reference now."

Norton looked towards the hall, feeling as if he had opened the door to a new world. The huge TV hanging on the wall caught his attention. At this time, his deep-rooted research spirit came up, and he didn't have the same kind of attention as Paris. Norton was a little fascinated by the picture being played on the TV, although he couldn't understand a word.

Little Lantern and Kong Kongyi were sitting on the sofa in front of the TV. Wang Yan went there after exchanging greetings with everyone. He was surprised to hear that the two were talking in Chinese. The conversation was also very interesting. It was broadcast before. For cartoons, the two of them are only in their teens, and for the mermaid family, they are even in their infancy. It is very normal to like watching cartoons.

"When did you two learn Chinese, which is the language on TV."

Wang Yan leaned over and asked curiously, can he learn Chinese just by watching TV?That would be awesome if that's the case.

"Yeah, not only can I say this kind of thing, but I can also write, you see."

Little Lantern fetched a pen and paper as if offering a treasure, and wrote three big characters on it, which was his name, Little Lantern. Although it was crooked, there was not much difference overall, but it was Chinese.

"It's amazing, did you learn it by watching TV?"

Wang Yan smiled and took the pen and paper from Little Lantern, and wrote the word Wang Yan on it. Kong Kongyi scratched her head. She was not as smart as Little Lantern, and now she could only understand Chinese but could not write. She doesn't have a deep understanding of words, and she still has a long way to go.

"Wang Yan, right?"

The little lantern read out Wang Yan's name, and Wang Yan responded with a smile: "By the way, this is your brother Kaili's real name. As for Kaili, it is written like this."

Wang Yan didn't mean to hide it. Before, he hid his real name for his own reasons and chose to use a pseudonym to walk on this continent. Now it's time to tell everyone his real name. After all, he used his real name when he was in the ancient kingdom. , I definitely can't hide it from my relatives and friends after returning.

"My brother's handwriting is so beautiful."

The little lantern looked enviously at the words written by Wang Yan. The characters were not big but neat, and had a different kind of beauty. Compared with the celestial characters mastered by the little lantern, this kind of characters were more pleasing to the eye. The celestial characters were completely like ghost symbols. , Of course, this is from the point of view of the little lantern.

Mermaids also have their own characters, but only a few hundred. They are hieroglyphs, that is, characters that take the appearance of various things as shapes. Except for mermaids, even scholars who come to study characters cannot understand them.

"I'll teach you later."

Wang Yan rubbed the little lantern's hair. The other party's water control ability is now very strong. Even if she stays on the shore, she will not become dry. Of course, she still has to go back to sleep on the prepared water bed at night. The body of the little lantern will not be sticky, and it can be said that it is no different from a human being in most cases.

"Hmm, I'm looking forward to it."

The little lantern nodded again and again. Seeing Norton walking around the TV and even wanting to go around the wall to watch the picture inside the TV, the little lantern couldn't help laughing, covered his mouth and started laughing. In fact, the back wall of the TV was almost demolished. Because everyone wonders if someone is trapped in the TV. After all, there are pictures and sounds. People who see TV for the first time will definitely find it very strange.

"I don't understand, I don't understand."

Norton watched the TV for a long time, and finally shook his head. Wang Yan believed that even if he showed him the circuit structure inside the TV, the other party would not be able to understand it. After all, the Arad Continent has not even emerged with electricity. For example, in the case of Melvin, the other party can thoroughly study TV in a few days, and it is even possible to use available materials to create a similar thing. After all, the other party has already started research on such magical things as artificial intelligence. The level of technology mastered is also top-notch in the heavens.

"There are simpler electrical appliances here, such as electrified desk lamps and refrigerators, which store food through the principle of electrified refrigeration. You can take a look at them."

Wang Yan took Norton to other places on the side. After visiting all the electrical appliances in the hall, the other party fell into contemplation. The application of electric energy was beyond his imagination. What he had never thought about had been artificially produced. out, and it still functions normally.

"Where does your electricity come from?"

Norton asked this key question, and Wang Yan showed a mysterious smile: "This residence comes with only the main power switch. When it is closed, the power will be cut off. When it is closed, it will be powered. I don't know the origin."

"This is unscientific, isn't there a source of energy?"

Norton's surprise can be imagined. The energy of all things in the world is conserved. One consumes and the other obtains. Even the gods are no exception. This is something that science can explain. Norton has always adhered to this belief, but now it is He had a hard time accepting something miraculous beyond the scientific side.

 The recommendation that I have been waiting for for a month finally came, among other things, it will be updated today.

  The minimum is seven shifts, and the maximum is ten shifts or more.

  It’s almost the end of the month, please support with monthly tickets~
(End of this chapter)

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