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Chapter 712 Superpower Research (Part 4)

Chapter 712 Superpower Research (Fourth Change)

"Not too much, but I asked Paris to take someone to the ruins of the Biermark Empire Test Site and recollect some. The things there were stimulated by the energy of the natural Terra Stone and turned into monsters. Really horrible."

Norton brought Wang Yan to the side of the laboratory. There were specimens of cat demons of various colors, red, yellow, and white. Compared with the cat demons in Wang Yan's impression, the corpses of these cat demons were extremely hideous and terrifying, and their bodies were even bigger. It is several times bigger. No wonder the blacksmith Linus was injured when he explored the test site. Being besieged by this kind of cat monster must be a very terrifying experience.

"It's better to be careful, I will supplement the funds and materials later, master, what about your other research?" After seeing the cat demon that was made into a specimen, Wang Yan looked at other places in the laboratory, and the research and application of Terra Stone must be sure. There are more possibilities, not only for weapons, Wang Yan knows this, and Norton is naturally clear about it.

"Of course, come with me."

Norton had a look on his face, and he took Wang Yan to the other side of the laboratory. There are many products of the energy application of terra stone that have been researched, but none of them have yet been mass-produced on the assembly line.

Some of them can indeed be mass-produced, but because Wang Yan, the leader behind the scenes, did not order, Norton will not prepare for the production on his own initiative. Scientific products will eventually be put into market applications. How to choose depends on Wang Yan’s intentions. .

In addition to the pistol, the hand cannon powered by terra stone was also manufactured by Norton's team. The beam of the hand cannon is as thick as an arm. It can be said to be the evolution of the pistol. The power of the hand cannon is beyond Wang Yan's expectation. Norton To put it bluntly, firing at the ground can make a big hole as thick as a bucket in the rock, and ordinary firing can penetrate several meters of rock. If you continue to fire, the energy made of Terra Stone will be consumed very quickly, but the power is even more amazing. Norton believes that the hand The cannon has the power to penetrate the city wall.

"You started biological research?"

Wang Yan showed a dignified expression after seeing the test subjects in a sealed laboratory. Norton looked at Giselle, and the other party explained: "Purified Terra Stone has the ability to enhance biological energy. This is also the reason why those monsters become huge and crazy. Natural terra stone is not pure, but purified terra stone is much safer, but the experimental subjects will still become crazy after a period of time, so research It's been very slow."

"Sure enough, superpower research has begun!"

Wang Yan was stunned. In the background of the game, the Norton team finally started the human body research of Terra stone energy, but at that time the Norton team had returned to the Delos Empire, and the research on super energy can be said to be the most secretive part of the Delos Empire. The thing is, the soldiers transformed by superpowers have unimaginable strength. Although it is just a video, Wang Yan knows that once the superpowers are widely used, the Delos Empire will dominate the Arad continent just around the corner.

Wang Yan didn't know whether it was right or wrong for Norton and Giselle to start this kind of research. Just like that sentence, there is no right or wrong with power, only those who use it are wrong. Conquering the world is not what Wang Yan wants to pursue. What he wants more is peace.

"I support your research, but you must pay attention to safety. If there are any breakthroughs or problems, you must wait for me to come before proceeding with the next step of research. This is very important."

Wang Yan looked at Norton and Giselle with a serious face. It is estimated that Norton will start to apply the energy of Terra Stone to creatures after Giselle's reminder. Although they are all small and ordinary creatures, but One mistake can still cause big trouble.

"We will."

Giselle breathed a sigh of relief. Biological research was indeed proposed by him. The energy of Terra Stone is really amazing. Giselle really regrets that he came into contact with the existence of Terra Stone so late. Conducting Terra Stone research, he believes that now he has the ability to start spreading Terra Stone products throughout the world.

Countless wealth will flock to him, and at the same time, he will also get the applause and status he dreamed of. It is a pity that he only came into contact with Terra Stone after he became a captive. To complete the research on Terra Stone in his lifetime will already make Ji Sellar is enough to rest in peace.

Next, Wang Yan saw other research products of the Norton team. There are many places where Terra Stone can be applied. Any machine can use Terra Stone as the energy core. This is a more magical power than electricity and magic. , It only needs to deliver the energy inside it stably and continuously to replace any place that needs energy. What a crazy thing this is. Norton was deeply shocked by the compatibility of Terra Stone's energy.

Weapons, armor, Sorcerer's Stone, transportation, lighting, and various research products powered by Terra Stone appeared in the research institute of Norton's team. After trying to sit in a car powered by Terra Stone for a while, Wang Yan was very excited. Satisfied, the new energy vehicles on the earth have not really appeared yet. In the Arad continent in another world, he was able to witness the emergence of such a thing. The large enough terra stone is the energy core, and the car can travel tens of thousands of kilometers. No need to add any fuel, Norton gave this data very confidently.

"The small Terra Stone can have such a big effect, it seems that it is time to be rewarded."

Holding a purified terra stone in his hand and watching it carefully for a while, Wang Yan felt a little emotional. He really did not expect that Norton Technology would produce so much research in just half a year. Terrastone is not worth mentioning at the moment.

Any thing that can be mass-produced here will be frantically flocked by people. I believe that even in the heavens, there are some places that cannot compare with the products of Terra Stone. Norton technology has achieved results, and he, the leader behind the scenes, can also truly There are enough rich rewards, not the kind of small gains like old pistols.

"Let's get here first today. Tomorrow I will spend the whole day here to test what kind of products are suitable for mass production. It's getting late, and I'm going back to my residence. By the way, Master Norton, and Giselle, two Are you interested in coming to my residence for a banquet? It's just an ordinary family banquet, just don't hold it against you."

After the sky gradually darkened, Wang Yan knew that he should go back, and many friends were waiting for his return at his residence. Wang Yan was very satisfied to get such good news from Norton Technology just after he came back. Hero, Wang Yan felt that it was necessary to bring two people to the banquet.

"I heard that you used a magical method to create two identical villas. I haven't seen them yet, so I just went to see them. Giselle, what's your opinion?"

Norton thought about it for a while and agreed to Wang Yan's invitation. As for Giselle, he naturally wanted to leave the laboratory to have a look outside. Unfortunately, his movements have been restricted, and he couldn't even leave this courtyard. One can imagine the depression.

(End of this chapter)

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