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Chapter 711 New Terra Stone Weapon (Part 3)

Chapter 711 New Terra Stone Weapon ([-]rd update)
"It's not bad, after all, you were also a famous genius back then."

Wang Yan nodded, Giselle was indeed talking to him in the common language of Arad, not the familiar Celestial language, and it was easy for Giselle to master another language.

The other party had in-depth research on electromagnetism, biochemistry and even time when he was in the heaven. Wang Yan knew that the mechanical Giselle once had the ability to turn back time. It can be said that in some aspects, Giselle's knowledge is richer than Wang Yan. .

"Genius, it's just that I spend more time in some aspects than others. Compared with Master Norton, my intelligence is not worth mentioning."

Giselle smiled wryly and shook his head. He used to be almost crazy for revenge. After time passed, he was moved by the quality of Master Norton. He also put down the messy thoughts in his heart and immersed himself in research. Norton often has whimsical ideas Guess, and will act immediately, Gisele, who once thought she was a genius, was really convinced.

"Don't underestimate yourself, you are also very good, much better than those moths of the Imperial Alchemists Guild, you are a qualified research partner, um, very qualified, I allow you to go out at any time, of course you are a disciple of Paris under protection."

Norton adjusted his round-frame glasses and said with a smile, obviously they are very useful. Giselle is from the heavens and has a level of vision far beyond the Arad continent. Norton also got a lot of inspiration from Giselle.

"How is it? Is there any new breakthrough in the research on Terra Stone?"

When Wang Yan asked what he wanted to ask the most, Norton and Giselle looked at each other, both of them showed confident expressions. Seeing this look, Wang Yan knew that the research must have made great progress and breakthroughs.

"During the time you were away, we conducted nearly a thousand experiments, and now it can be confirmed that once the energy of Terra Stone starts to overflow, it will gradually be consumed."

"What we can do is to reduce the speed of this overflow to a tolerable level, because the energy contained in the Terra Stone is very pure, so I can say this directly, any use of the crystal block, Terra Stone is It can be replaced in the same way, and can improve the ability of the same thing several times, let me take you to see our research."

Once Norton started to talk, he couldn't stop. In the eyes of the alchemists of the Imperial Alchemists' Guild, Norton was actually very stupid. There are often whimsical but unrealistic fantasies.

They excluded Norton because of this. In fact, Norton also looked down on those colleagues who were like moths. The other party was too smart. It was right to be smart in other industries, but in the field of science, being smart would have the opposite effect.

"This is a pistol that uses terra stone as energy. Be careful and shoot at that target. It can directly penetrate the steel wall. Only special targets can block its power."

Norton took Wang Yan into the depths of the laboratory. There are enough Terra Stone research products here. At this moment, there are still Norton's assistants conducting various researches in the laboratory. The application of Terra Stone is too extensive. Then Not three or two people can completely study it thoroughly.

What Norton needs to do now is how to apply Terra Stone to various industries. They have made remarkable progress in the energy extraction and utilization of Terra Stone.

Wang Yan looked at the pistol in his hand, which seemed to be no different from ordinary firearms. After unloading the magazine, he made a new discovery. It was not a single bullet inside, but a piece of repaired Terra Stone. The energy extension barrier device composed of various sophisticated materials, Wang Yan does not know how the energy in the Terra Stone works, he is not a real scientist, what he cares about is the product effect of the Terra Stone.

After reloading the magazine, Wang Yan led by Norton to the testing site of the laboratory. The target that Norton said was actually a special alloy, and part of the source of the alloy came from the mechanical Giselle.

Giselle has nothing to do about this situation. After all, the armor of the mechanical Giselle does have a very strong defense. It is considered waste to be used as a gun target after being dismantled. It was taken out and put away, and the rest were steel parts, which could be replaced at any time.


When a pistol was fired, Wang Yan actually had the feeling of holding a hand cannon. The huge recoil force was easily offset by Wang Yan. What the pistol fired was not a bullet, but a laser-like ray, which appeared and then disappeared instantly. A pitch-black scorched mark was left on the gun target, and the extremely thick gun target became a little red with the ray landing point as the center.

"Laser rays?"

Wang Yan continued to fire a few more shots. He found that the pistol could fire continuously, that is, when the trigger was held still, the ray would continue, and it would disappear after it was released. However, it was different from the laser ray. A new type of weapon with an energy core.

"No, but the effect is not worse than lasers. You must know that lasers are usually not stored in such a small weapon. Except for those selected gunners, laser cannons can be used, and ordinary people can't even pick them up. It's unimaginable to fire such a powerful ray from such a small weapon."

Giselle, who was standing aside, explained that he had personally verified the power of this pistol with Terra stone as its energy core, and knew how powerful the opponent was.

"How far can it be launched? How accurate is it? How long is the use time limit?" Wang Yan asked several questions in succession, which is very important.

"With a maximum range of 1000 meters, the accuracy will basically not be changed by the wind, except for the refraction of light, which will be different due to the shooter's line of sight, which is probably where to aim and hit, and it is continuous, and the direction can be changed midway .”

Norton was glad that Wang Yan was able to ask these questions, instead of caring about the power of the weapon.

"As for the time limit, the normal launch of 5 replacements, or the cooling of rays lasting more than [-] minutes, should take more than three hours, that is, more than [-] seconds. A small Terra Stone, the energy contained inside It’s unbelievably strong, did you know that it can penetrate walls more than ten centimeters thick, and it can even penetrate steel armor that is several centimeters thick.”

"Well, but the possibility of mass production is very small."

Wang Yan said with a smile. Both Norton and Giselle scratched their heads: "It's a bit difficult, mainly because the energy extension barrier device of the energy block is not easy to get. If it is really mass-produced, it will take three days to collect the resources and manpower of the laboratory. To make such a gun."

"There will be progress. The power of this new type of weapon is not weaker than that of magic. Once it is mass-produced, there will definitely be a revolutionary change, and the pattern of the continent will even change. You should have already thought of this. In short, everyone is working hard. Is there enough Terra Stone reserves?"

Wang Yan nodded. If it is true that ordinary firearms can be produced on an assembly line, Wang Yan has no doubt that with the number of hundreds of disciples of Paris, they can easily occupy Hutton Marr. Weapons are fine.

(End of this chapter)

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