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Chapter 499 Newton's Coffin Board

Chapter 499 Newton's Coffin Board
After being resurrected, Zhang Chao thought about it seriously.

At first I thought it was just a brainless action game, but it seems that it is not that simple?
"Assassin's Creed Assassin's Creed, it seems that mindless sneaking is not enough. Assassins need to pay attention to the art of stealth."

"Although the place where the farmers are being held is on the north side of the temple, there is a watchtower on the north side, and it will be very difficult to sneak in from here."

"In contrast, the west side seems to be a little easier."

Bayek then waited patiently for nightfall before sneaking in from the west side of the temple.

First climbing the wall, and then climbing up the roof, Bayek turned into a cat on the roof at night, jumping around flexibly, completely unconstrained by the laws of physics.

If Newton was still alive, he would probably be pissed off.

But in this era of ancient Egypt, there are still more than 1000 years before Newton was born!

So for the time being, don't worry about whether Newton's coffin board can be pressed or not.

Feeling his way through the shrubs of the temple, Bayek prepared to head for the gardens to the north of the temple.

But there is a fixed guard at the junction between the grass and the garden.

Near this fixed guard, there are two teams of four people patrolling back and forth.

It is impossible to sneak past this fixed guard.

The killing ring must be started!
Bayek approached slowly and came behind the fixed guards. He first observed the surrounding patrols, taking advantage of the fact that both patrols had their backs to him.


One blow to wipe the neck and instantly kill it!

Then dragged the body into the grass.

The whole process was extremely smooth!
And without anyone noticing.

Zhang Chao felt a very comfortable pleasure.

This pleasure comes from the satisfaction of a successful assassination, but also from the perfection of the whole process.

A perfect assassination is a perfect performance art!

Careless patrols did not notice the guard's disappearance due to the good disposal of the body.

Then groping for a gap, Bayek quickly passed through, and then came to the cage where the farmers were held.

Although the cage was right in front of him, Bayek remained calm and did not go directly to save people.

Because although there are no guards next to the cage, there is a watchtower directly above the cage.

The watchtower must be dealt with before the farmers can be safely rescued.

It's very simple, quietly anti-physics touch the watchtower, a backstab!
This time, Zhang Chao didn't even need to deal with the corpses. Zhang Chao jumped off the watchtower with a leap of faith, opened the cage, and released the imprisoned peasants.

But Bayek failed to discover the main target of the trip—the woman's husband.

After questioning, I found out that he had been killed.

One step too late failed to save the living, but the corpse still had to be carried back to give the woman an explanation.

Even with the corpse on his back, Bayek was still walking like flying, and easily led the survivors out of the temple.

After leaving the temple, he summoned a camel, put the body on the camel, and prepared to go to the woman's home.

But halfway through the sand dunes on a camel, Bayek encountered a patrol.

The patrol didn't know Bayek, so Bayek wasn't in danger.

But the patrol noticed the body on Bayek's camel.

"Hey! It's illegal to transport corpses without permission! Stop! Accept our investigation!"

Who is Bayek?
Be the guardian of all Egypt!
Protect the Pharaoh and the people!

This is not a good thing.

The patrol team took the initiative to find Bayek, that is courting death.

Since they wanted to die, they really died.

After killing the patrol, Bayek took the body to the woman's house.

As a result, only a piece of ruins appeared in front of my eyes.

The woman's home was burned down by brutal soldiers.

The woman who wrote to Bayek for help, as well as his pair of children, were also brutally killed.

Obviously, this is an act of revenge.

Soldiers captured and killed the husband who was protesting the tax increase, then went to his home and killed his family.

Bayek put the corpses together neatly, and then said with a long sigh, "I accepted the mission to reunite their families."

"And in a sense, they did reunite."

"I hope your family can gain more peace after death than during life."

After finishing this task, while Bayek let out a long sigh, Zhang Chao also let out a long sigh.

"It's just a simple small task, but it has clearly portrayed the brutality of the rulers in power."

"I can't wait to continue the game and overthrow this evil world."


Such a mission that touched Zhang Chao was just the beginning.

Soon Bayek left his hometown and came to the magnificent city of Alexandria.

As one of the most famous cities in the Mediterranean world BC, Alexandria in the game "Assassin's Creed" was restored very well.

A great ancient city where prosperity and crisis coexist, an international metropolis that can embody the fusion of ancient Egyptian and ancient Greek cultures.

Because Zhang Chao has a deep understanding of history, when he saw that Feimeng restored a city in BC so well in the game, Zhang Chao felt very surprised.

No one knew what Alexander was supposed to look like.

But as long as you are a player of "Assassin's Creed", you will definitely feel that "Assassin's Creed" should be like this.

Of course, if it was an ordinary player, he probably wouldn't think of too many stories about restoring history.

However, seeing a city that is so vivid and majestic, and at the same time shows the lives of the people of that era in subtle ways.

I believe that even players who don't pay much attention to details will also feel amazing!

It is easy to create a magnificent main city.

But it is very difficult to create a main city full of life.

Zhang Chao was in the Alexandria created by "Assassin's Creed", and he couldn't forget to return.

As if he really became a BC Egyptian guardian.

As if I was really walking in the streets of Alexandria.

As if he was really fighting for justice in the slums.

As if I was really talking and laughing with the believers in the temple.

As if he was really bargaining in the market.

As if he was really flying over the walls of the palace.

Such a strong sense of historical immersion is not available in any other game before.

Even old fritters who play games every day, I'm afraid they can't help being addicted.

And Zhang Chao, who hadn't played games for several years, couldn't resist it at all!
In the subsequent game process, Zhang Chao received another side task named Poet's Anger.

In the theater in Alexandria, there was a dramatist named Phanos the Little.

He was the cousin of Bayek's wife.

(End of this chapter)

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