Start a company to make games

Chapter 500 Criticizing Assassin's Creed

Chapter 500 Criticizing Assassin's Creed
And the cousin is in big trouble now.

In the world of classical Greece, drama was an important entertainment and political program.

So the matter of a drama actor is not a trivial matter.

Little Fanos' script was confiscated by the authorities because of its reactionary content.

The soldiers captured the bard under the little Fanos, and at the same time warned the little Fanos that if he dared to continue to perform this play, he would be hanged!

Bayek looked at little Fanos' weak body and was very worried about his wife's cousin's physical condition, so he said a few words of comfort first.

Then Bayek said that he would help find the script and actors.

The place where the actors were held was in the barracks.

Bayek came around the barracks, first used the eagle to scout the barracks, learned where the actors were being held, and touched the patrol routes of the soldiers.

After some reconnaissance, Bayek climbed over the wall from the south of the barracks.

There are some soldiers on the city wall patrolling, sneaking all the way, assassinating the guards on the city wall one by one.

In this way, the south of the entire barracks is very safe.

Bayek then jumped off the wall and began breaking down the cages that held the actors.

Because there are guards next to the cage, this step cannot be unnoticed.

Since there is no way to be invisible, then it will be earth-shattering!

While Bayek freed the actors, he also freed many of the rebels who were being held captive.

The released rebels quickly caused great chaos in the barracks, and Bayek took advantage of the chaos and led the actors to evacuate first.

But rescuing the actors is only the first step. Bayek still needs to find the script for Little Fanos.

This script was taken as a reactionary reading by the patrol captain.

After Bayek climbed onto the roof and locked the position of the patrol leader, he saw an opportunity that fell from the sky!

This is a classic move in "Assassin's Creed".

Swordsmanship that descended from the sky!
Justice from heaven!

After Heaven's Justice killed the patrol captain and snatched the script, Bayek left behind and hid his credit and fame.

The actors came out, the script was brought back, and little Fanos quickly arranged a rehearsal.

Bayek also watched the rehearsal and gave the play a very high opinion.

But Bayek is still a little puzzled, feeling that there is nothing wrong with this drama?How could it be banned?

It turned out that one of the actors secretly told Bayek after the performance that the names of the characters in the script had been changed.

And the name of the villain in the previous script was - Ptolemy and his title.

"Haha! We changed the name of the villain in the script, it is no longer the great Ptolemy, so it should be no problem for the script to be performed publicly."

"We will not be arrested and executed by the authorities."

After Bayek learned the truth, he couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

And Zhang Chao, who was outside the screen, also burst into laughter.

"Cow B!"

"It's good enough to satirize those in power with a drama, and what's even more defiant is that the villain is directly named the great Ptolemy!"

"Fantasy Catch the Death Contest - the championship! It's not wrong to catch it."

At the beginning, Zhang Chao tried to play Feimeng's game with a critical attitude.

However, a few days later...

The slightly tired Zhang Chao once again ate food stalls with Brother Glasses, but this time Baozi was also present.

Brother Glasses asked, "Brother Chao, haven't you been playing "Assassin's Creed"? How do you feel?"

Hearing this, Baozi put down the dumpling in his hand, and asked in surprise, "Haha! I thought Brother Chao, you were going to start a game company, or insist on not playing games!"

"It's reasonable, you're going to be in the game industry, and it's definitely not good if you don't play the Feimeng game."

"How about it, Feimeng game deserves its reputation, right?"

Zhang Chao rubbed his eyes, yawned, and said, "When I was in school, the teacher asked me to play less games and read more, so I made up my mind not to play games."

"Now that I have graduated and plan to enter the game industry, I must play games."

Baozi asked excitedly: "Brother Chao, what do you think of "Assassin's Creed"? Haha!"

Zhang Chao said lightly: "It's not as good as you brag."

"It's obviously an assassination game, but it also adds damage and level settings. If the level is too low, it's impossible to kill people directly. It's too misleading!"

"However, I feel that the combat system is still very enjoyable. Blocking, dodging, and anti-counterattack combos, the sense of attack is not bad!"

"The process of searching for equipment makes me feel very vulgar. Why is it still the old-fashioned color and grade? It's too vulgar!"

"No creativity at all! If I make a game, it must be more creative than "Assassin's Creed."

"If I really want to say the biggest gain, it is that I learned the correct usage of the golden apple."

Both Baozi and Brother Glasses expressed dissatisfaction: "Cut! Brother Chao, you are just talking nonsense. I know that with your level, you must have seen a lot of things. Tell us about it."

Zhang Chao is still very satisfied with the flattery of the two brothers - although he has not been in the game world for a few years, the brothers still recognize his level!
After taking a sip of wine, Zhang Chao said with a smile, "I won't talk about Bayek's anti-physical rock climbing ability."

"The eagle that Bayek raised is equivalent to a drone, and even worse than a drone."

"The funniest thing is that Bayek is the guardian of the pharaoh. He has friends all over the world. Wherever he goes, people cheer in surprise: Bayek!"

"However, the enemy soldiers certainly don't know Bayek."

Brother Glasses said, "Uh...the enemy doesn't know Bayek. It's really worth complaining about, but it's reasonable that Bayek is a stealth assassin, and he probably doesn't show his face very often."

"The enemy has only heard of Bayek, but it's normal that they don't know Bayek."

Zhang Chao smiled and said, "Yes, Bayek is an assassin in the shadows, and no one can beat him in stealth assassination!"

"What if the stealth assassination is discovered?"

"I assassinate you, how dare you find me? Eat me!" Zhang Chao laughed loudly: "As long as no living person sees me, sneaking is not a failure, right?"

Baozi was also amused, "Ahahahaha! There's nothing wrong with it! Feimeng's "The Elder Scrolls" is also like this."

"Everyone who finds me is dead = no one finds me, completely O a few K!"

Zhang Chao continued: "Assassin's Creed has another stupid aspect. Every time I sneak into the pyramids to find treasures, and see the gold all over the mountains, my heart is full of joy."

"In the end, I went up to explore the treasure, but I only got a few dollars! I'm speechless!"

"Wouldn't it be nice if I emptied the entire pyramid at once?"

(End of this chapter)

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