253 Frostmourne

Since there is a contradiction between the Burning Legion and the Scourge, perhaps the angry Arthas can take advantage of this contradiction.

Alsace, there is still a chance not to fall into the abyss!

At this time, Mr. X checked the AR models of Jaina, Uther and Alsace.

Jaina: Even though the residents of Stratholme are the people of Lordaeron, Jaina still feels heartbroken. She cut off her relationship with Alsace. Kul Tiras warned his father's crows—perhaps, the disaster in Lordaeron is really not a joke.

So is the land of hope really in Kalimdor across the far sea?
Uther: An angry war hero who has been relieved of his duties, but still firmly controls the Knights of the Silver Hand.Only a king can stop that mad prince, and Uther is sure the king will heed his advice.

Alsace: After successive blows, Alsace found that the Holy Light could no longer help him. Alsace decided to use his own power to take revenge!Arthas vowed to destroy the dreaded Demon Lord Melganis, and he would do whatever it took to avenge the mastermind behind the plague and all of this!
And the first step of revenge is to lead the army to Northrend before the king's decree to order the troops arrives!
The next scene is the icy and snowy Northrend continent, and in order to create a icy and snowy atmosphere, the temperature of the air conditioner here is turned on very low, it is really cold!
In the AR snowflakes all over the sky, Arthas easily repelled an undead army and rescued a group of besieged dwarves.

The leader of the dwarves was Muradin Bronzebeard, a stocky dwarf.

From the words of Alsace and Muradin, X learned that Muradin and Alsace have a very close relationship, a relationship of both teachers and friends.

Dwarves and humans are close allies, and Muradin is Alsace's friend and master. After saving the dwarf team, the two armies naturally merged.

And Muradin also told Arthas why he appeared in this icy and snowy place full of undead creatures.

"Have you heard the saying that a sharp blade kills a life, and power wounds a soul?"

Arthas shook his head.

"This is a legend of a treasure, the exclusive channel of my adventure group. In this damn Northrend continent, there is an extremely powerful ancient rune sword with infinite power-Frostmourne!"

X noticed that when Muradin uttered the four words Frostmourne, Arthas was struck by lightning.

X guessed: "This sword will be the key to Alsace's revenge."

"If Arthas gets this sword, he will be able to successfully kill the Lich King. Of course, Arthas will definitely pay the price."

"It's just that I don't know what the price of using Frostmourne is?"

The treasure-loving dwarves will continue to search for the powerful artifact Frostmourne even if they are in danger.

And Alsace, who longed for power and revenge, naturally wanted to obtain the Supreme Artifact.

The scene shows the power of the combined human and dwarf forces in a spring and autumn style - breaking the army of the dreaded demon king Melganis, but it is a pity that the cunning demon escaped again.

The scene ends with Mr. X coming to Muradin Bronzebeard.

Muradin Bronzebeard: A kind dwarf, a helpful warrior, a staunch ally, and a ferocious enemy!In battle, Muradin always rushes into the enemy group regardless of his own safety, but outside of battle, Muradin is also a great adventurer and diplomat.

Muradin Bronzebeard stayed in Lordaeron as a diplomatic ambassador during the Second War, and made great contributions to the stability of the Human-Dwarf Alliance.During this period, Muradin also became good friends with the young Prince Alsace, and taught Alsace the superb dwarven swordsmanship.

Mr. X smiled and looked at this fierce and cute dwarf man, and hoped that the dwarf Muradin could help Arthas avoid tragedy.

Coming to Alsace again, X checked the new information.

Arthas: The moment he heard the words Frostmourne, Arthas immediately realized that the Holy Light was not trustworthy, and his own strength was not enough.

If Frostmourne is really as powerful as Muradin said, then getting this sword can easily resolve the danger of fighting alone in Northrend, the hinterland of the undead, and even slay Mel Ganis who died for the Kingdom of Lordaeron. Revenge of wronged souls!

So, can Arthas successfully obtain Frostmourne?

X even suspects that if Northrend really has such an artifact, then there is a high probability that this sword is in the hands of the Lich King himself!

How does Arthas get Frostmourne from the Lich King?
With this question in mind, Mr. X moves on to the next scene.

In this scene, Arthas and Muradin were quietly discussing something with their backs to the soldiers.

In the distance between the two of them, soldiers can be seen talking and laughing to pack their things in the background, and in the farther background, the fleet can be seen.

It looks like the soldiers are preparing to leave Northrend?

The battle is halfway through, stop fighting?
Confused, X hurriedly listened carefully to the conversation between Arthas and Muradin.

Muradin seemed to be persuading Arthas.

"Forget it, since His Majesty Terenas has summoned you back, it's better to obey the king's order."

"Lordaeron is in the midst of a plague, and your father needs his children."

Alsace's face was full of hostility, and he almost said to himself: "Father is unable to protect his people! Only I can! I must get Frostmourne, and I must serve the people of Stratholme revenge!"

"Muradin, help me? I have an idea."

"Leaving Northrend requires ships..."

X understood Alsace's thoughts, he actually wanted to destroy these ships!
Muradin agreed with Alsace's idea that it is indeed a solution, but Muradin said: "This matter cannot be known to the soldiers, but without the help of the soldiers, how could we destroy the ship?"

Arthas was at a loss, but Muradin gave Arthas help again at this time.

"I have been in Northrend for a while, and I am more familiar with this area. I know that there are some mercenary camps nearby, as long as you have enough money..."

As the prince of the most powerful country in mankind, Arthas will never be short of money if he lacks anything.

Alsace showed a look of disgust and said: "I hate these miscellaneous mercenaries who don't care about reputation at all, and only have money in their eyes, but now we have no choice."

"In order to avenge the people of Lordaeron, I must sometimes sacrifice my honor."

(End of this chapter)

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