Chapter 252
"My own people have become the walking corpses of the undead, which makes Arthas very sad. The strong sense of responsibility makes Arthas blame himself very much. At the same time, he also hates the undead Scourge!"

"If I guess correctly, Arthas should be going to Northrend, where there is still a decisive battle between Arthas and the Lich King!"

The prince who saves mankind and the Lich King who is the evil undead, X is looking forward to this showdown.

Moving on, Mr. X came to a quiet human city - Stratholme.

The AR technology started to play, Arthas, Jaina, and the Knights of the Silver Hand led by Uther joined forces outside the city.

Alsace thanked Uther for his support, and Uther asked Alsace, "The base of the undead army is just outside the city. How do you plan to fight?"

Alsace's face was a bit gloomy. He pointed to the empty grain bins at the top of the city and said, "We are still a step late. The residents of Stratholme have eaten contaminated food. Look at their pale faces. They are about to become Zombie soldiers of the undead."

"For..." Alsace said with difficulty, looking very ugly, "In order to prevent the enemy from growing, we must kill them, all the residents of Stratholme!"

"We... are going to destroy Stratholme."

Jaina showed a shocked expression, while Uther was irritated by Arthas' crazy idea!

Uther yelled at his disciples: "No! Are you crazy? They are your people, and this is your city! There must be another way."

Jaina also said: "We may be able to ask Dalaran for help. Even if it is necromancy, the magic city of Dalaran must have a solution."

Alsace said tragically: "There is no time to argue, listen, Mr. Uther, I order you as the future king, destroy this city!"

The head of the Knights of the Silver Hand refuses to slaughter his own people.

"Never! You are not a king yet, even if you are, I will not be an executioner who slaughters my own people."

The soldiers watched the three leaders' quarrel blankly, but Alsace's eyes became determined.

"Then, I have no choice but to regard your behavior as a kind of betrayal."

Betrayal is the greatest insult to a knight. Uther's expression changed, and he said in astonishment: "Betrayal? Are you crazy, Arthas."

Jaina tries to reconcile the master-student relationship: "Arthas... no..."

Arthas did not look at Jaina, and announced loudly to the soldiers: "Listen, all troops, I am Arthas! Son of Terenas Menethil! Crown Prince of Lordaeron! As a prince, I announce the release Uther's position and his status as a paladin, those who are willing to follow him should leave here."

Many knights and some soldiers were gone, and Jaina was about to leave.

The moment Jaina turned to leave, Arthas called out in a small, gentle, pleading voice: "Jina?"

Jaina stopped, but didn't look back. "I'm sorry, Arthas...I can't watch you do this."

Prince and Jaina's love affair is over.

Lost his teacher, lost his lover, Alsace has become steadfast.

He shouted to the backs of the departing people, and at the same time he shouted to himself: "Very well, let's go, I will use my own method to eliminate the undead on this continent!"

Then the scene played in the AR scene was very bloody. Arthas led the army loyal to him and began to massacre in the city!
Kick the door and enter, demolish the house, men, women, old and children, leave no one behind!
Alsace led people to slaughter the innocent citizens infected with the plague, and burned all the buildings in the city to the ground!

Seeing the bloody scene, Mr. X, who was stunned, was also thinking intensely at this moment!

The direction of the plot is completely beyond my expectations!

Alsace in the scene has changed, manic, cold, brave, and ruthless!
Prince Alsace is definitely the person who protects his people the most, but he wants to kill them with his own hands.

How painful is this for the young prince?How desperate is it?

Alsace's personality will change drastically, which is very reasonable!

However, the plot I thought about before: the righteous prince defeating the evil Lich King, can this plot really be staged?
AR's massacre of the city didn't take long. After the massacre of Stratholme, Arthas directed the survivors to cremate their bodies with a blank expression.

Jaina, who was following secretly, wept sadly, and Uther, who was also following secretly, also left firmly with others.

At this time, one of the masterminds of the Stratholme tragedy, a demon king with a bald head and huge wings, appeared in front of Alsace.

The two-winged demon laughed at Alsace's useless efforts: "Slaughtering his own people, the so-called knights who believe in the Holy Light are so weak and pitiful!"

"You are decisive, but powerless. Stratholme is about to become a paradise for our undead and natural disasters... Hahahaha..."

"If you want revenge, come to Northrend, poor Holy Light Knight! Hahahaha..."

The winged demon soars into the sky, at which point the long scene comes to an end.

X nodded and wrote down: "Sure enough, Arthas is going to Northrend to fight the Lich King, but..."

Seeing Alsace's distorted face of sadness, anger, guilt, and longing for revenge, X couldn't help being very worried.

He was invincible all the way, but retreated steadily.

Unable to save his own people, he even massacred the city with his own hands.

Breaking up with his teacher, breaking up with his lover, and the prince whose heart is occupied by hatred, can he still maintain his sanity?
X suddenly had a strong and ominous premonition: Prince Arthas' decisive battle in Northrend might not have a bright ending.

Worried, Mr. X approached the two-winged demon.

Mel'Ganis: The dreadlord Mel'Ganis, one of the high-ranking demons of the Burning Legion, served as the secret police and interrogator in the Burning Legion, and was sent to supervise the Lich King in fulfilling its duties.

Dreadlords often turn brother against brother through intimidation or deceit, and then cause the world to fall under their dark influence.They have conquered many worlds by controlling the minds of their enemies and turning them into minions.

X frowned. From this point of view, the Burning Legion seems to be the boss behind the scenes?
And the Dread Demon King is in charge of supervising the Lich King?Is that a warden?
It seems that the Burning Legion and the Scourge Legion are not purely superior and inferior, and the two may be at odds!

X couldn't help but smile knowingly: It seems that the plot of Warcraft and the relationship between characters are much more complicated than I imagined!
(End of this chapter)

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