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Chapter 251 Mr. X's Thoughts About Games

Chapter 251 Mr. X's Thoughts About Games

There was anger, self-blame, and pain on the face of this young and handsome prince, and if you look carefully, you can even see a trace of dissatisfaction with Uther.

Only the most advanced AR technology can express a person's expression so richly.

X lowered his head and wrote down his experience in the notepad of his mobile phone: The young prince felt unwilling and thought that Uther's tactics were too conservative. If Alsace himself commanded him, he probably thought that his rapid advance would be able to save the world. down his people.

Then X approached the body of the orc leader and saw some information about the rebellion orcs.

Blackstone Clan: Although years of wars have reduced their numbers, the Blackstone clan is still the most powerful in the tribe.

Under the rule of Blackhand the Destroyer for many years, the Blackrock Clan has rapidly increased in strength and won countless victories in the first war against mankind.After the complete failure of the second war, a large number of orcs stayed within the sphere of influence of the alliance, but they were unruly and always waiting for new opportunities!

After learning some information about the orcs, X was thinking about his own prediction of the plot.

"The promise to save the people fell through. Alsace has been blinded by anger and revenge. The young and impulsive prince is afraid that he will pay the price for his anger."

"Alsace, I'm afraid you will suffer a big loss, right?"

"These orcs don't seem to be strong, can they really become the prophesied disaster?"

In the fourth scene, the painting style suddenly became much darker, ruined human villages, corpses, crows...

And ghouls that eat corpses.

Here, Arthas and his rumored girlfriend Jaina battle the tainted undead creatures and encounter the evil necromancer Kel'Thuzad.

Arthas and Jaina gathered an army and marched on the tainted granaries.

X's face became serious at this time, because he thought that the story would revolve around the human alliance represented by Alsace and the orc tribe who were unwilling to be defeated.

But now, X is keenly aware that it seems that the undead creatures in this level are the real enemy.

X couldn't help but think of the crow's prophecy.

"Could it be that this is the disaster for Lordaeron?"

After the AR playback ends, X checks Jaina's profile.

As the rumored girlfriend of the rich and handsome Prince Alsace, Jaina's appearance is absolutely passable, and the lifelike AR model makes X's eyeballs that were polluted by undead creatures clear a lot.

Jaina Proudmoore: Princess of Kul Tiras, daughter of Admiral Daelin Proudmoore, closed disciple of Dalaran leader Antonidas, one of the best mages in Dalaran, Arsa Adams' childhood friend and secret lover.

There are also a lot of nouns that make Mr. X quite curious.

What country is Kul Tiras?
Who is the Admiral?

Is Dalaran bad?

X buried himself in his thoughts.

"Although I don't quite understand the background, I can tell that Jaina is a beautiful lady of noble birth, with a great talent for magic and a pretty good personality."

"Alsace and Jaina are well matched, but I don't know what kind of test this couple will encounter in the next journey."

After admiring the beautiful girl Jaina, X checked the profile of the villain Kel'Thuzad.

This ugly old man looked ugly and weird, full of evil aura. X decided that Kel'Thuzad was an evil necromancer, and there must be more evil forces behind it.

Kel'Thuzad: A powerful human mage, one of the six members of the Kirin Tor Council, Kel'Thuzad, who was obsessed with necromancer magic, was warned many times by the Archmage Antonidas, and finally died in the glacier of the Northrend continent. on, kneeling at the feet of the Lich King Ner'ol's group.

X smiled as expected.

"Sure enough, Kel'Thuzad is just an agent, and the Lich King is the big boss behind the scenes."

"If I'm not wrong, the next experience must be Alsace and Jaina, the handsome man, the beautiful princess, the princess, and the princess, together to defeat the evil Lich King."

"There will be setbacks and misunderstandings during the period, but in the end Arthas, the natural hero, will defeat himself and the Lich King."

"And Jaina will become the queen of Lordaeron. Lordaeron and Kul Tiras will marry to create a glorious and prosperous world!"

Thinking about the plot, X moved on to the next scene.

Here AR technology amazes X again. Using AR technology, Feimeng has created a prosperous human base.

Collect resources, build buildings, and storm soldiers!

Wipe out the base of the undead, kill Kel'Thuzad!

The young prince has won a big victory on the battlefield!

But the prince's face was full of solemnity, and he was still a step late, and the contaminated grain had already been distributed.

People who eat these grains will turn into undead zombies!In order to save his people, the prince must retrieve the contaminated food!
Moving on to the next scene, X found that the offensive and defensive battle he thought was quite spectacular before was just a small scene.

After killing Kel'Thuzad, Arthas continued to pursue the undead and came to Hearthglen.Alsace and Jaina found that the place was being attacked by an army of undead. As a prince, Alsace took over the army and would undertake the defense work.

X saw the tense human base, and outside the base, a shadowy army of undead represented by AR technology.

Because there were too many enemies, Arthas asked Jaina to use teleportation to fly away to Uther for reinforcements.

But shortly after Jaina left, Alsace received bad news that all the contaminated food had been distributed to the surrounding villagers.

At this moment, the villagers who were polluted into zombies attacked their prince.

resident Evil!

A larger-scale terrorist battle unfolded before X's eyes, and X noticed that Arthas's face was full of pain.

The vast army of undead almost flooded the human base, but Alsace burst out with astonishing combat power, and the holy light almost enveloped his whole body, allowing Alsace and his army to persist until Uther brought them.

After a difficult battle, Arthas was victorious, but his face was full of sadness. He killed countless of his own people.

Arthas looked at himself in the blood reflection in confusion, the holy light was extremely powerful, yet so powerless!
In the post-war desolation, amidst mountains of corpses and seas of blood, the scene ends.

X jotted down his opinion.

"The young prince kept trying to save his people, but was one step behind again and again. Even killing Kel'Thuzad could not stop the spread of the plague."

(End of this chapter)

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