Chapter 254

Arthas let go of his arrogance and agreed to the mercenary battle, but Muradin said: "Norrend is full of undead patrols and sentry towers. We don't have an army, and it will be very difficult to pass."

Muradin's warning naturally did not scare Alsace, the scene progressed rapidly, and soon, when the scene stopped again, X saw the scene that Arthas and Muradin were leading a huge army.

This army is mainly composed of huge ogres. These huge guys are quite cute while terrifying.

While the soldiers were resting, Alsace led the mercenaries around the sea and burned all the ships.

As a result, the soldiers could not go home.

X showed a knowing smile: "Hehe, this trick is really wicked, but it cut off the way for the soldiers to go home, so the soldiers can only follow Alsace to fight to the end in the cruel Northrend !"

"It's a bit of a ruin, and I'm starting to appreciate him a little bit."

When the flames were burning, the soldiers of Alsace were attracted by the flames, and ran to the seashore howling.


"We can't go home!"

"We will die in this icy and snowy place!"

"Who set the fire? Undead? Ah! The undead army wants to kill us, and they won't let us leave Northrend!"

The soldiers who had lost their retreat were panicked and faced the danger of mutiny.

At this moment, Alsace suddenly stood up and pointed at the mercenaries behind him, saying, "It's them! These shameless mercenaries! They were sent by the undead to burn down our ships!"

The angry soldiers got a vent to vent their emotions, and rushed forward, tearing the mercenaries who hadn't figured out the situation to pieces...

Muradin was so angry that his beard blew up!

He pulled Alsace to the corner and roared at Alsace!
And Alsace just said indifferently: "It's just a few insignificant mercenaries who died. They died for my revenge, and they died well."

Throwing Muradin away, Arthas stepped up and shouted: "Melganis' minions want us to die in Northrend!"

"We're in trouble, but we still have a chance!"

"Defeat the undead army! Kill Mel'Ganis, I! Arthas, Prince of Lordaeron, promises you! I will bring you home!"

"Go home as a hero!"

The soldiers who could not return had no choice but to continue to fight against Melganis led by Arthas.

While marching, Muradin questioned Arthas.

"Alsace, you have changed. You are no longer my old friend. You have become ruthless and frightening. Your soul has been distorted by hatred!"

Arthas didn't take it seriously: "Muradin, you haven't seen what Mel'Ganis did to my beautiful homeland. For my beautiful Lordaeron, I swear to kill Mel'Ganis at all costs!"

"Even if I pay my soul!"

At this moment, Mel'Ganis suddenly appeared, laughing wildly!
"Sure enough, as the Lich King said, you have come here, Arthas, are you still hiding in your safe little tent? This time my men will kill you all, this cold mountain is The place of your burial, the bitter north wind is your funeral song!"

Along with Mel'Ganis, there are countless legions of undead!
Muradin's face changed: "It's not good, we are surrounded again! The terrain is not good for us!"

Arthas was not afraid at all: "As long as we find the legendary sword Frostmourne, we can defeat our opponents!"

"Captain, you lead people to defend the base, and Muradin and I went to find Frostmourne. I can feel that it is very close, this sword is very close to us."

X took a step forward and called up the information of Alsace's captain.

Captain: Captain Farik, a down-to-earth farmer, but his fate is not destined to be an ordinary farmer.Registered at the Royal Guard Recruitment Office in the capital, Lordaeron, and Alsace quickly got to know him. When Farric was on duty in severe weather, Alsace handed over hot drinks several times to show his compassion. Alsace's generosity The behavior quickly earned Farik real respect and a strong bond of friendship was formed.

In the next scene, Arthas fought hard with all kinds of monsters in a snowstorm where he could hardly see anything.

After going through many difficulties and obstacles, they finally defeated the undead Scourge who were pursuing them. In the depths of Northrend's glaciers, Arthas and Muradin finally found the legendary cursed rune sword - Frostmourne.

Frostmourne is there, quietly waiting for the arrival of its master.

But treasures always have treasure guardians, and Frostmourne is no exception. The ancient ghost guardians guard the entrance of the cave and warn Alsace.

"Go back, humans, anyone who touches this cursed sword will fall! Lose your soul!"

Arthas ignored the warning and engaged the mighty guardian!
The mighty prince defeated the ghost guardian, and proudly said to the ghost as a winner: "Now, do you still want to protect this sword?"

The dying ghost guardian said intermittently: "No...I'm not protecting this sword...I...I'm's actually you!"

After the scene changed, Arthas and Muradin stood in front of the rune sword, Frostmourne, sealed in ice.

Mr. X suddenly felt a little nervous. Until now, Mr. X, who watched Alsace's twisted heart step by step, was still looking forward to Alsace's return.

After all, whether Alsace massacres cities or burns ships, it is all for its own people.

Although the means were extreme, X could understand Alsace.

Apart from framing those mercenaries, Arthas did not do any evil. Until now, Arthas is still the beloved Prince of Lordaeron with a bright future.

X has also been looking forward to Alsace's final return on the verge of depravity, and the return of the bright king!
But now, Mr. X has an ominous premonition, if Arthas really got Frostmourne, then...

Maybe there's really no turning back.

Arthas took a step forward, ready to draw his sword.

Muradin found a line of writing on the sword body.

"Wait a minute, young man. Here's a note, and it's a warning!"

"Whoever obtains this sword will have eternal power, but just as the sword splits the flesh of others, this sword will also erode the owner's soul."

"Anyone who picks up this sword will become my servant and will always obey my orders, and I will give you the power of endless darkness!"

 To explain the last few chapters, in order to write the relevant plots of Warcraft, I am also revisiting Warcraft recently.It has been more than 3 years since the last battle of Warcraft 10. I have forgotten a lot, but I still have a lot of fresh memories. I personally think it is quite cool to revisit it, so I want to write a part in detail, and let some people who have never played before Friends of Warcraft can understand.

(End of this chapter)

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