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Chapter 222 Wrath from the Tauren

Chapter 222 Wrath from the Tauren

Usually, if Da Chao and Darkseid meet, it is estimated that the earth-shattering battle will start in the next second, but this time, they all tacitly shifted their attention away and did not intend to fight.

This time I didn't come to fight, but to cooperate with Hades to sign a contract, and now that Dr. Manhattan is still here, it is naturally even more impossible to fight.

If there is a fight, they may not be able to fight together...

Then, Hades quickly signed the contract for everyone.

This contract is nothing at all, it's just the direction where the soul goes after death, and if you have enough strength, you can resist this contract, and Hades didn't think about coveting their souls. This universe is the king of Pluto, but it is going to change classes with the death of the Marvel universe.

This move will definitely be fun at that time.

After signing the contract, Dr. Manhattan, Da Chaoqun, Darkseids and others left with a bunch of people, and went on with their previous lives as usual. Fights that should be fought, those that should be hostile to each other, and most of the heroes I didn't even know what happened, it seemed that I was just in a trance, and nothing happened.

And Hades has also returned to the dimension where the TV series version of The Flash is located.

At this time, Hades slightly controlled the time to travel back, and Hades gave Barry a year to experience a new life.

Under Hades's reminder before leaving, and Barry already knew the things that would happen in the original book, he was almost invincible when dealing with those villains, and he didn't give any chance once he made a move. solve it.

Of course, it was not killing, but subduing. Barry still couldn't pass the test in his heart, and he didn't do it himself. For those who caused casualties, he directly handed over to the court, provided enough evidence, and then passed the formal way, and punish him accordingly.

Although there was no death penalty in this area before, Hades slightly modified the memory of a high-ranking and important person before leaving, and then the death penalty appeared.

This is of course a deserved end for those who deliberately caused the death of others.

As for some people who want to rely on their own connections to identify themselves as mentally ill and escape the death penalty... In the somewhat confused Barry, I found the Green Arrow from the next city, and then the Green Arrow shot, and a wave came to those doctors After "you betrayed this city", there is naturally no case of success in this matter.

After one experience, Barry also understood how to do it, so there were basically no major problems after that.

As for the greatest enemy, Reverse Flash, was naturally sentenced to death.

Although it was the first trial of the case against future people, the judge who had been warned by a yellow lightning bolt the night before, "Don't betray this city", ignored those and made this decision directly against the consensus of all the people.

Sometimes, villains need to be tortured by villains. Although Barry is not a villain, he can occasionally play a cameo role.

For those that have not caused casualties, Barry chose another way, ability development guidance, and physical and mental cultural education.

It was Hades who left his opinion and suggestion to Barry by the way, so he reacted.

In fact, those who have superpowers but don't know how to use them, and then unintentionally cause damage and casualties, this is also a large part.

But Barry, the prophet, found them out one by one, and then arranged for them according to the suggestion Hades left in his mind, coupled with his own understanding and the cooperation of Simon and Caitlin. A package of psychoeducation + scientific ability development mastery.

As for whether these students will cause more serious damage after they have learned it... There is no need to worry about this at all. Let alone whether they will have anti-social personality after undergoing psychological education, even if they do, Barry will It can be done in an instant.

After gaining enough combat experience, Barry, who possessed super speed, knew only two words in this world where he already knew most of the plots and the abilities and weaknesses of the corresponding characters—how lonely it is to be invincible.


Furthermore, after learning to control their abilities, almost all of these superpowers got a very satisfying job.

Those who can control the weather, are invited to rain in arid areas or stop water in flooded areas, and those who can control computers have become the benchmark leaders in the development of the Internet in the new era. Those with hypnotic ability are invited to research new hypnotic drugs to benefit the public... ...Almost all abilities are available, even the one that can flash has become the world's number one courier.

Hmm...why does it feel like this person's job is a bit watery?
In fact, who would want to commit crimes if they could live in a happy environment without worrying about food and clothing?

After all, there are very few people who fear that the world will not be chaotic, and those who have committed murder have basically committed crimes, and they have all died under the light of the righteous way.

As for those who want to get something for nothing...then they need good psychological guidance.

There is a specialization in the art industry, and if you directly invite a few teachers to come over at a high price, isn't that something that can be done casually?

As for how the money comes from... the students who come out of our psychological guidance will naturally have to pay a tuition fee afterwards!

As for Barry's family life, it is almost developing in the most perfect direction.

After obtaining enough evidence, Barry successfully proved that his father was not a murderer, so his father was naturally acquitted

The only thing that was not very successful was Barry's emotional aspect. Since the reverse flash was gone, his father's assistant and Elberd Swan's elder - Eddie Swan was not cool, so it led to A more serious problem occurred, that is... Iris West, who was originally cultivated by Barry, is still Eddie's girlfriend, and the relationship between the two has heated up rapidly...

Especially in the eyes of Barry, who knew that Iris would be his wife in the future, it was almost... no, this was the tauren in person.

But with Barry's character and his way of doing things, he has no way to stop it...

Barry was very helpless, so he had to focus his mind on the cause of controlling superpowers, while waiting for Hades' return, preparing to restart the universe.

So, speaking of it, this is also a reason why Barry is willing to restart the timeline. If everything is really perfect, maybe Barry doesn't want to do it anymore.

And now...

Wrath from the tauren!
 Please close your eyes when it gets dark, please open your eyes in the Academic Affairs Office, please choose the student who failed the course, are you sure it is him?Teacher, please open your eyes, do you have any usual points to give him?It's dawn, someone failed yesterday
(End of this chapter)

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