Chapter 223 Heroes
After Hades arrived in the dimension, he appeared in front of Barry. Barry also quickly dealt with almost everything, and then followed Hades to start special training.

"Didn't you tell her about the future?" Hades asked with great interest.

"No," Barry shook his head, and now he has thought about it, "the future is not certain, and, according to the current situation, the future is definitely not what it used to be, and I will not, for such a thing, To do something like that, against my character."

"Well," Hades didn't ask too much, "You really have such a personality, if it changes, then it's not you, if it's me, it's definitely not the same result now... ...But having said that, I won't let things develop to the point where it is now...Okay, the time for chatting is over, let's get down to business, those people are already getting a little impatient..."

"Those people?" Barry was a little puzzled.

"It's just some gods and the like," Hades waved his hand, "They don't want to see things like this, which almost have to end with GG, and none of them can solve it, even if the universe restarts. Any way, this is of course unacceptable to them...Speaking of it, it should be basically unacceptable to anyone."

"Ha... will the gods live and die because of this?" Barry was a little surprised.

"To be precise, it is a reincarnation, because in fact most of the gods have already become the controllers of the law, so even if the universe restarts, they are still them, just reborn once." Hades said , "Gods... are just stronger creatures. If you want, you can call them law masters."

"What about those who don't have control rules?" Barry asked curiously.

"There will always be some who like to pretend, aren't they?" Hades shrugged, "There are a lot of people who call themselves gods, and the word gods is just a relative name, such as now You, with your current ability, go to a place without any superpowers, and you will be regarded as a god by them at that time..."

"Relatively speaking, I understand." Barry suddenly realized.

"There is no harm without comparison, and the comparison objects are different, and the results obtained are naturally different." Hades waved his hand, ending the topic this time, "Let's start."

"What do I need to do?" Barry asked.

"Run, Barry," Hades said with a half-smile, "Do you still remember the future that I passed on to you in your memory? That's it, I want to be more compatible with the Speed ​​Force, and I want to improve your As for the proficiency and skill in using the Speed ​​Force, there is only one way, that is—to run."

"Sounds really inexplicably familiar." Barry complained.

"Then I should add "weneeedatalk"." Hades raised his eyebrows, and then some complicated spells began to appear on his hands.

"Wait, didn't you say that it will be fine if I run?" Barry was a little puzzled.

"You must run, but it also depends on where you are running," Hades said as he continued to move his hands. The complex seals began to combine and combine with each other to form a more For a complex magic circle, "the environment is also very important."

"Then... where am I going to run?" Barry asked.

"Speed ​​Force owner, where else can you go, which is more suitable for you to exercise?" Hades said meaningfully.

"Speed ​​Force space?" Barry suddenly realized.

"Yes." Hades' formation was completely formed, and a halo-like imprint appeared in front of Barry, "Your current speed is not up to the standard of entering the space of divine speed, so I will construct it for you." We have opened an acceleration channel... plus there is also the cooperation of the speed force on the other side of the speed force space, so you can easily go in, and then start our exercise plan!"

Before returning, Hades first went to the Speed ​​Force space, and then had a good communication with the Speed ​​Force there, and finally persuaded them with reasoning, and successfully reached a harmonious and unanimous opinion, making the Speed ​​Force agree that Barry was in the Speed ​​Force. Force space to start a specific training program.

Well, that's right, to convince people with reasoning, physical reasoning is also reasonable, there is nothing wrong with it!

As for the fact that Hades has no way to deal with the speed force space now?
This is not a thing at all, is it?
Isn't it easy to call Da Chao, Doctor Manhattan and other gods to support the scene?
Although I can't do anything to you, but I can shake people to mess with you!
This shaking people is really cool, the feeling of bullying others, it is still very good to experience it once in a while!

As for this wave of behavior of bringing a group of great gods to do things, naturally it has achieved the current effect.

The Speed ​​Force in the Speed ​​Force space is conscious, so if it still wants to mix in the DC world, then it can only compromise.

Otherwise, if all the bigwigs here add up, if the matter is done absolutely, the speedsters will probably be gg...

The speed force is generated continuously by relying on the running of the speedsters. If all the speedsters are targeted by the gangsters and some measures are taken to restrict their running... Over time, even if Speed ​​Force

I can't stand it!

Even if you are fused with the universe, but at the beginning of the next restart of the universe, our group of creator gods will arrange a wave for you. If you have not fused in essence, then you can still reach the scale you are now, and the current Such a status?

Of course, the bosses will definitely not be able to do such an absolute job, and the premise is that the speed force consciousness is well coordinated, and the speed force consciousness is not some iron-headed baby, nor does it want to challenge the patience and patience of the bosses. Action means, so I readily agreed.

During this period, Speed ​​Force also made a request for possession to Hades, roughly meaning that they wanted to complement each other and work together to make up for a little bit of unhappiness before, but Hades readily... refused.

What is the use of this second man?

In terms of time, I, Hades, am a master of time management. In my eyes, your ability to manipulate time is completely out of the ordinary, okay?

And it can only be used in the DC world?

This is completely unattractive to Hades.

In terms of speed... the speed is not bad, but judging from the price to be paid to obtain that speed, it is completely unnecessary, and Hades does not lack the ability of that speed now.

If a speedster wants to reach the speed of light, he needs to run constantly, and compared to a speedster, he can obviously obtain more speed force. Therefore, a speedster is nothing more than a wage earner who works for speed force.

Hades counted his fingers, and found that his current status, if he condescends to be the status of this speed force wage earner, it seems a bit too low.

It’s not that I dislike the poor and love the rich, but now that I have the identities of preparing God, preparing the god of death and the supreme mage, I will be a mere wage earner with super speed and power, and I am so fast that I can take the big head and take the small one by myself head?
How could this be willing!
It's like when you earn [-] a month, an extra money of [-] a day is ridiculous, but when you earn [-]... what is [-]?Three thousand and three a day still care about your mere five hundred?
Barry and Hades came to the speed force space, and then under the supervision of Hades, the speed force consciousness began to teach Barry how to use his abilities correctly and maximize.

There is nothing to say about the process during this period. It can be roughly described in one sentence, that is——

Run, Barry, run!
Moreover, Hades also added a bunch of magic buff effects to Barry. After in-depth research on the nature of the speed force, he developed such a magic that is specially used to enhance Barry's exercise effect. Among them, including and not limited to physical strength recovery, speed force synchronization, understanding ability improvement, mental power recovery, etc...

All the bosses in the universe are waiting to do things here, so it is only natural to speed up the progress and use Barry as a tool man.


"Not bad." Hades nodded in satisfaction.

Through constant running and the teachings from the Speed ​​Force consciousness, Barry's strength has improved rapidly, but due to the special nature of the Speed ​​Force space, time has hardly passed.

Although it doesn't really matter how long has passed, because this is just "the past".

Changing the past will indeed cause some consequences, but the wave of time and time management before Hades directly wiped out all the speedsters who wanted to prevent the change of time and space, and then added With the cooperation of a large number of bigwigs, things are completely under control.

Moreover, after that, they will also go to the "future" relative to the present, and the "past" a little earlier than when Hades passed through.

Barry's strength is completely sufficient.

"The anchor point has been positioned, and now it's up to you," Hades looked at the energy body standing in front of him, almost completely transformed into a speed force, nodded and said, "Are you ready?"

"I think," the energy body gradually turned into a physical body, and Barry's figure stabilized skillfully, "I want to go back and have a look."

"Please feel free," Hades nodded, "you still have a long time."

Watching Barry leave as an energy body, Hades pondered for a while, and then said, "Do you know why I don't like heroes?"

"Why?" The Speed ​​Force consciousness floated beside Hades.

"To be precise, it's not that I don't like it, but that I don't want to be it," Hades said. "Heroes, most of them always need to be sacrificed and paid... I admire them, but I don't want to be them, and I don't want to be them." I want someone I know to be this kind of hero.”

"The psychology of family reunion?" Speed ​​Force consciousness must be an old bookworm.

"That's what it means," Hades smiled. "The Barry of this world... In return for this action, I don't want his world to have people with superpowers. Do you know what I mean?"

"I see." The Speed ​​Force's awareness instantly understood, "I will restrict them."

Looking at Barry who was outside, smiling, pretending to know nothing, and having a happy dinner time with his family, Hades smiled, shook his head, and sighed.



"I'm ready." Barry came to Hades.

"Actually, I'm not in a hurry." Hades tilted his head.

"I know, I just..." Barry said this with a bit of bitterness, "I'm afraid that if I stay for a while, I won't be able to hide those things, or I won't want to leave."

"Okay then." Hades nodded, "Don't worry, after the universe restarts... I will ask some people to give you some small 'care'~"

When Barry heard this, his eyes lit up instantly.

How can a god help him?
Barry understood what Hades meant almost instantly, and thought about it a lot. In the end, thousands of words were turned into one sentence—"Thank you."

"If you pay, you will be rewarded." Hades waved his hand, "Let's go."

Then, the universe restarts.

The handover of power was exceptionally smooth, and Death didn't intend to do anything wrong, or maybe she was too annoying to be harassed by Thanos, so she couldn't wait to run away?

In general, everything went very smoothly.

Hades has not been idle during this period of time, but he has dealt with a lot of souls everywhere to make his strength stronger, and then enough to inherit the authority.

So, now, standing in front of Thanos is the God of Preparation, the God of Death in the Marvel Universe, the Archangel of Heaven, and the Supreme Mage Hades!
Thanos: "..."

Looking at the power gem in his hand, Thanos looked at the pressure from Hades that brought him a fatal threat of death. Thanos shook his head helplessly, and then put the power gem on the on the glove.

"Come on." Thanos said calmly.

However, Hades did not shoot him.

To become the god of death, you need to abide by some rules, and, from Hades' current perspective, Thanos is no longer his opponent.

"How should I say it?" Hades spread his hands, "You are no longer my opponent, Thanos, and I have no intention of bullying, and now I, according to the rules, can't directly attack you. Although I see you are very upset."

"But there's an immediate solution. A villain is always needed to bring out the greatness of the protagonists, isn't it?"

"You mean yourself?" Thanos frowned.

"No, Thanos," Hades shook his head, "Things should return to the original track, although there is a little difference...but it's about the same, haha, the protagonist I mentioned is still on Earth Come on...are you ready?"

"Those mortals?" Ms. Death has left. Thanos now has almost no other ideas other than the plan to destroy the world, and it is purely for the sake of destroying the world, not to please Ms. Death.

If he wants to please, he may have to travel through a big universe first.

"Ordinary people can sometimes create miracles that even the gods can't bear." Hades smiled, "Let's wait and see, ten years, I won't interfere, and you can't go to the earth, including your men... Ten Years from now, let's see what kind of surprise the mortal you mentioned will give you!"

 It's almost over~
(End of this chapter)

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