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Chapter 221 The Wheel of Life and Death

Chapter 221 The Reincarnation of Life and Death
At the same time, the bosses are also actively choosing to cooperate with Hades' actions.

They began to contact the protagonists of those planes one after another, telling them all the ins and outs, and only asked them to wait for Hades' arrival, so that Hades could sign the contract.

For bigwigs of their level, they almost represent the incarnation of the rules of the world, so although they may be at odds with some other great powers in some aspects, but for this kind of power that is related to the whole On issues of right and wrong in the universe, and on issues that are of no benefit to everyone, their positions are the same.

Dr. Manhattan, Darkseid, Jin Dachao, Thinking Dachao, and other gods, big bosses who are beyond a certain dimension, all put down the things in their hands at this moment, or the grievances, Started to cooperate, notified the news, and then waited for Hades' arrival.

At this moment, Hades is in the dimension plane.

Hades is still teaching Barry how to use the Speed ​​Force and how to make it better.

In fact, if Reverse Flash really gave all of his money, Barry would not be abused almost every season as in the original book. However, this may not have been true in the first place. After all, Reverse Flash is the Flash O enemy!
It is either stupid to teach the enemy everything, or it has a greater purpose.

Speaking of which, after knowing all about the future, knowing all the hidden inside stories and the bosses that will appear in the future, Barry is now completely different from before.

Hades is also very proficient in the use of memory magic. He has subtly controlled a boundary, allowing Barry to go through all the plots from the perspective of a third party, without substituting himself.

Of course, naturally, he also knew something.

For example, the reverse flash is actually the source of everything that happened...

Therefore, when he looked at Elberd, who was still in a dying state and only relied on Hades' single-handed healing magic to barely hang his life, there was a flash of killing intent in Barry's eyes.

However, soon, Barry dissipated the trace of killing intent, shook his head, and asked in a hoarse voice, "What do you plan to do with him?"

"Arbitrarily," Hades said seemingly casually while paying attention to the speedsters outside the dimension who were constantly being erased because they lost the speed force's control over time, "do you want to kill him, or put He can be locked up or sent to the court, but the current law probably does not have a trial for people from the future... It depends on what you want, and it doesn't matter to me."

"..." Barry was silent for a while, "Won't killing him cause the flashpoint to appear?"

"The future is not static. As long as you change the future, you don't travel to the past to change it, but stay at your current time to change it. Then everything will be under your control. "Hades said, "Don't try to change the past, especially the past related to yourself. In that case, in fact, when you return to your original time point, it is no longer your original world. The flash point you mentioned, I think, you already know the consequences of that, don't you?"

"Yes." Barry listened very carefully.

"So, don't try to change the past, the past is what has happened, you can't change the future you are in," Hades said meaningfully, "If you want to change the future, you can only grasp the present, remember, Only, now..."

"Just get rid of him now..." Barry immediately understood what Hades meant.

"Everything in the future will naturally not happen. Of course, you still need to catch those superpowers, um... After all, they are free targets, aren't they?" Hades said, "Also, still Remember what I said, the souls of all people have not been disassembled, so if you want to see your mother, or... it is not impossible."

"Really?" Barry, who understood what Hades meant almost instantly, became excited, "Is what you said true? Can you really bring my mother back to life?"

"Shh... I didn't say that," Hades shrugged, the smile on his face was still so meaningful, "Life is the beginning, death is the end, life and death are a cycle, I am in charge of death, but, the distance Life is not so far away..."

The distance between death and life is not far away, and even, to a certain extent, there is almost no difference.

To use an analogy, it's like death rejected Thanos, and then gave him the curse of immortality... Although it is a curse for Thanos, in essence, it is discussed in another direction. Is it just a kind of life?
As long as it is used properly and the strength is strong enough, if you control death, you will actually control life to a certain extent, and the god who has mastered life, in fact, he can also be regarded as mastering a part of death, because he can control death. If a person's life is taken away, isn't that death?

The positioning is different, but if it is used properly, the effect is actually the same.

Just like now, Hades directly used magic to shape a body, and then stuffed Barry's mother's soul into it.

"If you want to modify the future, start now. Don't always think about changing the past. It can only be done when there is no other way, and you must be very careful," Hades said, and then waved He waved his hand, "I'll deal with some other things first, it's up to you what you want to do, remind me, don't forget the purpose of my looking for you, so... boy, do what you want to do! "

"I'll be back in a while," Hades received the urging news from some bigwigs outside the dimension, and Hades couldn't wait to go pick peaches, so he waved his hand, finally raised his hand, and put away himself After the artifact taxi mode, it disappeared into the air, "Enjoy the present and a bright future, Barry Allen, time is running out."

In an instant, Hades appeared outside the dimension.

"You are much weaker now." Dr. Manhattan said lightly.

"That can't be helped," Hades spread his hands helplessly, "Who did you bring?"

"Other members of the Justice League, as well as the protagonists in some TV series or anime," Dr. Manhattan beckoned, and the two came to a planet, only to see that the planet was already full of people, and almost every day One of them is a well-known hero or villain, but now, all of them have fallen into an unconscious state, "Your plan is very good, but the anchor point should be more accurate."

Then, the space fluctuated, and Da Chao and Darkseid appeared here at the same time, braving the golden light.

Darkseid brought a bunch of Darkside, and Dachao brought a group of Dachao.

If you want to say which time the superheroes and super villains gathered the most in the DC universe, I am afraid it is this time.


Mind broke.

The scariest thing is not taking the ten-subject test in five consecutive days, but after you learn the painful news, you get another news——

A friend of mine has changed all the exams...

Ha ha.

The world is not worth series
(╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

 According to the Indian intelligence department, China’s desire for war with India is unprecedentedly high. Almost every city and every street is blatantly pasted with slogans-printing, laser printing, fast printing, double-sided printing, etc., especially double-sided printing, which may be similar to that of Pakistan. related……

(End of this chapter)

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