Chapter 99 Swordsmanship

In the S.H.I.E.L.D. temporary base, Fitz, who had been sitting in front of the computer, suddenly shouted:

"The energy index of the hammer has soared!"

Upon hearing Fitz's words, all the scientists looked at each other in blank dismay for a few seconds, then immediately ran to the hammer, took out various instruments and started testing the hammer.

Although the scientists of S.H.I.E.L.D. have come into contact with many supernatural forces, supernatural items of the level of Thor's Hammer are definitely one of the few.

It can even be said that there is almost nothing comparable to Quake except for the Rubik's Cube.

Under everyone's gaze, Thor's Hammer gradually began to shake, and the earth and rocks under the hammer were cracking, as if some kind of power that could destroy the world was waking up.

'Whoever holds this hammer and deserves it will have the power of Thor. '

The ethereal voice echoed inside Thor's Hammer, and when the spell ended, Thor's Hammer rose into the sky, flew towards Thor and brought a huge thunderstorm.

The Destroyer who just got up from the ground did not attack Zed immediately, but looked towards the distant sky.Loki's expression on the throne changed suddenly, "No!"

Thor's Hammer came with the howling wind and thunder.Among other things, the sky full of thunderstorms will definitely fill the sky.Zed also has to admit that Sol's appearance is cooler than his own.

Nick Fury, who was at the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters in the Delta Wing Building, was so angry that Zed was about to explode. He had a gloomy face all the time, and his eyes were terrifying like a black-faced evil spirit.

But when Thor's Hammer flew towards the battlefield with a massive thunderstorm, Nick Fury immediately realized that he had been played by Zed.

"Damn Falk! Damn Zed! Damn predicting the future! Damn Falk!" Nick Fury kept cursing after he breathed a sigh of relief, without stopping for a moment.

Loki ordered with a grim expression:

"Stop it!"

Following Loki's command, the Destroyer immediately opened his visor and faced Thor's mortal body, as if to destroy Thor before Thor's hammer arrived.

Zed didn't know if Loki's plan would work, but he would definitely not let him get what he wanted, "How could it be possible for you to succeed!"

Zed threw the Hour Sword at the Destroyer's head.The Destroyer's head was slightly deflected by this blow, and the fiery energy rays only hit the houses in the small town.

Zed took advantage of the victory and rushed towards the Destroyer immediately, and then jumped into the air to complete a turn and somersault to avoid the Destroyer's iron fist.Stepping on the arm of the Destroyer, he kicked a powerful knight kick towards its head.

The armor made of Ulu metal has been obviously deformed, but it is a pity that there is no driver inside the Destroyer, so it will definitely not be kicked to concussion.

As the magic spell inside the Destroyer worked, the dent on the armor returned to its original state in the blink of an eye.

Along with it, Zed's ankle recovered, "Hiss~ ouch~ it hurts!"

Zed's kick not only broke Uru's metal armor, but also shattered his own ankle.Although such minor injuries can heal immediately, pain is inevitable.

Zed moved his newly recovered right foot and exclaimed at the same time:

"Hiss~ This Ulu metal is really hard!"

The hollow tin can of the Destroyer somewhat restrained Zed.

Neither Time Stop nor Precognition can cause direct damage to The Destroyer.The Demon Emperor's Sword can cut and blast the Destroyer, but Zed can't control the Demon Emperor's Sword yet.

As for magic, it is even more unusable, not only because Zed's magic level is still very immature, but also because Uru metal itself is the most magical metal.

The magic incantations inside the Destroyer have been engraved densely.Zed didn't dare to play big swords in front of Guan Gong—to bring shame upon himself.

When Zed was considering whether to use the second-order King's Ultimate Slash to give it a hard blow, Lei fell down.

"Oh! God!" Jane and his party stared at the incredible scene with their eyes wide open.

Thor held Thor's hammer and was bathed in thunder. The silver scale armor and red cloak heralded the return of Asgard's Thor.

The first thing after Thor opened his eyes was to throw Thor's Hammer at the Destroyer.With a bang, Thor's Hammer knocked the Destroyer into the air.

Thor jumped to Zed's side and stretched out his hand to recall Thor's hammer, saying at the same time:

"Keep you waiting, my friend. But why do you wait until I'm dead?"

"I thought you were going to just watch."

Zed groaned and tugged at Sol's red cloak, "If I shot early, would you still get this cloak back? By the way, do me a little favor. Now, press it."

"what is this?"

Saul had already pressed it when he said this.Zed really didn't understand the point of Thor's question.

This is probably silly!

The blank dial glowed orange, and even the air was filled with a sweet taste.Zed directly inserted the dial into the space-time driver and transformed on the spot.

The looping zipper appeared above Zed's head again, but this time instead of lemons, oranges came down.A giant orange fell on Zedd's head and transformed into a new suit of armor.

Woz immediately stepped to Zed's side and said loudly:

Let's celebrate!Inheriting the power of all knights, the time king who knows the past and the future.At this moment, he has inherited the power of a legendary knight and transformed into a Kamen Rider Shi Wang—Armor Armor.

"Come on, come on, show off gorgeously!" Zed took out two handfuls of big orange pills and rubbed each other.

Sol looked at Zed and Woz in shock, as if opening the door to a new world.

Thor felt that it was very cheap to shout that I was Thor in the previous battles, and he was thinking about whether he should find a celebration monster in the future.

"Sol, you smash this tin can first, and then I'll cut it into pieces." The big orange pill in Zed's hand was already hungry and thirsty.

Sol laughed loudly and flew towards the Destroyer, leaving only one sentence echoing in the air, "Haha! I was afraid that I couldn't hold back my strength, so I just blew it up."

The corner of Zed's mouth twitched, thinking that Odin had restricted the many powers of the Destroyer, and you would be a ghost if you could beat the Destroyer.

But since Odin decided to sacrifice the Destroyer to make his son, and the Destroyer will definitely fall into his own hands in the end, Zed naturally can't do bad things to good things.

Shaking his head, Zed bent down, squatted down, jumped into the sky, and flew towards the Destroyer, "Look at the knife!"

Sol, who was fighting with the Destroyer, immediately changed positions to make way for Zed.

The Destroyer, who was too late to fight back, was cut from his shoulders to his feet by two big orange pills.The difference between two straight knife marks can break through Ulu Metal's defense.

But Zed's great samurai skills are not over yet!

Zed swung his two knives and slashed at the Destroyer frantically.Countless sparks splashed and scattered, and the Destroyer suffered more and more stab wounds.

It is definitely not a wise move to let Zed cut it down like this.The Destroyer raised his fists as if to strike, but Thor wasn't just a show either.

Thor flew in the air and greeted the upper body of the Destroyer, and took the opportunity to hit the Destroyer's head hard with Thor's Hammer.

The tall Destroyer is taller than Zed and Sol combined, but this just gives Zed and Sol the opportunity to work together.

Zed stepped on the ground to attack the bottom of the Destroyer, and Solfei attacked the top of the Destroyer in the air.The two fought together so that the Destroyer could not fight back.

Loki raised Gungnir fiercely and ordered:

"Do your best to kill them!"

In theory, using Gungnir can perfectly control the Destroyer, but only in theory.Only Odin himself can bring the Destroyer's power to its full potential.

Loki's order could only increase the Destroyer's strength a little bit, but it was this little bit of improvement that attracted even more violent attacks.

Thor caught the lightning and wrapped it around Thor's Hammer, hitting the Destroyer's head with more force than before.The smashed Destroyer clanged, and the metal armor was on the verge of collapse.

Zed was not to be outdone, and the two big orange pills hanging behind his back seemed to come alive, like a dragon and a snake.A total of four big orange pills danced airtightly, forcibly cutting out the momentum of thousands of swords.

With a thud, the knee joint of Destroyer's right leg was chopped off by Zed, and he staggered and almost failed to stand still.It is impossible for Saul to miss such a good opportunity.

Thor swung the hammer and hit the Destroyer hard on the jaw with an uppercut.The Destroyer was sent flying by this powerful hammer, and Thor immediately flew into the sky to call for wind and thunder.

The howling storm swept the Destroyer high into the air, hovering just above Zedd and below Thor.

Thor held up Thor's hammer to gather all the power of thunder, then flew down suddenly and shouted:

"For Asgard!"

After Zed spun the time-space driver, all four big orange pills lit up with orange light, which was sweet and fierce.Zed sank down and jumped into the air, "Juicing time to smash!"

The blue thunder is from top to bottom; the orange knife light is from bottom to top.The hammer and the knife collided through the body of the Destroyer, and then the dazzling white light engulfed everything.

All who watched New Mexico felt a sense of unease, always disconcerting with such great power in the hands of two individuals.

What's even more disturbing is that one of them is an alien prince who claims to be Thor, while the other is a lawless demon king.No matter which one is an existence that cannot tear the skin.

How much they wished that the three monsters would die together, but their daydreams would not come true.

After the white light dissipated, Thor and Zed returned to the ground, but the Destroyer had disappeared, leaving no fragments behind.

Thor couldn't wait to hug Jane after finishing the Destroyer, "Jane, I'm sorry. I'm going back to Asgard now. My father and my people need me."

"Okay, you have to pay attention to safety." Jane didn't say anything contrived.

"I'll be back soon! Wait for me!" Thor set foot on the Rainbow Bridge after explaining everything.

Zed knew that Jane was waiting.

(End of this chapter)

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