Chapter 100 Concept
The dazzling Rainbow Bridge disappeared into the sky and took away five people including Sol and his party. Jane reluctantly looked away.

As soon as Sol and others walked out of the Rainbow Bridge, they saw Heimdall lying unconscious on the ground.

The Ice Box is the family treasure of the Frost Giants, and the cold power inside it is immeasurable.It can be said that Heimdall was able to break free from the ice prison alive and open the Rainbow Bridge once with his strength.

"Take him to the hospital." After Saul finished his explanation, he immediately flew towards the palace, waving Thor's hammer.

At this time, the Frost Giant Wang Laofei and two other men have sneaked into Odin's sleeping residence.

Frigga, the queen in casual clothes, never expected that there would be enemies who could sneak into the palace.Without any preparations, Frigg could only be forced to face the enemy, and Frigg's only weapon was a hastily enchanted Asgardian sword.

A streak of frost seeped through the crack of the door and climbed along the door panel, eroding and destroying all the magic spells on the door.

With a bang, the frost giant Mazi kicked open the door and walked in.Frigg stopped them with a sword, "This is not where you should come!"

"But we're already in." Lau Fei waved his hand, and the two horsemen rushed towards Frigga.

Frigga, who was born in the Warner Protoss, is not good at wielding swords and swords. Even if the sword has been enchanted, it is still difficult to parry the ice blade of the Frost Giant.

The two frost giants beat Frigga back and forth, leaving many wounds on Frigga's body.

When Frigg swung his sword to block, the wound was involved, and his movements were slightly deformed.One of the frost giants grabbed the fleeting fighter and stabbed Frigga's abdomen with an ice knife.

Maybe it was because this battle was too simple, or maybe it was because Frigg was on the verge of death, so the frost giant let down his vigilance.

A bright sword light appeared behind the hapless man and pierced his heart.

Although Frigga can't wield a sword, she is a master of magic. Most of Loki's magic is learned from Frigga.Facing such a master, underestimating the enemy is definitely courting death.

Frigga's wonderful anti-kill made Laufey very unhappy. He was anxious to solve Odin himself, and he didn't have time to spend with Frigga here.

After Lau Fei went off the field in person, he defeated Frigga with three strikes, five divisions and two divisions.It has to be said that although Laufey is Odin's defeated opponent, his strength should not be underestimated.

Lau Fei stood next to Odin with an ice skate in hand and said slowly:

"I heard that when you are asleep, you can still see and hear. I hope this is true, so you can know that it was I who killed you - Laufey!"

After the words fell, Lau Fei held up the skate in his hand with a happy face, but before the skate fell, Gungnir had already hit Lau Fei in the back.

"So, the one who killed you is Odin's son, Loki Odinson!" Loki taunted while raising Gungnir to kill another frost giant.

The dying Lau Fei stared at his blood-red eyes and said with difficulty:

"I am. Your father!"

Loki was ashamed of his Frost Giant bloodline, and Laufey's words definitely touched Loki's reverse scale, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that he pulled out Loki's reverse scale directly.

Loki, who had always shown his gentle face, was furious in an instant, and the Gungnir in his hand was also restless, as if he was whispering something 'it's time to fuck'.

"Die!" Loki raised Gungnir and beat Laufey to death.

After Laufey's death, Loki felt very comfortable, and his footsteps became much lighter, but Sol who arrived suddenly ruined Loki's good mood.

"Loki! You're done!" Sol stared at Loki like a furious lion.

"You probably misunderstood, Thor. I didn't do anything." Loki suddenly raised Gungnir and caught Thor by surprise.

After Sol was hit by Gungnir, he didn't know how many walls he broke through before he stopped, and Loki had already taken this opportunity to rush to the Rainbow Bridge.

Rocky's most important plan has not been completed, so he can't waste time with Thor here.

After Loki rushed to the Rainbow Bridge, he inserted Gungnir into the base, and aimed the Rainbow Bridge at Jotunheim.The Rainbow Bridge operating at maximum power has become a terrifying star-destroying weapon, and wherever it passes, heaven and earth will collapse!

A contented smile appeared on Loki's face, "Die! All die!"

Thor's Hammer knocked Loki down and flew back into Thor's hand. Thor pointed at Loki angrily and said angrily:

"Are you crazy? Are you going to destroy the entire Jotunheim?"

After getting up from the ground, Loki posed with Gungnir in his hand and mocked:

"Am I crazy? I'm protecting Asgard! What right do you have to say about me? Why didn't you show mercy to them when you entered Jotunheim? Now come out and be a good person?"

"There is no cure!" Thor roared and killed him.

Loki, who couldn't fully grasp Gungnir, had no power to fight back against the explosive Thor, but even though he was beaten to the ground, Loki was still smiling, "So what if you hit me? I've already won! Jotunheim will be destroyed soon! Hahahaha~!"

Although Jotunheim is Asgard's feud, except for Laufey's army, most of them are unarmed civilians.

Thor, who had grown into a hero, could not sit idly by the innocents of Jotunheim.Thor took a deep breath and held up Thor's hammer, "I'm sorry, Jane. I'm going to miss the appointment."

Seeing Sol hit the Rainbow Bridge with hammer and hammer, Loki instantly became jealous and said angrily:

"What are you doing! Stop it! In this way, you will never see that woman!"

Loki tried to stop Thor but it was too late.A huge explosion occurred at the break of the Rainbow Bridge, engulfing both Loki and Thor, and the huge space vortex sucked the two of them down.

At the critical juncture, the awakened Odin held Thor's hand, and there was only a Gungnir between Thor and Loki.

"Father! I could have succeeded! I am here for you, for Asgard!" Loki revealed his true feelings with red eyes.

Maybe Loki's words are true, maybe not, who knows?Maybe Loki himself couldn't be sure.

But whether it's true or not, Odin doesn't agree with Loki's actions.Disappointed, Loki let go of Gungnir, and fell towards the space vortex.

"No!" Sol stretched out his hand and yelled, but it didn't help.

Although Zed can't see Asgard, Zed, who already knew the plot in advance, knows exactly what happened in Asgard.

After Loki falls into the space vortex, he will meet Purple Sweet Potato, and the first battle of the Avengers is about to begin.The time left for Zed is not urgent, but it is definitely not plentiful.

All Zed can do is play it safe, as if Zed didn't go to Asgard with Thor this time.

Although Odin is old, he can still mention Gungnir, and he can still fight a battle or two by burning his life.The late old lion is more dangerous when he is ruthless.Now is not the time to think about Odin.

"Mr. Zed, the director wants to talk to you." Coulson walked up to Zed with the tablet in his hand.

Zed, who came back to his senses, looked down at the black marinated egg on the screen, "What? What's the matter with you?"

Zed's flat tone made Nick Fury furious, but Nick Fury, who was already mentally prepared, quickly suppressed his anger.Nick Fury stared at Zed with a terrifying one-eyed eye and said:

"It's amazing to be able to predict the future? So you can do whatever you want?"

"I'm sorry, but being able to predict the future means being able to do whatever you want." Zed took it for granted.

Nick Fury's face darkened again, "Do you know that what you said before has reached the ears of the Security Council?"

"Which one?"

"The part about the war."


"Do you know how much impact your words have had?"

Zed narrowed his eyes, and slowly looked at Nick Fury, "What's the impact? Tell me and listen."

Before the Avengers plan fails, Nick Fury needs to maintain the fragile balance of the three parties, and Zed's words and deeds have been stimulating the fragile nerves of the Security Council.

The senior officials of the Security Council are all the small group of people at the top of human society.Sacrificing a small number of people for "world peace" is not a big deal to the Security Council.

But to Zed, it doesn't matter if anyone else dies or not except those around him.

In the event of a war between Earth and Asgard, Zed will not protect any outsiders, including those from the Security Council.This is something that the Security Council absolutely cannot accept, let alone admit.

Nick Fury succinctly explained the situation for Zed.Then Zed said very seriously:

"If you don't experience conflict, how can you continue to evolve. These incompetent and weak people who dare not face conflict can only die."

Zed said that in the end, his face was pressed against the tablet, and he was "face to face" with Nick Fury.

Nick Fury realized that this was the first time Zed was willing to tell the truth to himself, and replied equally seriously:
"This brutal way of life cannot be accepted by the world."

Zed's answer was calm and brutal:
"All you can represent is your social group. The world doesn't work the way you want it to.

Whether you like it or not, the weak will be eliminated, while the strong will evolve and become a higher-level being. "

Nick Fury squinted his eyes and asked:
"And what about yourself?"

"I am the strong!" Zed looked confident and arrogant.

Woz looked extremely excited and couldn't help admiring:

"You are indeed my Majesty the Demon King! You will continue to evolve forever!"

Zed gave Woz a thumbs-up, "I really deserve to be my first retainer, and my ideological awareness is high."

"Thank you for your praise, Your Majesty the Demon King." Woz looked ecstatic.

Zed didn't want to waste his time with Nick Fury anymore, so he turned around and took Skye, Lilith and Woz to the Time Demon Machine.

Nick Fury said to himself after closing the communication:
"The Avengers plan is done."

(End of this chapter)

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