Chapter 98 But
Seeing that Skye had been absent-minded, Zed knew that she was very curious about Asgard's automatic weapon destroyer.

The Destroyer is the battle armor that Odin wore when he was young and fought against the Nine Realms.When Odin concentrates on governing the country and no longer breaks the borders, this armor will become dispensable.

The God-King armor that Odin is wearing now was forged together with Gungnir, the Eternal Spear.It was poured with the heart and soul of the Nidaville dwarves, far better than the old armor.

Odin still has a lot of affection for his old buddy who accompanied him on the battlefield.He didn't want his old buddy to be dusty, so he ordered the old armor to be transformed into an automatic weapon destroyer to guard Asgard.

The Destroyer is entirely made of Uru metal, which is priceless.After the Destroyer is blown up by Sol, it is better to keep it in his pocket than cheap S.H.I.E.L.D.

Zed stood up and walked out of the house with Lilith in his arms, "Let's go! Skye, Woz, let's go see the excitement."

The armor on the Destroyer's head was opened one by one, emitting a fiery laser to destroy all the vehicles and buildings blocking the way, walking towards Sol on the flames and accompanied by an explosion, full of oppression.

Four Asgardian warriors lined up and blocked the path of the Destroyer.

"You attract its attention." Sif turned and turned into another street with her sword in hand.

Vorstagg, Hogan, and Fandral looked at each other and distanced themselves with a tacit understanding.After a quick run-up, Vorstagg was thrown at the Destroyer by Hogan and Fandral as a humanoid cannonball.

"For Asgard!"

With a roar, Vostagg raised his battle ax and threw it at the Destroyer's head.The brown-red hair and beard drew a trail in the air, and the originally squat Vostagg was really a bit mighty.

Loki, who was sitting on the throne, gave a disdainful chuckle, and then the Destroyer hit Vostagg to the ground with a backhand punch, and stepped forward to open the head armor to kill Vostagg.

At the critical moment, Sif yelled and jumped off the side roof, holding the sword blessed by Odin and slamming it into the neck of the Destroyer, saving Vostagg.

The gaps in the Destroyer's armor lost the orange energy radiance, and slowly calmed down.Sif, who was born as a female warrior, was very satisfied with her results, and proudly raised her head to show Sol her strength and beauty.

But the Destroyer will not be defeated so easily.

The armor on the Destroyer quickly decomposed and moved. After the armor was rearranged, the front chest and back switched positions, and the energy cannon on the head also turned to Sif, who was originally in the blind spot behind him.


Vostagg's reminder and Sif's own keen intuition saved Sif's life.Sif jumped off the Destroyer immediately, dodging the deadly ray of energy.

After the three warriors rescued Sif, they joined forces to deal with the Destroyer.The tacit cooperation of the four looks very good, but they are still beaten and embarrassed.

After May reported to Nick Fury, she walked towards Zed, handed the phone to Zed, and then turned and left without delay.Seeing May, Zed knew that Coulson was safe.

"Hey, Black Braised Egg. Have you figured out how to beg me?" Zeid's tone was extremely frivolous.

Nick Fury's dull voice sounded on the other end of the phone, "Please? This is impossible!"

Zed knew that Nick Fury was the stone in the latrine—it was smelly and hard, so he had prepared the invisible blade for him:

"Don't be so dead, black-and-white. You can see the situation at the scene, right? How long do you think these Asgardian princes can last? What will happen when the second prince ascends the throne after the Destroyer kills them all? Against the earth?

'oh!These damn Midgard natives killed my dear royal brother, we want to avenge him!We will make Midgard pay! 'Do you think I'm like that?Black marinated eggs. "

Nick Fury knew that Zed was scaring himself with alarmist talk, but the reality might really develop like this, so he couldn't help scolding:
"Mommy Fake!"

The other end of the phone was silent for a long time before Nick Fury's voice came out again, "So will you just watch them invade the earth like this?"

"Of course not," Zed continued after panting, "but I don't care about casualties. I don't care how many people die during the war. But what about you? Black marinated egg."

"Mommy Fake!"

"Please, I'll kill this guy if you ask me."

"Mommy Fake!"

"Or you can try to see if a nuclear bomb can kill it. Don't worry about me, I'm sure I'll be fine."

"Mommy Fake!"

Lily paid no attention to the content of Zed and Nick Fury's conversation.Lilith is not a woman with the whole world in mind, Zed is enough in her mind.

Skye would have sympathy for innocent people, but the town has been evacuated.The possibility of war in the future was too far away for Skye to be impressed.

As for Woz, it is even more impossible to be dissatisfied with Zed's words and deeds.The old demon king fought all the way until the day when he met the devil, and wars and the like were just commonplace.Woz is used to it, and war has always been the best way to show strength.

Skye, Lilith, and Woz are very calm, but Jane, Daisy, and Eric are not.

"Aren't they joking? Are our lives so cheap?" Daisy spoke seriously for the first time.

Sol looked gravely at the worried Jane, the restless Daisy and Eric, the distraught Sif and the three warriors, and the devastated town.

In the end, Thor let out a sigh of relief, as if he had made up his mind.

Saul looked at Zed and smiled:
"Zed, I'll leave them to you, protect them. I'm going to get to know my brother."

"no problem."

Zed spoke back and resumed wrangling with Nick Fury.Because time is running out, Nick Fury must be subdued before Saul awakens, otherwise he will not be able to trap him.

Jane stopped Sol and said nervously:

"What are you going to do? It's too dangerous!"

"It's okay, Jane. I have a plan! You just need to hide." Sol broke free from Jane's palm and walked towards the Destroyer.

On the dilapidated street, two figures, one big and one small, got closer and closer.Sol opened his hands and expressed his true feelings:

"Brother. If I have done anything that you cannot forgive, I apologize. If you want the throne, you can take it, but these people are innocent.

You don't get anything for killing them.If you must kill, then take my life.This is between us, and it should end with us. "

When the others knew that Sol's plan was to sacrifice himself and protect them, they were very emotional.

Jane cried and wanted to run to Saul, but was pulled tightly by Eric.Sif gritted her teeth and endured the pain to watch Thor's heroic curtain call, which is a respect for the Asgard warriors.

Skye also cast a questioning look at Zed, and she was a little soft-hearted and wanted to save Saul.Zed pulled Skye into his arms and whispered something in her ear before calming Skye down.

Skye then leaned into Zed's ear and said:
"Is this really good? Just watch him get killed once."

"I don't even mind him, why are we making fun of it?" Zed gave Skye a white look.

Skye wanted to ask something more, but the phone ringing again made Skye shut his mouth, and quietly lay in Zed's arms to listen to their conversation.

"Zed! He can't die on Earth!" Nick Fury's voice seemed a little urgent.

"beg me!"


"beg me!"

"Fuck! I beg you! Come on! Hurry up! You damn bastard!" Nick Fury swears and subdues.

Zed tilted his head slightly, and there seemed to be more shadows and lines on his cheeks:

"But, I refuse! I, Zed Oleg, like to say no to those who are self-righteous. Saul, I am about to die!"

"Mommy Fake!"

Zed threw away his phone and walked towards the center of the battlefield.For the Destroyer had turned his back on Thor.

When everyone breathed a sigh of relief, the Destroyer suddenly turned around and punched Sol.Sol, who had lost his divine power, could not resist the power of the Destroyer at all, and fell to the ground dying.

Jane ran towards Saul desperately, reaching the center of the battlefield before Zed, holding Saul and crying bitterly.

"It's over, Jane. You're safe." Sol closed his eyes after finishing the last sentence.

Neither Loki nor Zed paid attention to Jane who was crying bitterly. One opened the visor to accumulate energy, and the other put on the belt to prepare for transformation.

Skye, who was still conscientious, used two shockwave cannons to rush to Jane's side, and immediately turned to flee while holding Jane.


The Destroyer's energy ray couldn't break Zed's transformation invincibility time, and the unfolded clock effect completely blocked this energy ray.

Zed, who transformed into Kamen Rider Time King, scattered the aftermath of energy with a light wave of his hand.After absorbing the power of so many dials, Shi Wang's first-order basic ability has made a qualitative leap, which is quite different.

Loki, who was sitting on the throne, cursed angrily:

"Damn it! Everyone defies me! Heimdall and Sif are fine, but now even the people of Midgard are meddling in their own business! Kill him!"

The Destroyer had just received the order and before he could make a move, Zed had already rushed forward.Zed summoned the Clockwork Sword and slashed at the Destroyer's arm, but only left a pale scratch.

The Destroyer pressed down hard to grind Zedd to a pulp.But Zed held the Destroyer's fist with his strange strength, and he was not weak at all.

Amazon's physical strength and the addition of many dials have turned Zed into a small Hulk.Skye and the others have the best experience of this strange force.

Zed swung the Destroyer's arm, jumped up and kicked him down, and then said:

"Sol, why are you just watching!"

(End of this chapter)

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