Chapter 405 Egg
Zed, who has always been indulgent, seldom defended himself like a jade once. No matter how seductive Sowerin's beauty was, he did not waver, and he persisted until the end of the dinner without failing.

After returning to the embassy, ​​Zed breathed a sigh of relief, and finally escaped from the daughter country alive.But Zed hadn't breathed a sigh of relief, suppressed the evil fire, and was dragged into the room by Xin, saying that he wanted to reward himself.

"Come in soon." Xin stood in the room with his shoulders exposed, and cast a provocative glance at Zed outside the door.

Zed followed the letter into the bedroom with puzzled eyes, wanting to find out... Early the next morning, the Stardust Cross left Sovereign and flew towards the sea of ​​stars.Sovereign's envoy tried to persuade him to stay again, but failed to change Zed's mind.

Ayesha watched the Stardust Cross fly away from the atmosphere of Star Sovereign, and a sense of humiliation and frustration welled up in her heart.A whole dance team of beautiful women and Ayesha's personal exit failed to make Zed submit obediently. This can be described as a double blow to Ayesha. light.

"His genes are even better than that little thief from the Guardians of the Galaxy, and there is no incongruity, one piece! Damn it! Why? Am I not pretty enough?" Ayesha murmured in a low voice with a gloomy expression.

The chief scientist of Sovereign stood behind Ayesha and said:

"High Priest, the Cree have maintained a parliamentary system for many years, and the country is managed by the supreme wisdom of artificial intelligence. This sudden and smooth reform of the constitutional monarchy is enough to explain the situation.

"The so-called Kerry King has no right to interfere in any political affairs, and only has the false title of king, and even the blue-skinned Kerry Queen is present in the parliament.

"He must be an important resource for the Cree people, a resource to guide the future direction, and it is impossible for the Cree people to let his genes leak out."

After hearing this explanation, Ayesha seemed to grab a life-saving straw, nodded and said:
"That's right, it must be so. The Kree people have already made arrangements. The woman next to him may be the accompanying supervisor to ensure that his genes will not be leaked. It must be so!"

Zed didn't know what Ayesha was thinking now, after the deal with the Sovereign fell through, Zed turned his mind on Ego.Regardless of whether there is metal No. 77 in Yi Ge's body, there should be a certain amount of super metal veins in his planetary body.Anyway, Egg was going to be bombed, and Zed took some, and Egg would definitely be fine.

This also saves a penny, perfect!

Zed took aim at the predator's spaceship at the first time, and then inquired about the gold-selling cave that the predator most often visited, and sorted out the clues step by step, chasing the trail of Yondu.

At the same time, Yongdu and others also arrived near the planet where Xingjue and others crashed, and they were flying towards the original planet without stopping.


"Damn it! What's wrong with you two! There is only half of the spaceship left! When can you use your brains!" Gamora looked at the spaceship that was only half left and angrily accused Star-Lord and Rocket Raccoon .

Xingjue spread his hands helplessly and said:

"If I grow another pair of hands, even if this stupid raccoon makes trouble, I can land successfully without any injuries."

"I'm not a raccoon!" Rocket shouted furiously.

Xingjue pouted:

"Well, it's not a raccoon. It's a faded red panda that can jerk off."

Rocket Raccoon was stunned, and asked dully:
"Is this a good word or a bad word?"

Drax laughed loudly, then stopped abruptly and said:

"I do not know."

"Of course it's a good word." Xingjue said nonsense in a serious manner, and in the end he couldn't hold back his face and laughed out loud.

Rocket Raccoon was sure that Star-Lord hadn't said anything good just now, so he yelled and threw himself at Star-Lord, wrestling with him.

"A bunch of fools." Xing Yun, who was handcuffed, complained disdainfully.

"I'm Groot." Baby Groot opened his cute eyes, not knowing what to say.

While Star-Lord was still wrestling with Rocket Raccoon, the white egg-shaped spaceship that saved them landed slowly.Ego in human form and Mantis Mantis came down from it, and Ego opened his hands to the guarding Galaxy Guardians and shouted:
"Hey, don't be so nervous. My name is Egg, and I'm Peter's father."




"How do you prove this? And what's the matter with your sudden appearance at this time?" Xingjue was very resistant to this guy who claimed to be his father.

Egg had already thought up his rhetoric, or this is the truth:
"I know a lot about your mother, and I can tell you in detail. As for why I came here now, it is because the planet I live on is very remote. If you hadn't won the title of Guardians of the Galaxy, I really wouldn't Knowing that my child has gone to the stars."

Ego temporarily gained the trust of everyone, and sat around the bonfire with the Guardians of the Galaxy, roasting food, and explained:

"I once hired Yondu and asked him to take you out of the earth and send it to me. It's just that I didn't expect Yondu to breach the contract."

"Yes, that guy is a bastard, and he threatened to eat me." Xingjue was still brooding over this matter.

"Oh, that's really bad. We'll talk about it later. I'll put some water first." Yi Ge seemed like a bohemian old man, and he easily won the trust of some people.

Star-Lord and Gamora walked aside and communicated privately:

"Peter, you'd better go and see him. He told so many secrets about you and your mother, he might really be your father."

"I...I... Oh, don't you think he's weird?" Peter didn't accept so easily that someone popped up and identified him as his father.

Gamora spread her hands speechlessly, and persuaded again:
"Peter, I know it's difficult for you to accept it for a while, but you should at least confirm it. If you are worried, let's go together. If he has problems, we will kill him."

When Gamora said this, he took out the hunting dial at the same time to cheer for Star-Lord.Star-Lord took out his Mach dial and looked at it, and finally agreed to Gamora's proposal.

Early the next morning, Rocket Raccoon, Baby Groot, and the prisoner Nebula stayed behind on the damaged spaceship; Star-Lord, Gamora, and Drax temporarily left the planet in Ego's spaceship.

"It's finally quiet, and I can work hard." Rocket Raccoon turned on the music that Star-Lord stored in the spaceship, while stepping on his paws, he repaired the damaged spaceship.

At the same time, a group of robbers and a robber also arrived on this planet and were rushing towards the crash site.

(End of this chapter)

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