The Devil Comes to the United States

Chapter 406 The Smell of Treasures

Chapter 406 The Smell of Treasures

Rocket Raccoon seems to be very happy now, but he is very unhappy in his heart.The thorny appearance of Rocket Raccoon is just a kind of self-protection, so that he doesn't look so vulnerable.

A distracted Rocket raccoon accidentally connects a wrong wire, sparks fly and nearly set his fur on fire.

"Shet!" Rocket Raccoon put down the tools in his hand, told Baby Groot to look after Nebula, and then went to the lake to tidy up his hair.But before he had even gone a few steps, Rocket's bestial instincts gave the warning.

Rocket Raccoon carefully guarded the surrounding jungle, just took out his gun and pointed it in one direction, when it was flanked by two sides.

"Put down the gun, little raccoon." Yondu's men blocked Rocket Raccoon from left to right.

Rocket Raccoon put down his gun pretendingly, and confessed:

"Okay, you win, I'll put the gun down now."

After Rocket let go of the gun, the two marauders had a moment of relief.Rocket Raccoon immediately seized the opportunity and pounced on the head of one of the guys. After a frenzied grab and knocked down one guy, he flipped and jumped on the other guy.

Rocket Raccoon has a lot of power hidden in his small fist, and a few punches knocked the guy out.But Rocket is not happy because he is surrounded by Yondu's army.

"Calm down, calm down. I surrender and speak up if you have something to say." Although Rocket Raccoon has a grumpy temper, he is not a fool after all.

However, Yondu didn't care, he smiled to himself, and said:

"Okay, where is that kid Peter? Give me the battery you stole."

"What? Yondu, aren't we going to hand them over to the Sovereigns?" Yondu's subordinates suddenly became agitated, and they kept chattering, "That's 100 million star coins! The most you can sell batteries is 25 Ten thousand!"

"Come on. You don't even think about who they are-Guardians of the Galaxy. This name is very famous, and handing them over will cause us trouble." Yondu hopes to use the good reputation of the Guardians of the Galaxy to persuade These rebellious subordinates, but this is obviously of no use.

A voice suddenly broke out among the predators:
"Yondu! You always favor Quill, and you can forgive him no matter what he does. Why? Are we brothers just tool people?"

The already unstable crowd was directly detonated by this sentence, the Yondu faction and the rebel faction pulled out one after another, and the air was filled with the smell of gunpowder.

Nebula, who was tied up in the broken spaceship, bewitched Baby Groot:

"You have to let me go, or it will die. You are so young and have no fighting power at all. Now only I can save him."

The innocent baby Groot doesn't want Rocket to be in danger, so he releases Nebula.The first thing Xing Yun did after he was free was to pick up the unripe fruit, and then found a gun.

Nebula’s first shot aimed at the sonic fin above Yondu’s head. After the fin was destroyed, the Yaka arrow suspended in the air fell to the ground, and Yondu himself fainted; the second shot shot straight Rocket Raccoon's chest stunned Rocket Raccoon.

"This fruit is really not ripe." After taking a bite of the fruit, Xing Yun said again, "Now, we..."

Before Xing Yun finished speaking, a voice came from a distance:

"Sorry, I just heard you say 100 million star coins, can anyone explain it to me?"

The visitor was wearing a black undershirt, trousers, and a pure white windbreaker. His yellow hair was combed to the right, and he looked indifferent, completely ignoring the numerous predators.

Shamao, who took the lead in betraying Yondu, frowned and looked at the thin guy in front of him and asked:
"Who the hell are you?"

A quick draw of the gun accurately shot Sha Maolian's chest. The man spun the blue flat pistol in his hand twice, and then said:

"A passing treasure hunter, remember it for me."

boom! boom! boom!
Responding to the treasure hunter Haidong Dashu was countless bullets. Haidong spun around and hid behind the tree. At the same time, he drew out the final ride card and said helplessly:
"Since you want to fight, I can only accompany you. Transform."

Control the mask!

Three phantoms of red, blue and green attached to Haidong's body at the same time, and Haidong, who put on a brand-new final riding armor, walked out of the tree, raised his pistol and pointed at the predators, which was a brutal output of violence.And Haidong didn't plan to let anyone go, let's talk about convincing them all.

"Damn it!" Xingyun knew that he didn't have an escape vehicle, and if he didn't knock down the guy in front of him, there was almost no possibility of successful escape, so he yelled and rushed towards Haidong.

"Courage is commendable, act stupid." Haidong pulled out a red knight card, quickly inserted it into the pistol, and pulled the trigger towards Xingyun.

Nebula rolled sideways instinctively, trying to avoid the shot, but what the shot fired was not a bullet, but a red light cluster.This group of red light circled in the air, and then fell on the ground and turned into the appearance of Kamen Rider Gates.

"Get rid of them." Haidong pointed at Xingyun and the predators, his meaning was self-evident.

The Kamen Rider Gates who was summoned by the card immediately ran quickly and kicked towards Nebula.Nebula didn't have time to dodge and could only hastily raised his arms to resist the kick. Although Nebula successfully resisted Gates' kick with his own mechanical arms, there was nothing Nebula could do in the subsequent combo.

Kamen Rider Gates punched Xingyun five times in a row, smashing Xingyun's defense line, hitting Xingyun with elbows and knees, and the last roundabout kick hit Xingyun's head, knocking Xingyun unconscious.Then Gates took out the time axe and stared at the remaining predators.

Gudoo~ Gudoo~ Gudoo~
The sound of swallowing saliva sounded one after another, and these predators finally realized how big the gap between the two sides was, and they all gave up the thought of resisting.

Bang Dang~ Bang Dang~ Bang Dang~
As the first looter who dropped his weapon and surrendered appeared, the sound of weapons falling was heard one after another. These looters all surrendered and no longer resisted.

After Haidong took back the Kamen Rider Gates card, he shook his head speechlessly:
"Why did you go earlier, I have to do it. Put them all on your spaceship for me, and then someone will answer my questions, and it's up to you.

"What are the 100 million and 25 you mentioned?"

Kraglin, who was named, gave a heartbreak and said:

"These people stole batteries worth 25 yuan, and the owner offered a reward of 100 million yuan to capture them alive. We just..."

Haidong rubbed his chin and said to himself:
"I smell the smell of treasure."

 I'm getting old, I clearly remembered that I uploaded it last night, but... to save face for Ma Qi, everyone will pretend nothing happened, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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