Chapter 404 Tang Seng
The indignation of Ayesha, the high priest of Sovereign, stems from the common problem of Sovereign people's arrogance and vulnerable self-esteem, as well as their own factors of being mean and jealous, but in any case, the relationship between Sovereign and the Guardians of the Galaxy has been settled.

This also made Zed change Sowerin from the first target to the last one, not because of fear, but because this kind of crazy woman is troublesome.A woman's thinking is already very complicated, and a woman like Ayesha is even more unreasonable.

It didn't work out as expected, I don't know why Ayesha kept peeking at Zed when she and Zed were walking together, as if she was looking at some rare treasure.

Ayesha's peeking naturally couldn't hide from Zed, Zed felt uncomfortable all over, swallowed and said:
"High Priest Ayesha, where are we going to visit now?"

Ayesha came back to her senses, and said generously with a pretentious gesture:
"Because we were chasing the thieves just now, we almost ran into His Highness, so we stepped up our pursuit and wanted to take them down quickly and apologize to His Highness. I would like to invite Your Highness to watch the scene of these thieves being caught together."

"Show military strength? It's a pity that your hopes are going to be in vain." Zed muttered secretly in his heart, and then he said, "Okay, I also want to know why this Guardian of the Galaxy would steal."

"Please." Ayesha led Zed and his party into the remote command center of Sovereign Starfleet.

Sovereigns attach great importance to their own genes, and believe that every Sovereign is a priceless treasure, so they vigorously develop space drone technology.Today, the Sovereigns have dominated the field of drones for a long time, and there is no civilization in the entire galaxy with more advanced technology than them.

However, the superior drone technology does not mean that the spacecraft piloting skills and spacecraft firepower are also superb. Xingjue and others broke through the meteorite belt without any risk of danger, making all the game console players in the command room so angry that they slapped the console directly. Still saying something like "I practice from the bottom of my heart"...

Ayesha suppressed her dissatisfaction and put all her hopes on the encirclement of the other two troops. However, the spaceship like a white egg that suddenly appeared destroyed the entire Sovereign fleet in one blow, turning the impenetrable encirclement into a joke.

All the "game consoles" and "display screens" in the command room went dark, and High Priest Ayesha was in an extremely bad mood, her golden face almost turning into matte dark gold.

"Come here, send His Royal Highness King Kerry to the embassy." Ayesha arranged for Zed and others to the Kerry Empire's embassy on Sovereign before her emotions erupted.

Ayesha is worthy of being a high priest who has been in a high position for many years. She made the most correct choice. Even after Zed and his party left, she did not lose her composure, and suppressed her anger and ordered:
"Come on, give me a reward of 100 million star coins. You must catch these guys! Also, send someone to find the looter named Yondu. They happen to know each other. He may have a way to find them."

After giving orders to her subordinates, Ayesha first went to the central laboratory to talk to herself in front of the artificial cocoon to adjust her emotions. Afterwards, Ayesha bathed and changed clothes under the service of the maid, preparing for the dinner.

At night, a small but exquisite and luxurious dinner party in Ayesha's private palace slowly kicked off.Many Sovereign girls in jeweled dresses sang and danced, and the whole banquet hall was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

Because Zed came here in a semi-official capacity, Ayesha did not hold a state banquet, but entertained Zed in this "private banquet".

Halfway through the banquet, High Priest Ayesha stopped chatting and said bluntly:
"Your Highness, I'll show you a joke today."

Under the service of Xin, Zed tasted the traditional food of Sovereign, watched the dance of the girls, and after hearing Ayesha's words, he turned his head and said:
"It's nothing, these interstellar criminals are like this, and their vitality is stronger than that of cockroaches. Oh, by the way, there seems to be no cockroaches on Sovereign Planet."

Ayesha didn't know what a cockroach was, but she probably understood Zed's meaning, and agreed:

"Their vitality is indeed very tenacious.

"Let's not mention them. What is our Sovereign doing here? Don't say it's a tourist, I'm not that stupid."

After Zed raised his head and Ayesha looked at each other, he spoke slowly:
"For Metal 77."

"Metal No. 77? Oh, it's the mysterious metal on that missing planet." Ayesha remembered what Metal No. 77 Zed said, and then continued, "We do have some leftovers, but these are Very precious mineral resources."

As soon as Zed heard this, he knew that Ayesha was going to rip off money. Although Zed had no money, the Supreme Wisdom had previously hinted that Zed could borrow money from the treasury—nine times out and thirteen times back.

"Then how much is the high priest Ayesha's asking price?" Zed, who was ready to bleed heavily, asked helplessly.

Ayesha smiled brightly, and slowly said:

"Not a penny."

Zed's eyes instantly became vigilant, squinted at Ayesha, and asked:
"Then what's the price?"

Ayesha smiled and lifted her long white dress, revealing her golden legs and said:
"I want your highness's gene. If your highness feels uncomfortable with our biochemical technology, I can communicate with your highness in a traditional way to discuss the process of the birth of life."

Although Zed doesn't dislike other women, and has been raped by vampires, Kree people, and reformed people, but this doesn't mean that Zed really does not refuse anyone.In Zed's mind, big breasts and fat buttocks are the first requirement for choosing a woman, which is true, but there is also a sequence zero above the first—soul.

In terms of hot body and beautiful appearance, Mrs. Viper can be said to be the tallest woman Zed has ever slept with. However, Zed and Mrs. Viper, who has 16 taels of meat hanging from her chest, still went their separate ways after a night of flirting. Parted ways.

This is because Zed knows that this beautiful snake is the same on the outside, and her soul is also like a viper with a cold nature, and Ayesha's soul feels even worse to Zed - a cold golden stone.

Zed doesn't want to have a relationship with a woman who is still thinking about how to rearrange her genetic sequence in bed. Just thinking about Zed makes him wilt, and he can't arouse any sexual interest.

"Forget it, I appreciate the kindness of High Priest Ayesha..." Zed maintained a hypocritical smile and rejected Ayesha on the grounds of morality.

High Priest Ayesha didn't give up so easily. She coveted Zed's genes and tried every means to seduce Zed. Not only did she play in person, but the dancers were also arranged beside Zed.

It's a pity that Zed has already been possessed by Tang Seng at this time. The country of daughters and the hometown of gentleness are all the past.

(End of this chapter)

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