American Ranch

Chapter 532

Chapter 532

How could Teddy know that money is not money, Angel has already handed the big red apple to his mouth, it has been greedy for a long time, how could it be polite, squatting on the ground with its buttocks, and gnawed fiercely when it was hugged!

Qin Yi couldn't laugh or cry when he saw that naive gluttony, this little stupid bear was tricked by Angel and didn't know it.
Angel didn't care about that much, she had to pay for her big apple, so she took out her small notebook with a smile, and made a minus one mark in Teddy's column, simply two strokes down, it means Teddy's balance has been reduced by one dollar!

Not only Qin Yi found it funny, seeing the cuteness and smartness of the little girl, Brandon, who was in his thirties, also had the idea of ​​having a child for a while, thinking that having such a baby in the family would definitely add a lot of color to life!
Susa and Keluo are okay, the family lives together all day long, and they have seen too many naughty and weird little girls, so they just stand beside Qin Yi and cover their mouths and chuckle, Sara and the others can't do it, hug In a ball, laughing so hard that you can't straighten up!
"Oh, my God! I discussed investment just now, and now I have shown such a keen business vision. It seems that I have met a growing business giant!"

"As soon as I got the animals to help make money, I started to think of the animals again haha, it seems that Teddy's twenty dollars will soon belong to Angel!"

"An Qier is a small capitalist, and the money she earns basically goes into her account."

"Well, at least there are successors to Yi's business!"

The girls giggled, talking to each other, making fun of Angel's behavior of being a little money fan.

But Angel doesn't care about these, making money is the most important thing!
So under the laughing crowds and the envious eyes of Betsy and the others, they enthusiastically "sold" their products to the animals. In this way, the Big Apple was quickly "sold" by Teddy, McGee, Laipi, Baixue and the little white pig. buy" went.

A bundle of three vegetables was also sold to Dabao and Xiaobao and the two turtles at the price of one dollar. Fanny and the little white pig also "purchased" some.
In general, except for the meat-loving boa constrictor and the big cat and kitten mother and child, all other animals patronized Angel's vegetable and fruit stand!
In this way, the animals didn't realize that the money they earned from performing hard had already consumed one or two dollars.
But sometimes, ignorance is also a kind of happiness, at least the animals eat happily!
Of course, the happiest one is Angel, the little girl is drawing pictures in a small notebook, and calculating the current income with a smile, so that Becky and Vivienne leaned beside her, envious of the word, both It's almost time to write it on your face!
They also tried to share a piece of the action just now, and wanted to "sell" lollipops and snacks to the animals, but the animals just sniffed them and didn't look at them again, which greatly shocked the two girls !

There is no way, living in the pasture for a long time, the improved ingredients are supplied in unlimited quantities, and occasionally you can drink the spiritual spring water prepared by Qin Yi, so the appetite has already been cultivated. How can the ordinary snacks that Becky and Vivian bring out? Their eyes!
However, the two girls were only depressed for a while, and soon had a new idea. At this time, they leaned next to Angel and begged expectantly: "Sister Angel, can you sell us some apples?"

They had a good idea, bought fruits from Angel, and sold them to the animals at a high price.
On the side, Knox, who was still trying to reduce his sense of presence, couldn't bear it anymore. He looked at Angel eagerly, and made up his mind that as long as Angel's sister nodded and agreed, he must "purchase" as soon as possible. Batch big apples and resell them to the animals, so you can make a profit without losing money!

Looking at the faces of the children, Qin Yi couldn't help sighing: These children are all smart and cunning, none of them are fuel-efficient!
Both Sousa and Khloe rubbed their faces, and within an hour of this penny, their smiles didn't stop for a moment, and the muscles on their smiling faces stiffened.
It's just that when Angel heard the little sister's prayer, she quickly shook her head. Originally, she didn't make much money from the animals, and if she gave some of it to them, she wouldn't have much money!
But seeing their disappointed faces, the little girl scratched her head again and came up with an idea: "Sister Becky, sister Vivian, can you help me pick vegetables? I can pay you wages if you sell them! "

The two girls immediately nodded happily. They often go to the vegetable garden to play, picking vegetables is like playing around, and they can make money in this way, why not agree?
"Sister Angel, can I join them? I can pick vegetables! And I have great strength."

Knox couldn't bear it any longer, and hurriedly approached her shyly, trying to sell himself, but he was obviously two years older than Angel, but for a chance to earn dollars, he called Angel sister instead, it was really shameless up!
Qin Yi glanced at Julie, who was smiling so disrespectfully, and patted her forehead speechlessly: These children are really smart!

At noon, Ryan specially came over and brought roasted beef heart, beef liver and other food to the animals, so that the animals who had been busy all morning were full!
Qin Yi couldn't help sighing that having a slaughterhouse is convenient. It not only solves the problem of slaughtering beef cattle on the ranch, but also accepts slaughtering tasks to earn extra money. Even the offal can be used reasonably, which facilitates the feeding work of so many cattle dogs on the ranch .

Because he was worried that the animals would run around in the tent without anyone watching, Qin Yi didn't take everyone to the food experience area in the end, but asked him to call there and asked them to bring lunch.

With Qin Yi's reputation in Augusta, his order naturally attracted attention, so the meals delivered were very rich, including barbecue meat, pies, vegetable salads, desserts, and even a whole roasted lamb. The whole body is golden, exuding a tempting fragrance, and it is specially embellished with petals, which looks pleasing to the eye, and with various sauces, it will greatly increase the appetite!
Such a sumptuous lunch made everyone very happy. If the lawn outside was not full of people, they really wanted to have a pleasant picnic in the sun!

Of course, if it's night and a bonfire is lit, it will be more emotional!
After a meal, everyone was a little bit full, so they went outside the tent, strolled and wandered around, but still worried that the animals would not be taken care of, so they didn't dare to leave too far.

However, Qin Yi discovered that Brandon and the others were also very interested in performances elsewhere, so he asked Julie to take them to play freely.

Speaking of which, Julie bought a ranch in Augusta this year, so she can be regarded as half the host.
It’s just that due to career reasons, I lived in Augusta for a short time, so I can’t be regarded as an authentic town resident, but at least I am more familiar with the local conditions than Christine and the others. Playing is still very good.

In this way, Julie took her friends from outside to wander around, enjoying a relaxing and happy holiday. Apart from their family, the rest of Qin Yi's family is only Rachel, Sara and Amanda, oh, and Diana , this girl is not familiar with Julie and the others, and they can't play together yet!

Qin Yi took everyone, played games with the children, teased the small animals, or took a nap on the scooter, but it was equally leisurely. Soon, it was two o'clock in the afternoon. Julie and the others didn't know that they were crazy No matter where he went, the performance of the small circus was about to start again.

This time, Qin Yi didn't lead everyone to the front stage, but stayed behind the scenes.

Sara and the others played with the animals, or cheered up the children, while Qin Yi was busy with business. He, Susa, Ke Luo, and Diana, who was in charge, got together to discuss the professional racecourse. specific implementation plan.

However, as soon as the general discussion was made, Qin Yi received a call from Ryan. The Japanese who had contacted before came to visit again!

(End of this chapter)

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