American Ranch

Chapter 531 Do You Want One?

Chapter 531 Do You Want One?
Later, in the expectation of Becky and the other three little guys, Angel gave them eighty dollars each.

Although it is not a big amount, the eighty dollars are all one-dollar and five-dollar change, and it is quite a thick stack in hand, so Becky and Vivian, who received a lot of dollars, Wei An, holding a stack of US dollars, smiled and weighed his little feet, very happy!
Knox was naturally also happy, but looking at the pile of money in his hand, and then at the pile of money in the small box next to Angel, he felt dissatisfied: "Sister Angel's share is much more than mine. "

Betsy and Vivian, who were happily holding their wads of money, couldn't help but look at Angel's small cash box when they heard Knox's muttering, and subconsciously compared it with the dollars in their hands, feeling a little confused. Looking helplessly at Sister Angel (sister), I don't understand why there is such a difference.
Qin Yi naturally saw the children's reactions, but he just smiled and didn't mean to intervene. This is a matter between the children, and he left it to them to solve it by themselves, and he also believed that with the help of Angel Ghost A little brain like an elf can definitely handle it properly!
The others were also thinking the same, standing beside Qin Yi, watching with a smile on their faces, especially Sara and Amanda, who could no longer satisfy them by just watching, but leaned next to Ke Luo, through the DV, in front of the camera Appreciate it inside, a bit like watching a movie!
Angel, who was about to give money to the animals, heard Knox's little dissatisfaction, and suddenly pouted her mouth unhappily, but she still explained to her friends: "I am the head of the circus, small animals, Bicycles and toys belong to my family, as do tractors and tents.”

Angel held her head high and pointed at the tent above her head with her little finger, then continued solemnly: "Mom said, you need to invest in business. These are all from my family, and none of you have invested, so I want to share a lot of dollars!"

Hearing this, Qin Yi on the side almost burst out laughing!

He really didn't expect that such a little girl would seriously talk about investment with her friends, and it really seemed like that. Animals, toys, etc., in a real sense, aren't Angel's investments!
Susa and Ke Luo also laughed out loud, but quickly covered their mouths, for fear of disturbing the group of business partners who were discussing profit sharing!
They even came up with the crazy idea of ​​uploading the video they were shooting to Facebook. The cute little girl was discussing business in a serious manner. I believe such a picture will definitely detonate the circle of friends
The adults watched with a smile on their faces, and Becky and Vivian, who were the parties involved, nodded their heads in unison after hearing Angel's words, thinking that it was really the case!
Angel pouted and glanced at Knox, seeing that he was stroking the back of his head guiltily and giggling, so she put on an innocent look and said, "These dollars, and Teddy They have a share, you have all received money, but they haven't."

Yes, Teddy and Fanny have their share of the money too, it's all their dollars, how can we live without them?
Betsy and Vivian suddenly remembered that the remaining dollars in the small cash box were not all Angel's, but also those of the little animals!Thinking about giving some of the animals to the animals, there is not much left, woo woo, Angel is so pitiful, and there is not much money left
Ever since, the two little girls, who realized what happened, immediately pouted at Knox in dissatisfaction: Brother Knox is all to blame, and they blamed Sister Angel (sister) by mistake!
Just like that, Betsy and Vivian, who came to their senses, stood by Angel's side again, staring at Knox with wide eyes!
This made the little guy even more uncomfortable, wondering whether to use the dollars he just earned to buy a gift for his sisters later, otherwise they must be playing tricks on themselves again.
Qin Yi and the others stood aside and laughed lightly.

Angel glared at Knox again, then ignored him, squatted beside the small cash box and started counting the money. She was going to give the animals money!
Ten minutes later, except for Eagle Big Eagle [-] who was not present, all [-] small animals who came to perform were given [-] dollars each. From this point of view, Angel is still very generous, after all, the little girl hasn't received it yet. Their brokerage fees!
The performance income for the morning has been officially distributed.

Including Diana, Qin Yi and others shared a total of 33 US dollars, the animals shared 280 US dollars, Becky and the three together received 240 US dollars, so in total, Angel's morning income was 266 US dollars!

"Well, I don't have many dollars left."

Angel fiddled with the thick stack of dollars held in her little hand, and muttered dissatisfiedly, even though her share was more than the three of Betsy's combined!

Looking like a little money fan, Qin Yi shook his head and laughed.

Fortunately, the three little guys have already accepted the little girl's analysis. Therefore, although Angel's share of the money is still much higher than theirs, she is not unhappy. She just thinks that maybe she can bring the toys tomorrow , such as skateboards, portable swings
In this case, you can count yourself as an investment, can you share more money?
Well, it's not just Angel who is a little money fan here!

But the work of income distribution is done, and the matter is not over, because although Teddy and the others are very smart, they still don't know the dollar, let alone the function of the dollar, so hand over the dollar to them, let alone whether they know how to save money, Whether it can be brought back to the ranch at this moment is a question.

Do you want to prepare a small wallet and tie it around their necks all the time?
But this little problem can't help the smart Angel. Under the funny eyes of Qin Yi and others, the little girl patted her chest and said: "I will save it for them, and I can write it down in a small notebook! I can write down whatever they like. Pay them!"

"Well, children, is it okay to do this?"

Qin Yi smiled and asked Becky and Vivian for their opinions. As for Knox, because he questioned Sister Angel at the beginning, he was still isolated by the girls at this time, so he quietly hid aside, but he didn't dare to express his opinion!
"Yeah, I believe in Sister Angel! Sister Angel is the best!" Little Becky looked at Sister Angel with eyes full of admiration!

Vivian also nodded and said, anyway, I still have to memorize it in a small notebook, so there will be no mistakes!

In this way, under the witness of Qin Yi and others, An Qier and her friends leaned their heads together on the ticketing table and wrote down the names of the animals and their respective deposit balances. Of course, the interest No, but because of causing trouble to Angel, the animals have to pay a handling fee of one dollar per month, which Angel deducts by herself!
This is clearly stipulated in the small book!

Finally finished all the work, and it was almost 12 o'clock, Qin Yi greeted everyone and planned to go to the food experience area to have lunch.

But when mentioning lunch, Angel immediately thought of the large basket of fruit she brought, which was originally used to reward the animals, but at this moment, the little girl thought of another use.

Under Qin Yi's puzzled eyes, Angel ran away, and came back with a small basket in a short while. There were a few apples and some vegetables in it. It made people wonder what the little girl wanted to do.

Is it because you are hungry, take it out and ask everyone to fill your stomach together?

Everyone had the same idea, but they didn't expect that Angel's first words to Teddy, who had already leaned over, made everyone burst into laughter!

"Hey Teddy, big sweet apples! They're only a dollar apiece, do you want one? Man!"

This girl, Qin Yi, who couldn't straighten up from laughing, really doesn't know what to say
(End of this chapter)

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