American Ranch

Chapter 530 Circus Income

Chapter 530 Circus Income

There are cute children and cute animals as selling points. The famous Angel Circus has indeed aroused the interest of many tourists. Although they are still a little afraid of boa constrictors, curiosity accounts for a greater proportion in their hearts. , so early in the morning, many tourists came here to wait.

This also includes some tourists from yesterday, whether they want to get close to the animals again, or can't bear the children's prayers, anyway, many people brought their happy children and became repeat customers!

When Qin Yi and others arrived, it was already after 07:30 in the morning, and the girls were busy selling tickets, because at eight o'clock, the children's first performance was about to begin!

The tickets for the circus were custom-made in a business card shop in the small town before. They are similar to movie tickets and look quite formal. By the way, letting the children perform in the circus seems to be the same thing, which makes many tourists find it interesting.

In fact, according to Qin Yi's intention, it is enough to just cut a stack of small paper strips and write numbers on them, but this idea of ​​saving trouble was unanimously opposed by Susa and Ke Luo, who believed that such a loose attitude was unacceptable. Pick!
In the words of the two, the actions of the children may be really naive in the eyes of adults, but from the perspective of children, they are planning a business very seriously. If you want the children to get exercise from it, then the adults themselves You have to have a good attitude first!

Well, this is another cultural difference, but I have to admit that what they said is indeed reasonable. In this way, in an activity with children as the protagonists, it was the adult Qin Yi who taught a lesson first.
According to the plan, the children will perform six performances a day, three in the morning and three in the afternoon, and the total number of tourists for each performance is fixed at 200. Therefore, after one performance, the children will have about [-] US dollars in ticket sales!
In order to prevent tourists from waiting, Susa and Kolo decided to sell tickets for three performances at once after discussing. The first two hundred tourists will enter the venue to watch the performance first, and the tourists behind can go to other places to enjoy it. Views, watching shows.

Perhaps it is also a good choice to go to the gourmet area to enjoy a novel meal. After all, it is early in the morning, and many tourists have not had breakfast yet!

The girls sold out the tickets, and the performance in the tent had already started. The three of Qin Yi, who were called patrolling but actually wandered around inside and outside the arena, finally had a place to play - they were instructed by the girls to move the tables. These ticket tables, It was useless this morning.

After tidying up everything, Qin Yi took everyone who was free to stand by the stage to enjoy the performances of the animals, chatting a few words from time to time, and the atmosphere was leisurely.

Today's show is similar to yesterday's show. The biggest change is that in addition to the animal performances, there are also several children's shows, such as Qin Yi's solo that Knox promised yesterday!
The little guy standing on the stage is wearing sunglasses, a black slim leather jacket with distressed jeans, and a slightly ostentatious red and white striped T-shirt, making the little guy look energetic and chic!

At this time, he was hugging the Hawaiian guitar in front of him, playing enthusiastic music with Latin American colors, and gently shaking his long blond hair to the beat. His aura was like that of a concert singer. Popular singer!

Qin Yi and the others laughed when they saw it, and they couldn't help but praise a few words. They also joked with Julie and asked her to get an autograph for everyone. The shadow of love change has further dissipated a lot!

The increase is naturally not only Knox's one-person show, Angel and Becky's bunny dance, Vivian's ballet, although it seems a bit nondescript in the circus venue, but in this happy moment, no one will be bored Go count this!
Time passed slowly in joy. When the group dance of the children and the small animals ended, the whole performance came to an end. Susa and Ke Luo had already prepared and sent bouquets of flowers in time. The happy children Duzuixiao!
In the final photo session, Qin Yi and the others didn't intervene too much, it was all organized by the children themselves, because the tourists lined up consciously according to the ticket number, and the scene went smoothly, if you don't care about the little tourists who chatter and leave the line at will!
Tourists with children all chose to take a group photo. Only some adults who traveled alone, in order to save a dollar, only took some photos of the animals on the sidelines, and did not go over to take a group photo.

This is nothing unusual. Lao Mei pays attention to practicality when spending money. One dollar can buy a cheap hamburger for lunch. While having fun, you don’t forget to avoid some unnecessary expenses, which is even more admirable!

At the end of one performance, the children got a lot of one-dollar and five-dollar change, so before the next show started, they sat around excitedly and counted the money!
None of the four children are in need of money, not to mention Angel, she helps with housework and takes care of small animals, and has already earned thousands of dollars in deposits from Qin Yi. As the second generation of stars, Knox and Weiwei Ann, naturally there is no shortage of pocket money.

Speaking of which, Becky has the least savings, but no matter whether she is in the Sun River Ranch or the Walker Farm, Qin Yi or Walker will pay her after doing housework. After a long time, she has a deposit of several hundred dollars!

Of course, children’s pocket money is not spent randomly. With the help and supervision of adults, they have simple financial plans, so most of their deposits are in children’s accounts, and they are truly free to control. Yes, only a few dozen dollars in a small wallet!

Although everyone saved some money and it was not the first time to earn dollars, it was indeed the first time to earn such a pile at once, so the children were all excited!
Betsy is still young, and she can't count well, let alone count money. Vivian and Knox are only in the first grade of primary school, and they are also not very good.

Only Angel, although she is only five years old like Becky, the little girl has been eating improved ingredients for a long time, and her intellectual development has already surpassed her peers by a large margin, so counting money is still possible, but the speed is slower with her little fingers!

The four children gathered around a pile of small change, counting them happily and blissfully. The adults were so happy with this interesting scene. Everyone laughed and watched. A lot of photos were taken, and Ke Luo even held a DV for the whole process. Video recording every moment of children's growth.

Smiling and watching for a while, Susa, who had just served as Angel's financial advisor, also leaned over to help count together. Finally, according to the statistics, the circus earned a total of 268 US dollars for the whole performance. According to this figure, the daily income will be around [-] US dollars. Five hundred dollars or so, a lot of money!
Angel, who was smiling, deposited the money in Susa first, then waved her little hand, and led the three friends in a high-spirited way to start the next performance!
The morning passed quickly, and at eleven o'clock, all three performances were over. Under the watchful eyes of Qin Yi and others, the income of the circus was quickly counted - 819 US dollars!

As the owner of the circus, Angel is very happy to share money with everyone.

First of all, it belonged to Qin Yi and others. Angel counted for a few seconds, then counted out three one-dollar bills, and handed them to Qin Yi with a smile, then Susa, Ke Luo.
In the end, Qin Yi and the others smiled brightly with the three dollars in salary in their hands. The three dollars can be said to be the least amount of money they have earned, but the happiness they got during the whole process was the same as all the previous jobs. Nothing can be compared!
Therefore, everyone solemnly put the three dollars into their wallets, and planned to find a small box to store them after returning home. This will be a good memory!

(End of this chapter)

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