American Ranch

Chapter 533 One Moment Before the Auction

Chapter 533 The moment before the auction

In fact, as early as a few days ago, the Japanese had contacted Ryan, trying to have an informal meeting with Qin Yi before the official auction started. Even if they could not get some internal information, they would still be able to improve their relationship and increase their favor. The odds!

Of course, the Japanese are not the only ones who can make small calculations. American domestic animal husbandry companies and large ranches, because of their geographical advantages, were the first batch of interested bidders to get in touch with the Sun River Ranch.

For example, the real estate companies of John Malone, Stan Kroenke, etc. among the top ten big landowners in the United States, whether they sent letters directly or entrusted intermediaries to spread the word, they all expressed their disapproval of the auction of cattle breeds at the first time. concern!

Not only sent a special representative to Augusta as soon as possible to pay attention to the latest news, but also made a preliminary contact with Sun River Ranch, and then conveyed an informal meeting request to Sun River Ranch!
Here, being informal does not mean not paying attention, but an expression of etiquette and respect.

In terms of business cooperation, when facing partners or competitors at the same level, before the two parties reach a consensus, there is often no formal and official meeting invitation, because others may not be willing to accept your invitation. Once this happens , the two sides will fall into an awkward situation.

Because in the face of such an invitation that is not willing to accept, the invitee has to make a choice: if he accepts, it will go against his original wishes, and even disrupt the original plan; A cooperative atmosphere where the two parties work together for win-win development.
So, how to choose is a dilemma!
But the operability of informal invitations is very large.

Such invitations are often of a private nature, or a child's birthday party, or a wine tasting party among friends, of course, it can also be a relaxing golf game, or even a dance party that can be held at random.
No one will mind whether you accept it or not, and it will not affect the foundation of cooperation between the two parties in the slightest!
Therefore, before a consensus is reached, a formal invitation has the meaning of coercion, while an informal invitation is to give the other party the right to choose freely, which not only shows one's own etiquette and sincerity, but also respects the other party!
It can also be seen from these informal invitations that compared with the old animal husbandry empire, Qin's animal husbandry, which is not too large in scale, has been placed on an equal footing by everyone.

It's no wonder that the three ranches that Qin Yi belongs to, Sun River Ranch, Wobe Lake Ranch, and Teddy Ranch, have a total of more than 30 acres. , are all big landlords that can be counted!
What's more, the three pastures also have improved top-level forage grass and cattle breeds, and their development momentum is strong, no one dares to underestimate them!

However, whether others underestimated or valued it did not affect the development of the ranch at all, so Qin Yi never took it to heart.

Recently, in the face of many informal invitations conveyed by Ryan, as expected by all parties, Qin Yi rejected all of them, and only allowed Ryan to take time to hold a simple meeting with representatives of all parties temporarily staying at the Augusta Hotel in the ranch. The meeting, to report on all aspects of the cattle auction, and the rest, I didn't pay much attention to it.

Of course, this is only the treatment of domestic companies in the United States, and Canada may also be added.

However, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and other areas with developed animal husbandry industries will get the news later. Although they sent representatives to hurry up, they still arrived in Augusta two or three days later, so they missed the Ryan meeting. briefing meeting.

Information related to the auction process can be inquired on the official website of Qin's Animal Husbandry, but these latecomers missed not only the popular information, but also some internal information that was not considered secret!

For example, Mr. Qin, the rancher, is he rigid and serious, or humorous?

This is related to your behavior when dealing with Mr. Qin, so you must figure it out. You don't want to be humorous to leave a good impression, but please don't make Mr. Qin feel unhappy because of a certain sentence or a certain action. Otherwise, your pass will be dropped before the auction, and it will be too late to cry!

Maybe you can also know some of Mr. Qin's hobbies, such as collecting, hunting, wine tasting, golf and so on!
Mr. Qin is from China, maybe he likes to play table tennis?

This is a bit difficult, but whatever, even if it is polo, baseball, or even marbles, as long as it can increase even a little bit of bargaining chips for the upcoming auction, the representatives of all parties are determined to conduct surprise training!

Of course, the first thing to do is to figure this out.
Another example is family members, perhaps they can say more words of praise for the elderly. I heard that Chinese people pay more attention to this aspect of etiquette, and children, would it be abrupt to give a small gift?
For Qin Yi, there is no need to hide, or even insignificant information, but it is very important to the representatives of all parties!
Of course, it is even more important for representatives from other regions who are already one step behind. In order to save time, they chose to inquire about their American counterparts, and they also suffered a lot because of this!

But at this moment when time is racing against time, no matter how much you suffer, everyone can bear it. As long as they win the final auction, the ridicule and stares they received will be returned ten times and a hundred times. The peer's nose announced: "I am the ultimate winner!"

Such a belief supports all Augusta's liaison representatives!

However, these liaison representatives only acted as the mouthpieces and information collectors in the early stage, and it was not their turn to be responsible for the real decision-making and auction.

Cattle breed auctions are related to the future development of each company. Of course, it is impossible for such an important job to be handed over to the middle-level or even low-level employees of the company. Respect!
Therefore, as the auction approaches, high-level personnel from major animal husbandry companies and large farms have arrived. Arrived in Augusta at noon yesterday!

Presumably it was also for the auction of cattle breeds.

But this middle-aged man with a business mind doesn't seem to have any intention of meeting Qin Yi.

Moreover, according to the news from the security team, Kroenke was wearing a very tasteless gray suit that was one size too big, without buttons or ties, as if he was on vacation, and took a group of bodyguards on various programs. Wandering around the scene, watching various performances with relish, but in the evening, I took a helicopter and flew to the west of Sun River Ranch.

After Qin Yi received the news, he guessed that Kroenke should have gone to the small town of Columbia Falls. In this small town located in the northwest of Sun River Ranch and in the Rocky Mountains, he owned a large-scale forest farm.

In fact, if Kroenke invited him, Qin Yi would still be happy to meet with this expert in the business field, chat about the land policy in the United States, and exchange experience in ranch management. I believe there will be a lot of gains.

Moreover, this guy has so much land under his name, does he intend to transfer some of it?

But he left as soon as he left, and Qin Yi didn't feel any regrets. Anyway, the United States has a lot of land, so he doesn't have to worry about not being able to buy it!
At this time, in the performance tent of the circus, Qin Yi continued to discuss the racecourse with Diana while waiting for Ryan to bring the Japanese bidders to meet. He didn't think there was anything wrong with receiving business partners in such an idle place.

(End of this chapter)

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