American Ranch

Chapter 245

Chapter 245

At night, we set up a tent at the foot of the Rocky Mountains, then dug a hole in the snow and laid it on a moisture-proof mat. The people who had enough to eat and drink slept in their sleeping bags, which was quite warm.

With the black rice and wheat on guard, and with the presence of a big guy like McGee, the night was peaceful, but the next morning, the warm sun still shone on the earth, and it was another sunny day, which made everyone happy.

After eating in the morning, Qin Yi led everyone up a gentle hillside for a while, and then began to search for prey nearby.

The Rocky Mountains in winter are much quieter than in summer.

In summer, the mountains and forests are lush and green, with colorful blueberries and hyacinths of various colors such as blue, pink, yellow, red, and purple. During this period, birds and beasts roar, streams and springs jingle, it can be said that it is gorgeous and everything sings.

But now, apart from the mottled tree shadows, the white snow that fills the eyes is full of chilling atmosphere, even the birds and beasts passing by do not want to stay too long, or look around for a while, or bow their heads and sniff, for the morning meal, one by one. Hurry up.

Today, each of the four men carried a pack of things, including pots and pans, vegetables, cooked beef and other ingredients, as well as some outdoor tools, only a tent and a sleigh, and they were sent back to the ranch enclosure in the morning .

This is to prevent a few cows from being attacked by wild beasts on the mountain when they are hunting.

Moreover, according to Angel's wishes, tents were set up for several cows, and moisture-proof mats were spread on the ground, so that they would not worry about freezing the cows!

It is simply a national treasure treatment!

And Qin Yi and his party will hunt nearby for a day and return in the evening.

Under the warm sunshine in the morning, it is warm but also a little dry, which is the weather in winter.

Everyone slathered on some moisturizer to combat the dry weather.

A few people shuttled through the lonely woods, all the way forward, Black Rice and Wheat ran forward and back to watch, and McGee still followed behind with his big butt.

Teddy's legs were short, and it was quite strenuous to walk in the snow. In order to speed up the journey, Qin Yi simply carried it. Anyway, the weight of tens of catties was nothing to his abnormal physical strength!

Angel has also been hugged by several women in turn, looking around curiously along the way.

Lane and Hobbs have the most important mission: track the prey!
If there's one thing winter in the Rocky Mountains is better than summer, it's the ease of tracking game.

There is a thick layer of snow on the ground. As long as an animal passes by, it will definitely leave hoofprints. As long as you distinguish carefully, you can tell what kind of animal it is, what direction it is going, and even the approximate time when you pass by here. !
Both of them have been cowboys and hunters for decades, and they have the most experience. Perhaps in their entire lives, apart from being cowboys, the best thing they can do is hunting!

In the words that Ryan has emphasized many times: When I was young, if a young man could not hunt, he would not be able to find a wife!
That's it.

Ye Fang was the most relaxed, but the pots and bowls hanging behind him jingled as they walked, quite a bit of performance art style, and the little girl giggled along the way, calling out "Uncle Ye Fang is very fun!"

This guy didn't stick to trifles, and deliberately teased the little girl to play. He found a stick to knock on the bottom of the pot, and sang "Jingle Bells" for Angel. His funny appearance added a lot of fun to everyone!
Not long after, Amanda, the bold and bold of the two sisters, was the first to get acquainted with Ye Fang. The two shared the pots and pans, and cooperated to form a kitchen band. There are new changes!
Now there is no sign of prey, and there are black rice, wheat and McGee standing guard, so naturally there is no trouble to keep quiet and be careful. Therefore, the whole hunting team was made into a mess by Ye Fang and Amanda.

In fact, there was no one in the team who really appreciated their music. Angel was watching their wonderful performances. Susa, Keluo and Sarah were more interested in chatting. They walked side by side with shotguns and chatted happily.

Qin Yi, who was in front of the team, was observing the sky with the second big eagle. When he was on the road, he showed them photos of white-tailed deer and black-tailed deer, hoping that they would help them find their prey.

At that time, the two little guys tilted their heads, looked at the photos, and looked at Qin Yi. It took a long time to figure out what he meant, and then they flew into the sky, hovered in the sky, and searched earnestly.

"Yi, come and see!"

At this time, Ryan, who was walking in the front, yelled, and then squatted down to observe the snow with Hobbs.

Qin Yi took two quick steps and saw some animal footprints on the snow. He descended from the mountain on the left side and slanted to the front right, extending towards the fence of the pasture.

He squatted down beside the two of them, let go of Teddy who was kicking his limbs to get down, and then observed the hoofprints on the ground.

Due to the deep snow, the hoof prints are not completely preserved during the steps, but the general shape can still be vaguely seen, like a butterfly with spread wings, slightly narrower and longer. The hoof prints have two front toes, slender and Pointed, the two hind toes are relatively short and flat.

"Yi, these are the hoofprints of a white-tailed deer, you can't be wrong!" Hobbs pointed to the clearer ones among the messy row of hoofprints, and said to Qin Yi with an affirmative face.

Ryan also nodded. The two come to hunt every year. They have decades of experience and can't go wrong.

"It seems to be heading towards the pasture. Haha, the beauty of our pasture has spread among the animals!"

Qin Yi also smiled when he heard Ryan's joke, and carefully observed the hoof prints again, keeping these in his heart, and when he came out to hunt in the future, he could apply what he had learned.

"What's wrong? Did you find it?"

At this time, musician Ye Da, who had been "playing music" all the way, saw the movement in front of him, and came up to him, his face full of anticipation, and he muttered in his heart: If there is a prey, who will play music!

Ryan glanced at Qin Yi who was smiling and said nothing, then turned around and replied: "Yes, Ye, according to our judgment, there is a small group of white-tailed deer with 7 or 8 heads, passing along the direction from here to the pasture. Judging by the weather and hoof prints, it should have passed here early in the morning."

"Then let's chase after it!"

Amanda also came up. This was her first time hunting in a real sense. The small farm in Miles was only able to hunt turkeys and hares.

This is a white-tailed deer, a large wild animal!
Seeing that several people were looking at him, Qin Yi didn't delay, took off the backpack, took out the skis and handed them to everyone, "Put on the skis, it's faster and saves effort."

Everyone put on their skis one after another, and then slid forward in the direction of their prey.

Even Angel has a pair of children's snowboards. Seeing her put on them happily and slide happily on the snow, the adults can't help but be infected by her happiness. One by one, the spirit excited by finding the prey becomes better.

With a goal, the hunting team is no longer as lazy as before. It looks like a professional hunter, sometimes running fast, sometimes squatting down to investigate, and it looks like it for a while.

There were only three of them, Colo, Susa and Sara, and the whole trip was like skiing on the slopes, teasing little girls, talking and laughing, like an outing.

They really don't have much interest in hunting. They just regard this trip as playing with Qin Yi. In their hearts, they just want to have fun!

After gliding like this for about ten minutes, he could already see a barrier-like pasture fence in the distance, and knew that the prey should be nearby.

Because outside the fence, there is also a small part of grass spreading from the pasture, which can be seen through the snow.

With food, this little herd of white-tailed deer shouldn't get very far.

At the same time, this is also the reason why herbivores gather outside the fence and are unwilling to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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