American Ranch

Chapter 246: Four Prey

Chapter 246 Two Prey
*A [-]-word chapter is presented, one chapter is worth two chapters!It seems that tonight is the rhythm of staying up late again!Children's shoes, go to bed early!

In fact, after arriving outside the ranch, from yesterday evening to this morning, Qin Yi and his party have seen no less than a hundred white-tailed deer, black-tailed deer and other large herbivores near the fence!
But most of them are female deer. According to the convention, no one hunts the female deer.

But a small number of bucks are all younger without exception. The largest white-tailed deer only has 7 or 8 prongs, which is not worth fighting at all!
Hunting, it's easy to find prey, but you can't hunt just to catch one prey. If you just fulfill the quantity requirements, then what's the value of hunting? What's the difference with indiscriminate killing?
Hunting, for Qin Yi and his party, who are rich in material life, is more for fun. The number of prey allowed is limited, so you have to find some valuable prey!

For example, if you take a white-tailed deer with 7 or 8 prongs and make a specimen, you will not get praise or admiration, but only contempt and disgust. After all, such white-tailed deer can be found casually.

But if he hunted a ten-pronged or even fifteen-six-pronged stag, he would be able to show off his capital for a lifetime!

Rare things are more expensive, that's what it is.

This is also the reason why Qin Yi and his party ran around and failed to catch their prey.

At this time, Qin Yi and the others had already slowed down, and under the shadow of the jungle at the foot of the mountain, they searched earnestly forward. Even Angel kept quiet under Susa's instructions.

However, because the adults searched carefully, they looked a little sneaky, which made the little girl also look cautious, stepping on children's skis, and followed Qin Yi with a cat, looking around curiously.

That cute little appearance made Susa, Keluo and Sara at the back all smile.

At this time, when they reached the field, Qin Yi didn't hold Teddy anymore. The fat little brown bear followed Maggie, chattering, and walked at the end of the team, but he didn't feel anxious at all.

In this way, the mother and son played while walking, rubbing against the tree trunk for a while, shaking the snowflakes in the air, digging the snowfield for a while, bowing their heads and sniffing at the dead branches and leaves, which is a bit like a walk.

Qin Yi noticed this scene and felt satisfied. It's better to follow Maggie, so he can learn some wild survival skills.

The snow here is more messy, and the hoofprints of animals can be seen everywhere. Ryan and Hobbs pointed to the hoofprints and whispered to everyone, white-tailed deer, black-tailed deer, pronghorn, springbok, and even moose and red deer. This huge herbivore.

It seems that there are not only a large number of animals on the periphery of the ranch, but also many types.

Qin Yi looked at the hoof prints of moose and red deer that looked like the hoof prints of cows and horses. He remembered the moose that McGee hunted before, and secretly regretted it. He knew that he should apply for the quota of several moose. , It’s really good to eat!

Well, Qin Yi admitted that he is also a foodie!

But there are some troubles, because as he thought on the road yesterday, the gathering of herbivores will definitely attract predators.

His guess was confirmed after a few minutes of searching.

Ryan, who was at the front, suddenly pointed at the big tree a few meters away, and reminded him in a cautious voice: "Hey, Yi, come and see the coyote's paw prints!"

With a reminder, Ryan and Hobbs immediately looked around seriously again, and the shotgun that had been carried on the back because of skiing with both hands was also held by the two of them.

In the wild, it's fine if you don't find any traces of predators, but if you don't be vigilant after you find clues, you're dead!

Qin Yi hurried forward to check, and sure enough, on the snow beside the big tree, there were footprints like plum blossoms, slightly larger than those of cattle dogs, with claws on them, they were the footprints of coyotes, because the footprints of dogs were not so big. Big, but the gray wolf's footprint is a circle bigger than this.

Only coyotes fit this profile.

Coyotes, the crossbreeds of dogs and wolves, and some of them descended from stray dogs, are cunning and ferocious and common on the borders of state prairies and ranches.

Of course, if dogs like Black Rice and Wheat had paws that were not as big as those of adult gray wolves, they were also bigger than coyotes, but it was obvious that the dogs in the ranch couldn't come here alone!
Qin Yi frowned, his guess came true.

"Yi, is there any danger?" Amanda leaned over. This carefree girl was inevitably worried when she really might run into a beast like a wolf.

She carefully observed the surroundings, thinking that there might be a few wolves hiding in the corner watching her group, she got goosebumps all over her body!

Sarah was not much better than her, she leaned towards Qin Yi unconsciously, holding a shotgun and looking around, looking cautious.

But Susa and Keluo didn't care too much, because when they camped with Qin Yilai in summer, they even saw a two-meter-long gray wolf, and they didn't care too much about the two-size coyote.

And the black rice and wheat are here, with their physique, the coyotes may not be able to beat them!

Not to mention that there is McGee behind, this big guy is not afraid of 7 or 8 gray wolves alone, and the coyote is even more trivial!
In fact, they don't know that the current McGee has been transformed, and there is no problem with a dozen of them. His strength, speed and physical strength are doubled.
Hearing this, Qin Yi looked at the worried expressions of the two sisters, and immediately smiled and comforted him: "Haha, don't worry, Amanda, so many of us are carrying guns, three or five coyotes are not scary, besides, there is also Mai Ji is here!"

The two sisters tightened the shotguns in their hands, and then looked at Maggie who was playing with Teddy behind, and they were relieved. Yes, with Maggie around, there is really no danger without encountering a large pack of wolves.

A group of people continued to walk forward, but because they found the trace of the coyote, the hunting team became more cautious, and the atmosphere was a little dignified, no longer the playful mentality of the picnic along the way.

The formation was shrunk, women and children gathered in the middle, the pasture fence was not far to the right, and McGee was watching from behind, but something unexpected happened.

Therefore, Ye Fang stood guard on the left side, and Qin Yi, Ryan and Hobbs walked in the front. In case of any accident, the three men would be calmer and more accurate with marksmanship.

Heimi and Maimai also sensed the slight uneasiness in the team, and followed Qin Yi's feet, with two pairs of dark eyes, piercing, they were the most loyal partners, and scrupulously checked out any suspicious situations.

In this way, following the footprints of the herd of deer, the few people came to the edge of the grove, and their eyes suddenly became clear, because there was a low-lying land tens of meters away from the group of people on the right, and the situation in it made the group who were still a little worried, Get refreshed all of a sudden!

"Hey guys, squat down!"

Ryan and Hobbs smiled happily, and immediately hid their figures behind the tree, and then saw Amanda and Ye Fang still looking up, and immediately reminded them in a low voice.

The two who had been looking forward to hunting a big deer quickly put away their excitement and squatted down behind the two of Ryan, but they still showed half of their heads and looked around, wanting to see if there was a suitable target.

Susa hugged Angel, and together with Ke Luo and Sara, leaned forward behind Qin Yi.

At this time, Qin Yi was also hiding behind a big tree, and he was also happy. This is the deer group that has been looking for half a morning, and it will finally be rewarded!
That's right, there is a large herd of deer in the low-lying land, not just 7 or 8 deer as previously judged, but nearly [-] deer!

Just now he took a rough look and judged that there were at least two big deer with more than ten prongs inside!

Angel hid behind Qin Yi and kept Susa's instructions in mind. She didn't speak loudly along the way. Occasionally she was curious about something, so she whispered in Susa's ear. Interested in a low-lying land.

She didn't see it just now, but now she leaned forward, so she naturally wanted to see clearly.

The little girl imitated the grown-ups, showing half of her head furtively, opened her eyes wide and glanced there, then quickly retracted, as if she would be discovered if she looked at it for half a second. The novel and exciting feeling made her feel A lot of fun.

"Wow, Uncle Yi, there are so many small deer, and there are big deer!"

The little girl opened her mouth and stared at Qin Yi with wide eyes, as if she had just seen an extraordinary scene. She pointed at the low-lying land with her chubby finger, her expression shocked, but in the eyes of the adults, she felt cute. Very cute.

"Yes, yes, there are a lot of big deer there. Let's shoot some and bring them home, shall we?"

Qin Yi carefully observed it again, and it was indeed true, two big deer with ten prongs, one with twelve prongs, and one with fourteen prongs, it seems that there will be a big harvest today!
But before starting the fight, you still have to coax the little girl well, if you don't explain clearly, the little girl will be sad.

Maybe you can take her to the side and let Ye Fang and the others hunt and kill her secretly, but educating children cannot be avoided.

"But, the little deer is very cute! Besides, if you kill the big deer, the little deer will have no mother!" The little girl was a little reluctant when she heard that she was going to kill the big deer, and she muttered pitifully.

She still remembered what Susa said yesterday, that Xiaolu would be very sad when he left his mother, and he would starve if he didn't want to eat!
Qin Yi naturally remembered it too, and looked at Susa helplessly, only to see that she also shrugged helplessly, so he had to think of other ways at the moment.

At this time, Ke Luo blinked his eyes twice, and came up with an idea: "Anqier, we only kill one or two. There are so many big deer here are the mothers of the fawns, and they will live with the fawns. The fawns are not considered to have left their mothers." .And, don’t you want a venison burrito? Wow, I’m so craving it!”

Venison Burritos?

The little girl's big eyes lit up, and she smacked her mouth unconsciously, wanting to eat!

At that moment, she hesitated and asked: "Then, does Xiao Lu really have a mother?"

"Of course!" Qin Yi hurriedly interjected, and at the same time, he did not forget to give Ke Luo admiring glances. It was a good idea. Knowing that the little girl is a snack, he lured her with delicious food!

"We only kill two. There are more than a dozen big deer here, and they are the mothers of these little deer!"

The little girl stretched her head over to look at the herd of deer, then blinked her big eyes and looked at Qin Yi, thinking about the problem of Xiaolu and burritos, her little face was a little tangled, but in the end, the burritos defeated Xiaolu!
"Okay then, both ends!" The little girl stretched out two fat fingers and shook them at the adults.

She pouted and smiled, which made everyone smile.

After the matter was settled, Qin Yi handed over the rest to Ye Fang and Ryan, picked up the little girl, and walked away with Susa and Ke Luo.

It's better not to let children see the scene of shooting and bloodshed too early.

Sarah wanted to go away with them, but Amanda insisted that she stay and take pictures for herself, saying that she would record the scene of hunting the first white-tailed deer as a testimony of her life experience!

No way, Sarah had to stay with her.

The antlers of these two male deer are very beautiful. Not only are there many forks, but each has more than ten forks, and the shape is smooth and beautiful, which is most suitable for stag head specimens. Therefore, Ryan and Hobbs are a little bit excited!
They can see that there are not many opportunities to see such a big deer, it's all about luck.

And because of hunting restrictions, only Ryan has hit one end, not even Hobbs!
However, Ye Fang came all the way to hunt, and Amanda was a girl, so it was difficult for the two old men to compete, so they had to give up the opportunity to the two of them, and he regretted watching from the sidelines.

Ever since, Ye Fang and Amanda discussed, the twelve-pronged one belonged to Ye Fang, and the fourteen-pronged one belonged to Amanda. trigger!
The two of them squinted their eyes and aimed at it, not to mention it for now, but on Qin Yi's side, the three of them took the little girl to play with McGee.

There, you can't see the situation in the low-lying land, so you don't have to worry about being seen by the little girl when the big deer is shot and falls to the ground bleeding.

At this time, Maggie was holding an unknown plant root and eating it sweetly. Teddy also had a piece, but this little guy didn't eat it. He just played on a dead tree trunk, climbing up and down, and I fell down from time to time, but my interest is still undiminished!
"Bang! Bang!"

At this time, two dull gunshots, less than half a second apart, startled Maggie. Animals are naturally sensitive to these life-threatening things. Qin Yi hurried up to appease them, while guessing about Ye Fang's hunting. result.

Before he could finish his thoughts, several people more than 20 meters away, as the gunfire fell, there was a burst of exclamation, large or small.

The three of Qin Yi were startled, thinking that something had happened, they hurriedly looked back, and saw that the black rice and wheat had already rushed up, and Amanda quickly loaded the gun again, with a "bang", another shot!
At this time, Ryan, Hobbs, and even Sarah raised their shotguns, but they did not shoot.

Seeing this, Qin Yi immediately understood what happened.

An accident did happen, but it was Amanda who missed. The first shot missed the prey, or missed the vital point. When the prey wanted to run away, she fired again!
The three of Ryan raised their guns only subconsciously, but they couldn't shoot because it wasn't their prey. Shooting casually would embarrass Amanda.

At this time, Ye Fang looked at the direction Amanda was aiming at, both joyful and worried. This expression made Qin Yi guess that his prey should have been obtained, and the worry now was for Amanda's accident.

At this time, Amanda, who fired two shots, finally smiled, and the people beside him also breathed a sigh of relief, letting Qin Yi know that Amanda took down the prey twice.

There is an unwritten rule for hunting here, that is, a prey can be shot at most three times, if it can't stay, then it can't be shot anymore!

This is to leave a lifeline for the prey, a bit of God's will, and it feels like life should not die.

And Amanda took down the prey with two shots, which made Qin Yi heave a sigh of relief. It would be depressing if the dozen-forked deer that he finally found were let go because of a miss!
Handing the little girl to Susa and Ke Luo, Qin Yi ran over to have a look, and found that Black Rice and Mai Mai were dragging a big deer that was a little closer, the one that Ye Fang shot down, and the bullet hit him right in the middle. The forehead, this marksmanship, made Qin Yi wonder if this guy had just hit his luck!
As for Amanda, there were two wounds, one on the neck and the other between the sternum. The blood flowed all over the ground, and the whole white snow was dyed red!

Amanda and Sara, who had been overexcited by this scene, were uncomfortable for a while, and their faces were obviously a little pale. After taking a look, they finally didn't dare to look again, and ran to Maggie's side together, intending to talk to Susa. Chat with Colo and ease downforce.

(End of this chapter)

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