American Ranch

Chapter 244

Chapter 244

Moving on, the adults chatted and laughed loudly, while Angel held up a toy water gun to shoot, and from time to time greeted various small animals passing by in the distance.

"Hi! Hello, little bird! Let's be good friends, and I can invite you to take Uncle Yi's sleigh ride!"

A little gray bird is jumping on the branches, looking for possible food, but the grass is covered with snow, so its search is doomed to be fruitless, and it can only peck some tender pine needles to satisfy its hunger!

However, it has been like this in previous years. This gradually rising winter is everyone's hope, and good days will always come!

The adults wished and said goodbye to the little bird.

"Hi! Little Rabbit, what did you have for breakfast? I ate egg pancakes, fruit soup, and a creamy egg tart. Do you want to eat it? Let's be friends, and I'll treat you to it! I'll treat Laipi to eat it all!"

Yes, she invited Lai Pi to eat egg pancakes, but he didn't appreciate it, he was only interested in big apples and vegetables!
The little girl was still muttering, the hare had already passed by, but the little girl didn't care, and instead played with Teddy.

"Teddy, why are you so fat? Uncle Yi said that if you don't take a walk after dinner, you will become a chubby girl. You are a chubby girl now! Hehe, chubby girl Teddy!"

The little girl rubbed Teddy's round head, and Teddy stuck out his tongue to lick her chubby hand, but she avoided it, so the two little guys who hadn't grown up just poked their heads and stretched their noses Chasing, one holding a chubby hand to hide, having fun!
The adults were chatting and watching this scene, feeling that children are really simple-minded, and they can play such a monotonous game so happily!
Perhaps, happiness is everywhere, but the mind is not on it.

The frozen creek can no longer see its original appearance, but there is a shallow dent compared to other places, which is less lively and more monotonous.

It was all covered with endless white snow, and even the rolling hills lost their color and became more empty. Everyone did not delay in such an environment and moved forward all the way.

At noon, everyone lit a fire by the edge of the grove, cooked a pot of simple beef soup, and soaked the scallion pancakes prepared by Qin Yi. Although the weather was cold and the meals were simple, in the wild, it was easy to eat. Sweaty, but also beautiful in the heart.

After eating, we continued on the road. In the afternoon, the closer we got to the Rocky Mountains, the more wild animals we saw and the richer the variety.

Over the past month, the vegetation on the mountain has withered and yellowed, but the pastures are lush and lush, which has attracted many wild herbivores such as white-tailed deer, black-tailed deer, and springbok.

Because of the fence of the pasture, most of them wandered around the edge of the pasture, but a very small number entered the pasture for various reasons and lived leisurely all day.

Ryan took the cowboys to drive them away a few times, but the effect was not good, and there were so many of them that they couldn't be shot. Otherwise, even if the law didn't pursue them in the ranch, it would attract criticism from all walks of life and affect the reputation of the ranch too much. big.

In the end, Qin Yi simply decided to ignore them, and keep them when they come in, but don't even think about leaving them in the future, keep them in the pasture, and build a hunting ground when the time is right!

At that time, if only those rich tourists come in to hunt, then it won't be profitable!
As I said earlier on the Internet, rich domestic people come to the United States to hunt and rent helicopters directly. The rent alone costs tens of thousands of dollars a day!
When the time comes to rent out this broken plane, the rent will not be too low!
There is only one thing, that is, when tourists come to the ranch to hunt, they will make a mess and affect their leisurely life!

In the end, after some consideration, Qin Yi rejected the idea of ​​inviting tourists to hunt, but he still decided to keep these wild animals that entered the ranch in captivity.

If you don't want tourists to come in to hunt, then build a private hunting ground, and just bring your friends to play!
If you want to eat game, you can beat it. As long as you don't kill it indiscriminately, no one else has anything to say, and this can also protect the survival of wild animals!

In this way, a small number of wild animals live in the pasture.

At this time, they saw from a distance that Qin Yi and his party did not run away, they were still digging the snow on the ground, gnawing on the pasture under the thick snow.

In the past month, they have seen many cowboys, and sometimes even grazing with the cows, and have gradually become accustomed to the presence of humans.

"Wow, so many little deer!" Angel looked at the dozen or so deer who were picking up the snow in the distance while looking at this side, their eyes were shining, and they shook Qin Yi's arm and prayed expectantly.

"Uncle Yi, let's catch a deer and bring it home! I still need a beautiful deer to help me pull my sleigh, because Santa's sleigh is pulled by deer, not black cows and little flower cows!"

Qin Yi looked at the herd of deer, thinking about the feasibility of the little girl's request.

Susa persuaded: "Anqier, if we catch a fawn, it will leave its mother, and it will be very sad! Do you think you will be very sad if you leave your mother?"

The little girl thought about it seriously, and nodded obediently, "Well, Angel will cry so sadly that she doesn't want to eat anymore!"

Snacks, everything can be associated with eating!
Susa laughed happily when she listened to her little man's words, "That's the same for the deer, if we take it home, it will cry very sadly, and then it won't want to eat, it will starve to death!"

The little girl blinked her big eyes and looked at the herd of deer for a while. Although she wanted a fawn very much, she nodded obediently, "Okay then! The fawn needs a mother too! Uncle Yi, let's stop catching the fawn, okay?"

"Of course, Angel is so cute!" Qin Yi couldn't help but praise her, because if the little girl really insisted on catching the deer, then he really couldn't figure out how to catch it for a while!
"Yizi, let's hit the head first!"

Ye Fang was already a little bored, there are still scenery to see in summer, but now it is the same snow scene, although everyone is talking and laughing together, but the eyes are pale, and it is a bit monotonous.

When I saw the herd of deer at this time, my hands were itchy!
"No, let's leave the ranch first!" Qin Yi said, but pointed at the little girl, meaning, don't do these violent things in front of the children.

Seeing Qin Yi's hand gesture, Ye Fang immediately understood, annoyed in his heart that he was impatient, there was still a child here, so he had to pay attention to the impact!
Although the little girl had never seen it before, she also understood what Ye Fang meant. She pouted and criticized: "Uncle Ye Fang is really bad! The deer are so cute, if you want to beat them, their mother will be sad!"

Ye Fang was sweating immediately, and quickly admitted his mistake: "Yes, yes, uncle is wrong, uncle must correct it!"

Now, the little girl was satisfied, and praised him with a smile: "Uncle Ye Fang is such a good boy! Just like me, if I do something wrong, my mother will let me correct it!"

Everyone burst into laughter, Ye Fang was originally free and easy, and naturally he would not care about children, so he also laughed at the moment.

Playing around for a while made everyone feel a little bit better after being bored.

The crowd set off again.

On the way, Ryan and Hobbs comforted Ye Fang. In the wild, there are more big deer there. Maybe you can kill a big deer with more than a dozen forks. If you make a deer head specimen, it will be something you can show off to your friends for a lifetime!
These words made Ye Fang full of expectations.

The last time I went hunting with Qin Yi, I accidentally caught a white-tailed deer. It was a big deer with ten forks. Later, it was made into a specimen, and he entrusted his relationship to transport it back to the country, and gave it to the old man, which made the old man like it very much.

Now, after the two of Ryan mentioned it, their minds became aroused again. If this time they killed a big deer with more than ten forks and made it into a specimen, it should be a good Chinese New Year gift!
This place is not far from the Rocky Mountains, and there are more and more wild animals. From time to time, a small group can be seen, and everyone points and laughs, but Qin Yi is thinking about other things.

There are a lot of prey here, and correspondingly, hunters such as gray wolves and pumas will definitely gather here, which may affect the ranch.

It seems that the cowboys will be ordered to step up their patrols later!

In the evening, the group left the ranch and set up camp at the foot of the Rocky Mountains. Now that it was getting late, they spent the night here, and the hunting officially started tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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