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Chapter 275 A Spiritual Salvation

Chapter 275 A Spiritual Salvation

Coupled with the pointing and pointing of others, Wang Xiaoli, who used to be confident and laughable, received a huge blow in an instant.

From the beginning, I made a fuss about not going to study, and then I developed depression one after another. When it was serious, I even thought about suicide!

In the end, her parents were really forced and had no choice but to take her to various hospitals for treatment.

What laser repair, what expensive western medicine, folk remedies.

As long as it is possible to try, I have tried almost all of them.

But in the end result, not only the pimples on the face did not decrease, but increased a lot!

And because of taking too many antibiotics and hormone drugs with various chemical components, the whole face is getting worse and worse.

In the end, I had to leave school at home for half a year.

She was able to come out to study now because she had seen a psychiatrist for a long time before she finally walked out of the house.

Although she has walked out of the house now, her personality has changed drastically from before.

From a pretty, confident, and smiling little girl, to this timid, cowardly, and problematic student who is afraid of other people's eyes.

"If only I didn't have pimples!"

Wang Xiaoli is used to being away from others, but she still feels a little lost in her heart.

"Little sister, you can try our products for free."

Just as she bowed her head and walked home silently, a leaflet was handed to her without warning.

"Okay, thank you."

Wang Xiaoli didn't know how to refuse now, so she took the flyer directly and walked forward silently.

If it was left in the first two years, Wang Xiaoli was afraid that she would not be able to find a place to treat her acne.

But after so many treatments and scams, she was almost hopeless with her zits.

"If only what this leaflet said was true."

Wang Xiaoli looked at the above information carefully, and said helplessly.

"Little girl, our product is really effective, and it's a free treatment now, why don't you try it."

Originally, the salesman wanted to leave after handing out the leaflets.

But she accidentally saw that Wang Xiaoli's face was covered with pimples, which made her suddenly interested.

According to the company's regulations, as long as a person with acne can be taken to the store for treatment today, there will be a cash reward of [-] yuan!

Such a good opportunity, the salesman didn't want to just give up.

"Sorry, the acne on my face is basically incurable. I have tried many methods."

Because Wang Xiaoli is relatively inferior and introverted now, so she will not reject others very strongly.

"Little sister, what you said is wrong."

"Our product is really good, and it's full of Chinese medicine ingredients, very mild, without any irritating ingredients."

"Did you see this mark on my face? It's just a little bit of red."

"I had an acne before, but after using our company's products, it basically disappeared without a trace in just one day."

"Really, little sister, I didn't lie to you."

This salesman is almost thirty, and his life experience is naturally richer than that of Wang Xiaoli in high school.

She could tell that Wang Xiaoli was very inferior and introverted now, maybe it was caused by the pimples all over her face.

"Auntie, I really don't need it. I have to go home for dinner."

Wang Xiaoli still refused.

"Son, I know you are distressed and inferior right now."

"Our product is an ointment, just apply it for a maximum of 5 minutes."

"And it really doesn't cost money!"

"If it doesn't work, we'll lose money."

"Come on, try it, if it really works, don't you think so?"

In this way, Wang Xiaoli was brought to the store half-pushed by the salesman.

"Shop Manager, I brought a customer here."

As soon as the salesman entered the store, he shouted.

"Is this the child? There are indeed a lot of acne on the face."

The experienced store manager saw Wang Xiaoli with acne all over her face and said.

Hearing this sentence, Wang Xiaoli lowered her head a lot.

"Silly boy, it's okay, who didn't get acne when they were young, it's a normal phenomenon."

Now it's time for the store manager to perform.

Through high EQ and excellent way of dealing with people, you, Wang Xiaoli, will soon relax a lot.

"How does this ointment feel on your face?"

While helping her apply the ointment, the store manager chatted with her to ease her anxiety.

"It's cool and a little comfortable."

Wang Xiaoli hesitated for a moment, then responded in a low voice.

"That's right, our products are mild and non-irritating, and the effect is very good."

"Pox like yours should be caused by endocrine disorders."

"If you only use this ointment for treatment, it will only get better for a while, but it will grow back soon."

"If you want to eradicate it completely, you need to cooperate with the medicinal soup in our store."

"Don't get me wrong that I'm doing sales, what I say is true."

"If you don't believe me, you can first see if our ointment has any effect. If it doesn't, it doesn't matter if you don't come."

The store manager said while helping her with a facial massage so that her face could absorb the ingredients of the ointment faster.

"Okay, if it works, I'll come again."

Wang Xiaoli hesitated for a moment and said.

The whole process was very fast, and it didn't take long for the store manager to help Wang Xiaoli complete the whole acne removal process.

"Okay, you can see the effect by yourself tomorrow!"

Because of the opening of the new store, under the temptation of 500 yuan, many people with acne were brought in by the salesman.

So the store manager didn't have too much time to talk to Wang Xiaoli. After saying hello, he was busy with other things.

"You really don't want money?"

Seeing all the employees in the store in a hurry, no one cared about her at all, Wang Xiaoli held the money tightly in her hand, a little surprised.

Although the publicity was free of money, Wang Xiaoli knew that this was probably a liar.

But still embarrassed to refuse and walked in.

After all, the set of services just now was very good, so Wang Xiaoli was a little embarrassed not to pay.

"Maybe they're all good people."

Wang Xiaoli muttered something in a low voice, then walked home with her head down.

When the breeze blows over her cheeks, a long-lost coolness comes from her face.

This feeling is really comfortable, as if all the coverings have been removed and the feeling of facing the spring breeze.

For some reason, Wang Xiaoli suddenly felt such a warm feeling.

"Tomorrow I must go to this store again!"

Wang Xiaoli silently clenched her fists and whispered to herself.

Not to mention whether it has the effect of removing acne, just the feeling after washing her face made her feel warm and comfortable.

She hadn't experienced this feeling for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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