Chapter 274 Product Launch
Just kidding, although Lu Ban's immortality in the fairy world is very low, even the lowest existence.

But in terms of house construction and design, he dare not be the first, but there are absolutely few who can surpass him.

After all, there is a specialization in art, even the Jade Emperor with a very high level of cultivation, you can't say that he understands house design.

So when Lu Ban received the job of Xiaoyao Tianzun this time, he was actually very happy in his heart.

After all, with his own skills, he can [-]% amaze this big man.

But he never expected that the design he made with painstaking efforts would be described as mediocre by Tianzun.

Hey, it seems that this Xiaoyao Tianzun is really a supernatural being.

He never guessed that, as a great power like himself, he would deceive him in such a trivial matter.

"Tianzun, when I was designing according to the terrain, I found that there is a high possibility of a water spirit vein hidden in this mountain, but it seems to be dry again."

"Just in case, when I designed the house, I added a set of water formations.

If this formation is engraved, then as long as a water spirit bead is used as the eye of the formation, the water spirit vein can be reactivated. "

There is no way, Li Feifan, as the Xiaoyao Tianzun, spends all day in the group laughing with people at the same level as Taishang Laojun.

And the shots are generous, but anyone, as long as they can get a little relationship with him, at least they can get a pack of cigarettes!

My dear, what is the concept of a pack of cigarettes?
Taishang Laojun and the others privately collect cigarettes according to the number of sticks.

It is conceivable how popular cigarettes are in Immortal World.

So, to finally be able to serve such a big client, how can such a lowly and tiny fairy like Lu Ban not do his best?

'Damn it, are these gods in the sky so strict and guarded against the future? '

'It's awesome, it's really awesome! '

Seeing the news from Lu Ban, Li Feifan was shocked in his heart.

"You are right. There is indeed a dry water spirit vein here. You have a heart."

Since others do things well, it is natural that they should be rewarded.

So Li Feifan handed out two packs of cigarettes.

"Thank you Tianzun, thank you Tianzun!"

Sure enough, my efforts were not in vain!

Seeing the two packs of cigarettes in his hand, Lu Ban said excitedly.

Including the one pack of cigarettes given by Li Feifan before, there are now three packs of cigarettes.

If these three packs of cigarettes are sold, maybe his fairy book can go up one or two floors!
Do you think Luban can be unhappy?
"Tianzun, Xiaoxian has another unfeeling request."

"Well, let's talk."

"Xiaoxian still has a few craft puppets in his hand. Although they are not very useful, they have unique advantages in terms of construction workmanship."

"Anyway, Tianzun, you want to build a building, or Xiaoxian will give it to you directly."

Lu Ban said tentatively.

Anyway, to him, these puppets are just tools made of wood.

If Tianzun is happy and rewards me with something, then I will make a lot of money.

'Fuck, there is such a good thing? '

'This must come over! '

With such a thing, it will save a lot of trouble in construction.

"You are really thoughtful!"

In the end, Li Feifan spent five packs of cigarettes on the matter of building a house before finally getting it done.

Li Fanfan looked at the puppets in his hand and began to study them.

According to Lu Ban, such a low-level puppet can appear as long as it is injected with mana.

And it can work meticulously and non-stop according to your command.

Until the mana he injected is exhausted.

As soon as he thought of this, Li Feifan used his true energy and tried his best to send it behind the puppet.

After a while, the originally ordinary puppet slowly shone.


Finally, a bright light flashed, and a puppet that was almost identical to a human appeared in front of Li Feifan.


The puppet was slow for a moment, then bowed to Li Feifan and shouted respectfully.

At the same time, Li Feifan also felt some inexplicable connection between himself and this puppet.

sure!This Luban is worthy of playing with wood, and he really has some skills.

Looking at the puppet in front of him, who is no different from a living person, Li Feifan felt very happy.

It is indeed a good thing.

After studying the puppet, Li Feifan waved his hand and put it away again.

"Since this is the case, Linglong Mountain can be built on another day!"

Thinking of this, Li Feifan fell asleep in a good mood.


The next morning.

In the entire Changping Province, from the provincial capital to the various counties, stores with extremely simple and beautiful decoration styles but with a touch of ancient charm have opened in unison!
"The new store opens, invite [-] patients with acne for free, and get rid of acne for free!"

"Want to improve your face? Come here!"

"Acne is scary? Stop kidding me."

"The whole city is looking for acne patients to come and smash the scene! As long as we can't get rid of it, we will pay one hundred for each acne!"

"A face full of pimples? I'm your best outlet!"


For a time, leaflets, advertising posters, banners, etc., were filled with various slogans.

All involuntarily appeared in the eyes and hands of the people of the whole province.


"Xiaoli, tomorrow is a holiday, let's pay more people and go on an outing together?"

At the gate of a high school, five or six girls shouted at a girl in front of them openly.

"I have something to do tomorrow, so I won't go. I wish you all a good time."

The girl who was called lowered her head, her long black hair covered most of her face, turned around slowly, and whispered.

"Xiao Li, what are you talking about? Can you speak louder?"

Maybe her voice was too low for others to hear, so she asked again.

"I said you go and play, I have work to do tomorrow."

After saying this, Xiaoli quickly lowered her head, turned around and left the school gate in a hurry.

"This Xiaoli is really strange, she has no manners at all."

"Who says no? If it weren't for the fact that she doesn't have any friends at school, which looks quite pitiful, I wouldn't want to ask her to play with her."

"Forget it, forget it, this kind of person is destined to have no friends, let's hang out together tomorrow."

"Well, remember to call a few more handsome boys, or I won't go!"

"Hey, don't worry, I've got in touch!"

These girls, Yingyingyanyan chatting happily, also slowly left the school gate.

Wang Xiaoli is now a sophomore in high school. She used to be a lively, cute, confident little girl with excellent grades.

But since I went to high school, I don't know what's wrong with my body.

Originally a youthful and pretty face, I don't know when it was covered with dense pimples.

At first, Wang Xiaoli didn't pay attention to it, and just squeezed every pimple.

But in the end, the whole face was made so hard to look at by the follow-up pimples.

How could Wang Xiaoli, who was already quite good-looking, accept such an ugly face.

Since then, the grades have plummeted!
(End of this chapter)

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