Chapter 276
In the entire Changping Province, Wang Xiaoli is not the only one who has acne, and naturally it is impossible for her to be brought closer to the store for acne treatment.

On the contrary, the sales that Su Mingyu spent a lot of money on, achieved a lot of results.

But after all, things like acne removal are not immediate, but take time to witness.


"Boss Su, the marketing expenses for this day alone have reached several million. Isn't such a big effort a bit too high?"

"That is, if the effect is not great, I think it will be a very big loss to the company."

"I think it's better to spend all the marketing money on the Internet for marketing. After all, young people nowadays like to go online."

In the evening, in the conference room, the company's top management started a heated discussion on today's promotional effect.

"Marketing public opinion on the Internet must of course be done, but not now!"

"The most authentic and invincible marketing these days is word of mouth."

"If we don't have any results now, and we rush into the big battlefield of the Internet, it will not only be easy to overturn, but also cost more than the current traditional marketing!"

Hearing so many questions from his subordinates, Su Mingyu explained them one by one.

In fact, she also wanted to do sales directly from the Internet at the beginning, but Li Feifan directly denied her plan last night.

Su Mingyu thought about it, and it really made sense.

Time is fast.

In the blink of an eye, it was the next morning.

As usual, Wang Xiaoli slowly opened her eyes under the reminder of the alarm clock.

"Hey, another lonely day!"

It's a weekend holiday, if it wasn't for my inferiority complex, I'm afraid I would have had so much fun with those classmates now.

It was uncomfortable, but Wang Xiaoli still got up and took a shower.

Just as she staggered into the bathroom, she picked up her toothbrush and squeezed toothpaste while looking up at the mirror.


The toothpaste and toothbrush fell to the ground and fell at Wang Xiaoli's feet.

"How... how is it possible?"

I saw Wang Xiaoli staring blankly at herself in the mirror, and with both hands she lifted up her long hair that she was most reluctant to lift up.

Immediately, a face with excellent shape, but full of pimples appeared in the mirror.

Although none of the pimples on her face were missing, no matter in color or size, they were much better than yesterday's pimples!

For example, in the past, Wang Xiaoli's face was simply a dark red surface of the moon.

But now, although there are still some bumps and holes, the color is already infinitely close to the color of a normal person's face.

"Dad! Mom! Come quickly!"

Wang Xiaoli was so excited that she let out a scream!

Because she really wanted to share the good news with her parents.

Before she was happy and loved.

But because of the acne, she often lost her temper with her parents.

And because of her previous suicide, her parents were worried and depressed all day long.

Now hearing her daughter screaming like this, her parents thought something had happened.

They all put down what they were doing and rushed straight into the bathroom.

"That's it, Lily?"

"what happened?"

The moment his parents rushed in, seeing that she was still standing here well, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief and asked.

"Mom and Dad, look at my face!"

"Has the acne on my face improved a lot?"

Seeing her parents coming over, Wang Xiaoli excitedly pulled up all her hair, showing her entire face.


"Little Li, your face..."

As parents, her parents know Wang Xiaoli's state best.

Although the face is still full of pimples, but now at least I can see it.

"What's going on here, is it your own good, or did you use something?"

His father suppressed his excitement and asked.

"It's ointment! It's the ointment I used in a new acne shop near the school yesterday!"

"At first I thought they were all lying, but I didn't expect the effect to be so good!"

Thinking of all that happened yesterday, Wang Xiaoli said excitedly.

"Let's go, let's eat quickly. After we eat, our whole family will go to this store to have a look!"

"it is good!"

The pimples on Wang Xiaoli's face are already the biggest problem in their family.

So once they see hope, they will inevitably be very excited.

Soon, their family of three came to a store near the school.

"Hello, I am a student who came to get rid of acne for free yesterday."

"The ointment in your place is really effective."

"Oh, I remember!"

"Your face was all dark red yesterday, but you've recovered so well today, not bad."

"You should still remember what I said yesterday. Explosive acne like yours is due to a problem with the hormones in your body."

"If you want to eradicate it completely, you need to cooperate with our several medicinal soups."


On the premise of effective results, what Wang Xiaoli's family said to the store manager was like listening to the Bible, no matter what they said, they would nod in response.

In the end, after spending nearly 5000 yuan, he left the store with a large bag of medicines.

In fact, not every patient needs so much money for treatment.

But Wang Xiaoli is really a typical of the typical, it is too troublesome.

In addition, she was worried and bought many kinds of medicinal soup, which is why it is so expensive.

Fortunately, the medicinal soup developed by Li Feifan basically has no side effects, so the store manager sold so many medicinal soups to her.

Although other people did not come to the store as exaggeratedly as Wang Xiaoli, they also came to the store with gratitude to buy various products.

This situation is constantly increasing, and people who are treated are starting to recommend it to those around them.

An invisible but surging force is quietly surging.


"What is the origin of an acne-removing product called Qingfeng that appeared on the market in the past two days?"

In Changping Province, on the top floor of a high-rise building, a middle-aged man asked more than a dozen people with a gloomy face.

"I haven't figured out their details yet. I only know that they are a brand from Pinghai City."

The manager in charge of the marketing department saw that none of the people present made a sound, so he hesitated for a moment, and he could only bite the bullet and answer.

"Pinghai City? Why is this place again?"

Lu Jianbin frowned when he heard the name.

Lu Jianbin, Lu Xingyu's father, is also the richest man in Changping Province.

There are many chain cosmetics stores in Changping Province, and the best-selling acne products are their self-developed products.

Because it is a local industry in Changping Province, and he has been cultivating in Changping Province for so many years, he is simply a giant in terms of cosmetics and acne products.

If Li Feifan wants to rise, his Lu family must bear the brunt.

"Go and investigate now, find out their details carefully, and buy more of their products to see how they work and whether they can be imitated."

Regarding this matter, Lu Jianbin actually didn't take it so seriously.

After all, some messy products appear on the market every year.

But in the end, it was either acquired by him or represented by him, and imitated if it didn't work.

Anyway, in the end, the winner will be him.

"Yes, we're going to investigate now."

The others didn't pay much attention to it, but they still nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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