Chapter 500
There are expensive and cheap suits.

If you want to be cheap, go to the clothing wholesale market, or go to a certain treasure, you can buy a suit for 200 yuan, and a tie shirt is also given as a gift.

But when it comes to expensive, there is no limit.

During the Chinese New Year this year, Gao Yong's wife bought a suit for Gao Yong at the famous "Men's Wardrobe" store, which cost more than 3000 yuan. Gao Yong felt distressed and did not dare to eat meat for several days.

More than 3000 for a suit is indeed not cheap, but it is definitely not expensive.

Because, in the brand store that George took the four of them to, there was no four-digit price tag at all, and the cheapest suit cost more than 1 yuan.

"George, tell me the truth, are the formal dress standards of your employees at this level?"

George shrugged his shoulders and replied to Gao Yong: "Yes, Boss Gao, we have 3 yuan in clothing expenses every quarter, and it will be reimbursed by ticket. It's not in vain."

The lethality of these words is comparable to a nuclear bomb to Gao Yong, Yin Weilian and Xiangdong.

Ma De, what kind of doctor are you still doing? It's better to resign and hang out with Xie Zhonghua.

Especially Lian Xiangdong, who had worked so hard for a month, even including salary and bonus, but still couldn't compare to other people's standard of clothing expenses alone, so frustratingly frustrated.

George didn't seem to notice the change in the look of the three guys, and he continued to make up his knife and said: "3 yuan is a soft girl's coin, and it is less than [-] yuan in rice knives. Our thank you boss is really stingy."

Gao Yong looked around, grandma is a leg, don't let me see the kitchen knife, otherwise, I will have to chop this black man a few times to calm down.

Yin Wei smiled wryly, and said, "That's right. Compared with the Mi imperialism side, the annual salary of a random doctor is 10,000+ US dollars, and the monthly clothing fee is only [-] US dollars, which is really not high."

After hearing this, Yang Xi felt that a bottle of old Shanxi mature vinegar was being poured on her face.

How sour!

It's good to be a doctor in Midi, the status is high, the salary is good, and it's not as hard as it is in Huaguo, but, are you just saying that there is a chance?

The suit Xie Zhonghua prepared for Yang Xi was a set of styles in this store with a price tag of [-]. With this as the upper limit, the three suits each chose their favorite style and color. After trying the size, the store The tailor here immediately removed the trousers for him.

"There are also shirts and ties." George looked at the four people who had changed into suits, and couldn't help frowning, as if something was missing.

Wearing a suit with sneakers...that's the entertainment industry's preference, and the trouser legs of the trousers must be short, so that the ankles should be exposed to be considered fashionable.

But in the business world, that's neither fish nor fowl, a clown and an illiterate.

"Young Master Xi, Boss Gao, and Doctor Yin, you three have to work harder. Let me choose a pair of formal leather shoes." George didn't mention Lian Xiangdong, because he was the only one wearing leather shoes.

Lian Xiangdong was startled, looked down hastily, and said at the same time: "That's right, the so-called formal attire includes the leather shoes on the feet, Young Master Xi, do you think the pair of shoes I'm wearing can be regarded as formal leather shoes?" No After Yang Xi answered, Nalian Xiangdong immediately shook his head and said, "It can't be counted, it definitely can't be counted! Formal leather shoes should be the kind with laces."

Yang Xi smiled and said, "I don't pay so much attention now, the style you wear without shoelaces can also be regarded as formal leather shoes."

Lian Xiangdong shook his head again and again, and said: "We are doctors, we must be rigorous, one is one, two is two, there cannot be one point five in between."

George laughed loudly, grabbed Lian Xiangdong's shoulders, and said, "Dude, don't worry, it's good for me, why would I leave you behind? That's right, the leather shoes Boss Xie prepared for Xi Shao earlier seemed to be a size too big , but you should wear it just right."

Lian Xiangdong scratched his head, chuckled, and said, "Actually, it doesn't need to be so troublesome. These shoes on my feet are quite suitable."

People rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles.

There is nothing false about this.

These four changed into outfits that totaled more than 3 yuan from inside to outside, from top to bottom, and they were immediately imposing and personable.

Especially that Gao Yong, if he puts on a pair of sunglasses, he can get the role of a CAI traitor agent in Hollywood.

As for Yang Xi...

The guy stood in front of a reflective glass curtain wall in the mall, shaking his head and sighing.

"What's the matter? You're handsome, what's not to like?" Lian Xiangdong walked around Yang Xi, full of confidence, and went to the municipal hospital with just this outfit and his extraordinary temperament One stop at the gate, wouldn't that cause confusion in the nursing work of each department?However, this old man is already a well-known and well-known person, so he must keep his eyes on the sidelines and his heart... Is he really taking advantage of Fang Chang, that little girl.

Yang Xi sighed softly, and said, "Tell me, have I entered the wrong profession? Look at that person in the mirror, even if his acting skills are clumsy and his singing is out of tune, just because of his handsome and cool energy, he can be a low-traffic guy." Fresh meat!"

Lian Xiangdong examined it carefully and nodded seriously, "Actually, my old man is not bad at singing, and his acting skills can be justified after some practice."

Yang Xi immediately turned his face: "When I see Lao Xie later, I have to explain to him that this outfit is just borrowed by the few of us to wear it, and it must be returned to him when we are done."

Lian Xiangdong changed his words immediately, and said, "What I mean is that my old man is versatile, and I should be qualified to be your assistant to Xi Shao."

That's all the makeup that Xie Zhonghua mentioned before.It's neither acting in a movie nor spying, and there's no need to make it unrecognizable to everyone, as long as you can pretend to be a company employee and sneak into the meeting scene smoothly, that's enough.

The decision not to eat at noon was correct, and George did not raise any objections. There were still a lot of snacks that he bought eastward before the car last night. George ate a few casually, and it was not a big problem to cope with a noon.

"We entered the hospital at two o'clock, and there is still an hour and a half. Let's go for a drive first. If you are sleepy, you can rest in the car for a while." George invited the four into the car, and then returned to the hospital. Cab, drove the car in the opposite direction to the provincial hospital.

At two o'clock sharp, George drove the Daben RV into the Provincial Hospital and stopped in front of Building No. 12.

"Gentlemen, my mission has been completed. Next, my colleagues will take you into the venue. Young Master Xi, Boss Gao, Doctor Yin, and Doctor Lian, I wish you good luck!" George didn't get out of the car, waiting for Yang Xi and others to get off After getting in the car, he simply said hello and drove away.

That's right, the caravan has a big target, and the black buddies are too conspicuous in the daytime, so it's better to hide as soon as possible without showing your face.

The journey went smoothly, and the staff of the Provincial People's Hospital seemed to be undefended, allowing Yang Xi and his party to enter the venue smoothly.

A trace of ferocity flashed across Yin Wei's face, the evildoer came, why don't you mortals hurry up and bow down?
(End of this chapter)

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