I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 501 Removing the adverb is cool

Chapter 501 Removing the adverb is cool
Chen Renran yawned, indicating that he wanted to rest, and Su Dongming quickly exited the VIP room knowingly.

Just in time, Sun Hao received Kan Changjiang, deputy director of the Provincial Health Commission.

In terms of job rank, Kan Changjiang can surpass Su Dongming by several blocks, one is at the deputy department level, and the other... The director of the hospital department is really not listed in the list of cadres in the provincial and municipal organization departments.

However, in front of Su Dongming, Kan Changjiang did not dare to show any airs of officialdom.

One is because Deputy Director Kan is also from a medical background, no matter in terms of qualifications, age, or achievements in the medical field, they are much shallower than Su Dongming.

Second, the National Health and Family Planning Commission just changed its name from the National Health and Family Planning Commission at the beginning of the year. The national level has changed its organizational structure in the first half of the year, and the provincial level must be later than the national level.The style of Nanjiang Province has always been relatively calm, so the organizational changes of the Provincial Health Commission were delayed until the end of the year before being placed on the conference table of relevant leading departments.

However, the organization has already talked to Kan Changjiang, that is to say, it won't be long before the adverb in his official title of Deputy Director Kan will be removed.

This is a happy event, but for Kan Changjiang, it is also a great challenge.

Due to those well-known but unexplained reasons, in the past five years, the relationship between his health authority and the front-line hospitals has been very bad.If you go down one level and go to the clinical department to do a public opinion survey, I'm afraid the rate of negative reviews will exceed 90.00%.

The only one who didn't give a bad review was aggrieved afterwards and said, what the hell, his hand slipped, can we give it another chance?

Under such pressure, how could Kan Changjiang dare to show off in front of Su Dongming? Seeing Su Dongming coming to greet him from afar, Kan Changjiang quickened his pace and stretched out his right hand a dozen steps away.

"How dare you ask Teacher Su to welcome you in person!" Calling Professor Su looks vulgar, and Director Su looks blunt. Kan Changjiang has been prepared for a long time. A call to Teacher Su not only shortened the relationship between him and Su Dongming, but also made him look so rude. A subjective leader who is about to take office is humble and pragmatic.

Su Dongming kept his original stride frequency and pace, came to Kan Changjiang, shook hands, and joked: "Director Kan is the parent of our medical staff. Over the years, the depression of doctors and nurses in Nanjiang Province The incidence rate of the disease has not increased significantly, and it is inseparable from Director Kan's mediation."

These words really touched Kan Changjiang's heart.

In the past five years, the reform of the training system for doctors, the refusal of both doctors and patients to swear in red envelopes, and the prohibition of doctors from meeting medical representatives... Each item, each item, is enough to create hundreds of thousands of dead bodies. Depressed patient in a white coat.

Fortunately, Nanjiang Province has him in the Changjiang River. With a three-inch tongue and a steadfast loyalty to the health cause, he stunned the family planning expert who was sitting in the top position, making Nanjiang Provincial Medical In those few years, the world has been happier than its brother provinces.

The two flattered each other, naturally talking and laughing. At the same time, in order to express the attitude that there is no difference in position but just a difference in division of labor and responsibility, the two had to walk side by side and walk slowly.

Up to the second floor, Sun Hao, who had been following behind, trotted a few steps, passed Su Dongming and Kan Changjiang, and opened an office next to the academic lecture hall.

The facilities in the office are simple, but at least there are two sofas.Su Dongming let Kan Changjiang sit on the sofa on the left, and Sun Hao, who had just opened the door, immediately brought two bottles of mineral water.

"It is a great joy for both the medical community of Nanjiang Province and the general public of Nanjiang Province to use the surgical robot in the provincial hospital. It is a great honor for me to be invited by Teacher Su to witness this historical moment in person. .” Kan Changjiang unscrewed the cap of the mineral water bottle, took two sips, then picked up the briefcase and took out a thin scroll. "Last night, on a whim, I wrote a few words, which made Teacher Su laugh."

Su Dongming immediately showed an overjoyed expression, took the scroll with both hands, untied the ribbon carefully, and called Sun Hao to help unfold the scroll.

Keep improving!

"Good words!" Su Dongming sighed sincerely.

As for whether it is true or false, he does not know.As an expert doctor who has been immersed in surgery for 30 years, he has no spare time to study the calligraphy of brush calligraphy. It is not easy to write well.

"Xiao Sun, please work hard. Immediately take this picture of Director Kan and frame it. After it is done, hang it directly above the three-person sofa in my office."

Sun Hao put away the scroll, held it in both hands, and exited the office.

After Sun Hao closed the office door from the outside, Su Dongming took out a shopping card from a shopping mall from his pocket, and slapped Kan Changjiang in the palm of his hand. "Don't ask the leader to personally torture me. What does this mean? I'll be honest. There are two meanings. One is the transportation expenses. As an insider in the medical industry, Director Kan should be familiar with our rules. The second is that the Health and Medical Commission has a lot of waste Waiting, there are quite a lot of places to spend money, but it happens to be a Qingshui Yamen, this card is not for anything else, but to contribute a little bit to Director Kan's drastic reorganization and reconstruction."

Kan Changjiang glanced at the shopping card in his palm, the ones in shopping malls can be used as hard currency in the provincial capital, and the amount is not large, 2000 yuan... Well, it's not a big problem, it's acceptable.

"Respect is worse than obedience, then I would like to thank Mr. Su for his kindness."

The two chatted for more than ten minutes, and it was almost 01:30. Su Dongming finished the chat with Kan Changjiang, got up and invited Kan Changjiang to the academic lecture hall.

At this time, all the big names participating in the meeting have sat down, and the host of the meeting is already standing on the podium with a microphone in hand.

But when Su Dongming accompanied Kan Changjiang into the venue, the host of the meeting quickly echoed: "Let us welcome Director Kan of the Nanjiang Provincial Health and Health Commission to the venue with the warmest applause."

Amidst the applause, Kan Changjiang smiled brightly. Accompanied by Su Dongming, he met and shook hands with the heavyweight guests in the front row one by one before sitting in his seat.

So comfortable!
Not because of applause, nor because of the respect of those heavyweight guests, but because of the introduction of the conference host.

Why is it so cool after removing the adverb?
Kan Changjiang listened very carefully to the following academic report.

As for the academic content of the report...

I don't speak, who can tell that I don't understand more than half of it?

Besides, as the top leader of the medical field in Nanjiang Province, is it wrong for me to be humble and studious?
(End of this chapter)

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