I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 499 Global Record Holder

Chapter 499 Global Record Holder

The academic masters who came to the podium all praised the surgical robot as a flower in their academic reports.

A lotus flower under the seat of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva.

It seems that if you have this lotus, you will have the mana of Guanyin Bodhisattva, and you can solve all kinds of ailments of people in the world.

Yes, surgical robots can indeed do it without considering soft sister coins. Those cases that were once listed as surgical contraindications can not only complete the operation smoothly, but also complete it cleanly and thoroughly.

Who is not tempted?

Under the stage, Vice President Kong narrowed his eyes, thinking in his mind that Jiang Medical Affiliated Hospital is a proper leader among more than 20 third-level and above hospitals in nearly 70 prefecture-level cities in Jianghai Economic Zone. The total income has already exceeded 25 billion. Whether it is medical influence or economic strength, it is enough to support the Affiliated Hospital of Jiangxi Medical University to become the second hospital in Nanjiang Province to use surgical robots after the Provincial People's Hospital.

On the side, Director Qin Gewei was not idle either.

At first glance, this guy seems to be concentrating on the academic report of the big guy on stage, but in fact, his thoughts have already flown away.

Anyone who does surgery, who doesn't dream of holding an invincible magic knife in his hand, no matter how dangerous the disease is and how difficult the operation is, as long as he swings the magic knife in his hand, those Xiaoxiao who stand in the way will surely be wiped out.

And this surgical robot, isn't it the magical knife in his dreams?
The problem is that the price of owning this magical knife is too high. Even with the simplest configuration, including the equipment hardware and equipment services, the total cost will not be less than 3000 million.

Can that old woman Wu Hongmei be willing to part with this huge sum of money?
Even if she is willing, but one more question, can she afford this magic knife?
Qin Gewei couldn't help but look sideways at Vice President Kong.

The Affiliated Hospital of Jiangxi Medical University had set up a project on the horse-mounted surgical robot more than three months ago, and it is now in the project investigation and research period. Don't worry too much, just look at the demeanor of Senior Brother Kong. After my brother returns home from the meeting, he will definitely promote the launch of surgical robots.

Can a Jiangbei city accommodate the existence of two magic knives?

While hesitating, Qin Gewei's thoughts were in a trance for a while, and in this trance, a person's name popped into his mind.

Yang Xi!

After the name, there was an incredible thought.

Join forces with Yang Xi to defeat the myth that surgical robots are invincible, look down on all directions, and dominate the Jiangbei general surgery arena...

Qin Gewei sighed softly, and then walked out of the trance.

How could such an idea arise?
I, Qin Gewei, managed to get rid of Ma Zongtai and sit on the seat of an academic leader. How can I endure the embarrassing situation of being called the boss but actually the second child like Gao Yong, who has strong limbs and a simple mind.

The academic report session originally planned to end at 12:30 did not come to an end until [-]:[-].

This is also normal.

The local academic leaders who participated in the meeting showed a strong interest in surgical robots, and raised many meaningful and valuable questions in the interactive session of various academic speakers, and it is completely understandable to delay some time.

Following the schedule of academic conferences, the lunch break does not need to be too long, one hour is enough.As for lunch, it is as simple as possible. If conditions permit, a buffet can be arranged, but most of the time, these academic masters still prefer a hamburger and a bottle of drink to solve the problem.

Wouldn't it be more delicious to keep the stomach and put it on the dinner party?

Professor Chen Renran from Shanghai City ate a hamburger and drank two sips of mineral water. Accompanied by Su Dongming, he went to the VIP room on the third floor to rest for a while.

The meeting restarted at 01:30 in the afternoon. After two academic reports, at about 02:30, he will be the absolute protagonist of the whole meeting.

All the links before this were foreshadowing. Only when he, Professor Chen Renran, appeared on the stage, did it mark that today's conference activities have entered the core theme and high-level part.

His performance can be said to be divided into two parts. Compared with the surgical demonstration in the second part, he is more looking forward to the skill demonstration of the surgical robot in the first part.

At the same time accept the challenge of three carefully selected young talents... Hehe.

Think about those three young talents, under the oppression of their own speed and stability, they either made mistakes in their busy schedule and declared failure, or they were so nervous that their hands shook, they couldn't even control the grapes, they accidentally rolled to the ground, If you want to poke your butt and go looking for grapes, how can you not hold back a few laughs?

"Professor Chen, just sit here and take a good night's sleep. I'll keep an eye on the progress of the meeting, and when the time is almost up, I'll arrange someone to invite you." Su Dongming is about the same age as Chen Renran, and has the highest title They are also full chief physicians, full professors, and doctoral supervisors.But the status of the two is very different. Su Dongming is just the overlord of one side, while Chen Renran has already stepped into the ranks of national famous surgical experts.Therefore, when talking to Professor Chen Renran, Su Dongming's humility was neither feigned nor pure courtesy, but respect from the bottom of his heart.

"No need!" Chen Renran waved his hands carelessly, and said, "It's enough for me to squint for 8 minutes. I still need to listen to the two reports in the afternoon."

Su Dongming explained: "I heard that Professor Chen has improved the operation of surgical robots to another level, and I want to use this opportunity to break your own record to less than 3 minutes, so I just want you to rest well , recharge your batteries!"

Chen Renran smiled and said: "Professor Su's information is quite well-informed, but if you think about it, do it. The record of three minutes and five seconds is already a limit for human beings. If you break through, even if you only improve For a second, that is not easy! So, although I have this idea today, but I have no goal, let everything go according to fate, it is best to break through, and I have no regrets if I can’t break through, there will always be opportunities in the future Well!"

Su Dongming immediately showed a look of admiration.

Only a virtuoso can take the honor of world record holder so lightly.

Worship is a must.

However, Su Dongming's expression of admiration was mixed with a trace of schadenfreude which was not easy to detect.

Professor Chen, Master Chen, I, Su Dongming, really want to know at this moment, two hours later, that thing named Yang Mingxi suddenly jumped out, and "slapped" mercilessly in front of so many big names in the industry How would you react to a slap in the face?
Will you still be so calm?
Hehe, don't blame me, Su Dongming, for not reminding you in advance, it's only because the more unbearable and angry you are after being slapped in the face, the more beneficial it is to me.

(End of this chapter)

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