Chapter 186

Faced with such a delicious meal, and the fact that this meal was paid for by himself, Xiao Weiming directly turned his grief and indignation into an appropriate amount, and made a big deal out of it.

The other two looked at Xiao Weiming, who seemed to have a grudge against the food, and silently moved the chair back a little, saying that Xiao Weiming had become a little abnormal because of the stimulation last time, and it seemed so.

For the sake of safety, the two planned to stay away from Xiao Weiming in the future.

After finishing the meal, Xiao Weiming drank the cup of iced bean paste that clears away heat and relieves heat, and instantly felt comfortable all over his body. It would be great if this was not a shop opened by Luo Fan.

Now that they have finished eating and drinking, the three of them don't intend to stay any longer, and are going to leave directly.

At this time, they also understood why Guo Youming left. With a terrifying strength like Luo Fan, there was no need to worry at all.

One of them asked: "Xiao Weiming, what do you think of this review, I think it should pass?"

The enmity between Xiao Weiming and Luo Fan is very obvious, as long as anyone who has been in contact with it knows it, and since Xiao Weiming is the team leader, the two naturally want to ask his opinion.

"Yes?" Xiao Weiming sneered, "What happened?"

The other person quit in an instant and said: "Xiao Weiming, you are planning to say no to your conscience, then I will definitely report you."

"This kind of result is a result that everyone can see that there is a problem, and it is impossible for me to approve it."

Another person also expressed the same tough attitude in an instant, as if he planned to start a fight with Xiao Weiming at the slightest disagreement.

Xiao Weiming looked at the person who ate and drank his own food but was defending Luo Fan, and felt very uncomfortable, as if he was being bullied by a tauren.

Xiao Weiming said with mixed feelings: "How could I do such a stupid thing, I want him to pass it, but he didn't intend to conduct a review at all, and directly said that he didn't want to join the Food Association."

"I went out for a while to discuss this matter with him, so we are not a jury at all, but ordinary diners."

"Then how much is the meal?" One of them asked nervously.

Xiao Weiming said calmly: "It's up to me, this is also a dinner that I decided on my own initiative, so it's naturally impossible to ask you for money."

When the other two heard that Xiao Weiming had invited them, their attitudes immediately changed, and they said, "Then this time we will be honored by Brother Xiao."

"Hey, what a pity, this Luo Fan is unwilling to come to our food association. This is really a great loss for our food association."

After seeing Luo Fan's strength, they immediately changed their minds. Instead of thinking that it was Luo Fan's loss not to join, they felt that Luo Fan's failure to join was a loss to the Food Association.


The Xiao Weiming incident can only be regarded as a small episode in Luo Fan's management, and he left without saying a word. Luo Fan sighed, this Xiao Weiming really can't fight.

It will soon be eight o'clock, which is also the scheduled time for Jiang Dahai, and here Luo Fan is also ready to start making dinner for him.

For dinner, eight o'clock is really late, but the work and rest time of a metropolis like City C seems to be different, and Luo Fan's business hours are not a problem at all.

Of course, even if there is a problem, Luo Fan does not intend to change it. Of course, he has to do whatever he wants to do his own business. If he is hindered everywhere, it is no different from helping others to work.

Zhang Jinxing looked at Luo Fan with admiration, thinking that his master is really good, just now when Luo Fan made those two customized dishes, he was watching the whole process, the way of thinking and the way of doing it were simply terrifyingly sophisticated.

This kind of customized dishes has been solved, is there anything that his master can't solve, Zhang Jinxing thought adoringly.


The next day, the three of Xiao Weiming reported to the president of the Gastronomy Association about their review of Luo Fan yesterday.

The president of the food association was also shocked. If he didn't know that Xiao Weiming and Luo Fan had a grudge, he would have suspected that these three people had taken Guo Youming's money to brag about Luo Fan.

The president said in disbelief: "Is this Luo Fan really that powerful? Did you exaggerate the description? How could he have the same level as the Big Magic Panda's stinky tofu in every dish."

Seeing everyone staring at him, Xiao Weiming's scalp felt a little numb, why did you bother to hurt me again and let me backstab myself.

Xiao Weiming had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "I think Luo Fan may not be authentic in his actions, but his strength is not bad, and he can barely reach the level of entering our food association."

Seeing that Xiao Weiming had said that, the chairman immediately waved his hand and said, "Okay, since you, the team leader, have spoken, then I agree with this Luo Fan joining the Food Association."

However, just after the chairman finished speaking, he found that the three of them were looking at him with strange eyes, and asked a little strangely: "Why, is there anything wrong with the conclusion I came to?"

The member sitting on Xiao Weiming's left kindly reminded: "President, let's forget about this matter."

"Forget it, how can you forget it?" The president scolded angrily, "Why, did you two take advantage of Xiao Weiming, and have been helping Xiao Weiming to target Luo Fan, a rising star?"

Xiao Weiming felt that he was very hurt, why he was shot while lying down, and he obviously didn't speak ill of Luo Fan, why did he end up in this way.

Xiao Weiming felt that he had something to say, and he couldn't let them continue to blackmail him. He said, "President, it's not up to us to decide whether this matter counts, but Luo Fan himself has the final say."

"I already asked Luo Fan yesterday. He has no intention of joining the Food Association at all, so this matter can only be left alone?"

The president was very surprised and said: "How is it possible that our food association is actually rejected by others? Does this Luo Fan take himself too seriously?"

"Whether you like it or not, our food association has more than one, not more, and one less."

"By the way, call Guo Youming for me when you go out. This Guo Youming is too unreliable. He actually nominated him without asking his wishes. How does work work?"

Soon, Guo Youming came to the president's office, and asked with some doubts: "President, what do you want me for?"

The president directly scolded Guo Youming and said, "What did you do with this matter? This Luo Fan said that he has no plan to join our food association, so you have to go and run for me again."

"You go to Luo Fan and have a good talk, make sure he agrees to join our food association."

Facing a talent like Luo Fan, how could the chairman let it go, the previous words were just for the sake of face and for the three of Xiao Weiming.

Guo Youming complained that he was wronged, if Xiao Weiming hadn't messed up this matter, Luo Fan would have been a regular, and if he told him when the time came, he would usually not reject him.

It's just that it was the president's order after all, so he can only go one more time. As for whether Luo Fan will agree to it in the end, he doesn't know.

(End of this chapter)

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