Cities: Start with street stalls

Chapter 185 How to do it?

Chapter 185 How to do it?
Putting the bean sprouts into his mouth, Xiao Weiming found miraculously that the taste of this phoenix crystal dish was actually very good.

Xiao Weiming actually ordered this dish on purpose, not only because it is complicated to make, but also because this dish is actually a pit.

He had eaten this dish before, and it looked very tall, but it actually tasted like ordinary fried chicken with bean sprouts, not even as delicious as ordinary fried chicken with bean sprouts.

The last dish even cooked the chicken inside the bean sprouts until the outside of the bean sprouts were no longer crispy. It was a complete failure.

However, Luo Fan's dish of Phoenix Crystal is completely different. Not only does it meet the requirements of crispy bean sprouts and tender meat, but the taste of the whole dish is also very harmonious, and there will be no sense of disobedience.

It seems to be like the bowl of catfish noodles in the anime, the vegetarian meat filling can add a little bit of chewiness to the crispy taste of the bean sprouts, which is completely different from eating ordinary bean sprouts.

Of course, ordinary bean sprouts can't be like this, it can only be said that it is worth the money.

Xiao Weiming frowned, there is no dark place in this dish, even if he wanted to forcibly blacken it, he couldn't find a suitable place.

There is no other way, Xiao Weiming can only turn his attention to another dish, Tai Chi Tofu Nao.

Xiao Weiming first used a spoon to scoop up a spoonful of the black part and put it into his bowl. He was a little surprised, why and how he did what he asked for.

This black tofu nao is sweet but not greasy, and exudes the unique aroma of caramel. It is an excellent tofu nao.

The most amazing thing is that it is clearly a place where black and white meet, but there is no sign of decomposition at all, as if the tofu brain originally grew into such a clear black and white appearance.

Of course, this is completely impossible. It is estimated that Luo Fan used some method to dig out a cylinder in the middle when the tofu nao was about to solidify, and then put in sweet tofu nao flavored with sugar.

Xiao Weiming didn't expect that the white tofu was salty tofu, so how did the white tofu taste salty? Could it be that he just added salt to it to fool himself?

The more Xiao Weiming thought about it, the more he felt distressed, damn it, his wasted money was fooled by this hateful Luo Fan.

With the idea of ​​giving it a try, Xiao Weiming scooped up some white tofu nao, only to find that this tofu nao had a universe inside.

The distribution inside is similar to a layer of tofu nao and a layer of red oil pepper mixed with fried soybeans. Under this magical distribution, it can ensure that every bite of tofu nao eaten by customers is the most authentic salted tofu nao.

Because of the red oil wrapping, the fried soybeans will not become soft due to the contact with the tofu, and it still has the most authentic crispy taste in the mouth.

With the appetizing red oil chili, it tastes like mapo tofu after one bite, which really whets the appetite.

The most amazing thing is the place where black and white meet. There are two kinds of tofu with different flavors, but there is no smell at all, as if separated by something.

The two incompatible tastes of sweet and salty tasted in one bite, not only did not conflict, but a new taste of tofu nao was tasted, which opened the door to a new world for Xiao Weiming.

Xiao Weiming took a closer look and found that there was indeed a film at the boundary between black and white, but he didn't know what it was.

In fact, this is a natural partition skin made by Luo Fan from the top layer of boiled soy milk solidification. This layer of solidification was originally the material for making bean curd sticks, so it is just right to put it here.

Because it is of the same origin as tofu nao, it can prevent the two kinds of tofu nao from mixing flavors without affecting the taste of tofu nao itself.

This damn Luo Fan is actually so powerful, Xiao Weiming's heart goes cold, does it turn out that he has been facing such a terrifying opponent all this time?

Seeing the black and white custom-made dishes, Xiao Weiming turned his goal to the other four ordinary dishes.

But these four dishes were also completely impeccable, which made Xiao Weiming desperate. In his mind, Luo Fan seemed to turn into a giant, holding Xiao Weiming in his hands and playing with it at will.

The diners who had been paying attention to the three of them saw that Xiao Weiming finished the six dishes in silence without commenting. They were so anxious that they wanted to know the taste of these two customized dishes.

Especially when they see that there is a universe in the Taiji tofu nao, they think that they can also order such a tofu nao.

Fortunately, there were two other people at Xiao Weiming's table, and the other two felt as if they had opened the door to a new world after eating Luo Fan's food.

Naturally, the two of them have also eaten delicious food, but they have never eaten so intensively. Because of the limited energy of ordinary chefs, only one or two dishes that can really achieve the peak are only one or two dishes that they are good at.

Chefs who really want to eat everything can often only know everything, but are not proficient in everything, and become half a bucket of water.

But Luo Fan's place was different. None of the six dishes he ordered was a surprise, and all of them were top-notch treats. This is simply too exaggerated.

Does a person of this strength really need us to judge?Do we really have this qualification?Are we a little too ignorant?
They didn't know at this time that Luo Fan had already rejected the review from the Food Association, and that the meal was all invited by Xiao Weiming, who was taken advantage of. They thought that the three of them were still reviewing.

One of them said: "These six dishes are impeccable, the taste is so perfect, if you really want to choose the best, it will undoubtedly be these two custom dishes."

"After all, when the taste is equally good, it must depend on the creativity and appearance. These two dishes are undoubtedly more outstanding in this respect."

"Especially this Tai Chi tofu nao, which fits the theme of combining salty and sweet tofu, it's a genius idea."

"This phoenix crystal, although it looks gorgeous, but if you really want to make it, many chefs can do it."

"Of course, there are few people who can reproduce the taste of this dish just by being able to achieve the shape."

"What's even more commendable is that the meat used here is still vegetarian. Since it needs to imitate the taste of real meat, it is a little more difficult than ordinary bean sprouts with meat."

Another person also echoed: "It's very reasonable, and I also really appreciate this Taiji tofu nao, especially the white tofu nao, which uses a unique design to hide the source of the spiciness."

"At the same time, it can ensure that every spoonful can eat the essence of salty tofu brain. It is a genius design."

"Of course the most amazing thing is the place where black and white meet. Eating it in one bite will definitely refresh your understanding of tofu."

The two diners finally got the evaluation they wanted, but they couldn't be happier. This description seems to be very powerful, but the worst thing is that they can't eat it!

In an instant, they felt that the dishes that had just been served in front of them were not tasty.

(End of this chapter)

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