Cities: Start with street stalls

Chapter 187 Something is wrong

Chapter 187 Something is wrong

Luofan is doing well in City C, and City JS is like a fish in water. As Yifan stinky tofu grows bigger and bigger, Yifan Industrial Park also presents a scene of prosperity.

Now in JS City, Yifan Food Co., Ltd. is well-known. The small carts all over the street are the living signs of Yifan Stinky Tofu. With its excellent taste, it is also very popular in JS City.

Among the job seekers, the recruitment information of Yifan Stinky Tofu Factory is always the most popular one. Not only is the salary high, the benefits are also good, and the rest time is far more than that of ordinary companies.

Du Meng felt a little emotional. Luo Fan, whom he thought was a liar at the beginning, had already developed to this point. On the other hand, he was still simply doing his job here.

Luo Fan's success gave Du Meng an urge to resign and start a business, but he immediately gave up this unrealistic idea. Luo Fan started his business with his own superb strength, but what about him?

Although I say I'm not bad, but I don't have any outstanding specialties, so let's continue my current job with peace of mind.

However, it is said that Luofan's Yifan stinky tofu has been franchising, and his wife just got fired recently, so joining Luofan's products seems to be a good choice.

As soon as this idea appeared, it grew rapidly like a prairie fire. Du Meng directly called his wife and discussed his idea with her.

On the other side, in the Industry and Commerce Bureau, Director Zhou literally bent over with a smile at this moment.

Originally, after Li Leming's withdrawal, he was already heartbroken, but he found that Luo Fan's side could actually achieve a comeback. With this wave of investment, there were faint signs of promoting Director Zhou.

Moreover, it was the favorable conditions that Director Zhou argued for at the beginning, which stabilized Yifan Food Co., Ltd. and directly shut out all those with ideas.

Those who have evil intentions, it is impossible for them to offer more favorable conditions than themselves, so I can completely keep Luo Fan, the great god.

It's just a pity that this Yifan Food Co., Ltd.'s profitability is much more exaggerated than imagined. The large tax exemption policy for the first three years is a blood loss for JS City.

This kind of situation where you know that there are taxes but they are all exempted is simply heartbreaking.

But fortunately, there will be normal taxation from the second year. Although it has been partially reduced, the tax revenue collected by JS City is actually very exaggerated.

Director Zhou has never seen this kind of company that has started to make money from the first year, and it can be said that it is invincible.

But in the long run, this wave is not a loss. After all, only by letting the big trees take root to absorb nutrients and grow rapidly can they provide shade to the surroundings stably.

In order to protect the safety of Yifan Industrial Park, Director Zhou also specially asked the Public Security Bureau to open a police station nearby. This is the pillar industry of JS City, so you can't be too careful.

Director Zhou even felt that his heart was too big, and a police station was not enough. It was a pity that the higher authorities rejected his other ideas.

Just when Director Zhou was looking forward to his bright future, he received a call from the police station. After careful communication, he discovered that they had recently spotted many suspicious figures near Yifan Industrial Park.

The Public Security Bureau has strengthened the nearby security force, but it is still unable to completely eliminate this situation, so we can only contact Director Zhou.

Originally, this kind of thing should be told to Luo Fan directly, but these people basically have no dealings with Luo Fan, so they can only give up this opportunity to sell favors to Director Zhou.

When Director Zhou heard this, he immediately became alert, hung up the phone in a hurry, and planned to call Luo Fan.This Luo Fan is the treasure of the entire js city, so don't let him have any problems.

Besides, if others don't know, don't you know? This Luo Fan is also connected with Jiang Dahai from City C, so he is definitely not a simple person.

Luo Fan, who was preparing today's ingredients, suddenly received a call from JS City. As soon as the call was connected, Director Zhou's almost flattering voice came from the opposite side:
"Brother Luo, how are you doing recently, are you still busy?"

Luo Fan carefully distinguished the voice, it seemed that he was not an acquaintance, and asked with some doubts: "Who are you?"

Director Zhou didn't feel embarrassed at all, and continued to say: "Brother Luo, you are so noble and forgetful. I am Director Zhou of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau of JS City. We have met several times before."

After Director Zhou said that, Luo Fan also remembered, and asked with some doubts: "Well, I remembered, did you come to me because of something wrong with our company's policy?"

Luo Fan felt that the two of them had no intersection, the biggest possibility was that there was something wrong with the company's policy, that's why Luo Fan asked this question.

When Chief Zhou heard this, Luo Fan asked that question because someone threw an olive branch at him. Fortunately, he had the foresight and had firmly grasped this big tree.

Director Zhou quickly denied it and said, "That's not the case."

"The Public Security Bureau has set up a police station near your Yifan Industrial Park. It has been reported recently that there are many sneaky people around the Yifan Industrial Park. I am calling to tell you the news and to remind you to pay attention. "

"I see. It seems that some caring people can't sit still." Luo Fan said, "Thank you Director Zhou for reminding me, I will pay attention to this matter."

"You're welcome, you're welcome." Director Zhou said, "If you need our cooperation, you can just ask. We in JS City will not let entrepreneurs like Brother Luo be bullied."

"Okay, then thank Director Zhou in advance." Luo Fan said with a smile, "If there is a need at that time, I will contact you as soon as possible."

After speaking, Luo Fan hung up the phone.

For this matter, Luo Fan has actually been prepared for a long time, and things in the business field have never been won entirely by formal competition.

However, despite Director Zhou's reminder, Luo Fan didn't intend to do anything, his idea was to respond to all changes with the same.

It just so happened that the three-month period with Li Leming was approaching, and it was time to update the production line of tofu, improve the recipe of stinky tofu by the way, and upgrade the taste of the product.

As for the secret recipe of the current set of products that can just be used for fishing, Luo Fan's initial growth is still too fast. Although it has been refined under the Li Leming Oolong incident, there should still be many people who are swaying.

Since Luo Fan intends to test the loyalty of the employees, it is of course better to let this matter go its own way.

Moreover, now is also the best time to test the loyalty of employees. When the stalls are spread out in the future, if you want to test once, you will lose countless money, but you may not be able to make up your mind.

Since the franchisee did not charge the franchise fee, that is, the fan franchisee collected it, the risk of this test can be said to be very small, and it is enough to pay the fan franchisee a wave of compensation by itself at that time.

So Luo Fan just pretended that this hadn't happened, and still ran a simple small business in his Yifan Quandoufang with peace of mind, letting js develop freely.

(End of this chapter)

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