I am Qinxing No.1

Chapter 367 The eighth way to eat octopus (8 words)

Chapter 367 The eighth way to eat octopus ([-] words)

Everyone waited for a long time for this dish of bean sprouts, but a good meal is not afraid of being late, even Baiweisheng, who has a poisonous tongue, was not impatient at all.

It’s all anecdotes about diligence, from the practice of eight doors, fire, wind, mouth, utensils, medicine, grain, and color, all the way to the eighteen famous stores in modern China. The world's famous chef, who is in charge of Huaxia's hardworking leader faintly. He told the story of a group of cooks like a martial arts novel, which made people fascinated.

These anecdotes about China's ancient and modern Qinxing are exactly what Zhou Dong doesn't know very well. Now it's great to have a Qinxing know-it-all explaining to him, but for some reason, the thing Zhou Dong wants to know most about Hu Shenchu, Baiweisheng Just keep silent, as if on purpose.

Zhou Dong wanted to take the initiative to ask several times, but in the end he held back abruptly. Grandpa He said that when someone deliberately teases you, you must not drool.At that time, a little nurse even laughed at Grandpa He as a lunatic, but now the more he thinks about it, the more he feels that Grandpa He's words make sense.

"Mr. Bai, do these eight schools of diligence still exist today?

Is there any connection between Huacuiju, Huaxia Banquet Palace and these eight gates? "

Recently, Gu Yanan likes to talk to Zhou Dong when she has nothing to do, but Zhou Dong refuses to go, so she runs to the big wine tank to consume,
Anyway, she is also the CEO of Kyushu Dingshi, so Zhou Dong was too embarrassed to leave her alone, so he heard a lot about these two top restaurants from her.

It is no secret that these two top hotels have the shares of the Fan family. The Fan family will not covet other industries, but for the sudden appearance of the Shangzhou Group The Fan family obviously didn't plan to make a "peace".

Originally, Zhou Dong had no interest in the competition between Shangzhou Group and the Fan family, but this time Fan Mingren made many things against him, so he had to pay attention to it a little bit.

"Hehe, Chef Zhou is young and promising, but he doesn't know how domineering Qinxing Bamen was back then."

Bai Tongsheng laughed and said: "At that time, the top chefs of the major cuisines, and even some masters, either came from Qin Xing Ba School, or had various connections with them. The emperor of this industry is the same.

For example, if a chef wants to open a restaurant in a certain place, he first needs the approval of the local chefs' guild, but behind these chefs' guilds, there are actually eight sects behind the scenes. "

Zhou Dong wondered: "Could it be that the Qinxing in that era was not divided by cuisines, but divided by the eight disciplines of Qinxing?"

"Hehe, Chef Zhou doesn't know something"

Bai Weisheng said with a smile: "The so-called eight dishes are actually some top chefs have different ideas in the way of food, and each has its own focus.

For example, "Jingzimen" believes that the pre-processing of ingredients is the most important, even surpassing the later stage of chopping and frying; Hey, where is there any frying and cooking?Whether the fish is delicious or not, apart from the fish itself, it depends entirely on the skill of the knife!
Another example is color word door
And the major cuisines of China intersect with Qinxingbamen. You have me, I have you, there are chefs from Qizimen in Shandong cuisine, how can you know that there are no Cantonese and Sichuan cuisines? "

"Mr. Bai is right"

Yan nodded and said: "My master also said the same, but the master never said the reason for the demise of Qinxing Bamen."

"What else could be the reason?
After the founding of New China, it didn't take long for private taverns and restaurants to be banned and turned into public ownership, and they advocated frugality and demanded full "canteenization". How can these famous chefs stand it?The result is either to leave angrily, or to cause trouble.
Originally, no one would have trouble with a group of cooks, but they were noticed by the relevant departments when they made such a fuss. However, the name Qinxing Bamen had an XXX nature, and as a result, they were quickly cleared away, causing many people to leave Bamen ,
Now there are some famous chefs and masters who were born in various schools or had various connections with them, but they don't want to mention the things of those years. "

Baiweisheng smiled and said: "Don't underestimate Ling Zhenfeng, thinking that he just got lucky to become the chef of the national banquet. If I guessed correctly, he should be the descendant of the word 'Feng'."

"Fengzimen, is that the one responsible for fanning the flames?"

Zhou Dong asked casually. The rest of Qinxing Bamen can roughly guess the direction by hearing the names. Only the Fengzimen is a bit difficult to understand, but it should not be what he guessed. The fire bellows has long been an old calendar, and it is too low.

Baiweisheng laughed loudly: "If Chef Zhou's words are heard by the people of Fengzimen, I'm afraid it will anger them.

It's not what you guessed, the so-called "wind" refers to the wind chaser in the line of work.

This sect is eclectic, and the disciples it teaches are all people with strong learning ability. Do you know what Ling Zhenfeng did before he became a famous chef of Huaiyang Cuisine? "

Yan Yi smiled and said, "I can't guess that."

"He lived in Smecta country for three years, and became the most famous dog meat chef in Smecta country during that time.
After returning to China, he devoted himself to studying various fish recipes, and even created the famous dish of "Hundred Fish Hengjiang". Five years later, he became the chef of the National Banquet!

The successor of Fengzimen has one goal in all dynasties, and that is to enter the dynasty and become the imperial cook!

Hehe, so if you think that Ling Zhenfeng, the "five lake fish king", is only good at cooking fish, then you are very wrong.

I can guarantee that if the main course of the state banquet is changed to Luohan tofu in a few years, he will immediately turn to vegetarianism, and maybe he will worship under the old host of Lingyin Temple, and become a brother with Yan Chef."

Baiweisheng laughed and said: "However, because of this, Fengzimen is looked down upon by the people in Qinxing, and has always been looked down upon. If they can't enter the system, it's really not easy to mess around."

Cang Yanshan's words were not behind his back, the Huaxia Wine King was not in the Qinxing circle, and he didn't know much about these Qinxing anecdotes, so he listened with great interest.

"If you say that, I'm afraid Ling Zhenfeng's learning ability is not in the old arms?"

Zhou Dong frowned slightly, and began to worry about Huai Liangren.

It wasn't until [-]:[-] in the afternoon that the two sets of inlaid bean sprouts were placed in front of the four of them, and there were a small pile of bean sprouts on two white porcelain plates, because they were carefully selected beforehand, and each bean sprout stalk They are almost all the same fat and thin length, but there is a hint of golden red in the hollow inside.

At first glance, it looks like gold hidden in a jade. Whether it is delicious or not, let’s talk about it first, but the appearance is absolutely first-class.

It is estimated that these two plates of inlaid bean sprouts add up to about two hundred pieces, but each one has been put into countless efforts.

First, hollow out the bean sprouts stems, then cut the treated Jinhua ham into hair-like finesses with extremely skillful knife skills, and then stuff the ham shreds into the bean sprouts stems with a water grinder. Be careful not to break the bean sprouts stem, and not to break the shredded ham inside
Not only must the shredded ham not be broken when stuffing it in, but also to avoid any damage during the later frying process.

You can imagine the two top chefs standing cautiously in front of the stove. I guess they didn't even dare to take a few breaths when they started frying this dish?

Cang Yanshan couldn't help laughing, feeling that being a winemaker is still very happy.

"Chef Zhou, Cangjiu King, everyone please"

Baiweisheng looked at the dishes first, and then nodded slightly when he was satisfied, and picked up his chopsticks.

"Brother Cang, please, let's try this dish that Empress Dowager Cixi loved to eat back then."

Zhou Dong greeted Cang Yanshan with a smile, and put two bean sprouts in his mouth.

If you eat this delicate and small amount of dishes, you have to take less and use them slowly. If you fill up your chopsticks at one time, there is a high probability that you will be beaten.
This dish is very troublesome to make, but the taste is not as overbearing as the "hard dishes" such as Buddha jumping over the wall, sweet and sour Yellow River carp, and the entrance will be amazing.
When you first taste it, it is actually similar to ordinary stir-fried bean sprouts. The taste is crisp and tough, with a light bean aroma. You need to chew a few times to slowly feel the fresh and fatty aroma of ham.

Because only the hair-thin ham meat is inside, the diners often eat it up when they first feel the deliciousness of the ham, and then they all feel lost like the second brother pig who swallowed ginseng fruit.

Rare things are more expensive. This sentence is also true when it comes to food. Compared with eating a whole ham, the shredded ham hidden in the bean sprouts seems to become the most delicious thing in the world. Diners will subconsciously put it Eat slowly, and fully mobilize your lips, teeth and tongue to experience this delicate delicacy that embodies the spirit of craftsmanship.

"This dish is not for the hungry, it is most suitable for people like Empress Dowager Cixi who eat all day long and the most picky gourmets"

Zhou Dong glanced at his face with a smile on his face, he was picking up the Baiweisheng stuffed with bean sprouts and chewing slowly one by one, he couldn't help but laugh,

If he had to choose, stewed and roasted on fire would be much more enjoyable than this plate of inlaid bean sprouts.

Seeing that the 'professionals' like Baiweisheng and Zhou Dong are eating slowly, all of them look like big girls in a gentle manner, poor Cang Yanshan, a rough man, dare not eat fast, and desperately slow down his eating speed, I just hope that Zhou Dong and the others will eat up these two plates of inlaid bean sprouts soon, this is too tortured!
It was so easy to wait until Baiweisheng picked up the last bean sprouts and ate them. Cang Yanshan let out a long breath, feeling as if he had received an amnesty, and finally broke through the darkness and saw the light: "The three of you are eating too slowly, I am so anxious to death The old warehouse is gone!
I don't know the result? "

The two parties, Huai Liangren and Ling Zhenfeng, were also a little nervous, looking at the three temporary judges at the same time.

"Chef Zhou can learn so many Xiangjiang delicacies in a short period of time, and he can also quickly master them. A good tongue is indispensable. I don't know what you think of these two servings of bean sprouts?"

Baiweisheng was also very curious about Zhou Dong's food appreciation ability, and smiled at Zhou Dong with two dimples, but refused to comment first.

"Hehe, there is an expert in the food industry like Mr. Bai, so of course Mr. Bai is the first to comment; besides, I am friends with Lao Huai. If I say it first, I am afraid it will not be fair to Master Ling."

"The same is true."

Baiweisheng nodded with a smile, glanced at Huai Liangren and said, "Both of you are hardworking and strong, if you just talk about it roughly, you should be between brothers."

Huailiang said humanely: "There is still a distinction between brothers and sisters. May I ask who is the uncle and who is the middle?"

Bai Weisheng's look at him obviously had a lot of meaning, but Huai Liangren didn't think he would lose to Ling Zhenfeng, so he naturally wanted to ask the question to the end.

"If I have to say it, Chef Huai is probably going to do this 'Zhong'"

Baiweisheng smiled and said: "The two use the same ingredients and water source, and even the back kitchen is provided by Chef Zhou. The back chef of Zhou's Tingtao Bieyuan must also satisfy the two of you.

Therefore, to determine the winner, one depends on quantity and the other depends on quality.

I counted just now, Chef Ling made a total of [-] inlaid bean sprouts, while Chef Huai made [-], but two were missing. "

Yan Yi frowned and said, "The lack of two probably doesn't explain anything, right?"


Baiweisheng smiled and shook his head: "If it's ordinary stir-fried bean sprouts, missing a few or even dozens of them won't mean anything, but this dish of bean sprouts takes a lot of effort, not only the chef's patience, but also the chef's patience. Culinary proficiency.

In the same time, I did two less than others, which already shows some problems.
Moreover, I ate 47 of Chef Huai’s 33 bean sprouts, but when I ate 46 and 30, I found that Chef Huai may have been careless when stir-frying. The No.40 three bean sprouts were slightly fried A little old, but the No.[-] six is ​​a little tender, it is really a fly in the ointment. "

"You old man, you want to eat bean sprouts one by one?"

Cang Yanshan was dumbfounded, he felt extremely indignant in his heart, he really couldn't understand how such a vicious tongue could survive till today?
He didn't know what the chefs thought. If the wine he brewed was so picky, he would have thrown him out long ago.

Huailiang's face changed slightly when he heard the words, and he recalled that when he was frying the inlaid bean sprouts, he had distractedly peeked at Ling Zhenfeng next to him, and the problem with these two bean sprouts should have appeared at that time.

Baiweisheng really has a well-deserved name, and he can even solve such a small problem?

"Because everyone is sharing the food, I can't say that Chef Huai must lose.

However, I ate Chef Ling's 47 sticks, and I also ate 47 sticks from you, but I didn't find any flaws in Chef Ling's. That's why I said, I'm afraid Chef Huai lost this match. "

"You actually lost?"

Huailiang shook his head secretly, not because his cooking skills were inferior to Ling Zhenfeng, but because he valued his status as the chef of the state banquet too much, and he was distracted at the critical moment, so he could only blame himself for losing.

However, thinking about going to Kyoto to cook breakfast for a group of foreign guests in the future, I am afraid it will take a long time to see Lao Zhou, and I am always spurred by him, so I can't help but feel sad.

After Baiweisheng finished his comments, he turned to look at Zhou Dong with a smile and said, "I don't know what Chef Zhou thinks?"

"If you ask me, I'm afraid it's hard to say whether you win or lose."

Zhou Dong laughed and said, "I ate 31 bean sprouts from Master Ling, and 31 from Lao Huai.
It's also a coincidence that I didn't find anything wrong with the old pregnant, but found that one of Master Ling's bean sprouts was flawed.

There is nothing wrong with the pre-treatment of this bean sprouts, and the salty and light heat is well controlled. Unfortunately, the shredded ham embedded in the bean stems is broken.
Master Ling may wish to recall, when you were frying this inlaid bean sprouts, was it because you were used to cooking fish that you used a little more force when you stir-fried it out of the pan at the end? "

Ling Zhenfeng was stunned for a moment.

Chefs don’t tend to turn fish when they cook it. They almost always use boiling water to boil the fish so that the top and bottom are fully cooked. This is because no matter how skilled the chef is, there is no [-]% guarantee that the fish will not be damaged in the slightest when turning the fish.

Moreover, when guests eat fish, they must lower their chopsticks from above. This method can also ensure that the fish on the upper layer is the most tender and delicious.

But this brings about a problem. If the fish is steamed completely by rolling in boiling water without turning over, more soup needs to be poured in, and if there is too much soup, the taste will also be affected.

Ling Zhenfeng is famous for his fish, so how could he be confused by this?Therefore, when he cooks the fish, the soup only soaks half of the fish body at most. The soup is neither thick nor light, it is delicious and delicious, and it is not possible to add water or add water,

So at this time, it is necessary to turn the fish over. Generally, chefs are not 100% sure, but he can do it with his eyes closed. Over the years, this technique has even become his habit.

As a result, when the bean sprouts were stir-fried for the last time before they came out of the pot, the fish king was used to it, and he used a little bit of strength in his hands, breaking the ham shreds in a certain bean sprouts.

Such a small flaw, Zhou Dong can actually eat it?

Baiweisheng frowned and said, "Chef Ling, is that so?"

Zhou Dong ate the inlaid bean sprouts with broken shredded ham, and he could only get evidence from Ling Zhenfeng. If this was the case, Zhou Dong's ability to appreciate delicious food might no longer be inferior to him.

Ling Zhenfeng hesitated for a moment, and finally let out a long sigh: "I thought that Mr. Bai was the best at Huaxia, but now it seems that there is another one.
Chef Zhou is right, it is a matter of habit, I really did not control the strength of the last stir-fry. "

Does this work?
Cang Yanshan stared at Zhou Dong with wide-eyed eyes after eating a few bean sprouts and felt dull and began to miss the pork head meat and stewed beef in the big wine tank. Aren't you tired, brother? "

Baiweisheng nodded: "If that's the case, it depends on what Chef Yan and Cangjiuwang say, otherwise it's really hard to judge the outcome."

Cang Yanshan immediately shook his head again and again: "Don't ask me, Lao Cang, I just ate a few bean sprouts
What's so delicious about this thing?Not much meat at all, I can't tell what. "

Yan Yi looked at Huai Liangren, then at Ling Zhenfeng: "Although I really want to say that you, Lao Huai, won, but my conscience tells me that I can't.

Uh, do you think that a person who can get excited about eating roast goose will have a way to evaluate such a delicate and complicated stuff with bean sprouts? Don't embarrass me, Amitabha! "

Baiweisheng looked at Zhou Dong and said with a smile: "In this way, your opinion and mine will become one to one, how about a tie between the two of them?"

Zhou Dong nodded: "It's fine if it's even."

"Well, if that's the case, neither side will have to give any big prizes, the ranking on Qinxing Weapons will remain the same, and Chef Huai won't have to go to the capital, what do you two think?"

Huai Liangren nodded first: "Well, that's it."

Fortunately, Lao Zhou's tongue is good enough, far surpassing his "Yi Yin's tongue" and has the potential to become "Yi Yin's dog's tongue", otherwise he would have to keep his promise and go to Kyoto. Now he is very lucky Well, what else is there to compete for?
Ling Zhenfeng looked at Zhou Dong and said, "Unexpectedly, Chef Zhou is still a great gourmet, which makes me even more surprised, and I want to learn cooking skills with you even more, Chef Zhou, it's our turn now, right? "

He and Huai Liangren neither lost nor won this match. Now that he is challenging Zhou Dong, Huai Liangren can't say anything more. Yan Yi looked at Ling Zhenfeng, shrunk his neck subconsciously, and said in his heart: "Amitabha Buddha .The master said that those who are good at fighting do not fight, so I will not learn from Lao Huai."

Cang Yanshan has nothing to do, and even some hope that Zhou Dong will win Ling Zhenfeng, and he will also express his grievances for him. Comparing the two, I will definitely be the 'main judge'."

Zhou Dong smiled and said, "Alright, I also want to try Master Ling's skills.

How about this, Master Ling is famous for fish, it would be a pity if we can't eat the fish you cook, how about the two of us being fish? "

"Oh? Chef Zhou wants to compare me to being a fish?"

Ling Zhenfeng was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously took a closer look at Zhou Dong. He felt that the other person's complexion was normal, so he didn't have a fever?

Could it be that this Chef Zhou looks young, but actually understands the principles of life and has a very high emotional intelligence, is this deliberately selling his own favor?
That's right, I am also the chef of the National Banquet and a member of the system; although he is famous, he is young after all, so how could he not consider his future advancement?

Not bad, this young man is very smart, and he is good at cooking and brewing fine wine. Isn't such a talent just what Kyoto needs?
Ling Zhenfeng looked at Zhou Dong and nodded again and again, and he had already planned to speak to the superiors and arrange a position for this diligent young master.

"At least you must be the second chef, otherwise you will be sorry for the dignified status of 'God of Transformation'!"

"Old Zhou, what do you think? The other party is not simple. Even the stuffed bean sprouts that chefs seldom cook can outperform me, let alone the fish he is famous for. Why are you doing this? "

Huailiang found an opportunity, and whispered in Zhou Dong's ear: "Why don't we let Baiweisheng decide the content of the competition, he came to live in Fengqi Mountain for no reason, no matter how you look at it, he is interested in you, even if he doesn't mean to you , at least it will ensure fairness.”

Zhou Dong smiled and nodded at him, and then said: "Master Ling, if there is no problem, it will be decided like this. The content of our competition is - fish!"

Huai Liang was stunned, how could you be like this?

Ling Zhenfeng smiled and said: "Since Chef Zhou said this, it would be too hypocritical for me to refuse, but since I took advantage, I might as well announce the dishes I'm going to make in advance, so that Chef Zhou can know himself and the enemy."

Zhou Dong shook his head and said, "Actually, Master Ling doesn't need to do this."

"It must, otherwise I will take too much advantage, and Ling will feel very sorry.

Besides, this dish originally needs to be prepared in advance, and it is estimated that you will not be able to taste it until noon tomorrow. "

Hearing what he said, Baiweisheng couldn't help being a little curious: "I don't know what Chef Ling's dish is?
Not to brag, I am afraid there is no way to cook fish in the world that I don't know. "

"Hehe, this dish of mine is actually the eighth way to eat fish."

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(End of this chapter)

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