Chapter 368
How many ways to eat fish?

People in other countries believe that there are only two ways to eat fish.

One is the way of eating in China, and the other is the way of eating in other countries.

The Chinese people believe that there are seven ways to eat fish: frying, frying, cooking, deep-frying, braising, roasting and eating raw fish, and there are countless ways for each of them. There are hundreds of thousands of species!
However, Ling Zhenfeng said that there is an eighth way to eat fish, including Baiweisheng. I feel that this is too much. You must know that the seven methods of cooking fish summed up by the predecessors refer to a large category. , Countless chefs of descendants have not seen anyone who can break through. Although the reputation of the Five Lakes Fish King is not small, can it be said that he can surpass the chefs of all generations?

Huailiang sneered slightly: "What is the eighth way to eat this fish, I have to ask Chef Ling for advice."

Ling Zhenfeng smiled lightly: "I want to teach Chef Huai that the eighth way to eat this fish is 'simmering', which is my first.

It's no wonder that Chef Huai is not clear. I have only made this 'simmered fish' dish three times since it was created, and the last time was at the state banquet three years ago. "

Baiweisheng laughed loudly when he heard the words: "It's wonderful, it seems that Baimou is lucky today!
Haha, I think I have eaten fresh fish all over the world, but this is the first time I have heard of stewed fish. Chef Zhou, what do you think? "

This guy is simply afraid that the world will not be chaotic. It is best if all the chefs in the world have done a show in front of him, and he will be the main judge every time.

Before Zhou Dong answered, Yan Yi had already laughed: "Chef Ling's simmering fish sounds like feeding fish, isn't it too ugly?
And what kind of simmered fish, I guess it is nothing more than an improvement of the steaming method, with a slight change on it, dare to say that it is the eighth way of eating? "

Everyone laughed when they heard the words. Don't look at Ling Zhenfeng's mysterious words. In fact, to put it bluntly, most of the "simmering fish methods" can't get rid of the mainstream methods. If this can be regarded as innovation, isn't it? Can you create dozens or hundreds of ways to do it casually?
Ling Zhenfeng smiled slightly: "Whether it is innovative or not, Chef Zhou will know as long as he agrees to compare dishes."

"Okay, I admit that I was intrigued by Master Ling's innovative method of simmering fish,

In this case, I will fight with grilled fish. I wonder what kind of fish Master Ling will use?What other materials are needed? "

"After I came to Ajie Lake, I paid attention to the fish in the lake, and found that there are actually Chudu grass carp in this hot spring lake. This time, I will use it as the main ingredient for 'simmering lake fresh food'."

"Oh? Master Ling really deserves to be the king of fish, and he even knows the grass carp in Chudu?"

Zhou Dong was slightly surprised.

Chudu grass carp is actually not the grass carp that Chinese people usually call it, but a hybrid of crucian carp and a fish commonly known as grass carp bred in Chudu. Fresh and delicious.

Because this kind of fish is a product of genetic modification, it has a very strong survival ability and a very fast swimming speed. Even if it is placed in a large lake with wild snakeheads, it can survive, and the more snakeheads in the lake, the more it will become. It is delicious, probably the reason why it is often chased by black fish to run marathons in the lake.

Moreover, this kind of fish does not have high requirements for the living environment. It can survive even in water with a small amount of pollution. It can live in cold water and live in hot spring water more moistly.

If it is a wild Chudu grass carp, when it is salvaged out of the water, its whole body will have shiny golden scales, and those with more than eight taels will have four tendrils.

This is a sign of exuberant vitality and delicious meat quality. As soon as it is caught or beaten, many merchants or fish lovers rush to buy it.

The purchase price of a catty of wild Chudu grass carp is usually around 50 yuan!
The Chudu grass carp in Ajie Lake is not only wild, but also nourished by the unique water quality of Ajie Lake, the taste is better than other lakes. This Ling Zhenfeng is really worthy of the "Five Lake Fish King". One day, I fixed my eyes on the grass carp here.

"Hehe, I'm afraid there are no fish species in all provinces and places in the world that I don't know. I have heard the name of grass carp in the capital of Chu for a long time. Of course I can't let it go this time."

Ling Zhenfeng smiled and said: "In addition, I also need one or two Houttuynia cordata, half a catty of wild eel with the thickness of a little finger, half a catty of frog, one each of silver carp, snakehead, and big-headed fish of appropriate weight. Only the head of the fish is used. .

Ajie Lake has hot spring water, and the water quality is quite heavy. There are no these kinds of fish in the lake, so I have to ask Master Zhou to prepare it for me. I will go to Ajie Lake to catch Chudu grass carp tomorrow morning. "

Hearing the other supplementary fish species requested by Ling Zhenfeng, Baiweisheng was thoughtful, but Zhou Dong suddenly remembered what Grandpa He said.

That time, the cafeteria of the mental hospital cooked braised fish. Zhou Dong praised it while eating it, but Grandpa He looked disdainful and didn’t move his chopsticks. "Good fish", Zhou Dong was baffled when he heard it at the time, thinking that such a delicious fish, why would Grandpa He choose it?

After having a perfect tasting taste, he also went to several famous fish restaurants by the Yunlong Lake in Chudu, and some of them were top-quality, but he always felt that something was missing. As I learned more and more, I gradually understood the meaning of Grandpa He's words back then.

"Unexpectedly, Master Ling is already a master of all kinds of fish. It seems that I have to be careful in this game."

Zhou Dong pondered for a moment, and suddenly a word came out.

Ling Zhenfeng's complexion changed immediately when he heard the words, he never thought that there would be anyone else in this world who could say these words besides him!

I thought that Zhou Dong was too arrogant. Even if I couldn't easily win this match, the ranking of Qinxing Weapons would have to be changed. Now it seems that I have to go all out to do it. I am afraid that if I am not careful, this'five The title of Lake Fish King must be given away with both hands.

This kid is already the King of Chinese Noodles, the God of Dionysus, and some good people call him the King of Pots. If you add a King of Fish, you will have a lot of fun, and everyone in the industry will talk about the state banquet The chef went to Chudu, and he gave away the name of a fish king with both hands. How can I save my face then!

"Chef Zhou is also the Fang family who cooks fish, I'm sorry.

It suddenly occurred to me to add another requirement. The ingredients I just mentioned, except Houttuynia cordata, I hope they are all top-level wild products.

Presumably Chef Zhou wouldn't deliberately do anything with the ingredients, would he? "

Zhou Dong smiled and said, "Master Ling, don't worry.

If there is nothing else, please go to bed early, we will go fishing together tomorrow morning. "

"Wait a minute, Chef Zhou is still going to cook grilled fish? It's still too late to change the competition content now."

Ling Zhenfeng hesitated for a moment, and finally couldn't bear to remind Zhou Dong.

In frying, frying, cooking, deep-frying, braising, roasting and eating raw fish, grilled fish is counted in the method of "burning".
Different from frying, stir-frying, cooking, deep-frying, and stewing, "burning" is the most primitive cooking method in the history of human development. Primitive people did not have pots and tripods, so they could not talk about cooking and frying, but they could build a pile of fires for barbecue food.

The old ones may be the best. For example, in the Song, Ming, and Qing dynasties, when the food culture developed rapidly, many famous dishes have long been obliterated in the long river of history, and future generations of chefs need to study carefully and make great efforts to restore them.

But the old ones are not necessarily the best. Although the simple and crude cooking method of roasting has certain skills, the technical content is still far from being comparable to other kinds.

Since Zhou Dong sees through that he has comprehended the 'nature of a hundred fish', should he ask him to fight with grilled fish?

Ling Zhenfeng felt like driving a 21st century main battle tank to slaughter medieval cavalry.

Moreover, the other party clearly knew that he was driving a main battle tank, but he wanted to fight on horseback. Isn't this a kind of contempt or even an insult to him?

Both feelings made him feel very uncomfortable.

Zhou Dong said with a smile: "There is no need to change the dishes of the competition.

Master Ling should rest early, the Chudu grass carp in Ajie Lake is wild, it is not so easy to catch, I am afraid it will take some effort tomorrow.

The guest rooms have been built under my "Tingtao Xiaozhu", all of which are made of environmentally friendly materials to ensure that there is no formaldehyde pollution. You can live there tonight.

Lao Huai, Yan Yi, you two still live in Xiaozhuli? "

"Yeah, I still live here, don't go downstairs!"

Huailiang nodded again and again, "The scenery below is not as good as here. In the morning, you can see the rainbow on the waterfall!"

Yan Yi followed suit and nodded: "I just want to have a night talk with Chef Zhou by candlelight, and I won't leave either."

"Well then"

With this arrangement, Huailiang's Yan Yi is basically a regular resident, Cang Yanshan and Ling Zhenfeng are new guests, and they both stay in Zhou's other courtyard, so there is no need to be too polite with them; Baiweisheng is different, he is in Feng Xicun rented a residential house, and Zhou Dong still wanted to send him off as a neighbor's visit.

The two walked out of the area of ​​Zhou's other courtyard one after the other, and Baiweisheng looked at Zhou Dong with a smile and said, "Okay, let Chef Zhou send it here, and let me sit at my place if I have time. Landlord's friendship."

Zhou Dong smiled: "I will go there when I have time."

"Well, there is one more thing I want to ask Chef Zhou, who did you hear about the 'sex of a hundred fish'?"

Zhou Dong was slightly taken aback by his question: "What's the matter, is this sentence important?"

"Hehe, Chef Zhou probably asked the question knowingly, right?"

Baiweisheng laughed and said: "In ancient times, people who are good at food and have enough money to eat can eat the upper, middle and lower eight treasures. Today, many of these treasures are no longer tolerated by the law. Even if the law allows them to be eaten, ordinary people are too Can't afford it.

Therefore, what ordinary people can often eat is nothing more than four earth treasures, one is chicken, duck and fish meat, and the other is chicken, fish meat and eggs. Of the two, one of them is fish, so it can be seen that "Yusheng" is the livelihood of the people."

Zhou Dong laughed as soon as he heard it. He also gradually understood the character of this "Mr. Bai".
"Fish cooking has a long history, and freshwater fish dishes are unique to China, so it is said that those who can understand the nature of a hundred fish can be contemporary chefs!

Although Chef Zhou is talented, he is young after all. I don't believe that you realized this by yourself, and the person who told you this is probably at least the master of diligence.

Who is he? "

"This Mr. Bai must be a demon. Grandpa He is a patient. Maybe he used to be a good eater. After getting sick, he became more picky. How could he be the master of diligence?"

Zhou Dong shook his head and said with a smile: "I'm afraid you are mistaken, this person is definitely not a diligent master, he is just a patient,
It's just nonsense after falling ill, and I probably don't know where I heard it from. "

"Is the patient talking nonsense? There are such things, but it's a pity."

Baiweisheng shook his head again and again.

In the early morning, Ajiegu woke up to the touching singing of the girls who stepped on the song. Their singing may not be as lingering and ever-changing as famous singers, but it is simple and real enough. Zhou Dong always thinks that this is the most beautiful singing.

Living here for the past two days, Zhou Dong feels refreshed, and it seems that his understanding of cooking has deepened a lot, which gave him the confidence to try to put aside the help of good luck and rely on his existing foundation Skills to meet Ling Zhenfeng's challenge.

Roasting is roasting, the kung fu of 'roasting' is actually included in fire kung fu, and the level of fire kung fu in the system's basic skills directly corresponds to frying kung fu. Zhou Dong, who already has perfect-level frying kung fu and fire kung fu, is absolutely confident Apply your own understanding of grilled fish directly in 'actual combat', although this is a little risky.

Fishing is one of the necessary skills for an excellent chef. Those "road chefs" in ancient times were even more masters. When traveling long distances, they would eat mountains and water when encountering mountains. Naturally, the draft is the fish they eat .

Modern chefs no longer need to go fishing to obtain ingredients, and not all of them may be masters of fishing, but Ling Zhenfeng, who is known as the "fish king of five lakes", is obviously not.

The two used the fishing rod borrowed from the fellow villagers, and the bait was red earthworms dug on the spot. Ling Zhenfeng didn't need to lay any fish nests, so he walked half a circle around the lake with the fishing rod on his shoulders, observing what happened today. The wind direction, the sunshine, the color of the water, and finally threw the pole under a big willow tree, and waited quietly for more than an hour, but no fish took the bait.
"Hehe, such a difficult fish must be more delicious."

Ling Zhenfeng smiled slightly.

When it comes to fishing skills, fishermen who have lived on the Huaihe River for most of their lives may not be as good as him. How can fish in ordinary rivers and lakes take such a long time?This shows that the fish in Ajie Lake are smarter and healthier, and this kind of fish is the ultimate delicacy.

And he is very optimistic that Zhou Dong may lose the game because he can't catch any fish. After all, if he is ranked as a master fisherman in China, he is at least in the top ten.


Splash flips.

With a shake of the fishing rod in Zhou Dong's hand, a Chudu grass carp measured at around [-] was lifted out of the water.

The golden scales of this grass carp are shining under the sun, and the four whiskers around the fish's mouth are clearly visible.

In fact, ordinary people may not be able to see clearly, but Ling Zhenfeng is from this Taoist family, so he can tell the difference with a casual glance.

Suddenly there is an urge to vomit blood, is it possible that I will be suppressed by Huaxia's fishing list?

Suddenly, I saw the fish floating slightly, and I was busy shaking my wrist in the blink of an eye. I saw a golden light flickering in the sun. I looked intently, but it was a grass carp fry that was as long as the middle finger. wild.

The few people watching from the bank couldn't help laughing, but fortunately they were all hard-working people, and they still kept face with each other, so they wouldn't laugh at him as Ling Yuwang.

But those girls who stood by the lake peeking at Zhou Dong while singing sweet love songs didn't care so much. They were all laughing so hard that their flowers and branches trembled. Feng's old face turned red.

"Fishing is actually related to vegetable washing skills?"

Zhou Dong was also extremely astonished, how could he have imagined that it would be like this.

He also fished for a long time just now, but not a single fish was hooked. He opened the system interface to sort out various basic skills in his boredom.
Suddenly, he saw the brilliance of the vegetable washing skill in the system flashing, and then there was a deep blue water in front of him, with various fish swimming back and forth in the water, among them there were some Chudu grass carp with shining golden scales staring at him.

He also casually looked at one of the Chudu grass carp in his early [-]s.

If you want to eat bamboo shoots, the tip is the most tender, and if you want to eat fish, ninety-two is pretty.Especially Chudu grass carp, the meat will look a little old after a catty, and the size of Jiuliang is just right.


The grass carp seemed to have a jolt, and then, as if seeing the radiant red sun and the Big Dipper, it flicked its fins and rushed towards the hook. Come on, Zhou Dong was dumbfounded by this courage to put himself into the fire and see death as the way home.

"System, how could this be?"

Zhou Dong blushed, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Host, in a broad sense, vegetable washing skills include everything in the preparation stage of vegetables, and of course it also includes fishing and hunting."

"Fishing and hunting? According to you, I can still hunt?"

"Not only can you, your standard is also very high."

Zhou Dong: "."

"Chef Zhou, your luck is really good,

It's not easy to catch the fish in this aunt's valley. I'm known as the fish king of the five lakes, and I think my fishing skills are among the top ten in China. You actually caught fish before me?
But luck is a thing that can never be repeated, ha ha. "

Ling Zhenfeng quickly adjusted his mood, and his face quickly returned to normal. He has been ups and downs in the system over the years, and his cooking skills have not improved much, but the thickness of his skin is still increasing day by day.

"Shut up!

Brush, brush, brush."

Zhou Dong's wrist vibrated again and again, the golden light shone under the sun, and the Chudu grass carp was flying all over the sky, and they landed on the grass by the bank with a crackling sound, gradually piled up into a hill.

The girls who had been applauding and cheering fell silent instantly, and looked at Zhou Dong as if they had seen a ghost. Are they fishing?

This is net fish!
Even off the net, I haven't seen it so fast?
Huai Liangren and Yan Yi looked at the empty fish basket under Ling Zhenfeng's feet, and then at the "fish mountain" beside Zhou Dong, and burst out laughing. Old Zhou is so weak, we have all been bullied by him like this, Now it was finally his turn to be bullied by others.

So cool!

Baiweisheng stroked the few beards on his chin, and wanted to look serious, but in the end he couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Ling Zhenfeng was even more dumbfounded. Are these fish crazy or is he crazy?

What did I see?
I just said that luck is irreversible, seems to be me?

 Thanks to the book friends of 'Old Guo 003' for their reward and support, and thanks to friends who support light and darkness for subscription, monthly tickets, and recommended tickets, thank you :)

(End of this chapter)

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