I am Qinxing No.1

Chapter 336 The Essence of the Ground Pot (2 in 1)

Chapter 336 The Essence of the Ground Pot (Two in One)

"Mr. Bai is actually not a commoner. It's just because his ancestor was Bai Tongsheng, who is famous for my Qinxing. He once established the 'Qinxing Weapons Book', so he was remembered by others, but his real name was forgotten."

Fan Mingren said with a smile: "Although the Bai family is a single lineage, the descendants of the past generations are all gifted. They can distinguish the world's food and drink the world's wine. Mr. Bai is willing to come out this time because he also wants to inherit the great achievements of his ancestors and re-establish himself. Qin Xing weapon spectrum."

"Oh, so it's Mr. Bai."

Zhou Dong nodded slightly: "I'm not interested in the music, but just now I heard Mr. Bai mentioned Master Hu. I don't know how much Mr. Bai knows about Master Hu. I hope to get some information about him."

Since the beginning of the green lotus fat jade porridge, Zhou Dong has had an inexplicable connection with this "God Chef Hu" who only exists in legends. Zhou Dong is also very interested in the information about Chef Hu. Otherwise, with his temperament, he would be too lazy to talk to Fan Mingren and the others.

"Hehe, the food is currently available, let me taste it first and then answer Chef Zhou?"

Baiweisheng glanced at Zhou Dong curiously, and was not in a hurry to answer the matter about Hu Shenchu, but was very interested in the ground pot chicken in front of him.

Ground pot chicken is not a famous dish on the table. It is a very down-to-earth delicacy. In the earliest days, it was actually called lazy food and convenience food.

Rich people pay attention to whether they eat hot, cold, stir-fried or boiled, and they also have health-preserving soup, so that they can have a feast, but poor people are so particular about it?Of course, how convenient is it?
The most inconvenient ones are the fishermen, who have no land and no house, and their only property is the boat. It is said that when the fishermen of Weishan Lake near Chudu cook on the boat, for convenience, they will use a large iron pot and put red mud Stove, wood fire, chicken, fish, shrimp and other main dishes in the pot, thick salt and spicy, thick soup stewed slowly,

At the same time, use corn, millet, and wheat flour to knead small cakes and stick them on the wall of the pot. The noodles are half in the soup and half out of the soup noodles. The chicken, fish, and shrimp in the soup are cooked, and the noodle cakes are also cooked. The soup, vegetables, and staple foods are served in one pot, which is both hungry and craving.

This local delicacy developed from lazy food is called ground pot. The main dish in the pot is chicken, which is called ground pot chicken. The main dish in the pot is fish, which is called ground pot fish. It is unique, and it is a good choice for gathering three or five friends to drink and eat.

However, because this kind of delicacy looks too low-lying, and these days it is not easy to find large iron pots and red clay stoves for firewood, so the development is limited.

At present, if you want to eat ground pot chicken, you must go to the vicinity of Chudu and northern Hui Province. Don’t go to the restaurant with the ground pot brand on the street. It may not be authentic. Go directly to the farmhouse in the urban-rural fringe.

Baijia claims to be able to distinguish food from all over the world. Naturally, they also eat luxurious and exquisite court dishes, as well as the lazy food of lower Liba people. When Baiweisheng came to Chudu this time, he naturally saved a taste of this local pot chicken. Mind, after all, the ground pot chicken is the most famous and representative among the ground pots.

What's more, this is Zhou Dong's ground pot chicken, which is even more not to be missed. Compared with delicious food, the search for the chef who is probably no longer alive can be put aside.

Before tasting its taste, first observe its color; before seeing its color, first observe its vessel. The first thing Baiweisheng looked at was this big iron pot.

"Worthy of being Zhou Guowang and Zhentian Guo, this iron pot is deep but not upright, the shape of the pot is wide and wide, and the slope of the pot wall is relatively gentle, so that it can be evenly heated and make the noodles sticking on the pot wall more fragrant. Crisp and delicious."

In the light sauce and spicy soup, a whole chicken lies there quietly, it has been cooked to a bright yellow and crispy, and the smell of meat hits the face,

Baiweisheng did not directly pick up the chicken, but gently inserted the chopsticks into the thick soup, and then let go of his hand suddenly. The chopsticks did not fall down immediately, but tilted to the side before falling down.

He grabbed the chopsticks and said with a smile: "It's a thick soup, but it's not fat. This old rooster can't make much chicken fat. Is there corn and millet flour mixed into the dough in this soup? "

Zhou Dong nodded: "Mr. Bai's eyesight is really good."

"This kind of soup is not only thick, but also very healthy. Chef Zhou's mind is really beyond the reach of ordinary chefs."

Baiweisheng here is slowly commenting and pretending to be X. Fan Mingren and Shouhousan'er can't wait any longer. Ever since they entered the big wine tank, they just ate some peanuts and fennel beans. Hungry, once the lid of this pot is opened, the aroma of the meaty noodles will make you drunk, how can you bear it?
In fact, the more big bosses and rich people like Baiweisheng eat high-quality noodles on weekdays, the more interested they will be in this kind of local delicacies. This big pot has rice and vegetables. It makes people drool.

"Sisi. Good. Eat, Good. Delicious!"

The third son of the thin monkey was too impatient, he picked up a piece of chicken and stuffed it into his mouth, but he forgot that this kind of thick soup can cover the heat best, how hot should this piece of chicken be?I want to spit it out, but I feel that this piece of chicken is tender and fragrant, and it is particularly chewy. I sip it lightly, and the juice is overflowing.

Old cock, this feels tenderer than a little cock!Such delicious food, how can you still be willing to spit it out?

After a moment of hesitation, the upper jaw was scalded to the point that a layer of skin peeled off!

It was so hot that he jumped up and down, making noises in his mouth, but he still refused to spit it out. He really praised this piece of chicken vaguely, it was delicious.

Fan Mingren blushed for a while. Anyway, the Fan family is also from the Gu Qinxing family, and his subordinates are so ashamed, they really lost all face.It's not good for him to scold the thin monkey in front of Zhou Dong, so he just pretends he didn't see it and concentrates on eating his own food.

He can eat more than the thin monkey. The first chopsticks are just like Baiweisheng, they are going to the cakes on the wall of the pot.

Each piece of this noodle cake made of wheat flour, corn flour and millet flour is shaped like a pig’s tongue, with thin edges and a slightly thicker center. The pancakes are also cooked.

Moreover, half of the pancakes are thick and soft because they are simmered in chicken soup, and half of them are sticking to the wall of the pot. At the same time as baking, it is infiltrated with the fragrant mist from the chicken soup, not only will it not burn, but the taste will be more mellow and changeable.

This is the essence of ground pot chicken!

It's not that the old chicken is not delicious, but that such delicious zamian pancakes can be found in the 'ground pot', even if you search for eight major cuisines and famous foods from all over the world, there is absolutely no duplicate!

These are fragrant cakes that carry the pride of the ground pot and are enough to be coveted by foodies all over the world. It has various flavors of 'fried', 'roasted', 'steamed' and 'braised'!
What kind of vision did Fan Mingren and Baiweisheng have? At the same time, they both took a fancy to the ground pot with the best location, the widest shell, the best, and definitely the best taste, regardless of the texture and taste. Cake, even stretched out the chopsticks at the same time.


clap clap!

Clap clap! "

The chopsticks in the hands of the two collided fiercely above the ground pot cake.

The first time the chopsticks touched, both of them should have been unintentional. It is impossible to imagine that such a big breach of table manners would happen to the Patriarch of the Fan family and the descendants of the dignified Bai family. This is not scientific at all!

Fan Mingren and Baiweisheng were slightly taken aback, and looked at each other, but neither of them had the intention of giving up. They took out their chopsticks again, faster and harder!

Foodies who have reached their level would rather eat a bite of fairy peaches than half a basket of rotten apricots. If they want to eat, they must eat the best ones. Even if there are all fairy peaches in front of them, they must choose the biggest and sweetest one. come to eat.

At present, even the king of heaven and I can't let it be delicious. This is the self-cultivation and bottom line principle of a foodie!
From the moment the lid of the ground pot was lifted, Fan Mingren had long forgotten that he was the one who humbly asked Bai Weisheng to taste it first, and credit or something is not a problem now.

clap clap!clap clap clap!

If so, three.

Their eyes met, and they snorted coldly at the same time. The chopsticks in their hands came out of the hole like a spirit snake, and the strange python turned over.

Both sides use grains at the same time, and you can see that the ground pot cake is divided into two, and it is still separated vertically. Shi Fen Tao' also has a kind of incomplete beauty.

Thin Monkey San'er looked at Baiweisheng angrily, and said to himself that you are so unreasonable, and my uncle is just being polite, why are you still rushing to eat and drink?

But he didn't know that Baiweisheng's gourmet food was inherited from generation to generation, and generations of children in the family took the responsibility of discovering and discovering famous chefs and various delicacies. How could he care about etiquette when encountering delicacies that moved him?
The two didn't bother to complain about the other's favor, and quickly put the half piece of ground pot cake that they had "won" with great difficulty into their mouths.

The first intimate contact with the lips and teeth is naturally the most scorched cake edge. When the pot cake is rolled, it is slightly thick in the middle and thin around the edges. The thin cake edge is baked by the high-heat pot wall. Originally, it should be burnt, but the soup below will fog up and cover the ground pot cake, so that it will only become crispy and yellow, but not black.

The ripening of ground pot cakes is a process that goes round and round. It is continuously dried on the pot wall and infiltrated by the fragrant mist of chicken juice. It goes through hundreds of thousands of reincarnations over and over again. .

If there are people who have been tempered and refined in food, this pot cake must be among them!

One dry and one moist, just like one yin and one yang, gourmet food is made after thousands of turns, how delicious it must be!


With one bite, the crispy pancakes seemed to flow out of rich chicken juice. The ultimate enjoyment of crispy, crispy and fragrant came out of the mouth, and finally rushed into the minds of the two of them.
Before you can open your mouth to praise, the part of the biscuit soaked in the soup has already brought another wonderful enjoyment. Although it has been simmered for nearly an hour, the half of the biscuit is not soft at all.

Fan Mingren couldn't help but groaned: "This pot is enough to support a star-rated restaurant, Zhou Guowang really deserves his reputation!"

Zhou Dong frowned, what Zhou Guowang, did you speak like that?
Skinny Monkey San'er thinks that the boss is too exaggerated. In his opinion, no matter how delicious the pot cake is, the stuff made of noodles can surpass the meat?Curiously, I also picked up a piece of ground pot cake and bit it, and was stunned. I really am a stick, and when it comes to eating, I am still far inferior to the uncle and president brother!
"Because of the different ingredients used, the ground pot is divided into ground pot chicken, fish, shrimp, ribs, etc. Although the essence is in the crispy ground pot cakes that are soaked in thick juice, it can be said that a master chef like Zhou , but it makes an old rooster so different, this is what makes people amazing and admirable.”

Compared with Fan Mingren, who is still muttering after eating half a piece of ground pot cake, Baiweisheng is worthy of being a descendant of Baijia. Although his face is shocked, he still does not lose his style.

After eating half of the ground pot pie that surprised even him, Baiweisheng put down his chopsticks and meditated for a while, and deliberately picked up a piece of chicken rib meat to eat.

'Chicken ribs are tasteless to eat and a pity to discard! '

The wise man Yang Xiu lost his head because of this sentence, but the wise man Bai Weisheng wanted to use the weak point in this sentence to further evaluate Zhou Dong's cooking skills.

Chewing lightly, swallowing slowly, a look of surprise appeared in Baiweisheng's eyes.

This is impossible, absolutely impossible!

In order to prevent his own misjudgment, Baiweisheng asked Wu Rongrong for a glass of water, rinsed his mouth thoroughly, and picked up a piece of chicken ribs to eat.

"How did he do it! This is turning decay into magic!"

Old rooster is one of the most popular food ingredients in Chudu. It is tenderer than old hen chicken, but stronger and more delicious than young cock.

But everything must have advantages and disadvantages. The old rooster has a chewy head, which will inevitably bring difficulties in handling. At the same time, no matter how you handle it properly, it will not be as smooth and tender as the young rooster. This is an innate decision.

But the ground pot chicken made by Zhou Dong not only retains the dry mouth and chewy head that the old rooster should have, but the mouth is like gluten, but it will not make people chew hard.

It's not a big deal at all, if you cook chicken so that people can't chew it, is it still a qualified chef?
The magic of Zhou Dong is that when you enjoy the taste of an old rooster, once you chew the chicken, the chicken will disintegrate in your mouth, it is indescribably tender and delicious,
Baiweisheng even had an illusion for a moment, feeling that the aftertaste of the chicken was like the best 'wild yellow croaker'!
The first-class wild yellow croaker is a good thing with a price and no market nowadays. The garlic clove meat that collapses and melts in the mouth is the favorite of countless foodies.

What kind of culinary skills is it to make an old rooster feel like garlic clove meat, and it is also a chicken rib that I deliberately selected?
Bai Weisheng looked at Zhou Dong in disbelief, and remembered a sentence left by his ancestor Bai Tongsheng in his mind.

"Anyone who is a master chef can do what ordinary people can't. He can turn plum and salt into hundreds of flavors, show the world in rice grains, make ice crystals in cooking oil, and turn rot into ordinary food. magic
Those who have become one of them are already in the realm of master chefs, and they should be listed in the top ten in the list of Qinxing weapons! "

 Thanks to the book friends of 'Old Guo 003' for their reward and support, and thanks to the friends who recommend subscribing monthly tickets to support light and darkness:)
(End of this chapter)

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