I am Qinxing No.1

Chapter 211 The Secret of the German Pig King

Chapter 211 The Secret of the German Pig King

Zhou Dong and the others walked while talking, and they didn't realize that they had reached the junction of area a and area b.

Area A is the European Division, and Area B is the Smecta National Division, which is divided into two by this junction.
Area a on the left is filled with steaks and foie gras, while area b on the right is filled with bottles and cans and small bowls with red borders.

The bowl is filled with all kinds of Smecta kimchi, bursting with salty, spicy and sweet taste, as if walking into the Chinese pickle garden of the last century.

Kimchi is the national soul dish of Smecta. Because it takes a long time to marinate, it is impossible to prepare it before the competition. Therefore, the competition allows Smecta contestants to use various pickles made in advance.
However, for the sake of fairness, in addition to the need to submit a proof video of the production process, each kimchi participating in the competition needs to have a certification document from the Smecta National Food Association to prove that 'my kimchi is made by me'.

There used to be a joke that a certain boss took a group of people to Smecta for business, and at the end Smecta hosted a banquet.

Seeing all kinds of kimchi in front of him, the boss is very satisfied,
It is said that Smecta is exquisite, even the side dishes that accompany the table are so exquisite.

When he tried every kind of kimchi enthusiastically, he found that the main dishes were still missing. When he asked why, his younger brother replied with a wry smile, "Boss, all the dishes have been served.
Nima, the co-authors are all kimchi!
This shows how important kimchi is to Smecta.

But at the moment, everyone's attention was not on these pickles, but was attracted by a huge poster hanging in the air.

great poster,
What a big pig!

On the poster is a huge pig with bursting mane and protruding fangs from its lips. It is squinting a pair of slender eyes, and the expression on the pig's face is half a smile.

There is a text bubble circle around the lips of this giant pig, and there are two lines of bright red characters written in the bubble circle,
The upper line is in traditional Chinese, the lower line is in German, and the content is the same—'No pig can escape from Germany alive!

Please vote your points to the German Pig King!

As long as there is pork, the demeanor of the pig king cannot be ignored!

He is like a warm sun shining on our table forever! '

Zhou Aiguo couldn't understand German, but he could barely understand traditional Chinese: "Teacher, this German pig king is so arrogant!"

Huai Liangren smiled: "The German pig king is powerful, and his pork delicacies have not even been criticized by the president of the Xiangjiang Food Association, Guan Dasheng, which is not easy.

In the past 30 years, there have been no more than ten chefs who have not been criticized by the chairman, and Ham and I are among them.”

"Oh? The Poison Dragon King actually let him go? It made me a little curious.

Patriotic, let's go to the booth of Pig King. "

For 30 years, the poisonous dragon king in Xiangjiang food industry has only criticized but not praised. It must be unique if he can not be criticized by him.

"Old Zhou, you may not believe me. My tongue is quite sensitive, and I'm even called 'Yi Yin's Tongue', but I can't understand the secret of the Pig King."

Huailiang said: "Even ordinary pork can become a top-notch delicacy in Ham's hands.
As far as pork is concerned alone, he seems to have a magical power. "

"Really? Then I must try. I haven't made a three-pointer today. I hope he has the ability to get my three-pointer."

Huai Liangren's description moved Zhou Dong's heart, and he quickened his pace unconsciously.

"Oh, Wai! I see you at last, my dear friend!"

The German fat man standing behind the booth smiled and opened his arms to Huai Liangren in a gesture of hugging.

"Ham, let me introduce you, this is the Chef Zhou I told you about,
He is one of the few talented chefs that I recognize, just like you! "

Huailiang smiled and said to the fat German: "I believe that he is a person with some kind of secret just like you."

"Oh, dear White, you are too suspicious, and I have no secrets.

Zhou, nice to meet you,

Believe me, you can safely leave your three points with me,

Tomorrow is your game day, right?In the words of you Chinese people, I will definitely reciprocate. "

"Your English is very good, not like an old-school German, but py trading is not good."

Zhou Dong smiled and looked at Ham a few times.

Ham, who is 1.9 meters tall, is most impressive because of his big head and his steel beard, which occupies more than [-]% of his face. This guy's hair is stronger than that of a pig.

Although wearing an oversized chef uniform, the fat German's chest hair still protrudes from his neckline like the most tenacious thorns,
Zhou Dong can guarantee that if this guy is stripped naked and thrown directly into the pile of orangutans, he won't look bulging.

"If you want to keep my three points, it depends on your craftsmanship."

Zhou Dong glanced at Ham's booth and found that there were no delicacies such as German sausage and ham that needed to be prepared in advance.

Pork is to Germany what sauerkraut is to Smecta.

If the Germans apply to the organizing committee of the competition, most of them can get the same treatment as kimchi.

But Ham didn’t do that. His booth was filled with crispy pork, meat patties, fresh meat burgers, roasted pig’s feet and other freshly made and sold delicacies.

This made Zhou Dong a little bit appreciative. Compared with the Germans, Smecta had already lost a bit.

"Zhou, I am confident that you will still return to my booth during dinner."

Ham chuckled: "And at that time, you will complain that only three points are too few. If there are three hundred points, you will definitely vote for me!"

"Is it?"

Zhou Dong didn't say much this time, he directly picked up the silver fork beside the dinner plate, picked up a piece of crispy pork and put it into his mouth.

“The skin is crispy and juicy, there is no smell of pork at all, and it’s a good idea that you put cherries in this crispy pork dish.”

Zhou Dong's English level is average, so he simply communicated with Ham in Huaxia. He wanted Huailiang to help translate, but Zhou Aiguo recommended himself. His fluent English made Huailiang look at him repeatedly.

But it's not surprising to think about it. Many countries in Africa were originally British territories, and Zhou Aiguo was a well-educated descendant of Chinese people.

"Well, it's still the fresh cherries from Guangzhou that come to Xiangjiang. The quality is very good."

Zhou Dong slowly savored the taste of crispy pork, and suddenly said, "If I'm not wrong, you should have arrived in Xiangjiang many days in advance, right?"

Hearing Zhou Aiguo's English translation, Ham's face changed slightly: "Oh, you guessed it right Zhou.

I have heard many people say that Xiangjiang is a gourmet paradise, and I came here in advance just to taste the delicacies of Xiangjiang.”

"Is it?"

Zhou Dong picked up another piece of pig's trotter that had already been divided, savored it carefully for a while before saying: "Mr. Ham, lying is not a good habit, is it?
Tell me, what delicacies did you eat when you came to Xiangjiang?
If you can name more than three and describe their flavors to me in detail, I will do you wrong. "

 Thanks to the book friends of "People's Heart Upward" 'The World After Jumping' for their support, and thanks to the readers and friends who support me by subscribing, monthly tickets, and recommendation tickets:)
(End of this chapter)

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