Marvel Harry Osborn

Chapter 320 Stark's Important Action

Chapter 320 Stark's Important Action
"Hahaha! Stark, I will help you do what you can't do! Are you unwilling? Huh?"

In the high sky, several figures flew across the sky at a speed far exceeding the speed of sound, leaving faint white traces circling. At the same time, the ear-piercing laughter of a typical arrogant villain kept ringing in Tony Stark's ears. , Distraught, he directly cut off any incoming signal.

A large arc was drawn, the redirection injector behind him opened, and a sudden stop, Tony Stark in the steel suit turned black and stared fiercely, two concentrated energy cannons pointed at the fast Turning around, the Ultron robot that was entangled him was a shot. After knocking two robots into the air, he immediately turned around again, leaving behind the remaining large Ultron robots that were still in groups.

scoff - scoff -

Two micro-missiles with bright tail flames shot out from their shoulders, and after Jarvis's calculations, they directly and accurately hit Ultron following behind. The violent explosion destroyed dozens of Ultron robots, and they turned into The debris, maintaining its forward speed, drew a parabola towards the ground.


Hearing this loud noise, Tony Stark was indeed not in the slightest happy mood, especially...

"Sir, the progress of the Iron Fortress has reached one-third. It seems that the superheroes have not done a good job." Jarvis's magnetic voice spoke to Tony with a lightness that was completely inconsistent with the current situation. telling the bad news.

"Damn! What are these guys doing? They can't even do this well!" Tony Stark scolded after hearing this, but he also knew that now is not the time to lose his temper.

"You can only rely on yourself." Tony Stark gritted his teeth, "Have you found where the controller is?"

This high-speed pursuit begins with a chance encounter, a deliberate one-sided encounter.

Regarding the threat of Ultron, Stark had already planned. In addition to using it to build a steel fortress, various designs for Ultron had already been launched, but this time it happened suddenly. His own monitoring of Ultron was used by him without realizing it, but after he found out, he also activated the countermeasures immediately, and quickly located the location of Ultron, and then tried to sneak in, and the ground of the steel fortress Console control into your own hands.However, Ultron has obviously planned for a long time, and Ultron has already thought of what he thought of, so when he was about to sneak in, he found that he had fallen into a trap, and the result was surrounded by Ultron Legion .

After a hard fight, the weapons and ammunition on the steel suit were gradually consumed, and more than half of the new energy in the steel suit was consumed, but after that, he finally broke free from the heavy encirclement.

"The target has been determined," Jarvis said.

A three-dimensional picture immediately appeared on the helmet display screen. After peeling off the layers, the target's Steel Fortress controller was clearly marked on it.

"Very good!" Tony Stark's eyes flashed coldly, and he said, "Summon all my collections, I'm going to fight back!"

"Okay, sir." Jarvis responded, and then asked with some uncertainty: "Do you want that big guy in the sky too?"

"Of course!" Tony Stark nodded as a matter of course, and said coldly, "And I will use it to completely dismantle Ultron!"

A miserable steel battle suit suddenly turned around, Ultron followed closely behind, and in the distant steel forest, dozens of metal figures of different sizes and colors pierced the air and flew towards them rapidly.Above the sky, a strangely shaped satellite also loosened its pincer-like metal frame, and a large body fell directly to the ground.

Tony Stark's goal is an abandoned chemical plant, which was originally the construction site of the steel fortress, and has been under his surveillance all the time, but when he really came here, he found that it was really a The dangerous tiger's den made him into a mess, so he could only escape in a hurry.

But now is the time for him to fight back.

The injector on the sole of the foot increased its horsepower, breaking through the speed of sound and emitting a slight roar, leaving the pursuing Ultron Legion behind.

Tony Stark circled around, brushing the Ultron Legion around.

After about ten minutes, the energy of the battle suit showed less than 5.00%, and an alarm was issued.

"Are you here yet?! If you don't come, I'll fight hand to hand!" Tony shouted anxiously to Jarvis.

At this moment, dozens of red dots suddenly appeared on the screen of the helmet display, coming towards him.

Through the enlarged view of the helmet, dozens of steel figures of different shapes appear, all of which retain the style of Iron Man. They are his Mark series battle suits with different functions.

"It seems to have come, sir." Jarvis still said in a leisurely manner.

"Haha! Very good! Get ready to change the suit." Tony Stark laughed happily: "Open the armor."

The tattered battle suit was opened from the back, Tony Stark kicked his feet, and the strong body transformed by the Extremis virus suddenly turned around, jumped out of the air, and punched out.

The fiery fist smashed out heavily, punching through an Ultron robot that couldn't react in time. Tony Stark stepped on this Ultron with both feet, stepped out again, and killed another Ultron that was close.

At this time, the other Ultrons had reacted, pointing their guns at his flesh and blood, ready to bury him under the steel storm.But at this moment, Tony Stark pulled out his fiery fist from Ultron's chest, bringing out a string of orchid electric sparks. He made a high move with his arm, and a heat wave emanated from the surface of his body. A large group of shard-like golden and red meeting materials suddenly appeared, covering his whole body, and instantly turned into a steel suit.

Ultron's gunfire hit it, and there was only a clear crackling sound.

"Hit me? Okay, Jarvis, call me back!" Tony Stark stared dissatisfiedly and shouted.

After his voice fell, the Ultron Legion still understood what was going on. A series of high-pitched voices had been flying rapidly from a distance. The number of nearly a hundred miniature missiles was calculated by the intelligent program, and it was confirmed that they covered all the robots. After that, without hesitation, he crashed directly into the Ultron robot, and orange fireworks burst out in an instant.

"Hmm! Not bad." To this, Tony Stark nodded in satisfaction, as if the fireworks with a strong smell of gunpowder smoke were really pleasing to the eye.

"Sir, hurry up, Ultron can also see the situation here." Jarvis said.

Tony Stark nodded solemnly, and said, "Well, it's time to hurry up, this big guy is going to shine too."

Looking up, a huge golden and red metal cuboid slowly appeared under the drive of the injector, blocking the selfless light of the sun.

(End of this chapter)

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