Marvel Harry Osborn

Chapter 319 The Age of Ultron Has No Era

Chapter 319 The Age of Ultron Has No Era
"Started?" Harry said flatly.

"Yeah, Stark was deceived, his eyes are still so superstitious about technology, but this time he was slapped in the face." Jean Gray nodded with a smile.

"Oh! It really is." Harry sighed softly and said helplessly.

"Ultron is very powerful, and Jarvis was deceived by him. Although it was only half an hour, it was enough for him to send some components of the Iron Fortress into the sky." Harry said.

"Why are you shaking your head and sighing like that?" Qin glanced at Harry strangely, and said, "Although this problem is a bit difficult to solve, it's not a problem at all under your new power!"

"I'm just sighing." Harry shrugged, rolled his eyes at Qin, and then dropped his gaze again, looking outside the tempered glass, where hordes of raging hordes suddenly emerged from the dark and damp sewers to occupy the street scene.

The Ultron Legion swarmed the aisle like a swarm of bees with a unified queen bee, neat and orderly, not as low-end as terrorists at all.

Although their goal is to create chaos to attract and contain the influence of the superheroes on the lift-off of the components, they are not to cause chaos for the sake of causing chaos. They are divided into several groups and escort the lift-off components in the team to their destination The building, and the other is directly guarding the building next to it, attracting the enemy's attention.

They didn't hurt anyone at all, they just stood there and attracted the eyes of the enemy firmly. Superheroes in strange costumes sprang out one after another, and soon fought with Ultron's legion.

They also really don't need to attack any people to achieve the purpose of attracting the enemy, except that they know that the enemy will definitely come to prevent the components of the steel fortress from lifting off, and their will does not require them to do these boring things.

When the fortress is lifted into the sky, Ultron can completely activate the self-destruct system to destroy human beings, and every human being will not be lucky enough to escape.

And this simple truth is naturally understood by others, but they have to do it.

There are a lot of superheroes, and most of them are powerful elites. Naturally, they are busy enough to deal with these Ultron robots.

Although Ultron robots are powerful war machines created by Tony Stark, they were originally aimed at superheroes in the civil war, but these robots still inevitably become miscellaneous soldiers when facing several powerful superheroes the trend of.

It's just that although the situation is constantly tilting towards the superhero side, those Ultrons who keep crawling out from everywhere still drag them to death. advance step by step.

A slight roar sounded at the top of the building occupied by Ultron, and then a huge top-shaped steel component was launched into the air driven by four Ultron-transformed injectors.

This seemed to be a clear signal that the melee was under attack again.

The purpose of the superheroes is to prevent the components from being lifted into the air. Naturally, they will not love to fight at this time, especially those who can fly. They all try to leave the battlefield to prevent the components from being lifted into the air. It's up to you.

Fly up, get pulled down, fly up again, get pulled down again, and so on.

The overall coordination of the Ultron Legion is unmatched by any team, especially at this time they are only sticking to the defense, and they are unrivaled.

Driven by the four bright jet flame tails, the huge gyro component quickly flew towards the part of the sky that was not covered by the fortress wall. It was completely unaffected by the melee below, and the dazzling light rushed straight into the sky. block.

The sound of gunfire, smoke drifting and shouting and shouting outside could not be heard inside the Osborne Building at all.

The room was very quiet, and the conversation between the two was very soft.

Qin stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the battles in the city outside the window indifferently, her face was calm, and she didn't seem to have any worries about it.

"Although this is not a big deal after all, it would be very troublesome if it happened. Do you want to take care of it?" Qin frowned slightly, looked at Harry and asked.

Although she doesn't care about these people, she doesn't want Harry to have anything to affect him before facing that person, so although she is asking Harry if he wants to take care of this matter, in fact she doesn't care about it. Therefore, he just wanted to see whether Harry had complete confidence in the future, and also to decide whether he would make up his mind to do that.

Harry raised his palm, and a dark orange gem slowly passed between his fingers as he raised his fingers.The wanton look seems really boring.

Hearing this, he glanced at Qin, smiled, and nodded slightly: "You're right."

The gem fell into the palm of his hand and he held it tightly. Harry stood up and walked towards the French windows.

"Although this is not a big deal, it would be very troublesome if half of the earth was blown up." Stunned his feet and looked sideways at Qin.The red-haired woman in the form of a phoenix is ​​like a reincarnated goddess, with a haughty aura all over her body, but for such a woman, Harry really saw her caring and gentle heart.Pursing his lips, he said, "Okay, you don't have to worry about those things, I will take care of them." With a smile on the corner of Harry's mouth, he stretched out his hand to put a strand of red hair behind Qin's delicate ears, and looked at Qin tenderly with his light blue eyes. .

Qin stared slightly, looking at Harry in panic.

"I didn't read your thoughts, you're just too obvious." Seeing Qin's appearance, Harry naturally knew what she was thinking, and quickly explained with a wave of his hand, but his vile smile was indeed provocative.

Qin blushed when she heard this, and glared at the smiling Harry. Obviously Harry's explanation made her a little shy.

Unlike the shy Qin, Harry, who had this kind of experience long ago, no longer has the entangled mentality he used to have. He no longer cares about what other people think, um, although he didn't care before.

Angrily, Qin kicked Harry hard, turned around and tossed her long red hair, covered her face, and ran away with her bare feet.

Looking at Qin, who looked like a little girl with a turbulent heart, Harry completely ignored the slight tickle on his thigh, laughed loudly, then turned and disappeared into the office.

Mastering the pace of time is almost putting himself in an invulnerable position, but Harry has already seen the fickleness of time, or he himself is one of the results.So even though he already possessed the power of time, he never thought of reaching the origin and changing his destiny from the very beginning. He knew that it was not the solution to the problem at all, just like the countless memories in his head , anyone who tries to go back to the beginning to change everything that has happened, the result is that nothing changes.

The solution to problems has always been to change the present, so he is about to start a struggle to uproot all bad germs in the present.

Of course, before that, this farce should be over!

(End of this chapter)

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